
Opposition Quotes

There are 2511 quotes

"People who speak the truth are always being fought throughout history."
"Supporting Ukraine allows us to fight in one of the most direct ways possible against an enemy that we should all stand in opposition to as Americans."
"We are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings."
"A shocking day, a shocking day. I cannot believe what we have seen the regime do to the opposition party leader, trumped up charges."
"We are against the Illuminati at our own detriment."
"I don't just want to win in 2024. I want to crush these criminal monsters who are taking our rights and backing Putin and targeting trans kids and minimizing black people down to their sneakers because we need to beat these people."
"The greatest revenge is to not be what you oppose."
"We have to oppose him... support the Ukrainians... that will re-establish the rules-based order."
"I have so much respect for FC Manchester United, who years ago set themselves up because they opposed what the Glazers stood for."
"Because gay activists didn't need to persuade Anita Bryant, they needed to defeat her. And that's what they did."
"This is a point in history where we're going to need to assert our personal authority, collectivize wherever we're from, and whatever our previous interests and alliances have been, in order to oppose these measures, these increasingly draconian measures."
"If God be on our side, who can be against us?"
"When you have a purpose, it's powerful because in the midst of opposition, it makes you realize that you've been put here for a certain reason."
"I choose this path because I can. There will always be people like them, so there will always be people like us."
"Do not yield to the bad, but always oppose it with courage."
"You have to understand what you think you oppose, otherwise you're going to become what you oppose."
"This is our government, this is our constitution, and we're going to stand up for it against Donald Trump and anybody who follows him to the path of oblivion."
"We are also taught the importance of making sacrifices to save those we love, even though, at first, it was strongly opposed by those who did not want to lose us forever."
"Our struggle isn't against flesh and blood but against rulers, against powers, against world forces of this darkness."
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers."
"I am 100% against the ban on TikTok. I think it's dumb, it's corrupt, and totally pointless."
"A person in a dysfunctional family system can oppose your well-being for the sake of their own."
"We've got a political movement in this country that opposes America. It's not unconstitutional, it's anti-constitutional."
"Remember, we are not in a battle against people but spiritual forces of thievery, death, and destruction."
"I can oppose capitalism and also oppose ethnic nationalism; these are not two fundamentally irreconcilable positions to hold."
"The appetites of an autocrat cannot be appeased; they must be opposed."
"Why would they oppose someone that has a criminal background or a violent background to have easy access to a weapon?"
"The death of Navalny is something which people who oppose that will bring up and which will make any attempt to achieve a rapprochement between the West and Russia still more difficult than it already is."
"The hermetic teachings are to the effect that the difference between things seemingly diametrically opposed to each other is merely a matter of degree."
"Look at what your opponent is doing and try to conceptualize it as an argument."
"Hold on now, though, I'm a pacifist at heart; those [] are on my [] list."
"All these cosmic entities can gather and oppose the force of Thanos."
"As long as one man stands, Thanos will never be able to claim victory."
"They want to control us, they want to decide our futures for us."
"I am not here to debate your ideas. I'm here to demolish them."
"We're ready to flip the switch on the cheapest solar farm in the world, and we can't do it because the fossil fuel unions here are protesting."
"These people are authoritarian; they fear democracy because they know they can't win."
"Make the world a better place... this is the mission, yeah, 100%. And, you know, there's haters out there."
"Recognize that as you strive to live more strategically, you will face challenges that go beyond mere human opposition."
"Every time you stand up for something, you're also standing against something... but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't stand up for things."
"You do not cede the language game to your political enemies. You do not allow them to force you to use their terminology. As soon as they do that, you lose."
"The only way that you know this is an ideology that's fundamentally a lie, the only way that a lie is sustained is by silencing opposition."
"When we're dealing with these societies and these high-ranking political and social figures, oftentimes they sit on the opposite side of the aisle from each other, arguing with each other."
"I received a lot of opposition from my friends and acquaintances but ignored all the negative remarks and decided to officially be in a relationship with her, followed by marriage."
