
Imagery Quotes

There are 2151 quotes

"Finally, she was not... she did not speak on camera tonight, but she was out there all the same, giving us this incredible image of Starhopper just illuminating the test site."
"What do you feel when you look at these images? Refreshed and rejuvenated like you're drinking a cold, crisp, and bubbly soda."
"This captured like the essence of great fight scenes with beautiful imagery."
"When Christianity first came to the world, it was without images, only words."
"Their image is an inseparable aspect of our culture."
"Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts in bottles, all in a row."
"Ring! And gold coins come out of his sleeves."
"To mention that something is akin to David Lynch will evoke a strong image and atmosphere in the mind of the person hearing it."
"The power of images is that they can communicate what I just broke down with words a lot faster than I can because they're doing it on an intuitive non-verbal level."
"Druids: the name carries the weight of history and instantly summons an image to the mind."
"Words can be abstract, but images are almost never abstract. Images are concrete."
"The Druids conjure up a popular image of mysterious, long-bearded elders in white robes."
"Imperial Star Destroyers looking like sharp teeth of the jaws of a beast, chomping down on the stars, devouring the galaxy."
"The King James Version has wings and soars like a bird above the lesser translations."
"It's like a barcode... your pineal gland is actually going to take that and transduce that into profound imagery."
"They make it so easy to oppose them because they'll literally dress as demons in case there's any confusion."
"Abstract images or ink blots were used to reveal the otherwise unknown or hidden dimensions of the unconscious mind."
"Broken is the promise, betrayal, the healing hand held back by the deepened nail."
"David is the primary image of that messianic figure."
"Fincher's Sleek symmetrical imagery Echoes the work of one of his idols Stanley Kubrick."
"The imagery and just the bizarreness of this journey is perhaps not for everyone, but I did honestly really like it."
"Think in your memories... imagine your call up a mental image of Ronald Reagan what do you see him doing smiling chuckling."
"It was just fun, a lot of fun imagery and whatnot."
"The imagery is clear, it's a simile that they're pretty clearly drawing."
"What a great image to have, very peaky blinders."
"Yeah, this wasn't really about the crows, but by God, that's a pretty image to end on."
"Every image is just so wonderfully exaggerated."
"Traumatizing imagery can have profound effects on mental health, leading to symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and other psychological issues."
"My thoughts do twine and bird about thee as wild vines about a tree."
"Drop heavily down, burst shattered everywhere."
"Choose images that look like they belong to the same family."
"The way he links together images... it's definitely some of the best I've ever seen."
"I am a weapon. I am the one who grabs the sun. I am the one who is awaited shiny and chrome by his hand."
"Imagine you're all cuddled up on the couch watching a scary movie, fall weather setting in, leaves are falling from the trees, and you smell like garlic."
"When they all hit that vocal stride, it sounds like someone slamming the keys of their pipe organ in a dark mansion on a stormy night."
"Specificity turns vague writing into vivid imagery."
"Freelance to me is just the most beautiful word, I kind of picture a butterfly when I hear that word."
"As artists, we have to take control of our images."
"It looks like it's been ripped up like confetti."
"By design, the opening image and the closing image are mirrors of each other."
"I just love the image coming out of this thing."
"And this is what Romano British Trevor and his wife might have looked like."
"Now it's time for the sweet topic. Shut up and look at this image."
"Symbols and images express their spells through imagery."
"This scene is straight out of a horror movie."
"Richard was a giant in the battle, his sword shone like lightning."
"It's like a dusty corner of the app with cobwebs and stuff like that, tumbleweed rolling across it."
"The spear shot through the air like a ray of light."
"The most inviting, the most beautiful, and the most accurate picture that I've ever seen."
"The wicked will not endure it. They will be reduced to a dead carcass, and vultures will be preying upon them."
"John's lifeless body lay trapped under a Ledge."
"These images offer a glimpse into history, each detail a story waiting to be told."
"The train was going this way and there's like so you have the car that's been crushed into a cube under the bridge and then everything else is just flattened against the back piled up on top."
