
Imbalance Quotes

There are 308 quotes

"Nature's equilibrium was thrown out of balance, leaving the world vulnerable to catastrophic events."
"I encourage you not to live your lives on balance, but rather off balance on purpose."
"Perhaps you're in a relationship in which you give more than you receive."
"Whenever it's unbalanced, there's gonna come a time when somebody feels that they're being used or they're not getting what they feel they deserve to get, and then the relationship [fails]."
"Copyright regulation overwhelmingly favors corporations over individuals by an enormous margin."
"A world full of ailments, war, conflict, turbulence, and unhappiness is a world out of alignment."
"You can't feel harmony when there's imbalance."
"The essence of an unbalanced game, I think, makes it in a way more fun so long as the identity is preserved."
"She's just so much more into the relationship than he is."
"To say this war was one-sided would be a drastic understatement."
"I think the pendulum has swung so much injustice on this particular issue."
"We've basically broken the entire balance of the game, which is exactly what I wanted to do."
"It's become so ridiculously one-sided that this whole ninja thing has basically been the tipping point."
"The deeply unreciprocal nature of the relationship between China and the Western world."
"You must obey them but they must obey no one."
"There's no way shape or form you can justify this you got five cops they're pretty big this guy's a tall skinny guy and they beat him..."
"Darth Traya's Zetas are just so brokenly overpowered."
"There is an unbalanced power dynamic right now."
"Buster is so, so broken guys, one of the best brawlers that's ever been released in Brawl Stars."
"She can fly across the map for so long being able just to launch onto any single target she's so incredibly broken right now."
"I was scared now, and I felt like an idiot for brushing off the other warning signs. He clearly wasn't balanced."
"You need to look for ways to create imbalance in positions."
"This gadget is broken it's busted it's redonkulous."
"An ancient black shadow dragon that can basically turn invisible in the darkness and has assassin levels sounds broken as hell."
"Never before or has there been a man of his unbridled ability to attract incredibly overpowered women into his Harem."
"By now, we all know these pickaxes are insanely overpowered."
"In designing intentional imbalances, it's one of the goals."
"March 7th is an absolutely amazing and broken character..."
"The imbalance between Benders and non-vendors is a failure of every Avatar before them who popped up were exploited the same."
"When it becomes lopsided or unequal, that's when attraction falls from the person who is being over pursued."
"What we're going to have is eight subs which up against China will be like throwing toothpicks at a mountain."
"There cannot be a balanced presentation on this."
"The god kit's pretty broken, I think it's time to just get their bed."
"Someone was taking a lot from you but not giving to this connection."
"You feel like you're carrying the relationship all on your own here, Leo, and that's not cool."
"Out of all of these combinations there is none more degenerate none more broken more in need of being destroyed on site than that of Vial Smasher and Sakashima."
"There's no equilibrium... there's no equilibrium that could be created."
"One person is giving too much in this relationship."
"There could be a situation here where there's a lack of balance... maybe it feels like you're drowning or again just overdoing it."
"There's no equal give and take... there could be a situation that is very unjust, unfair."
"The right right now has gone completely off the rails, there is no equivalent to what the right is doing right now."
"Unbalanced things fall apart and self-destruct."
"When things are off-center, it gives us a bit of a sense of drama and dynamic energy."
"The more you receive, the more you give, and the more you give, the more you receive. Life gives, life takes—there's a whole lot of taking here and not a whole lot of giving it seems."
"Someone's not getting something, they're not going to get a piece. Six of Pentacles reversed."
"Disruption in the bacterial microbiome in any part of your body is a prerequisite for fungal overgrowth."
"Dysbiosis can cause many systemic health issues."
"Find someone who likes you way more than you like them; that is the equation."
"I have no fear of death, but I knew that something was off balance there."
"There's way too many men for the amount of homes in this village."
"You give to others to the point way more than you give to yourself."
