
Work Satisfaction Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"You've got to be interested in the work you're doing."
"What makes people feel satisfied or successful with their work is making progress every day on something that's important to you."
"If you can make your work feel good, then your productivity takes care of itself."
"The secret to productivity is not discipline, it's joy."
"If you can make your work feel good, then you become more productive by default."
"If you have a job, you watch the clock all day long. But if you have a career, then you know where your talents are, and you love what you do so much, you'd be willing to do it for free."
"Work isn't meant to make you miserable... if work isn't enjoyable, it's because you're doing work that you are not enjoying."
"You know, the work is really, really awesome. It's rewarding."
"As long as the work's getting done, and the client's satisfied, and you're happy, I'm happy."
"This has been some of the most gratifying work that I've ever done in my life."
"Any satisfying piece of work has in it that ability to take you from chaos to order in a timescale which means you can hold on to a picture of both."
"I felt actually more happy when I'm working. If I sat at home and did nothing, I probably may be depressed."
"I love this Great Resignation. I think it's great that people are finally starting to realize that hey, I can do something that I love."
"I loved working in long-term care; it was my favorite."
"It's been a really long week... but it's been really enjoyable and rewarding."
"Work kind of brings you happiness...it's easier to work more, and I think your life becomes a little more simple."
"One of the blessings you can have in life is when you have meaningful work."
"When you do what you love, you never work a day of your life."
"Do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life."
"It's great that my work is making this kind of impact this is all I ever wanted."
"Job is what gives you a paycheck. Work is what gives you a purpose."
"You get home from the end of the day of work feeling more energized than when you started, yes, even though counterintuitively you've been putting a lot of energy into it."
"It's almost 3 p.m and finally I'm almost done with the bulk of work. That feels good."
"Find meaning in your work, it becomes more fulfilling."
"It matters how you feel about your own work."
"When you do what you love, you never really work a day in your life."
"I feel like you're coming to that conclusion the universe is offering you an opportunity to enjoy your work more and work smarter not harder."
"Creating meaningful connections with people through your work is one of the most gratifying feelings you can have ever."
"I think it’s important for us to love what we do."
"Doing that thing well is a profound source of joy and meaning."
"The value of this company is insane, and I'm honestly proud to be able to work with this company's products."
"If you get joy simply from working, then that's great."
"Make sure you're enjoying yourself. I would never do anything and get paid for it unless I would do it for free."
"You're not doing what you love to do because if you actually are doing what you love to do it never feels like [ __ ] work."
"It's more of like a lifestyle business and it doesn't feel like work you're doing something you're passionate about."
"Do what you love every day and you will never work a day in your life."
"It's so much better it's believe it or not it's an action it's an easier day's work."
"I miss good service, nice friendly... it just be hard nowadays to find people who just like what they do."
"It's not going to feel like the work that you've known. It will feel so easy you're almost not going to want to ever even ask for money for it."
"I've never worked on something as meaningful and compelling as this project."
"Follow your passion first, and when you feel that way, you feel like you have never worked a day in your life."
"The months started to fly by, and even though my work situation wasn't ideal, I was still very happy with my life."
"I don't have to work a job I hate, I don't have to rely on an employer for money or pay raises, and I have location Freedom."
"The caliber of people I work with is the highest."
"I think I like the new tasks, yeah, the new tasks are really fun."
"Having energy, motivation, and avoiding burnout in what we are doing is strongly determined by how much we believe in the work that we are doing and how passionate we are about it."
"Do what you love, and you don't work a day in your life."
"The result: we all enjoy the work that we do because we know that in some small way we're making the world a better place."
"When you love what you do, you never work a day in your life."
"Time tracking and making work feel good are major needle movers for focus."
"If you've got a grin on your face and you're having fun, the job has been done."
"It's difficult knowing if somebody goes home not making a lot of money. You can have a good day at work being a banker and you can have a bad day at work."
"You want to love the macro but you will not love everything you do that is micro."
"What's most important is whether you can be proud of what you do."
"Work with we love for its own sake or because of the results which it brings brings joyous exercise and makes us stronger."
"Winning solves everything. Stuff worked, at least stuff they liked."
"If you love what you do, it doesn't feel like work."
"It's been kind of fun it's just a pleasure to do something that you can uh feel you're more at ease doing you really don't have to think too hard other than just do things right."
"I don't think I've ever had as much fun as working on this."
"You need to like what you're doing or at least you need to like the challenge of what you're doing."
"This is why I love this work. I never know what every day is gonna bring."
"If you don't enjoy what you're doing, don't do it. Self-happiness matters more than money."
"I translate happiness when I'm working. Happiness to me is that number going up, that positive reinforcement."
"I feel like success is very relative... if you're passionate about something and you're working hard, it almost doesn't feel like work."
"Work is better when you don't need the money."
