
Cosmos Quotes

There are 1996 quotes

"We are team space. We are here to cheer on everyone going and exploring the cosmos."
"Are we alone in this vast cosmic desert just flying through space?"
"One thing is for sure. There are thousands, hundreds of thousands of people that believe that we come from the stars."
"We are made of star stuff...we are, by reasoning, one way at least that the universe knows itself."
"Once a symbol of mystery, the Moon is gradually unveiling its secrets, inspiring us to explore further and expand our understanding of the cosmos."
"The truth is up there, hidden among the stars, in a place we call... The Universe."
"We're just a tiny speck in the grand cosmic scale."
"We're made of star stuff. Carl Sagan got it right."
"We are conscious participators in the ongoing evolution of a deep and vital cosmos, in which we rediscover ourselves in a universe which is once again alive and a part of us."
"We are part of something much, much bigger than ourselves."
"Minds are containers of possibility... even the mind underlying the cosmos."
"The universe is not just the mindless gyrations of atoms and molecules. Get rid of that illusion... and realize that all of this is just part of this great dance of the cosmos."
"This great dance of Shiva... you're not an aloof spectator watching this dance; you're part of the cosmos."
"I am a believer in Plato's grand vision of creation...life in the cosmos is the rule rather than the exception."
"The cosmos seems to be attempting to become aware of itself."
"We fallen children of the stars shall beam with brilliance once again."
"We want to know the cosmos and realize that we don't know everything and pursue truth in nature to find out nature's rules so that we know where we fit in in the great scheme of things."
"Releasing the need to control allows the universe to do its job."
"The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself."
"We humans have again and again underestimated not only the size of our cosmos but equally importantly we've repeatedly underestimated the power of our human minds to understand our cosmos."
"In the vastness of the cosmos, our planet is but a speck of dust, yet it's home to a species capable of understanding the universe itself."
"The future, both of the cosmos and of the study of the cosmos, lies not just in discovering new horizons, but in understanding the very fabric of the universe itself."
"To discover extraterrestrial life, to find out that we're not alone in the cosmos, would be one of the biggest, if not the single biggest, discovery of all time."
"These sages, which traverse back and forth, are trying to access the larger order of the universe."
"Personal agency is fundamental to the cosmos and it opens up the possibility that there could be a good answer to that question of meaning and purpose."
"The creator of Heaven and Earth... the vastness of the cosmos, the infinite nature of the heavens."
"The galaxy can fend for itself or be devoured. Either way, we're gonna be just fine."
"We often look up at the stars and ask, 'If the Universe is so big and ancient, why aren't there big and ancient civilizations spanning the galaxy?'"
"The entire cosmos is suffused with sentience. We are surrounded and immersed in consciousness."
"At night, the sky would be this majestic open space filled with glittering gems of amazing bits of this cosmos we live in."
"I'm happy to report that there's an appetite for the cosmos out there."
"The future of the cosmos is still a mystery to physicists; it is dependent on our ability to accurately quantify the characteristics of dark energy."
"Used well the anthropic principle gives us a deep perspective on our place in the cosmos, and can also be a powerful, albeit slippery scientific tool."
"You stare into the center of this void, a cosmic eye staring back at you. And it's the emptiest thing you've ever seen."
"The universe itself is expanding, a fact that underscores the dynamic and ever-changing nature of our cosmos."
"We are literally stardust that achieved consciousness to contemplate the extent of the universe in which we live."
"I am the cosmos embodied, and that is a truth."
"The cosmos is doing well right now, and galaxies are creating favorable conditions for life to exist."
"Gravity pulled the particles together, eventually creating the first stars and lighting up the cosmos."
"Look at the night sky. What are you having to laugh?... Of course, it exists. It's just a case of what is it, whether it's benevolent or malevolent."
"Black holes, quasars, gravitational lensing—really juicy, tasty cosmic things, all of which will kill you if you come in the vicinity of them."
"Of all the objects in the cosmos, planets, stars, galaxies, none are as strange, mysterious, or powerful as black holes."
"It's the intersection of cosmic knowledge and cosmic ignorance that is the moving frontier of cosmic discovery."
"She who understands music will understand the cosmos."
