
Jerusalem Quotes

There are 424 quotes

"Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and for this beautiful, beautiful glorious land."
"In Islam, Jerusalem is the third holiest city after Mecca and Medina."
"The significance of Jerusalem to these three religions has not only shaped their religious practices but has also influenced the historical and geopolitical landscape of the region."
"Omar then traveled to Jerusalem from Syria, accepted its surrender, and signed a pact with the inhabitants assuring them of religious freedom."
"It's there that they beseech God, saying 'Return in mercy to your city Jerusalem and dwell in it as you have promised. Rebuild it soon in our own days. Praised are you, O Lord, builder of Jerusalem.'"
"United Jerusalem is Israel's eternal capital. We have a full right to build in it."
"Jerusalem, the holy city loved by Jews, Christians, and Muslims."
"This is what Karen Armstrong stated in a history of Jerusalem: that it was the first time these three Abrahamic faiths coexisted was under the system of Muslims."
"The resurrection was first preached in Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem today strains at the close of the 20th century with the voices of many faiths."
"Departing Jerusalem, the Sons of Light also left behind the sacred Temple."
"Jerusalem is undoubtedly a place of immense religious and historical importance for these three faiths."
"My specialty is the 20th century, but I've come here to Jerusalem to find out what life was like in the 1st century."
"David makes Jerusalem his capital and, in total, he reigns 40 years."
"Solomon is said to have built the first temple in Jerusalem."
"Jesus said there will be a temple operating in Jerusalem at the start of the tribulation. Wow."
"Jerusalem is God's countdown clock for humanity's survival."
"Jerusalem, the center of the whole world's attention."
"Jerusalem is God's countdown for human survival."
"Jerusalem: God's countdown for human survival, opposed by all nations."
"The mystical city of Jerusalem: perhaps the most famous city in the history of the world."
"Israel enters that year, Jewish soldiers after two thousand years enter the gates of Jerusalem for everyone shall return home, the owner shall return home, the civil day six-day war comes upon him."
"Jerusalem will be the messiah's millennial capital and the home of a temple in which the sacrifices will be memorial."
"Jerusalem is the undivided capital of God's holy city."
"Jerusalem, the focus of spiritual longing for Orthodox Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike."
"Jerusalem is the most elevated city spiritually in the entire world."
"Jerusalem is the city that God says keep your eye on."
"He had done something that few English royals had ever done, even Richard the Lionheart, who never actually entered the city of Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem is the epicenter... it's biblical, prophetic, but it's also complicated, and we need to be praying for the Peace of Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem... was the Canaanites and specifically the sect known as the Jebusites and thought to be again hybrid Giants."
"The fall of Jerusalem sent shock waves throughout Europe."
"The temple mount where the dome of the rock, the al-aqsa mosque, and the golden gate stands is one of the most precious pieces of land on earth."
"Muslims believe that the temple mount was where Abraham's sacrifices, so it's really holy for Muslims and of course Christians and Jews."
"Bringing the Holy Ark back to Jerusalem: David's ultimate goal."
"According to the Acts of Philip, Mary Magdalene, Jesus's most trusted apostle, dies here in Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem-- it's the holiest city in the world, the place where Christianity, Judaism, and Islam converge."
"Jerusalem, there's one spot that represents the end of days more than any other."
"Jerusalem is the special dwelling place of God... chosen for his habitation."
"Jerusalem is one of the pillars of Western civilization."
"For the first time in history, archaeologists in Israel have found the exact place where Emperor Titus and his Legions breached the walls of Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem will be the capital of Israel and the source of conflict."
"Jerusalem plays a central role in many biblical prophecies concerning Israel."
"The Dome of the Rock and the proposed Third Temple are two significant religious and historical sites in Jerusalem that have been sources of conflict and debate for many years."
"Jerusalem: a spiritual Hub profoundly important to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism"
"Jerusalem: a city with a rich history highly regarded by followers of all Abrahamic religions."
"Jerusalem: among some of the oldest cities in the world and a holy city for Christianity, Islam, and Judaism."
"Jerusalem, Israel's capital... Please don't think that was Trump's idea... God is up to something."
