
Einstein Quotes

There are 386 quotes

"Einstein believed that love is actually the force that shapes the universe because it is like gravity, it attracts people."
"Einstein himself didn't think [gravitational waves] could be measured."
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - ALBERT EINSTEIN, On Science
"Quantum entanglement is the weirdest aspect of quantum mechanics because it even Einstein didn't like it, he called it spooky action at a distance."
"If Einstein had not put forth general relativity in 1915, it might have been a very long time before someone else would."
"The basic idea is that Einstein had this dream of a unified theory that would put our understanding of everything into a single theoretical framework."
"Even Einstein's bad ideas turn out to be good if you wait long enough."
"Einstein's general theory of relativity is this idea that space can be curved."
"Matter itself is a form of energy, according to the most famous equation of all time, Einstein's E = mc^2."
"The beginning of everything in Einstein's theories was the idea that the speed of light is the same for everybody."
"Albert Einstein said for us who took in Faraday's ideas so to speak with our mother's milk, it is hard to appreciate their greatness and audacity."
"Einstein said that you can't solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that it was created."
"Einstein believed smaller objects are not pulled on by more massive objects, but instead, the objects are being pushed down by the space above them."
"It was the great Albert Einstein who once said, 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'"
"Einstein said, 'No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.'"
"In Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, gravity can actually be repulsive."
"Einstein believed that quantum mechanics was only a provisional theory, one that would ultimately be replaced by a deeper understanding that would not rely on probabilities."
"Einstein called this strange quantum connection 'spooky action at a distance,' and it troubled him deeply."
"To move under the influence of gravity according to Einstein is to surf the warps and curves in space-time."
"Someone once asked Einstein what it's like to be a genius. He said, 'I don't know, ask Nikola Tesla.'"
"In order to keep the speed of light a constant, Einstein's theory implied that time and space have to bend."
"Detecting the first gravitational waves... the long overdue confirmation of an element of Einstein's theory of relativity."
"Einstein would subsequently abandon his model of a static universe, and would later refer to it as the 'biggest blunder' of his career."
"Albert Einstein calls compound interest the eighth wonder of the world."
"Einstein didn't like the idea of it being probabilistic; he wanted there to be certainty in all of this. He once said, 'I like to think that the moon is there even when I'm not looking at it.'"
"Ultimately, Einstein famously disavowed the cosmological constant, calling it his biggest blunder."
"We now have confirmation of Einstein's theories for stellar mass black holes and for a four million solar mass black hole and then also for a six and a half billion solar mass black hole."
"Albert Einstein was the 20th century's thinker and its first celebrity scientist."
"Einstein's equation is so simple and yet if it is as universal as it seems to be, it's tapping into a deep fundamental truth of reality."
"Einstein's general theory of relativity... revolutionized our understanding of the physical universe starting in the 20th century."
"Einstein begins to think about the force of gravity... and he comes to the conclusion that sure, Newton made great progress in understanding the force of gravity, but the law that he gave us... can't really be the full story."
"Einstein realizes there's like a real issue here."
"Einstein sets himself the goal of truly figuring out the mechanism of how gravitational influences are exerted from place to place."
"The happiest thought of his entire life... Einstein realizes that the painter during this descent will not feel his or her weight."
"Einstein, in November of 1915 at a lecture at the Prussian Academy of Science, writes down the final equation... the mathematical way of talking about curvature... and this fella over here is the way you talk about energy and mass."
"As a physicist, I am as amazed today regarding what Einstein found as I was when I first encountered these ideas 30, 40 years ago."
"Einstein's theory works beautifully both in the solar system and in more exotic things like the expanding universe and black holes."
"Einstein lived from 1876 to 1955. He gave us a new framework that supplanted Isaac Newton's framework. It has now been in place for a hundred years, and the fundamental foundation for that is what Einstein called the principle of relativity."
"So that we are led to the more general conclusion that the mass of a body is a measure of its energy content."
"Einstein once famously said there are only two things that might be infinite: space and human stupidity. And he wasn't sure about space."
"Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one." - Albert Einstein
"Because of Einstein's space-time curves, it may be possible to do it across a galaxy in something less than a bazillion years."
"Einstein said about himself, 'When I was a student, I was no Einstein.'"
"Albert Einstein famously called this effect 'spooky action at a distance,' and it's fair to say that remote viewing is a bit spooky."
"Einstein’s general theory of relativity came from asking what were the inevitable implications of simple statements like the equivalence principle and the invariance of the speed of light."
