
Gravity Quotes

There are 1350 quotes

"The only enemy we have tonight is Earth's gravity. We are fighting against Earth's gravity to break Earth's gravitational bonds and reach out into the stars."
"Gravity offers a way for us not just to see other worlds but to feel what's happening inside them."
"Gravity has to be connected to the other three forces in a quantum regime and I think it is quite likely then that gravity as we know it is some sort of emergent phenomenon."
"Stars get into trouble when it starts to try and fuse iron. This fusion happening in the core of the star serves a very important purpose; it helps the star maintain this very delicate balancing act between the inward press of gravity and the outward press of that fusion."
"He discovered the laws of gravity and it's because of this discovery he even had to invent calculus."
"General relativity...leads us to the next chapter, a very important one on gravity."
"Gravity pulls things together here on Earth. If you jump out the window, with very high confidence, you will fall down, you will not fall up under the force of gravity."
"Gravity is in our universe, quantum mechanics is in our universe; they both, together, somehow should work."
"Gravity is not a conventional force... it is a feature of space-time itself."
"Gravity reflects the curvature of space-time."
"Friends and colleagues, I'm delighted to be here talking to you, giving you a very brief tour on gravity."
"Universality of gravity... a hammer and feather without air resistance should fall at the same rate."
"Gravity is not a force between two objects with mass; instead, gravity is the warping of space and time in the presence of objects with mass."
"The Big Crunch theory believes that the ultimate fate of the universe would be the result of the force of gravity exerted by every body of mass across the universe."
"In Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, gravity can actually be repulsive."
"Quantum mechanics and gravity were compatible, they have to be compatible; the world has both."
"I've always felt that the puzzles of quantum mechanics... would only eventually get solved when we understand the connection with gravity."
"To move under the influence of gravity according to Einstein is to surf the warps and curves in space-time."
"Why doesn't gravity completely win?...It's quantum mechanics that we need to worry about."
"Degeneracy pressure, which you only get from quantum mechanics, is an extra pressure that occurs which pushes outwards and stops gravity from winning."
"Gravity is...a consequence of the curvature of SpaceTime."
"It might teach us new things about gravity because we might simulate this and ask new questions about gravity, experimentally see some gravitational phenomena, and then discover how to theoretically describe them."
"Gravity doesn't fit into quantum field theory."
"Gravity is the warping of time, gravity is manifested by the fact that clocks at different distances from a gravitational source will tick off time at different rates."
"There's a huge puzzle why it was gravity in this very low entropy state, very highly organized state, everything else was all random."
"Gravity may be the observer and the way in which you avoid a Schrödinger's cat problem... whatever gravity field you throw up always pulls back data from a different space."
"Gravity seems to be the sole reason many of these homes are still standing."
"It defied gravity for approximately five minutes, an eternity for those who bore witness, and then in a breathtaking display of otherworldly power, it ascended vertically, piercing through the dense layer of clouds."
"Jupiter's immense gravity not only influences its surroundings but also plays a critical role in the dynamics of our solar system."
"The theoretical inconsistency between quantum theory and gravity is a genuine problem that demands a solution."
"And it is remarkable just how far gravity propagates, and though the Great Attractor was a gravitational mystery for many years, the biggest unsolved mystery is gravity itself."
"Gravity is not a force... It's a feature of space-time itself."
"Gravity is the manifestation of the curvature of space and time."
"The gravitational pull of the Earth forces the scientists into space if they want to experiment under weightless conditions."
"To give you a sense of the impact gravity has on space travel, during the Apollo 11 Mission, reaching Earth's orbit took nearly 27 times the propellant compared to the rest of the journey, including re-entry into Earth."
"Gravity control is the way we will go to space."
"Gravity, space and time are emergent phenomena."
"The new view on gravity has to do with information."
"Reconciling quantum theory and gravity is famously difficult, but each actually throws light on the other."
"The stronger the pull of gravity, the slower the clock ticks."
"Gravity doesn't affect the bullet differently depending on how you're shooting; gravity is always pulling down on the bullet with the same force, no matter which way the bullet's flying."
"Gravity pulled the particles together, eventually creating the first stars and lighting up the cosmos."
"Gravity...is to me so great an absurdity that I believe no man who has in philosophical matters a competent Faculty of thinking can ever fall into it." - Newton
"Newton retreats from Cambridge University, goes to his family's home in the safety of the countryside there, and in solitude, through really the amazing power of his mental faculties and creative ways of thinking about how the world works, he comes up with this law, universal law of gravity."