"Street poetry, the imagery that he conjures up with his words every single time."
"This TV movie has leeway for a lot of inventive imagery." - "This TV movie has leeway for a lot of inventive imagery."
"Squarespace slew them like a knight lancing a dragon."
"This singular person is lit like the clouds have parted and God herself is calling her home."
"The era of history that we know as the Cold War, a lot of images probably spring to mind."
"It gets four industrial waste bins full of illegal fireworks and rejected YA manuscripts from 2012 with a cigarette flying toward them in slow motion after being flicked away by a man in a trench coat"
"Hello, welcome to my room. Please take off your shoes. This is the most ominous image of me I ever did see."
"Number 4: Fedor Emelianenko. Between 2001 and 2010, if you were an MMA fan, it was almost impossible not to picture Fedor Emelianenko walking in slow motion with smoke billowing behind him."
"You can imagine this enormous ball, falling down the middle of the building, destroying everything in its path."
"It might help those understandably frustrated by the film's crypticness to better digest its particular choice of imagery."
"I just think of you know later we kind of see some imagery."
"I'll take the space cowboy who walks in the bars with a poncho and makes the room go quiet with every step of his spurs."
"Images talk more than words, right? One image is worth a thousand words, I think the saying goes."
"This is one of the most amazing images ever shown to humanity."
"Showing that the image didn't just bolster spirits but saved lives."
"It paints such a picture, Dracula playing this organ from the top of this castle."
"I always remembered having the dreams about fires and explosions."
"Our razor sharp claws will cut him and splatter their foot."
"It's a very, very carnal image of Hell and of Heaven."
"I'm just showing you that although we were without an image for a very long time and all this destruction has been done to us, there has now been a rise in the true biblical imagery."
"When you hear the word neon an image pops into our heads."
"Wow, honestly I feel like this is the cover of a romance novel, and you're like a sexy fighter that's just like I feel like you know when you're like envisioning like a character who's just strong and handsome that's kind of what I see." - Robbie
"These images are the antithesis of what America is supposed to stand for."
"It was the most lifelike image of the boy to date."
"We're riding into the sunset on our color TV screens."
"The training of the subconscious usually falls in line with repetition and it tends to respond well to imagery and metaphor."
"Placing this on a coin is in a way trying to canonize or codify an image or a concept."
"I like songs like this. I like something that you can literally have a mental image of the whole time."
"She's walking around with dynamite in a handbag."
"Classic anime have more than just quality and mass appeal; they have staying power, ideas, and imagery that stick with you."
"Good luck trying to get that image out of your head."
"It's the stuff of nightmares, particularly with Princess Isabella clutching a doll and doing her best demon face."
"It reminded me of a submarine in the depths."
"The Vimana flashed away into heaven beyond the stars like a thought leaving a golden Trail in the sky."
"Picture Judge Judy in your mind, does she or does she not have a gavel?"
"Nikki DiMar's music changes direction from her sister's like a path that splits in a forest fire."
"The wall will deteriorate in patterns similar to claw marks."
"You put a dog in there, a horse, and a dog, like, I'm, you know, that's just appealing to me, I like that."
"It was like something out of a bad horror movie."
"A very unusual wound that was now turned up at the edges turned up like like a satisfied smile."
"You have a farmer he'll pull up in his Land Rover or his Jeep and he'll have a trailer attached."
"My voice is not the liquid way perfect rings round a heron's flu. My voice is straight rotting wire stolen."
"The one thing I could really make out of the tattoo is that it looks like there's a dead skull."
"I love it, just imagine me running around topless, just going crazy."
"When something is described as utter bedum, it conjures images of total anarchy."
"The most horrifying serial killer ever: a man dressed up as a snowman with a giant axe and no neck."
"Crashing metal and gushing blood are the music of Conquest."
"Republicans underperform, slight slight slight like a little like Ripple snipe red rain cloud."
"That's her negative energy, it stays inside the snow globe."
"You will see the strong back retracts away from the rocket."
"Or the more interesting way I can use an image."
