
Human Curiosity Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"Something about our desire to not be alone keeps pushing us forward in the search for life."
"The crypt stands as a testament to the enduring power of human curiosity and the belief in the continuity of civilization across time."
"In a world where the mysteries of space have always captivated our imagination, a recent event has once again ignited our curiosity about the moon."
"This book is designed around questions, whether or not we have answers to them because these are questions that we've carried with us in civilization forever."
"The explorers of the 21st century will travel through our solar system and set foot on an alien planet."
"Since time immemorial, humankind has looked to the stars. The universe has always been a source of fascination and of mystery."
"One of the great questions facing the human species is just what the nature of our universe is: why is it here, how did it come to be, what's going to happen to it in the future."
"Each discovery, every revelation, serves as a testament to our unyielding quest for knowledge and our unwavering determination to uncover the wonders beneath the surface of our world."
"The deep blue sea is an awe-inspiring place, and for centuries, us humans have speculated what insane and awe-inspiring creatures could be deep dwelling at the bottom of the ocean floor."
"Space, the final frontier. And when it comes to discovering the impossible, it seems that our species' best chance of finding evidence of alien life may occur in our very own solar system."
"We have uncovered wonders undreamed by our ancestors who first speculated on the nature of those wandering lights in the night sky."
"If they wrote on a button 'Do not press this button or it will destroy the universe,' the paint would not be dry before a human being had slapped the button."
"Since the dawn of time, humans have been obsessed with the idea that there's something more than this."
"Throughout history, great men and women have attempted to explore what exists in our universe."
"Think about the universe from ancient times till now. The best human minds have been struggling to solve its mysteries."
"Building the LHC: A testament to human curiosity and determination."
"It's almost like asking, you know, what's the point of art or music. I think humans have this curiosity of finding what's out there and how does the world around you work."
"From millennia human beings have looked skyward and experienced a total solar eclipse."
"Human beings found out we're not alone, that would be awesome."
"If mystery, then aliens – that's a human way to think about it."
"Earthlings are eager for first contact even if it proves we're not so special."
"Perhaps one day the human race will finally unfold all the answers to these fundamental questions."
"There's just something about going to space that has always been special."
"We really have this urge and this need to... see if there's someone else out there in the dark."
"We're humans and there's something natural about wanting to understand where we came from, how we got here, and even where we're heading."
"Wouldn't it be cool if the actual history of the planet was that aliens came to colonize a perfect solar system?"
"Enoch's travels and the revelations he receives are a testament to the enduring human quest for understanding the mysteries of existence and the divine plan."
"The idea of flight has fascinated mankind for centuries."
"Exploration and discovery throughout recorded history and even in archaeological finds all over the world, humans have never stopped trying to understand their world."
"Someone says, 'What is the meaning of our existence, or why is the universe here?' Those are real questions that real people have right."
"Space is important because that's where all of the really cool and really important science is being done."
"Humans desire to predict and imagine our future, whether that be the prospect of heaven or the demise of our entire planet."
"Humankind's curiosity drives him on and on. We want to penetrate even deeper into the universe to the boundaries of our solar system and beyond."
"He left a very clear message that we are being visited."
"In the grandest of human traditions, he had become curious, asked a question, and learned a new piece of information."
"Part of our nature that we like to understand the world around us."
"Bodies with unusual features or 'freaks' as they were called commanded much higher prices."
"What started as weapons of conflict can develop into vehicles to satisfy man's insatiable craving for an understanding of the universe."
"Space: the final frontier for millions of years mankind has looked upon the stars with wonder marveling at its majesty."
"The fascination with the future is as old as time itself."
"Is there life out there? Are we alone in the universe?"
"For as long as there's been writing mankind has wondered about such questions as where we came from and where we're going."
"Whether or not we're alone in this universe is a question everyone ponders at some point."
"The need to understand how the universe works is fundamental to human nature."
"Space, the final frontier... the point is that since the Homo sapiens crawled out of the gene pool we've been looking upwards trying to figure out what's going on beyond our celestial sphere."
"Curiosity of humanity is the perfect setup for the horror element."
"To say that you have no interest in the possibility of survival of death, I think is to really suppress some part of our humanity."
"Everyone loves a good mystery, the idea that there is more to something that meets the eye..."
"The curiosity of humanity is alive and well and needs to now move into space."
"They offer a fascinating glimpse into the ways in which human curiosity and Imagination continue to engage with ancient Mysteries and the enigmatic realm of unidentified objects."
"The race for Moon exploration it's truly mindboggling to ponder why why we haven't set foot on the moon since 1972."
"We deserve to know our place in the universe."
"The question of whether life exists beyond Earth has fascinated humans for centuries."
"Tom DeLonge's commitment to investigating the mysteries of our universe is a testament to human curiosity."
"For thousands of years human beings have been searching for ways to stay youthful and live longer."
"The idea that humans could learn advanced technology from beings from other planets is both shocking and exciting. It makes us think about what else is out there in space and how learning from aliens could jump-start our own technology."
"The urge to reach out to distant Horizons... seems to be a vital part of what makes us human."
"The voyager's saga continues to be a testament to human exploration and scientific curiosity, defying the limits of time and space."
"There are those who believe that life here is being monitored by life out there, and there are those here that know it is."
"It is a universal drive to understand why we're here."
"Spaceflight has always been one of the many fascinations of humanity."
"To be human is to search for origins and we're fascinated by that question."
"We have this ability, it seems, to ask these questions that lie at the very edge of what's possible."
"People love to imagine that the things they don’t understand."
"Fugal sees the ranch as a sort of living laboratory for verifying that we are not alone in the universe."
"There’s something about lava that just inspires curiosity in humans. There’s so many mysteries surrounding these volcanoes." - Noah Gomes
"People have always been fascinated with the unknown."