"Einstein begins to think about the force of gravity... and he comes to the conclusion that sure, Newton made great progress in understanding the force of gravity, but the law that he gave us... can't really be the full story."
"Einstein realizes there's like a real issue here."
"Einstein sets himself the goal of truly figuring out the mechanism of how gravitational influences are exerted from place to place."
"Space itself communicates the influence of gravity."
"The happiest thought of his entire life... Einstein realizes that the painter during this descent will not feel his or her weight."
"Gravity gives rise to this curvature... the moon is seeking out the shortest possible trajectory, what we called geodesics, and that shortest possible trajectory in that curved environment yields the curved paths."
"It's actually the warping of time, not really the warping of space, that's the dominant influence in causing an object to fall."
"The fabric of space, in fact, space-time, curves and it's that curvature that keeps objects in orbit."
"A black hole is a place where gravity has had its ultimate victory."
"The force of gravity is due to this bending of space-time."
"Matter warps space-time, and that warping causes gravity."
"String theory is... the only thing that so far we found that actually consistently brings the quantum world together with the world of gravity."
"The relationship between the radius and the mass of a black hole is very simple... and tells us something deep about the nature of gravity."
"Einstein's general theory of relativity is about gravity or, at least, it provides an explanation for what we experience as gravity."
"Gravity is a very weak force; it has no impact on electrons or quarks or protons or neutrons."
"Gravity seems so familiar and so everyday, and yet it's this incredibly esoteric abstract subject that has shaped the way we view the universe on the largest scales."
"Gravity... has given us the strangest phenomena in the universe like black holes."
"We knew since Einstein that what we call gravity is the effect of the curvature of this space-time continuum."
"Gravity is a rather special force. It's unusual. It has difference in electrical forces, magnetic forces, and it's connected in some way with geometric properties of space, space and time."
"Curvature of spacetime is essentially the same thing as the effect of a real gravitational field. The real effects of gravitational fields are tidal forces."
"What exactly is free fall? Free fall is when the forces acting upon you are exclusively gravitational."
"Planets go around the sun. There's no string, so who is pushing? Who is pulling? Well, it's clear that it must be gravity."
"This discovery was groundbreaking because prior to this scientists believed that the gravity of matter would end up at least slowing the expansion of the universe."
"Everything we do... everything is based on gravity. When it comes right back down to it."
"Gravity sculpts the universe, warps space and time; it's a fundamental force of nature."
"Newton's law of gravity: explaining why objects fall, orbits, and more."
"Gravity shapes our bodies and molds our planet. Nothing happens on Earth without its power and influence."
"Jupiter's gravity is nearly two and a half times stronger than Earth's."
"This is not fun for them. It is an extremely sobering and important thing that we saw happen."
"Gravity does not reach everywhere instantly but is instead restricted by the speed of light."
"Gravity, as amazing as it is, doesn't perform alone in this dance; it shares the spotlight with other forces."
"Exercise is good for us, and very important to maintaining our health in low gravity."
"Gravity hurts. Yup. It's going to be like... when you're in a pool... it's going to feel like."
"A black hole is a region of space and time where gravity is so powerful that nothing in recorded history has been strong enough to escape it." - Inspirational and metaphorical.
"Pandas very much have a one-sided beef with gravity."
"Gravity would make us feel our way differently. If you weighed 150 pounds on Earth, you'd only feel like you weighed about 50 pounds on Mars."
"What you believe will happen reveals what you truly think about the nature of gravity."
"Earth has a bit of a problem with that big gravity well."
"These guys don't even play by the same laws of gravity that we do."
"Einstein's theory was not just a minor update of Newton's; it was a complete overhaul, revealing a new way of thinking about gravity."
"Gravity is a theory of the geometry of space-time."
"Einstein's general theory of relativity finally explained the why of gravity."
"The presence of mass and energy changes the geometry of surrounding space and time." - Einstein's profound insight into gravity.
"Black holes are gravitational monsters which suck in everything around them."
"Gravity is your ally, laws of physics govern speed."
"Maybe gravity is the key to hundreds of thousands of other universes interlocked in a web of creation."
"What struck them was not just the fact that there's this craft here but how bizarre it was to see this thing defying gravity."
"Being on the planet Earth, we are constantly under tension."
"Gravity is not trying to shame anybody, gravity is just [ __ ] gravity." - Alan Robertson
"So this is an attempt to kill a sitting member of Congress for political reasons."
