
Catastrophe Quotes

There are 536 quotes

"Nature's equilibrium was thrown out of balance, leaving the world vulnerable to catastrophic events."
"The moon has left its normal orbital path and is now spiraling toward the planet."
"The blues ain't nothing but a personal narrative of a catastrophe lyrically expressed."
"Life is a real catastrophe, and yet look at how wonderful it is here."
"I want to have a meaning that will sustain me even through catastrophe."
"We tend to assume that it's a catastrophe, in fact, in terms of what matters, SubhanAllah, it's like a gem that may have a bit of mud on it but the gem is still there."
"This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe actually."
"This entire civilization was probably wiped out by the flood."
"He's building a bomb big enough to cover the entire East Coast in fear toxin."
"The catastrophe cleans out the past, which is replaced by a new heaven and a new earth."
"We can’t understate this catastrophe. While it is difficult to know for sure what the pre-Columbian population of the Americas was, the mid-range estimate is that these diseases killed about 50 million people within a hundred years."
"It's a cultural catastrophe. It's an economic catastrophe."
"Stability and good fortune would come to a sudden catastrophic collapse, ostensibly brought about by a massive wave of invasions from a wave of violent marauders known as the Sea Peoples."
"In our journey through life, there's often so much we take for granted; frequently, it isn't until catastrophe strikes that we realize just how precious every aspect of life is."
"Whether measured as a natural disaster or an act of war, it is one of the deadliest in human history."
"It's possible that the shining ones knew when these catastrophic events were going to happen."
"They believed they were trying to prevent what seemed like an inevitable and devastating catastrophe."
"Out of this exceptional cosmic catastrophe comes creation."
"In each of these cases, I see exaggerated fear of catastrophe, the silencing of dissent, and the progress from error toward atrocity."
"Tsunamis are global-sized events with global ramifications."
"Every 10,000 years you can expect a catastrophe to happen wiping out most of civilization."
"It was a catastrophe, a catastrophe that affected millions and millions of people all around the world."
"The damage that will be done by climate change exceeds every disaster and catastrophe ever experienced or committed by humans combined."
"If such an object struck Earth, the impact would be devastating to Life as We Know It."
"The moral side of this catastrophe is even more sad than radiation effects."
"In one reality, SCP-3519 managed to kill off the entire world, due to its severity and ease of infection."
"This is going to be one of the great catastrophes and one of the great embarrassments in the history of our country."
"Dana here notices a red button labeled system purge and slams it down, dooming everyone in the building."
"Everyone had died like literally everyone except me."
"Chernobyl: the equivalent of 9/11 for the USSR."
"After all that big earthquake happens, they're going to realize something."
"To defeat someone with such a powerful iron fist over an entire society, there must be something catastrophic that results in their downfall."
"They are predicting that the world will again be bathed in flame."
"Whatever happened here wasn't a natural disaster or some sort of mass man-made catastrophe but instead must have been the offspring of social disorder."
"Is it possible for capitalism to construct a system that insures against catastrophic events... you can't make a profit out of catastrophe."
"The agency explodes, chaos ensues, and Battle Royale characters glimpse into the deeper multiverse."
"Things go so badly for him that he does something really catastrophic."
"There was a global catastrophe around 12 to 13,000 years ago that reset human civilization back to a Stone Age era."
"I never thought we'd have a Hurricane Katrina style catastrophe in this country through poor political administration."
"The remaining 17 judgments of God include devastating earthquakes, cosmic disturbances, and scorching heat."
"The disorder would be literally catastrophic."
"It’s feared that whatever the creature is trying to unearth, it would lead to an XK end of the world scenario, and it is imperative that it not be allowed to do so."
"AI doomers imagine all kinds of catastrophe scenarios that mostly rely on false assumptions."
"The fourth seal: one-fourth of the world's population is slain."
"The way in which so many of these projects around the world were abandoned and have remained unfinished for thousands of years seems to be due to a massive widespread catastrophe that occurred in the ancient past."
"If Pandora had let that last one out, if she had opened that box and humankind no longer had hope, then, as a species, we'd be done for."
"The demise of Putin, his country's president for over 30 years, would undoubtedly signal the start of a huge catastrophe."