"I'm not trying to be an alarmist, but the excessive focus on quarterbacks by the football card market is confounding and highly problematic."
"We're out of kilter as never before."
"I've seen Messi, but after the rise of the tree of wonder in Salem, magic has been out of balance."
"They got to give up trying to cause imbalances for you."
"It only takes one person to corrupt the whole system because then the other people got to pay just to keep the playing field level."
"The wrong people have too much power sometimes, or quite a lot."
"Sometimes the luck of the draw is incredibly lopsided, leaving one tribe with most or all of the challenge beasts."
"I am just glad I was able to remove myself from the unbalanced equation before it turned terrible."
"Feed the Earth and it will feed you, but we fed the Earth so much that nature herself is vomiting up red."
"You're never ever going to have an ecosystem that has so many sharks and no fish to eat."
"You can't come to a battle with a little knife and the dude clearly got a [ __ ] rocket launcher and he's ready to just blow your [ __ ] head off with it."
"They don't balance at all, they're totally different."
"When the natural order of an economy is not with the natural order of money, there is an imbalance in the economy."
"Something here has been out of balance for quite some time and you want answers as to how you can bring the situation back into balance."
"We have magnified our body and de-magnified our spirit."
"It's far better that she's more into the relationship, the marriage whatever than you are."
"I haven't seen a trade this unbalanced since I swapped my shiny charizard for a packet of jelly beans."
"It looks fairly close, but it's been a one-sided game."
"A larger player is getting their fill but not showing that imbalance in the book."
"The imbalance of power in elite sport means that abuse happens."
"I'm tired of the blatant disrespect, of being the verbal punching bag while still providing more for her than anyone else in her family."
"They're kind of feeling that there is this, a little bit of an imbalance happening within you."
"The movie just having too much of everything including too many tones... way too many subplots."
"They want you to take care of them, they want you to continue to be there for them... they see this as fair support, literally this imbalanced support."
"Oppression from both sides, not knowing your obligations and rights, leads to imbalance."
"I do feel like that in a relationship there's always one person who's more in love or who's more into the relationship than the other one."
"Chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalances, disrupting the balance of gut flora and spiking glucose levels."
"Anger and frustration are quick to give power, but they also unbalance you."
"The decline in fertility rates and the extension of life expectancy will create an increasing imbalance."
"...so this concentration in just a few stocks is probably unhealthy as many people have pointed out however how long it takes to correct itself remains to be seen..."
"...this concentration is unhealthy and I think ultimately it's not fully justified by the amount of profits that these companies generate..."
"It was a time when the world was out of balance. It was a time of death."
"A relationship with a narcissist is never giving 50/50, it's always lopsided."
"You've taken the position of a mother in this relationship."
"They want an imbalanced connection, they want to be laying back while you do the work, and you're not there anymore. You know what I mean? I just feel like you're not there anymore."
"The model of effort-reward imbalance claims that failed reciprocity is likely to elicit recurrent negative emotions and sustained stress responses."
"It's for the most part it can be summed up as too much money chasing too few goods."
"If you are captured by something that completely takes you, it's almost like an inverse, a parody of the right hand."
"Racism continues to be deeply ingrained in Hollywood and Executives and Industry leaders have frequently contributed to sustaining this imbalance."
"It's all weighted towards there's nothing that's improving the work and conditions of a goalkeeper."
"In a moment of haste, she accidentally emptied both hers, creating a severe imbalance on Earth."
"You cannot change him. It's a give and take, and when one person is taking a whole lot more than the other person, it doesn't work."
"My body and my hormones are completely out of balance, they're totally messed up."
"This is not love, my friend. This is not love. This is an out of balance situation."
"You can't guard the guy because you're off balance."
"You guys are so loving and you see people as equals while people are seeing you as larger than life personality and that creates such an imbalance in your relationship."
"An imbalance implies a shift in the interaction. It's down to us to ask the questions so we can understand what we do when we see these imbalances."