"There is no peace that doesn't include Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel."
"In the end times, the whole world's going to focus on Jerusalem. So here we are, the reality of God."
"The Arab occupation of the Temple Mount of Jerusalem is finished."
"Nobody damn it is going to change the name of Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem, a new heart of the Christian faith, a new center of Western commerce."
"Jerusalem will be the capital of the Islamic civilization... bringing much-needed restoration of peace and Justice and Harmony to the region."
"Jerusalem is an ancient city that holds countless historical stories and incredible importance to many people."
"This gate nestled in the heart of Jerusalem serves not only as a physical barrier but also as a symbol Laden with profound messages."
"The sealed gate is perceived as awaiting its ultimate opening by Jesus himself."
"God wills it and we'll take Jerusalem, take back the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and start building our own stuff."
"Jerusalem is where David carried the head of Goliath... 3,000 years later, God placed his son Jesus Christ on an old rugged cross."
"Biden will keep the US embassy in Jerusalem. Middle East peace initiatives continue."
"Muslims brought the Jewish people back into Jerusalem, coexistence under the Muslims."
"Jerusalem is the burdensome stone just as the Bible predicted."
"But in fact, the Judahite exile didn't last long. Within sixty years, the first of them began returning to Jerusalem."
"The recent discovery revealed that the freshwater pool utilized by visitors to Jerusalem was larger than initially thought."
"Jesus is coming again, folks. He's going to rule and reign from Jerusalem."
"I always wanted to feel like you're there with me, we're on this journey together."
"Jerusalem has become the Salvation center of the world."
"Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel by nearly every country including the United States."
"The Lord will make Jerusalem like a cup of trembling to those Arab states."
"Jerusalem will cause the whole world to tremble."
"Jerusalem will be a troublesome stone, all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces."
"When you see the Temple in Jerusalem desecrated... flee to the mountains."
"Helping them to fulfill their ancient dream of returning to Jerusalem."
"Trump's foreign policy decisions, including recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the US Embassy there from Tel Aviv, were praised by many Christians, particularly Evangelical Christians."
"Islam places significant importance on Jerusalem in its faith."
"Every nation on earth has their eyes on Jerusalem."
"Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice with her in joy, all you who mourn over her."
"Jerusalem of Al-Mahdi will be just and will have peace for Jews, Christians, and Muslims."
"The 70 weeks prophecy states that a word will go forth to restore and rebuild Jerusalem."
"The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem is about to take over into that state which is the flourishing state that the Prophet is speaking of."
"Jerusalem is the center of the world and of prophetic future events."
"Jerusalem is the center of the whole world's attention."
"A city like Jerusalem: there never was in the whole history of mankind."
"Jerusalem is the capital not only of the country, Jerusalem is the capital of all the Jewish people."
"Imagine the moment the priests ascend the temple steps in Jerusalem's future, ready to kindle the flames within this sacred vessel."
"Jerusalem has been at the very heart of our national and spiritual identity ever since King David established the city."
"This tunnel was prophesied it would save the city, and the destruction of the city was prophesied--the destruction of the temple. All these prophecies pile up on one another and build the legend that is Jerusalem."
"When you look at the skyline of Jerusalem today you don't see the temple, but according to Scripture, the temple is gonna be rebuilt."
"But I don't want you to leave until you have power, not to do, but to be, my witnesses. Don't leave Jerusalem until you have dynamite power to be my witness."
"Awake, awake, put on your strength, O Zion; put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem."
"Constantine's ambitious church building program transformed Jerusalem into the holy city of Christianity."
"The city of Jerusalem is used by Isaiah as a metaphor for the Jewish nation during his time."
"Being a pilgrim on the road to Jerusalem came with huge risks, and many didn’t make it to their destination alive."
"Why would we expect a kingdom in Jerusalem? Ah yes, that's the promised land."
"I've become a firm believer in the fact that the temple was not up on the Temple Mount; I'm convinced it was right there in the City of David."
"Jesus chose Passover as the moment to go to Jerusalem."
"When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, flee to the mountains."
"For one last time Frederick had a much stronger reason to fight for Jerusalem as its king."