"Wouldn't that be a terrible thing if the world got sent back to the Stone Age and then all of those terrible things started happening?"
"Nothing brings people together like a good catastrophe."
"Those rocks are absolutely massive. They could easily wipe out the entire human race if enough of them fell on them."
"Climate engineering has been ongoing for over 75 years, catastrophe is already the result."
"A large comet several miles in diameter would punch right through the atmosphere."
"A nuclear winter would decimate civilization."
"Saturn in Pisces is catastrophic, but it can benefit you."
"It just felt like the end of the world for lack of a better way of explaining it."
"Peace on Earth will be struck from the skies."
"Many will die through War started on that day when a bearded star falls."
"History is a race between education and catastrophe."
"When catastrophe strikes the bond between an animal and their human companion can mean the difference between life and death."
"The catastrophe is described in ancient sources where traumatic experience is common to all mankind, purged from conscious memory."
"Astronauts fear catastrophes occurring on Earth while they're in space."
"If any event was going to cause the collapse of civilization that should have been it."
"They failed miserably, leading to the ruination of the entire vault and the deaths of dozens of people."
"It's like trying to stop a train by throwing a boulder on the tracks. It's going to make the train jump off the tracks; it's going to cause a disaster."
"There would be widespread devastation, death like we have never even imagined."
"Look, these glacial periods on Earth, they happen at these intervals with these great catastrophes that seem to end them over and over again. It's a cycle and the cycle seems to be the reason why..."
"If we do not get these ports back open, there's a chance that millions of people could possibly die."
"The aircraft had gone from being a flying machine to a hunk of metal falling from the sky."
"The danger presented with this apocalypse seems so much more catastrophic than any other apocalypses."
"This catastrophe highlights the importance of safety measures."
"By the time it happens, it'll be too late for everyone fighting to preserve their universe."
"Catastrophe is what happens when you lose democracy."
"Zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse, stand got completely flattened, everyone flew over, and that was it."
"The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea and it became blood as of a dead man. Every living creature in the sea died."
"Who's to blame for this catastrophic Cyber attack? It's very possible to have an extreme scope conducted on the American population that could push us into World War III."
"How can we prepare to survive and thrive in a poised man-made catastrophe world?"
"Modern problems require technocratic solutions."
"Imagine we wake up one day and every Chihuahua is like a hundred times bigger. Whole world will be destroyed in like eight seconds."
"It looks like evidence of the cataclysm, something terrible happened there."
"An impact by a comet will kill so many people and can produce such long-term changes in the environment that it can be a complete catastrophe for all of humanity."
"This is going to be the biggest disaster in world history."
"Oh look, an asteroid. I hope it wants to be friends."
"It's not just a change of leaders, it's a catastrophe."
"The possibility for catastrophe is always at hand, but I think we can truly do things in the next 30 years that are absolutely unimaginable."
"Even a smaller one hits in the middle of the U.S we are you know we're doomed."
"The destruction or the breaking up of the star." - Regarding the term "catastrophe"
"It was a fabled society of immense wealth, knowledge, and power, and of course, hubris, and it met a sudden end in a world-shaping cataclysm."
"When I was 15, I built this robot and it almost wiped out humanity."
"Catastrophes are the untold story of our past."
"The president of the United States is on the phone, Mr. President, in less than 10 minutes a massive earthquake will strike New York City unless you're prepared."
"Something huge and fiery rose from the waves and drowned whole islands."
"Then on May 18, 1980, one of the most spectacular and devastating geological events in human history occurred."
"The entire face of the mountain collapsing downward in a massive landslide, the largest in recorded history."
"It seems virtually certain that what the Soviets have experienced is a nuclear meltdown."
"Could you imagine witnessing something big enough to wipe away an entire civilization?"
"The last time we saw such a weapon, the city was on fire, it was the day the dragon came."
"The worst year in human history was the year 536 AD."
"The implications of losing the species is very real and the effect of that is catastrophic for me, for you, for anyone really."
"This catastrophe will produce waves of chaos around the whole world."
"This became very painfully clear in April of 1986 when the world's worst nuclear catastrophe at Chernobyl demonstrated the depth of the Soviet Union's problems."