"We used to be defined by what we loved, and now we're defined by what we're in opposition against."
"There are those who know how to move us forward and unfortunately we're being drowned out by a very powerful, very naive opposing force."
"The cult leader makes no effort to reach out to his opponents; the cult leader seeks to widen the divisions."
"For a Chinese person to stand up and say anything that goes against the CCP takes incredible courage."
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win."
"That the people with the opposition refuse to own their own position. I think that's an indication it's not a very good one."
"Resistance is nothing more than oppositional force."
"I'm here to disrupt this...I get my sense of meaning and purpose in life from fighting against people like you."
"The basic difference between the Jamaica Labour Party and the People's National Party is that the People's National Party continues to fight the system, and the Jamaica Labour Party continues to embrace the system."
"Are we ever going to try to approach these situations or the underlying situation...differently, or are we just going to continue to double down in opposition?"
"It's unacceptable and we've got to stand up and fight back."
"If I'm pissing off the right people and getting the support of the people I should, then I'm doing something right."
"It's to unite us, it's to elevate us, it's to create the possibility of genuine opposition, decentralized but unified against the establishment."
"I don't want a Super League. It's demeaning what football is."
"And that's the quiet strength of a true leader who doesn't back down to a dictator."
"Your political opposition is not your enemy; they are someone who has good reasons for thinking differently about what is the best policy."
"The spirit of God is that which manifests itself within you in opposition to tyranny."
"I gave my heart and soul to stop you committing the disaster that you did commit in invading Iraq, and I told the world that your case for the war was a pack of lies."
"It's fascinating to see the success, the rising growth of those who oppose the wokeness and the weird culty stuff in media."
"If you're not ready to face opposition for your obedience to God, you're not ready to be used by God."
"Sharon: Even if the whole world is telling you to move, plant yourself like a tree and say no, you move."
"To oppose the United States government is not the same as opposing America."
"We're not okay with this... This goes against our wishes."
"I don't like you, I am never going to live under you nobody watching this is gonna we're gonna fight into the end."
"I have a real negative, averse reaction to any of these big green new deal Medicare for all."
"For the ones who were against you and now you're the victor, they're the losers."
"If you do all those things and you're still getting nowhere, run against them."
"Anybody who stands in the way of that progress is going to feel the wrath of the internet."
"We must not see political opponents as enemies but as people we disagree with."
"We must do everything we can to end the tyranny of Putin..."
"The Catholic Church is an enemy, and to pretend it's anything but is ridiculous."
"We're fighting the system, we're fighting the other side, we're not fighting each other."
"It's the opposite of Liberty, it's the opposite of freedom."
"That is why I love this country and that is why I oppose critical race theory and anything that resembles it."
"The enemy of free speech is not me. The enemy of free speech are the people who would rather have that I never came."
"That's what happens when you prove me wrong."
"When the left is training all of their sights on you, it means they're afraid of you."
"I would just be his opposite, I will not let him steamroll people and be cruel."
"I do think that, for those of us on the other side of things, this is something to celebrate."
"The left never thought it was going to lose again."
"Paul violently opposed the church, he tried to destroy it."
"It's really very -- it's funny. These are polar opposites of border security concepts and ideas."
"It's our right to protest, and the fact that they're trying to stop us from doing that is crazy too."
"Under no circumstances will I allow Donald Trump's troops to come to Chicago and terrorize our residents."
"You hear what he said politicians are not going to stop what's happening now he's saying it is our way or the highway."
"They're trying to stop me because they know that I don't answer to them, I answer to you."
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
"We're not just taking out Trump; we're taking on the MAGA influencers that prop up Trump."
"And despite our antagonist being so fierce in his opposition, he is without doubt one of those people."
"Freedom and liberty are winning the cult of the left is losing dramatically."
"The entire Irish political establishment is on the wrong side of the voters."
"They make it so easy to oppose them because they'll literally dress as demons in case there's any confusion."
"How else can you beat Trump but get these different subgroups together?"
"The American people oppose this proposal by an average of 55 to 37 percent."