"We actually draw energy from one another... it's a give and take and the thing about the technology is it's just take."
"Price breaks the structure, everything was balanced, imbalance created, and now price has to go back to rebalance."
"So, just, it's never, almost never an even five and five. It's almost always a five and a three or a six and a two or, you know."
"It's going to become very clear to you that this person will only offer you a one-sided relationship where you may be putting in a whole lot more work than they do. It's not an equal give and take."
"Is your thyroid imbalance really that you have an excess focus on cortisol and the adrenals?"
"The imbalance between supply and demand created an economic opportunity."
"The only logical and rational response to relationships where we feel constantly in deficit and therefore resentful is to start giving less."
"The dating apps are so skewed because there's a lot more men using it than women."
"This clearly wasn't an even battle."
"One of the things that people just don't seem to understand is that the main problem in the United States is that interest rates are too low. I mean, that is the source of our imbalances, rates are just too low."
"Sex more than violence unleashed will take the society apart."
"There's nothing wrong with being prepared, but when your entire life is revolving around a fear, that's a problem."
"Excessive development of the negative segment of experience."
"If your hormones are off, you're going to start feeling the effects of this."
"For every one message Ryan sent Shaina, probably sent 50."
"It's a sausage fest. It's a weird thing to be like, 'Let's go have a sausage fest,' unless you're actually going to like a place with a lot of sausage."
"Of the Champions covered so far, which Champion do you think was the most imbalanced?"
"Mo shouldn't even be here right... he's disrupting the flow of chakra and life and death."
"Even with the many different busted things from League's early days, Twisted Fate was still very broken."
"Friendships, romantic relationships, family relationships are never going to be 50/50 and I don't think they should be. Sometimes it's 90/10, sometimes you need somebody more than they need you in that moment."
"But if the pull rates are this hard on certain cards, dude these card like they can't be cheap then because then the system is out of balance."
"The US is severely underinvested in China, with only 1% of US foreign investment in China."
"The atom's score is hilariously imbalanced."
"Every relationship has some kind of imbalance, whether it's money, fame, power."
"It's too much you, not enough me."
"Temporary imbalance is how we're going to get ahead."
"Your lease contract reflects 95% of your landlord's wishes and about five percent of your wishes."
"There is too much math and too little history in economics as it's currently taught and conceived."
"We have a really skewed social contract where it's really imbalanced for young people against old people."
"If you're the only one giving, you're being taken advantage of."
"But again, it's most often 4 on 5."
"It's like watching a one-sided massacre."
"Imbalance is like a magnet drawing price in."
"Every imbalance of life, the quest for cosmic justice."
"Acne is an outward reflection of internal imbalance."
"Whoever this person is, they are somebody that will offer to do more to keep the relationship as peaceful as possible, to the point where they're going to end up getting exhausted eventually."
"Majority of times when people are getting married right if we're going to go with this building situation it's one-sided unless we're talking about celebrities."
"Many people are in relationships like that right now, and that's why they see themselves always being the one to give affection, always have to be the one to cause the relationship to happen, never getting any response from the other end."
"There's a lot of shirtless dudes in this movie. Like, a whole lot. To the point where it almost felt like the one time they have a shirtless woman, it was like lip service."
"He's always been over-pursuing to the point where she occasionally will see him and hang out, have fun, hook up, but he's always begging her to spend time with him."
"Some of them though are ridiculously broken, some of them are powerful as all hell."
"They outnumber the police force 7 to 1."
"Too little Spirit, too much Bible."
"This trade was massively lopsided for the Rays."
"The whole system is so out of whack."
"The imbalance is truly killing the game, a true DM, and then our season truly begins."
"Anyone that's ever done anything great in this world, they weren't balanced at all."
"Takers value over givers, but not in a way that's healthy, holistic, balanced. Takers are vampires."
"The easy fix of high fat plus iodine can support so much of all of these imbalances."