"30 seconds till the whole world kabluie."
"Life without the magnetic field is hard to imagine; an absence of the magnetic poles could be disastrous for many species, including us."
"The explosion was so great that it even made the ground on the surface fall apart and cave in."
"The eruption of Mount Pelee caused direct loss of life on such a grand scale."
"The very earth beneath the Crystal Tower shattered, and the monument sank beneath the ground as earthquakes began to ravage everything the empire had worked to build."
"He had managed to avert a catastrophic event from repeating in the future."
"Without the flight crew's actions, it would have been a catastrophe."
"If an impact event happened anywhere on planet Earth today, it would destroy civilization itself."
"The world effectively came to an end."
"I believe this is catastrophic. I think it's deeply immoral."
"I'm talking about you, man-made cataclysmic change."
"The city entered a world of smoke and flames and smoldering rubble."
"In a last ditch effort to take as many enemies with him as possible, he orders a massive launch of Russia’s nuclear arsenal targeting the West."
"The deluge comes without warning. Or does it?"
"Because every environmental impact that lifts the wing it's going to try to correct, then it induces an over correction and it will get worse and worse and worse until everything blows up and everybody dies."
"This may be our best and perhaps only hope to save ourselves from the very catastrophe Kerr described."
"And then all hell and destruction was loosed on that coast."
"You make me aware, Mr. Holmes, that during this past year there have been a terrifying number of marine catastrophes."
It really conveys a sense of "oh shit everything’s gone wrong."
"The runaway greenhouse effect: temperatures jump, ice caps crumble, and millions perish."
"Stupid people can create problems, but it often takes brilliant people to create a real catastrophe."
"The existentialists make the claim which I think is a remarkable and powerful claim that the way out of those catastrophic situations is not through political action per se, or it's not going to be resolved by one party defeating another."
"Donnelly argues that, before the catastrophe, humans had, in some limited localities, reached a high stage of civilization."
"The evidence in these rock layers shows that they were formed under catastrophic conditions."
"These layers were formed rapidly during the flood."
"The evidence wipes out over 500 million years of supposed geological time."
"The evidence is overwhelmingly consistent with rapid catastrophic deposition."
"We live in such a state of denial when it comes to catastrophe."
"It's that human catastrophe, so it is."
"The island starts splitting up and people start falling into some hot yummy lava."
"A hundred years ago catastrophe struck."
"Humanity falls out of favor with one of their deities prompting that deity to drown Humanity in a global catastrophe."
"The Great War that is coming will substantially reduce the population of the world."
"Evacuate the planet. Only 5 hours until the world is uninhabitable."
"The void killed like a million people in New York."
"On September 13, 2000, a group of scientists found and experimented on Adam, causing the second impact, which was a catastrophic event that almost caused the complete extinction of humanity."
"From April 2024 to the end of 2025, it's going to be one of the most catastrophic changes we've ever seen."
"Won't be no guarding from Adam this evening. It's gonna be biblical."
"And so it was indeed an incredible catastrophe."
"Eventually BP was able to plug the leak on its own, but Matter of Trust proved it could mobilize thousands of people to address an epic catastrophe."
"Imagine an entire building going up in flames with hundreds of people screaming inside."
"The oceans will freeze over. And it looks as if this is the death of all intelligent life."
"No human agency could have prevented the theater catastrophe."
"The greatest asteroid impact in recorded history occurred 114 years ago in Siberia, Russia."
"Until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came."
"But on that day, the city's thunderstorm occurred at night, destroying the plane and carrying the lion to this island."
"The war lasted 2174 days and by the end, it had become the greatest catastrophe in human history."
"You know, there was actually a time when AI was helpful. But, like all AI, when it goes wrong, one of them thought a little bit too much and thought, 'You know what? I think I don't like you.' And it led to a very catastrophic event."
"If such a big asteroid hit us, Earth would cool down significantly."
"Luck is the difference between us and some scale of disaster that is unimaginable."
"The question is whether or not we will end up like the dinosaurs."
"Roofs fell in with an awesome thunder and walls crashing into ruin filled the air with flying death."
"According to Casey, the earth is in for a catastrophe that will reshape continents and rewrite borders around the world."