"Thoughts are electromagnetic signals emitted by the cosmos, downloaded into the brain, and interpreted by the brain, and used by the mind in order to manifest physical reality."
"In the symphony of the cosmos, each soul has its part to play."
"The numbers that describe the time horizons of our universe are incomprehensible, yet they may well be relatively insignificant in the grand scheme of things."
"His last words serve as a testament to this, a legacy that invites each one of us to contemplate our place in the cosmos, our power to shape our future, and our responsibility to do so with wisdom, humility, and a deep respect for all life."
"The universe is full of amazing and wonderful worlds."
"The most beautiful experiences I've had is when I laid in bed and went off into the Stars."
"The age of the universe reminds us of the incredible beauty and wonder of the cosmos."
"I think there's magic in that. I think it's wondrous to think that in the greater cosmos billions and billions of light years with billions and trillions of stars and planets that we're all part of this interesting cosmic neighborhood."
"You are like the cosmos in a physical body. You are the summation of the whole universe."
"What if intelligent life is so rare that we never contacted?"
"The Son of God is not crucified afresh on planet after planet throughout millions of galaxies."
"Were we to do so, it would make us feel less alone in the cosmos."
"Think about the vast infiniteness of the Universe!"
"Given the sheer size of the cosmos and the fact the primary ingredients of life such as carbon are in such abundance, it seems far more likely there are aliens out there than not."
"The universe is massive, and many people can't wrap their head around this."
"When focus is key, even infinity might not be enough to capture the clarity of the cosmos."
"Every photograph a story, every star a character in the grand drama of the cosmos."
"Looking into the distance means looking into the past."
"Lots of intelligent beings are throughout our cosmos."
"Consciousness pervades nature and the entire cosmos."
"Next time you take life too seriously, just think about the Hercules Corona Great Wall and think again."
"Whether through scientific inquiry, philosophical contemplation, or the integration of diverse perspectives, we are driven by an insatiable curiosity to unravel the secrets of our Cosmic Origins."
"If you can start to break the small gears in the machine of the cosmos, some of the larger gears will follow suit."
"The deeper NASA looks into space, the more astonishing our cosmos becomes."
"With each observation through these telescopes, we've witnessed the birth and death of stars, marveled at the intricate dance of galaxies, and unraveled the mysteries of black holes."
"The fabric of reality remains constant, unaffected by the passage of time. It invites us to reimagine the nature of reality itself, where the eternal cosmos encompasses all possibilities."
"The evolution of consciousness and the cosmos are the same sort of thing."
"These stones tell a story of people who paid attention to the cosmos."
"Our destiny is not just Earth, it's the whole Cosmos."
"To really get into the intricacies and the Deep Secrets of the cosmos you have to understand the Christ, there's no way around it."
"The wind that we hear... connecting the three heavens."
"We are insignificant moments in the cosmic sphere, and the universe existed long before us and will exist long after us."
"The universe is ever expanding, so I think nothing is ever out of the cards."
"The love that moves the Sun and the other stars."
"All knowledge is possible for anyone and the cosmos gives it to him who asks."
"So our Venus, all the planets, all of them are inhabited but they are in the realm of dark matter and dark energy which our quantum physicists are finally learning about."
"We all came from stars, will return to Stardust. Do not forget this."
"The cosmos are incredibly nice okay they're not always how to get you you're here so that you can evolve yourself and so that you can transform and be able to get to that next level of consciousness."
"Galactic Methuselah: There is a new front runner, experts have discovered the most distant structure in the cosmos ever observed."
"Everything in the cosmos is conspiring to provide you plenty. Everything you have ever wanted and more is going to come your way very soon."
"As we move through that Galaxy, the propensity of those energies also increases."
"That's the ultimate goal for me, just making everything I can to help encourage and lift up those that are pursuing the cosmos."
"You're a child of the cosmos and you're actually here to play."
"The question 'Is there anyone out there?' arises because the entire Cosmos is filled with worlds, and we are becoming better listeners."
"Know that you are made of Starlight Stardust and you have a connection to Nature and the universe."
"Some form of alien life has to be out there."
"People who are interested in understanding the mysteries of the cosmos... you're going to find some amazing people to hang out with."
"We live in a vast galaxy with a lot of unanswered questions."
"Aquarius also reminds us we're not alone in the solar system nor in the galaxy."