"I will use my last penny if that's what it takes to stop you."
"So now, to his winning strategy... That's a democratic ticket that will terrify the GOP."
"Anyone who opposes that is, well, evil and predatory at best."
"This card looks super scary. That means Rachel can now be casting stuff for free every single turn. This is really bad news."
"I spend my time delivering results for the people of Florida and fighting against Joe Biden."
"From the very beginning and as a matter of principle, we've opposed anti-Jewish racism."
"Good for him for standing up against cancel culture."
"I looked at every organization that hated him and said, 'What did you do?'"
"He's winning because they're such a strong anti-Trump sentiment that you could put like a non-sentient being and Joe Biden probably would have defeated Donald Trump."
"They're literally on the side of the people who are burning books."
"I would find it very, very difficult to support Donald Trump."
"Our media is the enemy of the people. It's very, very dangerous what they do."
"You have a life that's a gift ultimately from God and that is why I am strongly opposed to anybody ending your life at any point."
"That's the only way to put an end to the Donald Trumps, the Ron DeSantis's, the Josh Hawley's, you know, the Marjorie Taylor Greens of the world."
"Negative exists as a necessary counterpoint to positive."
"My job is to expose tyrants like you. That's my job."
"Fascism sucks... it's authoritarian, it's illiberal."
"Until the United States starts recognizing that China is an enemy, the Chinese government is an enemy, funding that enemy and interacting with the enemy of this governmental entity is an insane abdication of responsibility."
"They were just Democrats, mainstream Democrats who were proud of what they stood for and they had an agenda and they had a story about the other side. Sometimes that's all you need."
"Say no to the Super League, everybody. This is not yet finished until they are all in the mud."
"We have to stop the radical left from taking over our country."
"They're fighting on the wrong side, supporting these people. They can hate me, I don't care."
"They say Joe Rogan speaks a narrative that defies the corporate press, therefore you are the enemy."
"They thought this would be easier because they didn't know who they were dealing with."
"It is very hard for an unknown candidate in the middle of Montana to beat the Koch brothers."
"I don't want multinational corporations deciding that we're not going to have TPP."
"He's using that lie that they put together against them."
"I feel like Bernie Sanders was made in a lab to go up against Donald Trump."
"Down with Travis, everybody! Down with Travis!"
"When they hate you, it means you're doing everything right."
"Humanization of your opponents is in no way mutually exclusive with thinking they do harm to the world."
"I believe that people have to unite against the totalitarian governments that are coming."
"We won't let them beat us down, we won't let them stop us from expressing our opinions."
"Honestly, I'm opposed to going to the floor of hell."
"On the lab leak, there is molecular biological evidence inconsistent with this being an evolutionary process."
"The reason we stand for something is when one adversary drops out. While we're waiting for a new adversary, which will show up, we have to know what we stand for."
"It's tragic, right? It's a tragic state of affairs. I will die on this hill. I know you will die on this hill. You'll die on the opposite hill. I will die on the opposite hill."
"There's a huge difference between 'I disagree with this thing therefore I will oppose it' and 'I disagree with this thing because it doesn't seem like the right road to go down, but as long as we're here anyway, I'll respect it.'"
"Bernie's supporters wanted him to hang on to the very last moment... but the DNC and the establishment are all in for Joe Biden."
"When Rogue prosecutors start indicting the leader of the opposition party, that starts to look a lot like a threat to democracy."
"Together we are going to defeat Donald Trump."
"Be a real Republican stand up and fight against autocracy and dictatorship and fascism."
"I am not only opposed to the violence morally, I also believe it's counterproductive."
"This is why we are the Patriots and those who are against us are the ones surrounding the scumbags."
"Democrats could use opposition but not from the right."
"I absolutely hope you fail in implementing every measure that is on the record."
"God is releasing a decree for the kingdom that is going to intercept the decrees of individuals that are hostile to his purposes."
"I think sometimes hatred fuels me even more 'cause I love standing on the opposite side of [__]."
"If they're attacking you, it means you're getting traction."