"The planet explodes, its debris is cast across the solar system."
"Everything the eldari had ever created came crashing down in the cataclysm known as the Fall."
"In the trust fall of life, I'm gonna be caught. I don't have to worry that I'm going to have some sort of catastrophe again."
"The final soul-shattering catastrophe held elements of demoniac fantasy."
"This 20 loss is truly catastrophic for a bond fund."
"If people started to question their understanding of reality, it would lead to a catastrophic disaster."
"The brule people of the Lakota nation have a legend of 'a fiery blast that shook the entire world toppling mountain ranges and setting forests and prairies ablaze.'"
"The entirety of the United Earth global power grid was compromised, all of Earth went dark."
"Something very catastrophic happened to cylinder number one."
"This isn't something a large military grade fire department would be able to handle. Communities will be cut off and surrounded by Flame this isn't easily escapable you've got got fire raging across States across state borders you have tornadoes of fire forming this is bad."
"In 10 years nearly one/ tenth of the world's population has perished and the survivors cling to life as the planet continues to be rocked by widespread catastrophes."
"Complete Devastation. We're talking erasing things."
"The Age of Anguish isn't considered to end until -4294 when the sky is finally clear of the dust and debris of Earthfall."
"The dialogue between speculative theories like Nibiru and the scientific exploration of Earth's cataclysmic past underscores our fascination with Cosmic disasters."
"The damage of widespread nuclear war would be devastating and unmanageable."
"The evidence is crying out for catastrophe. It screams Noah's flood, it therefore screams a young Earth."
"When the Lamb of God breaks the Sixth Seal, a great earthquake strikes, inflicting massive destruction and extraordinary astronomical phenomena."
"The snap had devastating implications on every living being in the universe. It's the sort of catastrophe that changes everything forever."
"A solar storm can actually produce catastrophic effect on this planet which can be about 20 times more economic damage than the Hurricane Katrina produced."
"The seven Crusade was a complete catastrophe and for that reason it is probably the best known of the Crusades after the 4th."
"The problem? The dino-dooming asteroid just didn't have enough mass to completely destroy the planet."
"The flood wasn't just a 40-day flood. It was a global, all-encompassing judgment."
"If Sun and Earth suddenly moved relative to one another fast enough for a crowd to see... literally would be the end of the world."
"All of the things that are normal for people to have for human development and to have the most important things cultivated in their life, they are at catastrophic lows."
"Vacuum decay is the ultimate ecological catastrophe."
"It's an apocalyptic event, isn't it?"
"If we don't get there and take him out now, the entire Eastern Seaboard won't be inhabitable for the next half century."
"Earth's surface will be fried to a crisp."
"Known as the great dying, this colossal extinction caused by brutal mass volcanism wiped out 96% of all marine species and 70% of all terrestrial species."
"The party's not going to be a disaster. It's going to be a catastrophe!"
"About 252 million years ago, about 90% of all plant and animal life was wiped out."
"66 million years ago, an asteroid as big as Mount Everest was headed on a deadly collision course with Earth."
"The shocking blast wave killed everything in its way."
"It feels like a genuine Godzilla movie thing or at least from one of the more serious films where Godzilla's destruction is like after a terrorist attack or a natural disaster."
"Earthquakes are one of the most terrifying natural events."
"Chaos rings out as the dragons destroy the city."
"Communism is sort of slave morality fully realized as a system, and of course, that leads to catastrophe."
"It's the worst forest fire in record history."
"The worst that could happen, global catastrophe on a level, like I said, we can't even imagine."
"For British farmers, it is a complete catastrophe to leave the EU with no deal."
"However small the chance of catastrophe might be if enough people take enough chances the catastrophe must happen eventually."
"And then came The Reset; plunging the whole world into a new dark age that would lay many great nations to ruin."
"The devastation caused by a large comet or asteroid would dwarf that of even a global thermonuclear war foretold by the Hopi gourd of ashes prophecy."
"An interplanetary impact in our oceans would instantly bring the Hopi great purification prophecy to life."
"We're not here to talk about a problem. We're here to talk about catastrophes."
"Every trace of it is gone, every trace of the whole city just a minute."
"Earth's life might take a bad hit when that radiation reaches us."