"Gravity, all gravity is, is density. Heavy dense things fall down and light non-dense things rise up."
"Water-rise. No, this footage isn't being played backwards, that's a waterfall flowing upwards."
"Tesla's dynamic theory of gravity sought to revolutionize our understanding of this fundamental force. He maintained that his theory could reconcile gravitational, electromagnetic, and mechanical phenomena into a single unified framework."
"Gravity: the glue that holds our solar system together."
"Interesting story. I've heard a magnetic component to gravity, and once humans understand this, it will be easier for them to manipulate."
"But what if gravity doesn’t obey Newton’s law of gravity?"
"You would feel really strong on Mars due to its lower gravity."
"Any source of gravity... it acts like a lens."
"Space time being this trampoline, and there's a big bowling ball sitting in the center, and it's just weighing it down and the space time around it starts to bend and things start to fall in towards it."
"So it isn’t that you’d expect people to adapt to lower gravity so much as they adapt to changing gravity and likely as much as they can safely tolerate."
"Here are 15 places where gravity doesn't seem to work."
"Understanding gravity as a conscious field of love."
"The more we try to learn about gravity and uncover its secrets, the weirder it gets."
"Gravity, the one that the scientific community follow alone, is not a force."
"Gravity supposedly holds down skyscrapers and boulders and stones that weigh hundreds of tons but can't hold down a blackbird or a fruit fly or butterfly. How does that make sense?"
"The structure of these systems is impressively complex and sculpted by gravity."
"Sandy Koufax stays to himself, defined not by what he did but by who he is."
"Scientists in general bracket gravity with life itself as the greatest unsolved mystery in the universe."
"You can't live in a society where you start denying gravity. Buildings, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly."
"Anyone who says I can't defy gravity, explain this."
"Humans would have evolved differently from what we are like now. We'd probably be shorter and stockier since gravity is so strong."
"The first is that, at the microscopic level, the force of gravity is so weak that it barely has any effect on a single subatomic particle."
"Density and buoyancy explain why things go down. You don't need a mysterious force or curvature of space-time."
"The graviton is to gravity what the photon is to electromagnetism."
"These are the laws our planet itself obeys as we, glued by gravity to the surface of the earth, hurtle through space."
"Gravity didn't directly cause any of those. Gravity is a significant part of the explanation for why there's a sun and an earth and why stuff falls down."
"Who can bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades? That's a great description of gravity, the sweet influence." - "Here's another one."
"Gravity can be described... as a massive object pulling something toward it."
"Acceleration means it speeds up, and do you know what causes acceleration? Gravity, that's right."
"Gravitational fields and the mass of space objects have such a profound effect on time and matter that it may hold the secret to time travel."
"This is just one of the strange results that comes outta the general theory of relativity, our current best theory of gravity."
"The actual reason the pilot doesn't have to dip his plane every five minutes is because the airplane's thrust and lift exceeds the gravitational pull and atmospheric drag of the earth."
"Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?"
"Using the moon's gravitational field has a slingshot effect."
"One of the great mysteries of the world and physics remains the existence of gravity."
"Don't be fighting gravity, work with her. Gravity is your friend."
"Gravity induced wave function collapse is giving rise to the building blocks of Consciousness."
"It'd be fun to visit near a black hole and measure the gravitational field."
"Gravity is pulling everything to the center of the earth, so level means perpendicular to that force."
"When a plane is flying, gravity is pulling it down, but there is lift pushing the plane up."
"The curvature of space-time is what gives rise to what we think of as the gravitational field."
"Gravity isn’t magic, spheres don’t have bottoms, moons and artificial satellites stay in orbit because of their incredible lateral velocity."
"Gravity is the curvature of SpaceTime."
"The power of gravity, fueled by love."
"Knowing how to use the power of gravity will enable humanity to travel further and faster across the universe."
"The architecture of our bodies is designed to withstand our weight under the forces of gravity."
"You feel a centrifugal force pulling you down towards the floor, and that feels like gravity."
"On the moon, gravity is one-sixth the strength of the gravity on Earth."
"Madness, as you know, like gravity all it takes is a little push"
"It's a big deal, it was a big deal, it's still a big deal."
"Do you understand the gravity of this situation? Yeah, completely."
"The only thing that prevents us from falling down any deeper is the orbital velocity of the Earth."
"Gravity is a constant acceleration on the downward velocity of whatever object you're dealing with."
"Gravity... is really just an effect of the warping of space and time."
"If you could generate enough gravity to twist time into a loop, perhaps you could create a pathway for moving backwards and forwards through time."
