
Polarization Quotes

There are 638 quotes

"Great products, great services, great innovation polarizes people."
"The good are getting better, the bad are getting worse, and the crazy are getting crazier."
"If I could imagine a great way to take down polarization, to take out the 'us vs. them' impulse in the human psyche, I'd be open to it."
"I'm pessimistic on this, but I do think you can have political systems that work better or worse inside conditions of polarization."
"The medium of the internet is not currently incentivizing us to seek truth or understanding; it's profiting off polarization and mutual hatred."
"Good sense will prevail and we can do something to reverse this polarization."
"When you have a passionate subject and people that are truly engulfed in an idea, you're going to have some degree of polarization."
"Higher Wisdom is incredibly important, especially right now, when we're at this very polarizing time."
"Our society has become much less accepting of average, so the only way most of these companies or any prominent voice on the internet can stand out and beat the competition is to be as polarizing, flashy, and controversial as possible."
"This is going to be a close election because the country is so polarized."
"People are angry, they don't know why they're angry. And then what happens after the people become angry? It then splits into left and right."
"A man who is able to polarize people exudes tremendous confidence."
"It's very easy to have a partial truth that polarizes that isn't held with other partial truths that polarize."
"Identity is a fundamental driver of polarization itself, not policy in politics."
"There used to be middle ground on this issue. I think the fact that there isn't any more just means that we've all become more honest with each other."
"The more we meld our culture and our politics, the more polarizing both culture and politics become."
"Polarization is a totally elite phenomenon. Working-class Americans are so much more united than they are divided."
"We're all a mix of all sorts of different positions and we are all getting frustrated by being forced to pick one side or the other."
"Keep calling every Republican and every American who opposes critical race theory racist, see how that works out for you."
"If you take a stand against the radical leftists, then they immediately try to paint you as a super villain of the right."
"No one can meet halfway anymore. People are like, 'This is how I feel, and if you don't feel exactly the same way as I feel, not only can we not be friends, not only can we not relate, but I hate you now and now you're my enemy.'"
"We're polarizing further and further on these issues and not listening to each other."
"The powder keg is there: the chemical mixture of an angry and outraged right wing and an angry and outraged left wing is sitting right before us."
"Perhaps we really are in some kind of civil war, or at least a precursor to it."
"Both sides view each other as inherently evil, both sides view each other as denying human rights."
"Critical thinking... it's something that really annoys me about politics is how polarizing it is."
"The world's getting more polarized. We're less happy, more anxious. But through our creativity, we can bring people together. We can connect and find the good in each other."
"We cannot have democracy if we interact primarily through mechanisms designed to make us angry and hate our fellow citizens."
"We have to stop this trench warfare and exploiting the polarization of the country."
"In this era of hyperpolarization, what you're seeing is basically everyone then goes back to their camps pretty quickly."
"This polarization cannot be; we cannot continue this way."
"One of the things that I find more and more concerning as I get older...is the idea of racial, ethnic, or religious polarization."
"Circular polarization is another type of polarization, where the actual angle of polarization rotates smoothly as this light ray enters your eye."
"I think that conversation is the biggest thing, and it's what we don't have because there's so much of this... owning the libs... screwing the Republicans."
"The difference between the images with full polarization applied and those with no polarization is pretty dramatic."
"You don't always have to crank it to full polarization on every scene; it depends on your specific lighting conditions and composition."
"We have divided our country in a very deep way."
"The world is changing, wealth inequality is soaring, the cultural gap between the elites and the masses is widening, and society seems more polarized than ever before."
"This country is so hyper-polarized, I don't know how much more we can withstand."
"Social media is a threat to democracy; it's tribalizing people."
"The polarization is hitting us between gender lines, between racial lines, it's making things impossible."
"January 6, in the events of those days, is the American Rorschach test."
"We're at one of the most polarizing times in our country's history."
"Polarization is as high as it's ever been and it's rising in large part because different Americans are getting their information from very different places."
"Corporate statements do very little to change outcomes or minds. Instead, they are often weaponized by one side or the other to further divide and inflame."
"They’re making profit from polarization hand over fist. And what they’re selling isn’t ads. They’re selling us. We are the products."
"The political divide on everything is so unbelievable to me."