"Einstein says, not so fast. Time is like a river, old man river, that meanders around stars, speeds up, and slows down."
"Einstein got rid of the idea of forces in action at a distance and said, no, mass and energy bend space and time."
"Einstein said compounding is the ninth wonder of the world."
"Instead of just sort of this force acting at a distance, [Einstein] thought of gravity as mass curving space-time."
"Einstein's theory breaks down before the Planck time."
"It’s the prediction that Einstein refused to accept - the idea that two quantum systems can be entangled - bound to each other such that they can influence each other instantaneously over any distance."
"Physics has been about exploring... the overall structure is pretty simple."
"Could you imagine Albert Einstein sitting there and saying, 'You know, we looked at the universe, it's complicated, so we just decided we're gonna leave it'?"
"Einstein expands what Newton knew, he takes what Newton ooh and then makes that region much greater and it continues to endless Road."
"It's truly amazing to see that we're now finally being able to prove Einstein's theories."
"There are lessons to be learned from Einstein."
"Einstein says you can't solve a problem from the same level of intelligence that caused the problem."
"Einstein's theory was not just a minor update of Newton's; it was a complete overhaul, revealing a new way of thinking about gravity."
"Einstein: 'The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.'"
"Einstein's general theory of relativity finally explained the why of gravity."
"Einstein's theory has passed another crucial test, spanning from Horizons to the stars."
"Gravity isn't merely a force, it's geometry." - Einstein's revelation reshaped physics.
"The presence of mass and energy changes the geometry of surrounding space and time." - Einstein's profound insight into gravity.
"While we can still use Newtonian mechanics in our day-to-day lives, Einstein's revolutionary notion of gravity is required to understand the universe."
"From the equivalence principle and one more axiom that the speed of light is constant for all observers, an inevitable chain of reasoning led Einstein to the general theory of relativity."
"No matter what, E equals MC squared is fundamental."
"So much of what we understand about time came from Einstein and his special theory of relativity."
"Peace can only be attained through understanding." - Albert Einstein
"No problem can be solved from the same level of thinking that created it."
"These are the questions we'll address with Einstein's theory of special relativity in the next segment."
"The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
"The medicine of the future will be the medicine of frequencies." - Albert Einstein
"Albert Einstein wanted to be a musician... if he were not a physicist, he would have been a musician."
"Albert Einstein once said we can't solve problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
"Einstein predicted this connection when he linked space and time into one unified space-time."
"Einstein himself said that his equals C squared equation is a direct consequence of Maxwell's law."
"Einstein comes along and gives us a new paradigm in terms of warps and curves in SpaceTime."
"Einstein's theory of gravitation does not rule out the possibility of looping back in time."
"We're trying not to assume the answer as Einstein did 100 years ago when he thought the universe was static."
"Einstein completely upended our understanding of space, time, matter, and energy."
"Einstein said to change society, you have to change people, and to do that, you have to make them want to."
"Einstein's new contribution is to say that the speed of light is 671 million miles per hour relative to anything."
"Einstein found completely counter to experience that clocks in motion tick off time at a slower rate."
"I agree with you, Einstein, round corners make everything look nice."
"Einstein achieved in trying to think these problems through is to really basically understand the idea of quantum entanglement."
"Albert Einstein saw Buddhism not just as a spiritual doctrine but also as a philosophy of life, a comprehensive approach to the universe and human beings, reflecting a harmony between science and spirituality."
"Einstein's gravity model has made a real breakthrough in understanding the physical process taking place in our universe."
"At the Institute, Einstein set to work on his unified field theory."
"Albert Einstein rewrote the laws of physics and changed mankind's understanding of the world."
"Einstein co-pilot is your one unified AI conversational assistant across every Salesforce application."
"But so far it's been impossible to out. Einstein. Einstein. He was a great one."
"Einstein famously said this was the biggest blunder of his career. Blunders like that, I would be happy to have more of them."
"But I'm sorry Einstein called entanglement spooky action a distance."
"We know that in fact Einstein's theory is incomplete, it doesn't even include quantum physics."
"Spirituality and science need not be at odds, as Einstein said: 'Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.'"
"Black holes are surprisingly common in the universe despite Einstein's initial resistance of them even existing."
"They create the mess and then they go in they try to fix it but what Einstein said, 'Remember the same mind that has created the problem cannot solve it.'"
"It's as though it looks like magic and it is in a way a sort of magic because it's what leads to Einstein's conception that gravity could be an aspect of the geometry of space and time."
"Einstein was able to show that Einstein's general relativity theory is right and a revolution in science has been accomplished."
