
Ancient Life Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"There's a lot of potential for life to be there, not necessarily life right now, we're talking about ancient life, but it would have been deposited there and there'd still be signs there."
"I'm very optimistic we'll find signs of ancient life there."
"Based on everything we know about Mars in the past, it absolutely should have been capable of supporting ancient life."
"Perseverance is searching for signs of ancient life on Mars and it’s the first rover to be fully equipped for the challenge."
"Together, hoping to learn if life ever existed in the ancient past on Mars."
"He's actually the oldest mummy we know of in Europe and gives us a rare peek into life during the Copper Age."
"We should be open-minded and search... we can look on Mars for any evidence of life that predated us, we can look on Earth for evidence of intelligent species billions of years ago."
"We're so excited about that because the work that we've done in the Pilbara has shown that at 3.5 billion years ago, the same age as the crust on Mars, this ancient life on Earth was thriving in active hot springs."
"Pompeii has taught us more about Roman life than many other ancient archaeological sites anywhere in the world."
"First living cells emerged 4 billion to 3.8 billion years ago."
"In mid 2018, researchers reported the alleged discovery of two ancient nematodes...who came back to life after spending roughly 40,000 years frozen in the Siberian permafrost..."
"Lily's discovery may be up to 220 million years old."
"The dinosaur who left the footprint behind was about eight feet long."
"The frilled shark: a living fossil from an age of dinosaurs."
"An amazingly well-preserved 18,000-year-old puppy found in Siberia."
"Preserved like a statue: a 110 million-year-old creature with almost perfectly intact skin."
"The baby horse, which was uncovered from the melting permafrost in Siberia, was found with its hooves, tail, and skin still perfectly intact, along with the tiny hairs in its nostrils!"
"These papyri already provide unrivaled insight into life in ancient times."
"And if you're wondering where these extinct behemoths lived, the answer is North Africa."
"Living microbes from the Jurassic period... barely alive after 86 million years."
"Glaciers are wonderful deep freezers that can also preserve ancient forms of life."
"The tiny pits containing the seeds were surrounded by layers that also contained bones belonging to ancient mammoths, bison, and woolly rhinoceros."
"How amazing is it that we can study biology and evolution of creatures so long dead?"
"Pyramids discovered in Antarctica could be the smoking gun proving its past as a teeming land of life."
"Since landing on mars last year, perseverance has been hunting for signs of ancient microscopic life."
"Sauropods were some of the airiest animals to ever walk on land."
"...we are looking for ancient life."
"An extremely rare insect from the Jurassic era has been found in a seriously unexpected place."
"They found a 99 million-year-old tick trapped in Amber with a belly full of dinosaur blood."
"These fossils were the oldest known traces of living organisms."
"It's so fascinating to know that there's a 5,000-year-old living thing somewhere right up here."
"This has been on the planet longer than most of us, it is certainly something that needs to be preserved."
"The creature is old, it predates our civilization, hell it predates complex life forms on this planet as we know it."
"Studies of Ötzi's remains have shed light on everything from his diet and living conditions to his health and physical appearance."
"These are one of the oldest forms of life on the planet."
"Paleontology is the study of ancient life through fossils."
"They are truly dinosaurs or relics from an age long gone."
"The ocean remnants tell a story of a world undergoing dramatic climatic changes, offering a tantalizing clue in the search for ancient life on Mars."
"What if there's some kind of insect eggs, thousands maybe millions of years old," Mulder speculated.
"If these walls could talk, oh my goodness, they would have quite a few Pompeian tales to tell."
"Stromatolites are formed by cyanobacteria, some of the earliest life forms on Earth."
"Throughout time, these findings include huge fossils of unknown species and thousand-year-old carcasses with entire flesh."
"The oldest life form on the earth is 4.28 billion years old."
"Fossils are preserved remains of ancient organisms."
"Paleontology is the study of ancient life, not just animals but of ecosystems and types of behavior, whether predator, prey, or the care of young."
"Scientists recently discovered a fish from 380 million years ago that had fingers."
"Archaea... probably the most ancient form of life on Earth."
"When you touch an animal that's 65 million years old, it really makes you put everything in perspective."
"It's cool to look back and be like these animals were pretty neat."
"Life is a minimum, or approximately let's say 3.5 billion years old."
"We have evidence of life with prokaryotic fossils in stromatolites dating back about 3.5 billion years."
"The discovery of a complex bacteria-like creature dating back three and a half billion years was in itself a major find."
"Fungi were one of the first forms of life; they have had billions of years to figure things out."
"Scenes of farming, fishing, feasting, and wildlife can be seen on many of the mastaba's interior walls."
"Paleontology is the study of ancient life, from dinosaurs to prehistoric plants, mammals, fish, and even microbes."
"In this permafrost, we find organisms frozen for three-and-a-half million years and still alive."
"The life of ancient people was so hard, true, but just think about living in that time, how exciting!"
"We can learn more about life that was once on our planet."
"Scientists have uncovered the oldest preserved adult jellyfish ever found, dating back an astonishing 505 million years."