"His unyielding Quest propels him across the cosmos..."
"Humanity's triumphs shine brighter than the darkest of cosmic voids."
"There may be millions of stars in the cosmic Goldilocks zone where conditions are just suitable for life."
"Ancient builders had a deep connection with the cosmos, linking Heaven and Earth through their constructions."
"The concepts of microcosm and macrocosm represent an ancient philosophical Theory formulated to explain Humanity's place and role in the cosmos."
"The sea of stars, where every crevice is filled with light."
"We have been able to study the universe in unprecedented detail."
"Our current astronomical observation data do not allow us to determine the shape of the cosmos."
"Embrace The Whispers of the cosmos for they are The Echoes of your Cosmic proficiency, a testament to your evolving connection with the boundless intelligence that weaves the tapestry of existence."
"The Jerusalem incident serves as a reminder of Humanity's enduring curiosity about the cosmos and the possibility of encountering other intelligent life beyond Earth."
"We're like a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."
"The end of greatness... acknowledges the enormity and diversity of the cosmos."
"For what it's worth, the universe waits. Halfway, the half the universe away, you know, to the half that remains, the universe is a better place."
"The universe is a pretty big place, so if it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space."
"The great mystery surrounding unidentified flying objects aliens and the Enigma that is the cosmos continues to spark debate and conversation."
"Life might not necessarily rely on atoms and molecules but could be intricately interwoven with the very fabric of the cosmos."
"The universe is orderly because God is a God of order, not confusion."
"The JWST: unveiling the mysteries of the cosmos."
"It all just means that we're part of some bigger scripted thing happening with the universe."
"I'm all up in the cosmos, am I the ill that you heard, bro? I thought so."
"The most dramatic elicitor of feelings of smallest and insignificance... you can celebrate the fact that my molecules are up there and that we all came from stars."
"You're actually getting little glimpses of all new planets, all new worlds around the cosmos."
"The movement towards understanding the cosmos and spiritual hierarchies requires internal development, not waiting for external validation or disclosure."
"We're dealing with a loving Cosmos, built upon intelligent, conscious energy."
"Imagine a place where the stars stop twinkling and galaxies decide to call it quits. What secrets could be lurking beyond this newfound boundary? Are we on the brink of unraveling the greatest cosmic mystery?"
"We live in an infinite Universe. There has to be something out there."
"It's essentially a diamond star. It's the Liberace of the cosmos."
"Your body is star stuff that has learned to self-regulate itself."
"It's not exactly difficult for it to happen and that life in the universe should be pretty widespread."
"I think there's a twin of Earth out there in space."
"Death by gender reveal or death by atomic wedgie, good grief."
"The universe is an infinite multi-dimensional system of fractal patterns."
"Our whole universe could be considered as essentially a projection of cosmic mind."
"There's no separation within our universe, there is only differentiation and therefore relationship."
"The unquenchable fire of the stars - this expedition at least promises success."
"Events are transpiring in the cosmos that even many of your political leaders have no idea of."
"This is a spiritual Universe animated by love."
"The universe is going to yell at you from weird angles."
"The universe was the great man and man was the little universe."
"Eventually buildings give way to the incredible vista of stars hanging out in the endless sky."
"This one is triggering for you the awareness of where you sit in the cosmos."
"We're each a drop of the sea of the consciousness of the cosmos."
"Perhaps impermanence is the true most frightening aspect of the cosmos."
"As above, so below; that we are connected to the cosmos, that it is part of our heritage."
"We are all students; the Earth is a school of the cosmos."
"The sun set, the tide set, the moon and stars came out."
"We are just one of these 300 billion quarters floating around in this massive sea of stars and planets."
"Each of us are here for a short time, enjoying our unique journey through the cosmos, and when we're done here, we'll be going back to the source, the greater you from once you came."
"We are all made of Stardust; we are a way for the universe to know itself."
"We are cosmic expressions of the whole."
"Energy is not merely a concept or a scientific phenomenon; it is the very fabric of reality, permeating every aspect of the cosmos."
"It's beautiful, it's leaving it to the cosmos to sort it out."
"We're all part of the same universe, we're all connected."
"Discovering the nature of the universe, the harmonic ratios of the cosmos."