"Foreign mysteries are often fascinating because they appeal to our innate curiosity as humans."
"Humans are so funny. Like, why? Like, we can't just like be on the ground and be satisfied. They're like let's see how high we can go, let's see how deep we can plummet."
"I'm optimistic about our capacity to make progress at addressing some of the deep big questions that our species has asked for thousands of years across cultures."
"Fraver's encounter with the Tic Tac UFO represents Humanity's confrontation with the unknown, an Embrace of the enigmatic."
"Imagine the possibilities, a gateway to the gods where mortals could pass through and enter a realm beyond our wildest dreams."
"Why are we going to Mars when we haven't been back to the moon or the deepest depths of our ocean? We're not alone."
"Exploring the unknown isn't always horrifying; sometimes it can be pretty amazing."
"We can hopefully answer the burning questions that have plagued mankind for centuries."
"Humans want to know why things are the way they are in relation to us."
"We are not alone in this universe and we humans deserve to know who is friendly who is neutral and who is unfriendly."
"The Somerton Man's mystery serves as a testament to human fascination with the unknown and the persistent search for truth."
"Every atom in me says humans deserve to know all of the truth about what is happening on our planet."
"All of this is appealing because it is ideas we are walking brains that test the universe that we're in."
"Regardless of individual beliefs, the video highlighted a common human fascination with the Unexplained and a deep desire to find meaning in mysterious occurrences."
"It is the glory of God to hide things, and it is the glory of man to find them."
"We've always wanted to know what lies beyond... that same curiosity could also be brought to bear on the edge of life."
"This isn't just space news my friends; this is the ultimate ongoing story of our curiosity and the things that we do to explore the remarkable universe that surrounds us."
"Curiosity is one of the most important attributes of all humanity."
"Mars has long fascinated humans and since the early 1970s we've actually visited the planet quite regularly."
"Understanding our place in the cosmos is a fundamentally human constant throughout the ages."
"Humans have been forever pondering our place in the universe."
"One of those topics that's fascinated people over the course of the past 3000 years."
"A testament to human curiosity and resilience."
"I find it truly fascinating that we humans, with our small brains... are able to contemplate the entire universe and ponder where we come from and where we're going."
"I think this is pretty incredible. People have been gazing up at the sky for all of human history trying to understand our place in the universe or even just our place in the solar system for that matter."
"I think it's also an ancient question, it's the kind of question people been asking since people have been asking."
"Space is like the final frontier, a massive playground of endless mysteries that have fascinated humans for centuries."
"Mankind has always looked to the Stars."
"They wanted to gain wisdom and knowledge on their own terms."
"In the end, the only way to prove if anybody else is out there, unless they come to us, is to go to them, and that’s just one more reason why we should head out into space."
"If we're made in the image of aliens, one of the things about humans that differentiates us from a lot of animals is the fact that we have this undying curiosity."
"They are witnessing the gropings of a finite mind after the infinite, the search for explanations of the inexplicable."
"It's natural as human beings, we always want to know more... but you have to base your decision and deliberation process on what occurred from actual events."
"At some point, some of our ancestors started going, 'Huh, what if we took a raft and pushed it out in that water and rode out farther than we can see from the shore, would we find something?'"
"We have pondered our place amongst the stars since the dawn of humankind."
"You could fill a library with all the things you don't know. In fact, they do; they call it 'man'."
"Human beings have always been interested in understanding themselves in relation to the whole Cosmos."
"Creation is humanity's ancient and perpetual fascination."
"Across all cultures and people, humans have always had one enduring question: What happens to us after we die?"
"Whether or not we're alone in the universe is surely one of the oldest questions that human beings have ever asked."
"Once upon a cosmic time, some not so humble bipeds on a little blue planet began to imagine the farthest reaches of the cosmos."
"We go because we are destined to explore and see with our own eyes."
"The most important thing that distinguishes humanity from the rest of the fascinating array of animals that populate our world is our clear and deliberate quest for an understanding of how we got here and how the world works."
"The entire complex has captured people's imaginations for millennia."
"Each is responsive to a primitive, permanent, pervasive human curiosity."
"We've always wondered about who we are. We've always wondered about where we're going."
"Whether one embraces these interpretations as a plausible explanation or approaches them with skepticism, they offer a fascinating glimpse into the ways in which human curiosity and imagination continue to engage with ancient mysteries."
"Since the beginning of time, man has searched the earth for evidence of its past."
"Since the dawn of time, humanity has had a fascination with the weird, often making a spectacle out of exploiting and harassing those they deem different."
"The question of whether or not life exists beyond Earth is one of the oldest, most primordial unanswered questions that humanity still has."
"Man must explore, and this is exploration at its greatest."
"If you lived ten thousand or twenty or a hundred thousand years ago and you ain't got nothing to do, you're gonna figure out constellations in the stars."
"The stories these ancient structures tell of humanity's quest to understand the cosmos and our place within it continue to fascinate and inspire."
"Offering a window into the minds of those who built them and a reminder of humanity's eternal fascination with the stars."
"We all crave a supernatural understanding of the world."
"It speaks to the human capacity to want to figure things out."
"I think every human being wants to feel that there is something beyond our existence."
"The mysterious has always preoccupied man; not only that but there is... in a sense everything we don’t know is mysterious."
"What we want and need as human beings is knowledge of the world around us."
"Maybe it's a secret location, maybe it's a place where humankind can find answers to the main questions."
"Imagine that we are travelers from the stars, bound for the Sun."
"Moon was overcome with feelings: exhilaration, wonder, curiosity, shock."
"It's a mystery. Unknown by human minds."
"For millennia, the starry night sky has inspired our ancestors for art, science, religion, philosophy."