"I like working when I feel like the time that I am spending working is like actually doing something."
"I like the work and the what you do and what you get paid in this business is good... the work to pay ratio is good."
"I feel really good at the moment, work-wise is going really well... I'm just in a really good place, feel very clear-minded if that makes sense."
"If you love something, the work will be just fine."
"There are a lot of people that get up every day and look forward to going to work. Maybe they don't like every aspect of work, but they like work more, at least the idea of work more than the idea of retirement."
"I work harder today than I've ever worked in any job in my entire life and yet it is the most satisfying, gratifying, I wouldn't trade it for the world."
"You're meant to be happier, meant to be fulfilled, satisfied in your work."
"This is one of the projects that really makes me really happy about the work that we're doing."
"Overall I am in high spirits, I'm also in a good mood because I've done a bunch of work."
"If the animator is happy, it's coming out as good as quality as possible."
"I'm happy that I stayed late today because I feel just a big like weight off my shoulders."
"Take it by the flow I'm just glad I make money."
"Quality means being satisfied with your work and using everything in your possession for the tools to create the best thing you could possibly do."
"If we do what we love, we will never work a single day in our life."
"I'm really proud of the work that we did on the van."
"If you're not finding the joy in the project then put it aside."
"For me now like cruising altitude is loving what I do being really efficient with it."
"Has that ever happened to you before? You work on something, put heart and soul into it, then at the end, it turns out even better than you could possibly imagine? Is very nice feeling, yes?"
"Virtually all our satisfactions and rewards will come not from our leisure, but from our work."
"I would always go with your passion because it can be soul-destroying when you're doing a nine-to-five that you actually hate."
"I want to be able to do something different. It's not what I'm passionate about. I want to do something that I enjoy in life, escape the nine to five lifestyle, you know?"
"Tenth Lord in the fourth house: you get fulfillment, inner bliss from your work."
"The secret to doing a job like this is be 100% happy with everything you do."
"It's a kind of exhaustion that you just come home fulfilled because we ran it hard."
"Finishing up a product doesn't feel like a chore. Instead, it feels kind of exciting."
"You can't burn out if you're doing something you love."
"The feeling of being well used is a wonderful feeling."
"I sleep well at night, and I still get paid."
"If I can go through life feeling good about the work that we're doing that is positively impacting people all around the world while generating millions of dollars a year in Revenue, that would be the best place to be in."
"I feel proud of the work that I've done today feeling a little bit less anxious about it now."
"Ridiculous stuff like this makes all the work worth it."
"There's joy in just actually doing good work."
"Getting paid is just the added bonus. You breathe for a living."
"I feel so much more productive."
"this productivity boom is all about uh making us smarter faster you know think faster and get information faster and that's something that um just makes people better at their work and enjoy it more..."
"I feel like work doesn't have to be miserable. Work doesn't have to be suffering and struggle."
"It's been the most fun thing I ever worked on."
"It was real joy what we did when we came to work every day."
"Life is better when you don't argue. When you work together, that's... I'm enjoying my work a lot more now. I'm enjoying the Queensbury stuff. I mean, I'm loving the 5v5."
"Sitting on the job, servers here are all talked down to or disrespected, people just don't feel appreciated."
"If you find a job that you love, you really don't have to work anymore."
"I love the feeling. I love what I'm doing."
"Who's laughing now? I get to wake up every single [ __ ] morning while these people are going to an 8 to 4 job, 9 to 5 job that they absolutely hate."
"I want to talk about how you can engineer your life so that you get to avoid those situations and be in ones where work is actually good and you want more of it."
"I feel really happy I've had this time to dedicate to it, and that is definitely the most fulfilling part of my work at the moment."
"Is there anything at all amusing or pleasurable about the work you do? Yes, yes, yes!"
"It is an amazing thing when you walk into work and you're like, 'You know what? I got enough money to quit this job today, pay my bills for two months.'"
"I've never worked a day in my life because I would have been doing it anyways."
"Every single day I feel fulfillment in what I do, work is a highlight for me."
"She loved driving the excavator, loved making broken things whole again, loved seeing the mess get cleaned up."
"I'm so proud of the work that we've done."
"The person who wearies himself from work feels a constant joy, a spiritual joy."
"I love this company, and I enjoy working among people."
"Imagine, ladies and gentlemen, if every day when you go to work, you wake up before the alarm because you're excited about what you're doing."
"The desire for satisfaction in work and the desire to create things of value to the community is not necessarily a dilemma."
"This is very satisfying to see that work."
"I love going to work, I loved working with the people."
"I'm grateful that I get to do this work, alhamdulillah."
"You see the fruits of your labor immediately when you're done, it's super important to see that, it's rewarding."
"Tonight was one of the best shifts I've had at my current restaurant."
"I don't see this as work; it gives me energy."
