
Online Relationships Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Friendship is a constantly evolving practice, and much of that evolution is taking place online."
"Now you go online and you donate to your favorite streamer who you think is your friend and this is a very unhealthy relationship."
"Online love is great, but make it real. Get on Skype or FaceTime with them to make sure whoever you're falling madly in love with is the real deal."
"Forming meaningful relationships online is possible."
"Having online friends can have positive effects offline, despite the toxic nature of the internet."
"He's over it, not leading to anything in real life."
"My best online friends are decompensating, my Muses have committed mass suicide."
"Meeting online has now become the leading way for relationships to form."
"It's a positive thing. I've met friends of mine in video games online and uh, you know, I've had a relationship with them."
"The year of jealousy and hate" - a tumultuous period in online relationships.
"Though I've never met you and I never will, I care about those of you who come to this channel and watch these videos."
"I feel like we're friends. I see your comments, I interact with you. I feel like we have a friendship, and that's how I've always wanted this relationship to feel."
"Come on man, don't be rude just because you're anonymous online. You could be building meaningful relationships that will keep that holiday depression at bay."
"And most important of all, Nova flirted, he told me he loved me very often, sent me emoji hearts, sent me winky cat faces, told me that myself or my mannerisms were cute a lot, gave me role play boobs and hugs."
"One study showing one in every three relationships will start online."
"There is a huge difference between having friends online communicating with people online keeping those relationships going digitally and having friends in person."
"I want to be clear I'm only here to support my dad because I love my dad I want him to find somebody but that person cannot be an online person period."
"We're more than okay, I'm Facebook friends with Pacino."
"That's how I met Ken, I slid into her DMs and now we are married three years."
"They're kind of like my internet daddies, you know?"
"All of my best friends now I've met online or through the people I've met on."
"The tale of Eric and Annie is uniquely tragic. It shows both the power of the internet and the harm of it at the very same time."
"I just didn't want to be vulnerable to another person, falling for someone online and being vulnerable to them, it's kind of nerve-wracking." - Garrett
"You consider me your friend from internet first of all, you didn't even say the internet."
"Real love is in the air or in this case online."
"There are only a few people who will ever really leave a lasting impression. Wouldn't it be something if one of those people was a stranger you met on the internet?"
"If we don't interact at all, that's kind of weird that we're just following each other."
"Love you, Trisha. You've always been someone I've connected with on the internet."
"The things you guys have been saying, like, I got so many messages in that time that were just really, really wholesome and kind and they really did help me a lot. I love you guys."
It's real. A lot of folks feel that way and connect it with loneliness and say, you know, a lot of folks feel like they're online friends, but then yet they have a lot of loneliness, and you will be surprised 99% of the time you're going to see them say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
"You can develop trusting relationships with others that is equal to the trusting relationship that you build in face-to-face relationships online."
"You've never met her, you don't know if she is who she says she is, but you don't see anything wrong with the relationship, sure Jan."
"Having like online relationships and then breakups and like going through things with somebody online it makes it so difficult to find somebody new you know."
"It was trying to work out whether this was an online friend, when one specific post made it all click."
"Online connections aren't as fulfilling right away as in-person connections, but they do over time give us that same relief."
"While it is not healthy to only have these relationships online clearly you're intelligent you're funny right like, you make people laugh on Twitter or Reddit or whatever. Those skills that you have online, it's going to be nerve-wracking at first but they do translate."
"I feel like friendships in my life are like a mosaic of my life, like it's like it's like it's like a game changer, honestly never underestimate how many people make their closest friends online."
"I got catfished hardcore, dude. Hardcore."
"I think I do a pretty darn good job balancing the trials of online and in real life dating, but it's a delicate balance that requires regular reassessment and breaks."
"All I know about the first story is that it's following two women who find each other on the internet, I think like in a chat room, and they become obsessed with each other to the point where things turn deadly."
"Sometimes you find closer friendships online with strangers than even with people who know you in the real world."
"There are many therapeutic benefits of developing relationships online."
"Having that connection with people online was like my only interpersonal relationship at that point that I felt valued me."
"It's a show that recognizes the value of online friendships, online families."
"I know because of my own stupidity it cost me, but keep in mind when you're talking to someone online and you fall in love and you think they're legit, you don't think with your head, you think with your heart."
"When you watch someone online, you're looking into the window, but if you know someone in real life, you have the keys to the door and you can look around the entire house."
"This website is not really for hookups and it's really only for serious online relationships."
"We're more than just internet friends."
"Online friendships are wild because you learn every detail of their childhood dramatic experiences and ensuing lifelong mental illness in the first week."
"Meeting an online friend is like opening a blind box, either a surprise or a shock."
"I have made some people some friends... hell if I want to make a community of my online friends, I'm ready to do it."
"I started talking to somebody online; he said all the right things and did all the right things to make me feel trust for him."
"My relationships I developed through YouTube and online are real friends."