"American media is bad at nuance. Everything has to be good guy versus bad guy, and every bad guy is the same."
"The polarization in this country is that extreme."
"Polarization is literally ripping things apart, from societies right through to fan bases. It's crazy."
"The more we talk about polarization in this way, the more polarized we seem to become."
"I think people are so divided and polarized now, like everyone has to fall into either bucket."
"Extremists are getting more and more radicalized as time goes on, we're seeing like a polarization type of thing taking place."
"I wish there was just a way to kind of like bring the Two Worlds back in alignment with each other because the frustrating thing is like there's so many good conversations that just don't happen because we're so like hyper polarized."
"There really is a clear dividing line right now between Americans who want to unify and those who won't allow it."
"We've replaced all of our concerns with a single one and we are being told to hate the people who are on a different side of a single line."
"We have to paint a vision of America in a vivid way that has good guys and bad guys."
"Returning to Twitter and linking this with the coverage of the left and the disaffected Liberals that I'm always talking about."
"Intensity... matters, especially true in a country as polarized as ours."
"The country is so polarized, we have so many people who are angry."
"It would be lovely to be able to have discussions that reach across the aisle and to attempt to reverse some of this terrible proclivity towards polarization."
"The polarization that we are seeing right now in America is really a great thing if you are deeply invested in radical social change."
"You can't humanize conservatives, that's not allowed."
"Instead of a system to benefit the good of society, we have a fragmented, deeply polarized education system turned into a battleground over extremist beliefs."
"Projection and polarization are the catalysts to the mess we see all around us. Misinformation is fuel, the kindling projection, and the fire polarization."
"Polarization is teaching us the proper way to go."
"The culture gap in the country is between secularists and religious, left and right, certain value systems; it's not between people of different colors."
"The democrats have gone so insane, the only way to restore balance is if Trump wins again, that's how I see it."
"The real threat to the republic is really not even a right left gap as much as it is a left versus everybody else gap."
"It's the most dangerous polarization since the Civil War. We have to figure out ways to build bridges with each other."
"Let's try and stay there... rather than this kind of polarized shouting match between both sides."
"Hyper polarization isn't just a US phenomenon and it may be that whatever this psychosis is that's emerging in the US and in many other countries maybe it's coming from the US is ripping apart more than one country."
"During the 2020s expect more riots... more political polarization... more chaos."
"It's remarkable to see left-wing activists just as outraged and for the same reasons as the right-wingers."
"Facebook waged a mass campaign of psychological warfare to polarize America around race and religion."
"Geographical and ideological polarization is solidified."
"We live in a world where flashpoints are used in order to politically polarize."
"I believe it's creating a divide, de-unifying America, causing hate, and further radicalizing each side left and right."
"I often find that the more polarizing a game is, the more interesting it can be."
"Republicans are the bad cop and Democrats say, 'hey hey, come with us.'"
"If this is the country that the left wants, this is the country they're going to get."
"What we're seeing now is a decay of politics from even the semblance of a principled, logical, rational endeavor right down to the old norm of politics—friend versus enemy, us versus them."
"One of the real goals of my study was to try to push beyond the polarization and the culture War context."
"Donald Trump is probably currently the most polarizing figure in the entire world."
"The biggest issue here is that when you look at the poll statistics people believe that the other side is basically going to destroy the country."
"People are more and more polarized and angry with each other."
"The simplest thing for people to get which is kind of obvious but it's important just to double underline is that polarization is profitable."
"I’m not sure we can get to a place where Americans can sit down and say let’s talk about our differences when we can’t even agree on the facts."
"The left has just continually gone further and further left."
"Newt Gingrich is a villain in that he instituted changes in Congress that greatly ramped up political polarization."
"This isn't about left or right anymore, this isn't about beliefs, this isn't about anything but truth now."
"This one is either going to appeal to you for its simplicity or it's gonna drive you away because of it."
"I think Donald Trump is even more polarizing. He's pitting people against each other, minorities against each other and against the establishment, everybody against everybody basically."
"People are very quick to kind of draw the battle lines and then line up on either side and wholly embrace or reject a given idea or agenda just based on who they think it's coming from, rather than the merits of the idea itself."
"I think part of what happened in the Trump election was that the level of general distrust in American society rose substantially because of political polarization."