"Chaplin said, 'The reason they all love me is because they understand everything I do, and the reason they love you is that they don't understand anything you do. Can you explain that?' And Einstein said..."
"Einstein spent the last 30 years of his life chasing after the god equation, an equation perhaps no more than one inch long that would allow us to 'read the mind of God'."
"Gravity: Using simple thought experiments, Albert Einstein made an astonishing discovery: time and space are shaped by matter."
"General relativity is undoubtedly one of the greatest scientific theories ever conceived."
"Einstein had a magical talent. He could take a hard, physical problem and boil it down to a powerful visual image, a thought experiment."
"For Einstein, after getting that compass, he developed a lifelong devotion to understanding how things can be forced to move even though nothing's touching them."
"I think the most important thing that you learn from Einstein is just the power of an idea. If it's correct, you know, it's just unstoppable. It's extremely encouraging that he was able with pure thought to solve the riddle of the universe."
"I prefer to quote Einstein instead education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think."
"Einstein co-pilot is an entirely new paradigm for Salesforce, embedded right into the flow of work."
"In Einstein's vision, the curvature of space and time is what exerts influence, causing objects to move in the trajectories that they do."
"...Einstein's theory of general relativity was tested as predicted the light of a star behind the Sun was bent."
"The public is waiting for the next Einstein, they are ready to live through an amazing historical time in physics and they think string theory is going to do that for them."
"Einstein laid it down like crazy boots. Yeah, nerds do."
"It seems to be exactly as Einstein worried about, that you measure something here and then there's spooky action at a distance, and that seems to affect the measurement outcomes far away."
"It's called gravitational lensing, a phenomenon that was predicted by Einstein over a hundred years ago."
"Einstein said that the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible."
"He might be the smartest in the game since Einstein."
"Einstein’s speed limit doesn’t directly say that nothing can travel faster than light."
"Einstein really didn't like this idea... God doesn't play dice."
"Einstein's star contribution was a famous equation that showed how particles moved in waves."
"Einstein's basic equation predicts that in a universe in which matter has a roughly even distribution, space cannot be static."
"Einstein published his complete theory of general relativity. In its finished form, it was nothing less than a new description of the nature of space time matter and gravity."
"In 1915 Einstein writes down his most radical idea: the general theory of relativity."
"Loop quantum gravity is taking Einstein's lesson to the limit."
"Einstein himself looked at his own equation and kind of laughed and said, of course, no one will ever solve this equation for any physically relevant situation."
"Imagine a world where time behaves strangely, where it can slow down or speed up, and where the force that keeps us grounded might not be what it seems; this is the realm of Albert Einstein's theories of Relativity."
"Albert Einstein, a name known to many, gave us a new perspective on the universe with his theories of Relativity; his work laid the foundation for our understanding of how time behaves under different conditions."
"Einstein is always used as a paradigm of this guy thinking alone in his room, and it's not any... None of that is true."
"It's called Einstein's puzzle or the zebra puzzle as it is said to have been invented by Albert Einstein."
"Einstein construed religiousness in the sense of the mysterious."
"Space will be sort of like the surface of a violently boiling pot of water, an image of space that completely is at odds with the image of space that came from Einstein's theory."
"He did get a job in the Patent Office and Bern and in that remarkable summer 1905 wrote five papers that changed the world."
"Some of our biggest leaps in science have involved reimagining the universe... rethinking... Einstein developing special relativity... sitting wondering... a beam of light... radical reimagining... armchair."
"Believe in the god of Einstein: the god of order, simplicity, and elegance."
"Einstein was a moderately distant second and everybody else famous as a scientist a distant third to him."
"From such elementary questions, Einstein produced a fundamental rethinking of the world, a revolution in physics."
"Einstein knew that the universe had a beginning."
"In 1905, Albert Einstein wrote three papers, each of which revolutionized a different area of physics. But the paper I want to tell you about here is a paper about a theory called special relativity."
"Einstein realized that if his theory was correct, Newton's theory of gravity could not be correct. So they couldn't both be right; one of them had to give."
"Einstein's great insight was to realize that empty space isn't this passive thing in which stuff happens; space is dynamic."
"...their art was part of the same great tide of modernist thought that included Einstein and the philosopher Alfred Whitehead."
Einstein's "God does not play dice" statement became famous.
"Einstein couldn't accept the randomness of quantum mechanics."
"Once Einstein came along with special and eventually general relativity we were able to determine essentially that was the huge confirmation that Einstein was incredibly correct and massively insightful."