"This is always my favorite part of any job, seeing how neat the previous installers have left the board."
"I love what I get to do; it's a blast."
"We really want to enable people to do fewer boring things and focus on the things that are most interesting and the highest value."
"What am I so interested in that even if I didn't get paid, would I be thrilled to do? I could genuinely say I love my work."
"...there's no more way to just get feeling good about your work than to show something that you really love with passion and in a way that makes a lot of people glad they're with you."
"Work shouldn't be work; it should be your passion."
"I want this job because I am passionate about this type of work, meaning I will get plenty of job satisfaction."
"If you like what you do, you never work a day in your life."
"Once you make that connection that you can love your work and it can be in line with your passions... you can't unsee it."
"It's okay to feel irrelevant if you're like proud of your work."
"The princess found such joy in her work that she wished she could share it."
"Work for joy and not for necessity."
"My friend said, 'Do you like your work?' and I said, 'I love it.'"
"I'm never sad to come back home to work, I'm always really excited."
"You got to have fun because you don't make a lot of money."
"If you can get a sense of mission and meaning for people in their work, it's incredibly strong and it's much stronger than money."
"When you're doing something you love, you never work a day in your life."
"The main part is to enjoy what you're doing."
"He never worked a day in his life because he was doing something that he loved."
"I work to get here, and I'm happy to do what I do, and I love to do what I do."
"It's quite nice and actually feels super slick and rewarding to work with."
"I've really enjoyed working through this with you."
"There's nothing wrong with ideally in a world where somebody goes to work for Marvel and they're happy, they're healthy, they have good work-life balance."
"We got paid to go to work and laugh and do smart and entertain people."
"What's great about working with your friends and doing what we do is my life is full of blessings."
"I loved working with this so much, and it was really different from anything else I've worked with before."
"There's a joy in working and then there's a joy of doing something you love."
"Independent contractors often report being happier than their regularly employed counterparts."
"If you love what you do, it's not work."
"It's a kind of eternal theme; it's got appeal to anyone who's doing a job which they can't stand really."
"Productivity seems much higher; I don't have 45 minute builds anymore."
"It feels so good to start working on that again."
"It's just a pleasure to work with, and part of it is it's been designed for that."
"If you do something you enjoy, you'll never have to work a day in your life."
"You know, it's like such a kind of wonderful experience to go in every day and work with your friends and make something that you're proud of."
"We're free to enjoy the work that we're doing while we're doing it and to enjoy it when we play it back for ourselves."
"I would rather sustain myself on my art than have to go to work every day and be miserable."
"Work is a joy, and enjoy while you can."
"Clean code will enable developers to have a better life, to do Collective ownership of code, to not work on low level tasks but more to work on more added value tasks."
"If you do something you love every day, you'll never work a day in your life."
"There's nothing better than working with brands that you know you're going to use and you're going to love."
"We really loved that work, we loved being with our brothers and sisters."
"When people go to work, they feel good; their health is better; their kids do better in school."
"It's not work if you're doing what you love."
"Now I'm only doing things I really enjoy."
"We just happen to be earning some income along the way."
"I'm just feeling very good actually, working, I'm in a good mood."
"That feeling of focus and flow and joy that you get when you're delivering amazing things for your users and your customers."
"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word—excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it."
"If you're doing what you love, you won't work a day."
"I don't jump out of bed and can't wait to get here every day, but I like it when I get here. I enjoy what I do."
"You can have a good state of busyness."
"The simple act of working so close to nature... is inspiring for them on its own."
"What if we could ship and not feel terrible about our code at the same time?"
"It's the best thing about the work that we do, when you see other people enjoying it."
"It's really fun for us as installers to use this product."
"It's been really enjoyable to work like this."
"It's a delight to work with so many talented people."
"We might end up in a future where everybody can do the work they love because we've got algorithms and robots to help us."
"We have a lot of fun doing what we do, and we're pretty thankful."
"Finding rewarding work has been something that's been very helpful for me."
"Every day that my dad came to work, he came home and he was happy and he was fulfilled."
"Inner work life is what's going to drive your productivity and your engagement."
"Enjoying the fruits of your labor is as important as enjoying the pains of your labor."
"Legitimately one of the best companies I've had the pleasure to be involved with and work for."
"I'm happy to work alongside them."
"If you have no control over your work or low control, it disrupts your ability to create meaning out of your work."
"Making progress in meaningful work is the key to satisfaction at work."
"It's a lovely job this one, inside it's slightly rainy today so you know we've really the best place we can be."
"If that were my commute, folks, I'd be happy too, so well done to that lady trooper for being so optimistic on a Monday morning."
"I'm doing work that I absolutely love that affords me the lifestyle that I want to live and that allows me to have full control over my schedule."
"I loved working and living in Calgary."
"I love when I have work days like this."
"Employee engagement is an individual's involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for work."