"When I think of cosmic dreams, I think of galaxy, universe, aliens, futuristic vibes."
"The cosmos aligning in a rare wonder, a total solar eclipse."
"We're all connected to everything."
"...we're gonna keep coming back each month and studying it and just marveling at the amazing ways in which the universe and the cosmos and the planets move in tandem with humanity..."
"Once Upon a Time deep in the vast expanse of the cosmos..."
"Each one of us is a whole and we bear the entire divinity of the entire cosmos within each of us. We are a part, and we are whole."
"I have a vision to fly away with you to the stars."
"Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once a part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving; maybe I'm going home."
"The rest of the universe is expanding, a hundred percent zero unaffected."
"Space, the vast mysterious cradle of existence."
"The physical world which we live in is only part of an inconceivable vast system of worlds."
"The stars above shone down on us as if I was looking at the cosmos itself."
"History has shown that with every little bit of progress, we've learned huge, surprising things about our cosmos."
"Through sound, we can vibrate the cosmos."
"If we're going to extract the resources of this planet, let's do so in such a way that what we're doing is implementing the transcendence of human culture into the cosmos itself."
"Science addresses really what it does at its best is force us to reassess our place in the cosmos."
"The book of life is all around us, the consciousness of the cosmos whispers to us in the wind and speaks to us in the patterns on the earth and in the movement of the stars and planets."
"I absolutely believe that there is intelligent life out there."
"Enduring the myriad of risks is a small price to pay for the chance to witness the Wonder of the cosmos in person."
"It's just being thrown straight into the middle of the cosmos."
"For millennia, humanity has turned its gaze to the stars for inspiration."
"Hubble produced some of our most spectacular and iconic images of the cosmos."
"It made him instantly a citizen of the cosmos rather than the citizen of a nation or a state."
"Everything in this cosmos is moving purposefully, meaningfully."
"Humanity has left its mark on the cosmos."
"Our cosmos awaits the new day when we too are reborn, when all the cosmos is regenerated."
"Outer intention is all about linking yourself up with the will of the cosmos and manifesting things that are relevant for you."
"In a changing cosmos, astrology persists, reminding us of our connection to the stars."
"By doing these exercises, you would be able to better connect with the nakshatra for the day and with the cosmos."
"These colossal formations... affect the gravitational balance of the cosmos."
"The universe is absolutely uniform in all directions."
"It's the only thing in existence that gave us some picture of what we were even doing outside of us."
"Once you learn your role, then it's on you to you be responsible for yourself, to be responsible for your role in the cosmos and live it up to the best you possibly can."
"The cosmos is Logos in many ways."
"You are a child of the cosmos, plant seeds of intention and be the light."
"As we contemplate the cosmic Destiny of atoms, a notable portion embarks on an extraordinary Journey beyond the conf of our solar system, drifting amidst the stars and venturing into the vastness of the cosmos."
"I believe these are things that are absolutely essential to our understanding of the universe, of the cosmos, and of life, and they've been dismissed from discourse by science, not out of malice, but out of a very good principle."
"The Creator can activate or actualize one sephirah concomitantly throughout every nook and cranny of the cosmos."
"Astrology is just a richly designed tool for having that conversation with the cosmos and being able to speak back to the cosmos."
"The cosmos is within us. We are made of star stuff."
"The universe contains billions of galaxies."
"The fundamental logic of the cosmos is relationship."
"The awareness of the powers of nature, the dtic sense of a living Cosmos."
"A dark shadow began to stir in the depths of the cosmos."
"There’s a level of spirituality here with Bloom’s appreciation for the Omega Dimension; an idea of all things being inherently connected within the cosmos, that I’m utterly obsessed with."
"Kubrick interviewed about this film made the statement of optimism regarding the terrifying vastness and indifference of the cosmos: 'However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.'"
"The size and age of the cosmos are beyond ordinary human understanding."
"Our future depends powerfully on how well we understand this cosmos."
"The universe is too big to contain itself."
"Experience the allure of the cosmos on your wrist with the Interstellar Lunar 1622 watch, capturing elegance and mystery."
"The whole cosmos is unfolding like a rose around it."
"Know ye not, o man, that all space is ordered? Only by order are ye one with the all."
"The cosmos is a vast and pitiless void."