"When something is present in an ecosystem without their predators, that causes the problem."
"Black Lotus is one of those cards that only gets more broken as more and more cards get printed."
"In a narcissistic relationship, there are two people: one cares too much, the other doesn't care at all."
"You sort of sense the world out of balance."
"I treat her like a goddess. That's the problem."
"If you're unhappy with one thing in your life, it can throw everything else out of whack."
"Identifying imbalances on the charts is much easier than you think."
"Imbalances can take a very, very, very long time for that imbalance to actually be closed."
"I feel like he tipped the scales really far."
"Lack of balance and extremism are often present in cases of spiritual abuse."
"I think this is lopsided and he still got more."
"Everything that's going on right now isn't funny to me. I feel there's an imbalance of channels that actually think logically about a situation."
"Power imbalances are absolutely crucial to understanding economic processes."
"The buyers are massively beating out the sellers right now."
"Dysbiosis... is an imbalance in the microbial communities that live within us."
"If there's a major discrepancy from left to right on your joint range of motion on one side versus the other, you're going to eventually get tight muscles when you start lifting."
"Things are going to go out of balance for this person, this person may even lack self-control during this time."
"Macbeth is the Homeric hero thrown off balance in a Christian world."
"The danger with a taker or a demander is that you're never going to do enough. They will always demand more."
"He's ambitious, a workaholic, and an overachiever with only work and no play."
"Playing something very unbalanced... that takes some guts."
"Granting everyone's wish has created a disbalance in the world."
"We can say that the dataset is highly unbalanced."
"...a better way to deal with imbalanced data is undersampling."
"The concept of imbalance is what moves markets, and without understanding this concept, you cannot truly become a consistent trader."
"Dysbiosis, which is an imbalance in the gut microbiome, has been linked to a range of diseases."
"Where there is an imbalance of power, insecurities will exist."
"Depression... it's a chemical imbalance in the brain."
"I think society is without balance, and that is the major contributing factor to people's issues."
"For many years now there has been a massive imbalance in historical narratives."
"I am someone that puts 90% of my time and energy into like one or two aspects of my life at a time, and it makes me feel really off-balanced."
"For the first time in history, the dominant species on the Earth is upsetting the delicate balance of its own ecosystem."
"This person does have imbalances and I think a lot of these imbalances often have to do with things around them."
"Bear with me, guys. I know things are out of balance right now, but I'm on my way."
"Simping is when you go above and beyond to receive the bare minimum in return."
"Class imbalances can lead to bias, skewing learning towards the majority class."
"Cards that are not symmetrical are broken."
"Girls outnumbering boys 12 to 1, it's hair straighteners at dawn."
"The basic fact of our relationship is that I love you more than you love me."
"The world has been out of balance for far too long; it needs the Air Nation back again."
"The force feels out of balance. Yes, there is conflict, the Clone Wars."
"The left hemisphere has taken up by far the most of neuroscience's attention and it's almost as though this is part of the right hemisphere handicap."
"The balance of the world will be an imbalance, the balance of morals will be imbalanced, even the balance of the environment and the climate will change."
"If you feel like something's off balance with your mind and you can't do the things that you once were able to do easily, take your asses and get some help."
"It's when homeostasis is unable to be re-established that disease and illness kicks in."
"Excessive devotion to work that completely impairs your social and family activities."
"Your microbiome has good and bad bacteria; an imbalance can affect your entire body."
"Let him love Dylan, and sometimes, even though she had the grace to be ashamed, she found herself wish hope praying, let Dylan always love me just a little more."
"Symptoms are just clues to an imbalance in the body; they are not the disease."
"Opportunity exists when this simple and straightforward equation is out of balance."
"In class imbalance situations, precision and recall metrics are much more robust."
"Accuracy is the worst, you probably never should use accuracy when you have class imbalance."
"In class imbalance scenarios, your least preference should be accuracy as the choice of metric."