"Our country is divided into two camps and the wall is a giant wall, it's a chasm."
"It's like the tone deaf nature of the right wing and the hyper left that have bought into Putin's BS."
"It's a realignment, and the tribalism is only getting worse."
"Everything we're talking about gets this issue of polarization."
"If you and I are not within the acceptable boundaries of what a society can tolerate as differences of opinion, we're totally screwed."
"It's not even a matter of policy debate anymore. It's like this whole different worlds that we exist in to where, like, I don't even really fault some people for things that they believe in."
"This country, there's a lot of healing that needs to happen. There are elements that are really pushing polarization for political ends, and I'm concerned about where it's leading."
"It's going to take us a very long time to heal from that polarization."
"The red states aren't doing this, only the blue states are."
"Polarization is a choice that we are all making."
"We've reduced everything to these binary extremes."
"That's the great change that can actually shift the dynamic and break up the us versus them polarization."
"The divide from left and right, it's profound."
"We work to combat extreme polarization through civil and respectful debate."
"I'm not talking about neo-nazis white supremacists who should be condemned totally but they were very fine people on both sides."
"I find that so much of political discourse right now is like really just plastering the other side is backward or idiots."
"We too readily fall into the tribal mindset of right versus left."
"People will always love you and people will always hate you, there's no in-between."
"Both sides refusing to engage with reality makes the conversation worse and worse."
"White supremacy always takes both sides of an issue."
"How are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?"
"Ultimately, I think there's not going to be any kind of cohesive community building on social media. The hyper partisan divide will keep getting worse."
"Fox News and MSNBC... culture wars, black white this that culture culture culture."
"They're basically broadcasting that they hate my guts no matter what I do. So there's no virtue signaling I can do, there's no middle ground that I can appeal to, there's no compromise I can appeal to."
"The algorithms present people with more and more extreme content that pulls us apart from one another."
"There's no neutrality, it's really just right or wrong."
"We've built Pandora for SoundCloud, which is sure to polarize opinions regarding music discovery."
"The more that Sarah Palin was attacked by the left, the more that she was embraced by the right."
"There has to be more people willing to have challenging conversations without demonizing the other side."
"This country is just becoming extremely divided."
"I think a big part of this so before we get to that is the polarization that people complain about which in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing."
"Are we going to be participants in creating more and more ossified and oppositional camps?"
"Manufactured outrage serves to polarize without purpose."
"The best possible boogeyman...the white nationalist Trump."
"Polarizing comments are the death of journalistic integrity, unfortunately."
"Humans are polarizing; it's just what we do."
"Polarizing politically can be a death sentence to truth."
"Democrats live in the real world and republicans live in a deeply delusional alternative ecosystem." - Dan Pfeiffer
"Both sides are telling the other side that they're bad."
"On one side you have idiots and on one side you have righteousness and what's correct."
"The Democrats are insane, substantially worse than Republicans."
"The culture war is what people are hit with in the face every day. They're not hit with policy every day."
"In the culture war, you are pro-Trump or anti-Trump. That's all that matters."
"This is just effortlessly cool, you guys have made me look tonight."
"It's just a lesson in polarization and how polarized we are now, it doesn't matter like everyone's already chosen their side."
"Woke freaks... destroying whole departments... sick and tired of this lecturing."
"Be polarizing... people hate you... people love you."
"We're entering a political system where one side thinks they need to own the other side."
"The internet allows us to divide ourselves into factions and to have this crazy evolution of arguments which is facilitated by the algorithms pushing us ever further apart."
"Everybody understands, regardless of what side of the political spectrum you're on, that we are caught in a cycle of insane hyper-partisan warfare."
"We're at our best when we're unified, we're at our worst when we're divided."
"When society demonizes and punishes anyone who disagrees or even dares to ask really important questions, the resulting polarization, disrespect, and simmering anger can have devastating consequences."
"I can't say that they're bad people all right they but they are have engaged in just going I don't know if it's to the right or left or they just it's a cult."
"Polarizations always talked about like it's a bad thing. I think it's a good thing."
"You can't have hate without love you have to be the most polarizing thing ever and that's why we're so loved you can't have hate if you can't have love."
"He is the most famous person on the planet and the most divisive equally loved it's equally abhorred it is impossible not to have an opinion about."