"This cult-like mentality, if you're against them, they're against you. This is a cult mentality."
"He was killed today because he was the greatest threat to Putin's corrupt rule."
"Either you can stand back and let the contrarians force your decisions in life or you can cut through the noise."
"Donald Trump has built a fundamentally oppositional grievance movement."
"We will not beat them by giving in to them, we will only beat them by standing up to them."
"I must be doing... making the right people angry."
"Giving parents a choice is a good idea yet it always meets with opposition from the educational establishment."
"Our viewpoints on a decentralized world do not line up with the world that the people in control want."
"They know this ends badly. And yet, they don’t stand up to him even on the most basic things."
"What do you even say to someone who believes the opposite of reality?" - (Unnamed speaker)
"I'm fully against any form of corporal punishment."
"You can no longer use my community as a social experiment for all of your plans and projects."
"The world government is the darkness of the world, and the Straw Hats are destined to bring the dawn."
"However, whether or not Cathars as a specific growing religion existed, those that opposed the Catholic Church most definitely did exist."
"Their effort to be normal creates opposition."
"Destroy every speculation that raises up itself against God." - 2 Corinthians chapter 10
"What we need is a political opposition which dismantles this thing and gets us back to something like normal life."
"I'm running as a Democrat because it seems that the solution to so many of our problems is to do the very opposite of everything the GOP wants to do."
"Rule number one of reverse engineering: know your enemy."
"Hitherto, Alexander Navalny has actually been a very brilliant strategist in terms of how to overcome Putin's power."
"We have to beat them again and again and again until they recognize that we have to."
"What did Jesus do? Jesus came back to destroy the works of the devil."
"These are people who've structured their whole lives around opposing Traditional Values. They're not even pursuing happiness or fulfillment, they'll settle for misery so long as their misery is a protest against the value systems they despise."
"They have from the moment he was elected believed him to be an illegitimate president and been committed to simply removing him."
"You cannot have a vibrant democracy if you don't have a meaningful opposition."
"You need that opposition to make it exciting."
"Any vote for Joe Biden was actually a vote against Donald Trump."
"If you don't have an opposition, you're converting your democracy into a dictatorship for the duration of that period. That's terrible."
"Together, standing united, we will go forward to defeat Donald Trump."
"Here's my challenge to all of those people that are against what I believe in."
"We are now completely countering the scourge."
"The Democratic Party would rather lose to Donald Trump than win with a progressive."
"The Republican party was against the Affordable Care period."
"The enemy of the state is him and the group that control him."
"The Chaos Gods fear the Emperor because he has become something more, something that for ten thousand years has endured all the fury and corruption they could muster without hesitation."
"These protests soon became no different from a total Uprising against the Putin regime."
"We're aggressively going upstream against the tide because we represent another world."
"You need an opposition political vantage point. We don't have that now."
"You don't have to support Donald Trump to oppose wokeness."
"Trust me, anytime they rise up against you, they're rising up against God. It's just period."
"It's difficult when you have a mission and people are against it but you continue anyway and you push forward anyway."
"You've got a huge number of people anybody who's got any reason left to them at all is knows that something has to halt the march of critical race theory."
"They're not the enemy, they're the opposition. And who knows who among their troops might someday be fighting for us?"
"President Biden is facing strong pushback from Republicans."
"We must stand with people demanding their fundamental rights and freedoms and against those who repress them."
"Barack Obama must approve the operations to kneecap and destroy Donald Trump."
"You are not at the effect of what is happening. What is happening is the effect of the one who is in opposition to God, evil."
"As long as there's the US to fight against, Russia and China will team up."
"I oppose racial hatred because that's an offense against human dignity."
"They're not opposing Trump because they are the establishment."
"People hate them, I hope so, I hope people remember that they're supposed to hate the CIA and the liars for imperialism."
"There is a way to stand up to Trump within his own party."
"The truth must be told in love and it must not be forced on anyone. If it is truth, then it will hold its ground, and though it may come upon opposition, in the end, the truth will always win."