"If you can see, she's on like a piece of earth that kind of looks like a target."
"These opening credits, I love patriotic imagery backed by John Philip Souza."
"A burnt out empty ship sh of what it was, cold and forlorn."
"Let's step through the gates of hell, this is really the music that plays if you somehow end up in hell dude."
"That distant cathedral is all I see. Fractured angel, the other part of me."
"Imagine a weary traveler on a stormy night soaked to the bone and disheartened by the relentless downpour."
"The hallway was frozen... as thin and delicate as glass."
"I don't like that the hot cocoa is almost spilling. It's about to spill into your mouth."
"When you listen to the song and the song depicts a picture, the literal feeling comes alive."
"Images are very powerful... they had powerful impact on how people viewed the war or what was at stake."
"This is the first two of six satellites that will be launching into orbit, helping provide some of the latest in imagery."
"With generative AI, we have an AI-enhanced image that looks seamless."
"Look at that freedom flying around here; it's like a combat Air Patrol of bald eagles around this place."
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
"The autumn breeze carried my breath away in white puffs as I lingered across the street."
The Chinese say, "A picture is worth a thousand words."
"The sparks flowed like a golden waterfall."
"Can you imagine yourself next to a roaring fire with the stockings hung with care?"
"Some of the imagery in there is quite sad, some of it's quite beautiful."
"The crimson merged to amethyst, the amethyst to pearl, until in somber grayness the light shut down upon the lonely shore."
"And then I saw Winona, Princess of Atlantis, she was laid out there in her crystal tomb."
"The dark bristling outline of the Christmas tree perched over it like a slumbering dragon protecting its horde."
"When she saw the Usurper's rebel host across the river they were armored all in ice, but she bathed them in dragonfire and they melted away like dew and turned the Trident into a torrent."
"Time is rapidly elapsing, but hope arrives wearing a grim cowl and cape."
"Just to make a more colorful image, or more vibrant image."
"A darker, dimmer image is just simply moodier."
"It evokes such a vivid picture of like being on vacation, being on the beach, being by the water, being in a flowy sundress."
"And slowly, as the tumultuous waves of destiny recede, leaving our intrepid crew standing amid the ruins of dreams and dread, the camera pans upwards to the first light of dawn breaking over Des."
"The richest, most beautiful cinematic crappy pants image you're going to find on a drone right now is the mavic 3."
"I could see it now. Lying on a beach, sipping on a coconut..."
"Rising Sun consumes horizon swiftly."
"The candy wife that looks like a disturbing rag doll."
"All the Frog man imagery is there."
"Close your eyes and picture me rollin'."
"I want mine to be that spider web that you stumble across first thing in the morning when you're walking through a cornfield."
"He's like Moby, I was just say that, he's like mob, wow that imagery is crazy, holy [__]."
"The country western song is an image to have in your mind; it's not overly dramatic, it has a straightforward appeal to it."
"A few rays of light, a wan sinister light that seemed to issue from a dying sun, fell upon an old tower."
"Every time I look look at him I feel like he's eating an ice cream cone not the drumstick just the ice cream cone."
"Her jaws are a gigantic cutting disk up to 19 meters across."
"The sky shone a cyanic blue, covering the Earth like a suffocating blanket."
"Like some great silver bird, the craft leaves its perch and drops earthward in majestic silence."
"Mid Journey does a great job at creating these tilable images."
"I break his jaw for him, the knife blade breaking off in him, you'll see it sticking out a wave like a dolphin fin."
"It was its eyes that really did it; I screamed in fear as I peered at those white orbs with vertical black pupils."
"They rode on and the sun in the East flushed pale streaks of light and then a deeper run of color like blood seeping up in sudden reaches flaring plane wise."
"The screams ended and blood poured out from underneath the church doors in a thick flood, soaking into the earth."
"A constellation of ignited eyes that edged that ring of light all bound in precarious truce before this torch whose brightness had set back the stars in their sockets."
"The coppery tang of blood was so heavy in the air that I felt like I had a mouth full of pennies."