"Hollywood keeps moving left, politics keeps moving to the right."
"Everybody believes only what they believe and everybody else... both sides are saying that the other side is completely wrong."
"Trump didn't do that... he owned the libs. Libs couldn't stand him."
"Deadly Premonition... it's one of the most polarizing games of all time and no one knows how to feel about it."
"They hate us on the left... they've been saying for months now that we are all Nazis and white supremacists." - Michael Knowles
"Donald Trump is the sun that fuels the left."
"The left calls everything racist, everything's sexist; the right calls everything anti-semitic."
"People either loved me or hated me, like even now people are like, 'I'm obsessed with you' or 'I want to drag your naked body through a mile of glass because I hate you so much'."
"There will be political polarization, and Justin Trudeau will have a fight of his life to be reelected in the next election."
"There's the divide from the left and the right."
"His unconventional style, controversial actions, and divisive rhetoric further polarized the nation."
"The way we're going towards right now, we're becoming increasingly polarized."
"We're already in a civil war, it's the information war."
"We are so divided that things seem to be getting more and more chaotic."
"Politics is not a dirty word, and the more we pretend that it is, the more politics will be absolutely dominated by the left."
"The left has taken away all of the neutral cultural ground. There is no neutral ground anymore. It doesn't exist. This is all by Design."
"Hating Trump supporters is a trap. When you hate Trump supporters, it's just mean and also you're wrong."
"I want Trump back, and every day that goes by, more people are thinking opposite of you."
"People are still hurting, right? It's not all polarization, it's not all political."
"Especially in this political climate, you're having a bunch of... there's greater both sides."
"85 percent of Democrats call the rioters 'criminals,' two-thirds of Republicans say 'they went too far but they had a point.'"
"Transgenic tivity: trying to break out of the subjectivity-objectivity polarization."
"Has there ever been a more polarizing figure in all of politics than Donald Trump? I don't think so, at least not in my lifetime."
"You either love him or you hate him and you hate him with a passion."
"They put on our psychology hats for a minute. You know what this is? This is a perfect example of black and white thinking. These two are so stuck in black and white."
"I'm tired of the left calling it a landmark case in one breath and claiming it's not even a ripple in the pond with the next."
"Politics begins not with any kind of mutual recognition but with the choice of an enemy."
"We have not yet met a politician who can cure us of our polarization."
"If you basically defend free speech, you're pretty much on the right right now."
"We're playing out a game whereby left and right are becoming more polarized and people who have always voted blue or always voted red some of them are really digging their heels in and it's becoming more and more extreme."
"Once you have labeled half of the country nazis or nazi fellow travelers you can then do whatever you damn well please to them."
"It's very easy to get polarized into if you don't approve this then you must be a sexist."
"We've seen an increase in militancy on either side of the political spectrum."
"We cannot look at one event or issue throughout this entire series and say that is where it all began. Polarization has been a steady process throughout the sixth party system."
"Elon Musk is a divisive figure, people either love him or hate him."
"Trump was perfect for our age, our social media age where polarization, attempts at censorship, attempts at control, for a while played into the hands of a charismatic demagogic figure."
"The left is rapidly becoming a caricature of itself."
"It removes the middle ground but keeps in the extremes."
"They're creating an event and polarizing the nation."
"Polarization doesn't come from voters getting more extreme but more exclusively consistent instead."
"The right pulls people in by accusing the left of demonizing them and by sliding political propaganda into content about things people care about."
"It gives up the whole game and it you know ties in very nicely with Matt Tybee's theory that actually their incentive is to rip the country apart and make everybody hate each other."
"Trump had that effect. He made it very difficult for anyone on the left to actually take these problems seriously."
"Group polarization is the enhancement of a group's attitude through discussion within a group."
"It's an artist's duty to polarize folk really and then some of them will be your audience and the other half will be your sworn enemy."
"In Trump's view, there is no liberal center. You are either for him or you are a socialist, communist, you know. It's almost like inverted Stalinism."
"That is sad that healthcare, that a vaccine with proven efficacy has been turned into some kind of political football among conspiracy theorists and chaos stirrers."
"The real war is with the people on the fence, our neighbors."
"They want to try to delete God. They don't want God to exist. These people, not just all on the left, but a lot of people feel like that."