"It's not every day a new planet's found, but it's also not every day that a new law of gravity is discovered."
"Space-time does not claim existence on its own, but only as a structural quality of the gravitational field."
"The force that keeps the planets in orbit is proportional to the product of the masses of the sun and the planet and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two space bodies."
"Einstein's gravity model has made a real breakthrough in understanding the physical process taking place in our universe."
"The strong nuclear force is more than a trillion trillion trillion times stronger than gravity."
"I can't see, hear, touch, taste or smell gravity, but I believe in it because I can see its effects."
"Gravity is now opening up my chest."
"I really could sit in this position for like two to five minutes if you just wanted to kind of unwind, relax, and let gravity do its thing."
"...if gravity is a quantum theory then then virtual universes are popping in and out of existence all the time."
"Right up close it's kind of random just cuz we're all locked together in gravity but beyond that it's a very smooth Rel relationship."
"Love is the equivalent to something like gravity, it transcends time and space."
"As you know, madness is like gravity."
"You cannot interpret a truth, you cannot interpret gravity. It is as it is as it is."
"Legend has it that Galileo Galilei conducted experiments on gravity from the top of the tower."
"When people say there is no gravity in space, that's just incorrect."
"Just because you are in space, it doesn't mean there's no gravity."
"Gravity is our experience of that curvature produced by the mass of the Earth. Maybe the alien ship uses the natural magnetic field of Earth for propulsion within our atmosphere."
"Gravity bends round to hit the floor."
"...as far as we can tell, not only can gravity and quantum mechanics fit together, but it's almost as if they were the same thing or two sides of a coin, a single coin."
"Everything comes back to how strong that electric force is. It's millions of times stronger than gravity."
"Is this a big deal? It's a very big deal."
"Ain't nothing fake about gravity. When you fall, you fall."
"This is a very serious video, a very serious topic."
"It's funny, like even the story of Isaac Newton. So, how did he discover gravity? Well, of course, he was sitting under a tree and an apple hit him on the head."
"Canada's Hudson Bay is probably the only place in the world where gravity is indeed lower than anywhere else on the planet."
"Sometimes buildings seem to defy gravity."
"We're going to use everything in the power of science to defy gravity."
"We are going to use everything in the power of science to defy gravity."
"The heavier something is, the more force is acting on it from gravity, which means the harder it is to slow down when it's falling."
"So the universe expands and gravity tries to recollapse it."
"Our gravity-powered boat worked great. The water ran down from high up, giving it more speed due to gravity."
"Gravity powered boat. Time to Max it out."
"Gravity is not something that lives on top of spacetime. It is a characteristic of the features of spacetime itself."
"The moon's gravity affects the gravity of our planet, changing the climate, the behavior of all living beings, and the magnetic field."
"God, he just writes with such gravity. It's almost hard to explain. It's just really good pen game, bro."
"Gravity reached from the earth to the moon. The same force that drew an apple drew the moon."
"The super heavy center of our galaxy has such a gravitational force that it affects stars and nebula hundreds of thousands of light years away."
"We have inferred most of the existence of the universe from its gravity. But that's not very direct."
"It's a good question to ask. People have asked it. It turns out, as far as I understand, to be pretty difficult to get that to work, except perhaps for situations where really what's going on is it is normal gravity plus a certain extra kind of field."
"Einstein's theory of general relativity: the best theory of gravity we have."
"I wasn't being pulled by gravity. I was gravity."
"'Gravity is the force that makes things fall towards the ground. But just because it's a force of nature doesn't mean that we have to listen to it.'"
"Hypercars have their own gravity. Things fall into their orbit."
"...sometimes hair can also look thinner if the length is right there where your neck goes into your shoulder, because of the gravitation the hair is lying down on our neck like that..."
"...we felt very comfortable in the lunar gravity... it was preferable both to weightlessness and the Earth's gravity."
"As the universe gets cooler and less dense, bigger, so gravity becomes less important, and then dark energy takes over."
"Gravity acting as an architect shaping and influencing the structure of the entire universe on a truly Cosmic scale."
"The moons of Mars would be pretty insane. I mean super low gravity, you're basically standing on asteroids like. You'd have a hard time even just staying on the ground."
"Gravity will bend a light beam, proving his theory. The stars are not where they seemed."
"It's only like 37, 38% of Earth's gravitational, so you'd be able to like kind of jump more than twice as high."
"If we make something go farther from the ground, someone's got to get closer to it."