"Albert Einstein didn't have a normal brain."
"The cosmological constant was born when Einstein first turned his theory to cosmology."
"Einstein's theory of general relativity provided a new and more complete understanding of the nature of the universe."
"Einstein embraced the idea of the expansion of the universe."
"Albert Einstein: 'When I was a boy, I pretended to be a great scientist. I loved school but my life at home was hard.'"
"It then follows that space-time must follow Einstein's equations for general relativity."
"Einstein’s theory says if you lose mass, you gain energy."
"Which renowned scientist is famous for developing the theory of relativity? The answer is Albert Einstein."
"According to Einstein, gravity is a geometric curvature of a four-dimensional time-space."
"Einstein was a great believer in democracy."
"Einstein explained his theory of relativity to me for two weeks."
"Einstein got incredibly famous after that happened."
"This wouldn't work without what Einstein came up with in 1905."
"After eight incredible years of labor, Einstein came up with something better."
"I am convinced that he is not playing dice."
"Albert Einstein said you can't solve a problem with the same level of thinking you were at when you created the problem."
"The world is endlessly curious about geniuses, and Albert Einstein was one of them."
"Einstein had a very different way of looking at things."
"I'm an Einsteinian; I always believe in relativity."
"Einstein's general theory of relativity, when appropriately combined with quantum mechanics, will do that for you."
"The great Albert Einstein once said that the power of compounding is the eighth wonder of the world."
"The genius of Einstein was to say, 'I can make them consistent if I make space and time relative.'"
"Time is one of our deepest feelings and thoughts, and the idea of a common time common to everybody was what was changed by Einstein."
"Albert Einstein described gravity as a curvature of space and actually a curvature of time as well."
"Einstein called it the eighth wonder of the world."
"In the weak field limit, Einstein field equations exactly reproduce the Newtonian equation for the gravitational potential."
"Einstein's insight was that when something falls, it no longer feels the pull of gravity. In fact, falling is like floating in empty space."
"It's like Einstein saying, 'It's as simple as possible, but no simpler.'"
"Compounding truly is what Einstein said it wonder of the world."
"Einstein's quantum hypothesis is probably among the most remarkable thought constructions ever."
"For Einstein, the central problem of the quanta was that they could be entangled and therefore function as a unified whole across limitless distances of space and time."
"Einstein's variable speed of light approach and maybe his first idea was the best one."
"Albert Einstein himself has revealed that music has been the driving force behind most of his scientific inventions and discoveries."
"Einstein's lost key: How we overlooked the best idea of the 20th century."
"Einstein said never memorize anything that you can look up. Save room for other thoughts to have in your head."
"Lasers, GPS, the internet, all that use things near the speed of light, and then Einstein's theory, not Newton's theory, is used in high tech work."
"This is a photograph of Einstein's office on the day that he died; it shows an untouched office exactly how he left it."
"This is what Einstein showed that changed physics forever, his most influential legacy."
"Einstein famously said only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe."
"Hydrogen turns into helium; that missing mass gives you energy by Einstein's famous E=mc²."
"Einstein shows us that time is far more flexible than we would have thought."
"Einstein wrote, 'Quantum mechanics is very impressive. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory produces a good deal but hardly brings us closer to the secret of the Old One. I am at all events convinced that He does not play dice.'"
"The universe had to be doing what Einstein said it was supposed to be doing, not exactly, but really there's not that much wiggle room."
"Albert Einstein famously said, 'If you want to know the future, look at the past.'"
"We know everything changed after Einstein."
"Albert Einstein was the first one that realized the empty space is not really nothing."
"General relativity is locally indistinguishable from special relativity."
"Einstein's key physical insight... really saved the day."
"Gravitational waves were first predicted by Einstein in 1916, and they were discovered here in 2015."
"Spooky action at a distance actually obtained just as Einstein said it had to for quantum indeterminacy to be right."
"Even Einstein himself famously said that God does not play dice with the universe."
"Einstein gave us the answer: it's m c squared."
"Celtic lasted the war to continue civilian service through the 1920s, even bringing Einstein back to Europe after his horrendously strenuous, as he called it, first tour of America."
"To Einstein, time is a fourth dimension beyond length, width, and height."
"In many ways these modern theories have very little in common with those explored by Einstein during his lifetime, but in spirit, they're really trying to answer the same kinds of questions."
"Warps and curves in the fabric of space and time are Einstein's proposal for how gravity works."
"The differential equations of gravitation... are in agreement with the magnificent theory of general relativity established by Einstein."