"Come you back to Mandalay, where the flying fishes play, and the dawn comes up like thunder out of China 'cross the bay."
"She felt the dark, cold shadows engulf her like the black waters of the lake."
"The images show the future we were promised; they are essentially the future of the past."
"Imagine a concoction that marries the tropical zest of pineapple with the lush sweetness of strawberries—that's the fija for you."
"This moon imagery, this triple goddess, all traditionally images of female empowerment."
"The fluffy white clouds rolled by as if there had been no battle below at all."
"The moon was behind it, and the black drapery hung down over its face."
"The legs of the appearance alone could be plainly discerned, and they were horribly thin."
"It's funny how you want to give John 3:16 but won't have everlasting life and you beat the Christian no mercy it was while disturbing this gonna be a negative image of the god like the shroud of Turin."
"The hands were made of flesh, pink and baby fresh."
"My hand searing, managed to turn the faucet on, and a cold stream of water blanketed around my blistered appendage."
"My hand was just a bloody irritated stump."
"It was covered in black matted hair like a dog that had never been brushed."
"It's some sort of distorted, expressionless face. It's hard to describe, but the image of it is burned deep into my memory."
"There he is, there he is on his throne of bones."
"It's natural for humans to see a string of distant lights and imagine a line connecting them."
"The simple visual of the gas mask child scared me enough that I had nightmares about it for six years."
"The sunlight seemed to form a hazy crown above Mika's smiling face, while her streaming black hair became a glossy mantle that melted into the darkness of the forest behind her."
"It was so picturesque with this long gravel driveway that led us to the beautiful faded white farmhouse."
"I was left with a massive bind around my entire body that was hooked into a broader network of wires"
"my skull thrashed to and fro as my neck became gelatin"
"That's that's like I literally closed my eyes it was it's like a it's like the theme song to a movie it's a soundtrack"
"all around me were Crimson clouds mountains a drift in a sea of screaming Madness"
"something was coming it tore through the landscape carelessly uprooted oceans where they lay and dug the entirety of this planet out just to approach me"
"Rumble at idle like an angry mastodon."
"A picture's worth a thousand words and you have two pictures, two thousand words."
"The sail was patched with flower sacks, unfurled it looked like the flag of permanent defeat."
"Hell is a fiery pit filled with black tar."
"You could totally, like, slip and slide with a popsicle in your hand."
"That shot with him and the red cape and the dog really got me."
"She pressed her shaking leathery hands against my forehead again."
"Imperfection can often convey a sense of authenticity in a world where so much imagery is polished and curated."
"The lights that ringed it burst into a fiery intensity and the pine tree found itself caught in the beam of brightening orange light."
"Once you have my tail off, then it's gonna peel just like a lobster tail."
"The pool room stands two decks high, completely tiled with straw-colored terracotta tiles."
"Mike looks defeated and deflated like he was the only one to have his [ __ ] slapped away at an orgy."
"Fragments of the glass marbles that she saw looked like the remains of eggshells that one finds beneath trees in springtime, like empty, broken robin's eggs."
"It gleamed up at me like an exposed pearl pride from the ridged moor of a shell."
"All those scary images that you see, those are all dream sequences."
"I heard screams in the shattered glass."
"Imagine the seating arrangement and car shape for the Tower of Terror but sitting on a motion base equivalent to Star Tours."
"He thrust the pointed edge into his neck just below the jaw and dragged the blade along his throat in a jagged zig-zag pattern."
"Murphy was dreaming of a precipitous crag in the depths of a vast cavern, a man was atop the peak, his attention fixed on a giant slow-moving airship below."
"He shivered as he saw the eel fin's blood on the ground begin to steam, white steam, and as in the other chambers, but this had shapes in it. They looked like twisted faces appearing briefly and yelling before vanishing."
"He's one of those people that has his head so far up his own butt that he could lick his nostrils clean from the inside."
"The image of him sitting alone working while electricity crackles around him has turned the man into an almost mythical figure."
"I recoiled from it with a sudden intake of breath, it was a skeleton painted in dull values of gray and white."