"Jerusalem is God's timer for the end of the world, and if you understand the fight for Jerusalem, you understand the God who made all these promises and is causing his word to come to pass."
"I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would be in Jerusalem being flogged in a synagogue by rabbis."
"...everyone is going to want a temple in Jerusalem..."
"Jerusalem is the most important city in Bible prophecy in the world."
"Can you imagine for a moment what it would be like to be a Christian in Jerusalem in 66 C.E.?"
"This is not Megiddo. This is Jerusalem. This is Mount Zion. This is where the final apocalyptic battle is going to take place."
"Jew means ‘praise God’ and that's the whole reason for your going back there - to establish God's name in his city again."
"...the Bible then tells us that Jesus is gonna sit on his throne in Jerusalem. Well how could he do that unless it was rebuilt? Who rebuilt it? The Jews, the nation of Israel."
"The temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem."
"The sign is not something that is placed inside the city of Jerusalem; the sign has to do with the Roman armies surrounding the city."
"Though in Jerusalem there is a kingless throne, do you know that in heaven tonight there is a throne-less king named Jesus?"
"There will be peace in the world when there is peace in Jerusalem."
"So that was how they took Jerusalem through the staircase in the rock and it’s all described in the book of Samuel and it’s nice when archaeologists discover it’s all true."
"The Roman capital of Judea was not in Jerusalem; it was on the coast."
"Jerusalem as the city of God...Babylon as the city of man."
"It's fair to say I've been bowled over by Jerusalem, even more than my first trip here with my nan some 24 years ago."
"Jerusalem itself is the media capital of the Middle East, it's the most scrutinized, I would say, the most over-scrutinized city in the world."
"Jerusalem is a subject but it's still in place back 200 miles to the West."
"This isn't describing a rebuilt temple. This is talking about the temple that was still in Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem is the city of God. Jerusalem is the place where God has caused his name to be written."
"Under Ottoman rule, Jewish subjects thrived in Jerusalem, preferring justice from Islamic courts over rabbinic ones."
"Muslims treated Jerusalem with peace and justice, unlike others who massacred or oppressed its inhabitants."
"David and Solomon were historical figures, the founders of the Jerusalem Juda dynasty."
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, let's pray for the Prince of Peace of Jerusalem, the Prince of Peace that would come and dwell in Israel's hearts."
"Islam gave refuge not only to the Jewish people, even the Christians, to come and worship in peace in the city of Jerusalem."
"The Lord gave us the revelation many years ago that Psalm 122:6 was not a request but a command: 'Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.'"
"David was not allowed to build the temple because God said you’ve got blood on your hands. It’s got to be built by a man of peace - because the name Jerusalem means city of place."
"In the middle of the six day war towards the end when they actually recaptured the temple mount."
"Clearly there will be a temple rebuilt in Jerusalem of some sort and worship will be taking place there."
"Now what God is telling them through Zechariah that they're going to be rebuilding Jerusalem and more than that it's going to be enlarged."
"There will never be peace on the planet earth until there's peace in Jerusalem."
"God actually says that the bullseye of the world is neither on the west Northeast but where the west and the East meet and that is in Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem is the center of all Bible prophecy for the universe."
"Jerusalem shall dwell in security."
"East Jerusalem will be the capital of their independent state."
"Jerusalem is reunited and there are the Jewish settlements in eastern Jerusalem Judea and Samaria are thus re-established."
"More blood has been shed on the stones of Jerusalem than on any other spot on the Earth."
"We pray for the Peace of Jerusalem."
"Shalu Shalom Yerushalayim, we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem."
"God said, 'Let me tell you something...the day is coming when the world... will have their eyes on Jerusalem in fear and trembling, knowing that the next world war, when it breaks out, will break out over Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem is the epicenter of the biblical narrative, the centerpiece of prophecy."
"Jerusalem is where the relationship with god and man began, this is where the relationship was restored."
"Jerusalem is where the lord will rule and reign after he returns to earth as king of kings."
"Jerusalem is where the original land of eden was located."
"Jerusalem, one of the oldest inhabited areas in this world. People have been living there for over 5,500 years."
"When you shall see Jerusalem encompassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh."
"There are two great cities in the Bible: Jerusalem, the holy city, and Babylon, the hellish city."
"Bad, really awful, people eating their children, right? Famine so bad they were eating dung and their children in Jerusalem."
"Those who mourn over Jerusalem will one day come to Rejoice over it."
"Jerusalem: The chosen city of God."
"It's much easier to talk about ancient Jerusalem now that we've dug the 14 layers of the ancient city down to the original bedrock."
"Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the three most prominent monotheistic religions in world history, all considered Jerusalem to be a holy city."
"Jerusalem is a Holy City for all three Abrahamic religions."
"Isn't that something? Right during the period of early Christian origins, the period I study, people in Jerusalem are using these ossuaries."
"I have plans for Jerusalem and they are big plans."
"...this is a rendering of what he believes the city of Jerusalem looked like."
"...this city is built into a mountain."
"The return of Jerusalem to the Jewish people was a miraculous moment, a prophetic fulfillment."
"Give Him no rest until He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth."
"We pray for the return to Yerushalayim."
"We pray for the binion Beis Hamikdash, we pray for the return to Yerushalayim."
"Shalom and God bless you from Jerusalem."
"I want her to walk around Jerusalem with me because I want to ask her questions like, show me the house she lived in, what was it like in those days."
"I think that Mary lived out the rest of her life in Jerusalem."
"First up we're at the Holy Sepulchre church here in the old city of Jerusalem."
"The Western Wall is believed to be the last retaining wall of the second temple."
"The city of David is actually an archaeological site located just outside the old city walls here in Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem... in Hebrew, it's yerushalayim, which means 'Jerusalems'."
"This street which dates to the first century is the very street that connected the main artery of Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem is a well-built city; its seamless walls cannot be breached."
"Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper."
"For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek what is best for you, O Jerusalem."
"Deep in the heart of the Holy Land lies the ancient city of Jerusalem."
"The last hours of Christ's life were played out here in the ancient city of Jerusalem."
"Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem; may those who love you be secure."
"The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he hath charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem."
"Jerusalem, for Christians, the most important events in history took place here."
"Jerusalem is the city of the world."
"And was Jerusalem builded here among these dark Satanic mills?"
"I'm coming to Jerusalem as Messiah, as king, but I am the king of peace."
"Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem."
"Pray for peace for Jerusalem: 'May they be secure who love you. Peace be within your walls and security within your towers.'"
"And now, 18 years after, we are here in Jerusalem celebrating the completion of this grand endeavor."
"God loves Jerusalem, God loves the Jewish people, and God is cultivating and preparing their hearts to return to him through faith in his already sent Messiah."
"Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the donkey, acting like a king, acting like he owned the city."
"Jerusalem is the center of the nations; it's the center of the universe."
"When you're standing in Jerusalem, don't ever forget that you're standing on top of many, many layers and each one of those layers represents a different city that's underneath your feet."
"After many battles in 164 BC, they retake Jerusalem, the temple is cleansed, and worship is restored."
"The fall of Jerusalem begins the period in Old Testament history that we call the Babylonian captivity."
"At that time Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the Lord, and all the nations shall be gathered to it."
"Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the Lord, and all the nations shall be gathered to it."
"Jerusalem, three thousand years old, is considered the capital by Israelis."
"David conquered Jerusalem and made it the capital of all the tribes of Israel."
"They call Lalibela the New Jerusalem."
"Speculation abounds over the potential red heifer sacrifice in Jerusalem, with profound implications for religious prophecy and geopolitical tensions."
"There is no life without a spring in Jerusalem, the Spring of Gihon is there."
"Jerusalem is an important place now, an important city."
"Jerusalem becomes a very big city, of about 10 or 12,000 people."
"Jerusalem grows from five hectares to something like nine hectares, becomes quite significant."
"The Heavenly Jerusalem is the ultimate version of that."
"Blessed are You, O Lord, who rebuilds Jerusalem."
"Shishak king of Egypt attacked Jerusalem; he carried off the treasures of the temple of the Lord and the treasures of the royal palace."