
Common Goal Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Space, I love it because it unites us, and it gives us a common goal."
"What we need to do is stop focusing on our belief systems... and come up with a common goal."
"People of various strata of society, different nationalities, religions and professions... all of them are united by a common idea — the desire for unity."
"We unified the country and mobilized to fight a common enemy."
"We share a common goal, and that is to protect our planet and life on it."
"I love being a part of a team that's working towards the common goal."
"We support the farmers man we support the farmers any rational human being supports the farmers."
"Everyone wants to save some money these days."
"This is the only time that you're gonna be placed in a high-intensity environment that everyone's on the exact same page."
"It's a universal theme, we know where we want to go."
"We're all here to save the same lost child, which makes us allies with a common goal as well as a common enemy."
"Everybody in this gym, I don't care where they're from, who they fight for, what language they speak, everybody in this gym is vested in this fight."
"Every single character in this group fights for the same cause, but they all fight in very different ways."
"The thing I miss is what I've thrown myself into - the ability to be part of a team, to build a team, to feel that you're working towards a common goal."
"We have to have a common project."
"You're battling against guys whereas this, you're all working toward the same goal."
"This war is different than the others. This time we're all fighting the battle together in order to achieve something more than the petty differences we fought over before."
"But our goal is one of the same: pursuit of truth."
"They are all vehicles for the same destination."
"We don't always agree, but that doesn't mean we don't all want the same thing."
"So when it gets crazy, find a common goal. It's not even that everyone would naturally do, but it is a common goal that everyone can strive for, and you can work together as a band to get there."
"We're all there because we want the same thing, right?"
"We're all basically fighting for the same thing. It's just about people actually realizing how connected it is."
"Our overall goal is more important. All the hopes and ambitions of everybody rides with this overall goal."
"Human beings are happiest when working together towards a common goal."
"Forget anything else, he and this iron-spined man had a common cause."
"I'm trying to do this just for us to work together to achieve one common goal by bringing you guys Africa to the world."
"Everybody's in this deal together."
"We have a common goal in mind: to see his face in peace."
"This dysfunctional crew is fighting together for one goal."
"These complex sorts of experiments depend very much on the sort of teamwork of people working together for a common goal."
"We need to come together, even if it's just this once."
"People that can put aside their differences inside a common cause is going to be the whole thing."
"They both wanted the same thing but saw two very different paths."
"Don't forget what we came here for. Come on, everybody. We can do this."
"It all needs to be connected into the same body and are we trying to accomplish a unified goal."
"This time we're all fighting the battle together, in order to achieve something more than the petty differences we've fought over before."
"We can talk all day about numbers, but people coming together for one common goal and creating something is always amazing."
"If there's one time or one area where you don't want to be fighting with each other, it's when you have a common enemy that's a very powerful enemy that's trying to put both of you out, and that's the virus."
"Collaboration is probably the common theme."
"We just stand together and unite ourselves to a bigger purpose and a bigger goal as a nation."
"Once you have the ideal working environment, then you have a greater purpose something that everybody is working towards."
"How important it is to put their differences aside sometimes in order to fight a common enemy."
"We're going to be riding together, but we got to fight through this, we got to keep on working to get there."
"They both were there to achieve the same thing: to protect the same people."
"We're one team and we're working towards one goal."
"We all work together in this company for achieving the common mission of health, wealth, and happiness."
"Nothing makes the bad guys more scared when a bunch of people are on the same page."
"Trust starts with us and creating an atmosphere for the same common goal and vision."
"It's really a team effort, 11 people will be competing toward a common goal."
"Once you have a common goal and a mission statement, and you're both fighting for the same why."
"We've all got that same passion to want to make a difference."
"We can differ on our methods but we don't differ on our mission."
"The best community is created when there's a common purpose."
"Give your people a common purpose to strive for. You don't need to put fear into their hearts but give them hope to win their hearts and minds."
"All of them sticking together like a family and working towards their common goal."
"Everyone being a part of a bigger common goal."
"We are teammates working toward the same goal."
"We're supposed to be unified with people that are like-minded for a common goal."
"At the end of the day, we all want the best for the space."
"We're all on the same side like seeking truth."
"You just have that common drive that we all want the same thing, and I think that's what kind of keeps us all together."
"Teams work in unison towards a common goal: success."
"Defeating Raditz gives them a common cause."
"We have a common interest in seeing completion of this in time for the 2023 exhibition."
"Everyone has to sacrifice and put the team first."
"What do you say we work together and finish off the Royals?"
"It's a large cluster of individuals with a common goal but with different motifs."
"Nothing united humanity better than a common cause."
"Yes, be partners; you're not adversaries, you're not competitors, all working for the same goal."
"The voice becomes one, the voice of our common unity for a higher purpose than just ourselves."
"The idea of an office where many people can contribute to a similar or same goal."
"I'm seeing a group of people work together towards a common goal."
"Everyone's goal is to get through this section."
"Folks from different places with different backgrounds coming together with a common goal of making the best harvesting equipment that we can make."
"We were locked together, we had our arms around each other, pushing for a common purpose."
"We all want the same thing: to help children and learners."
"In the end, it's about focusing and being on the same team and to work towards the same goal."
"We're all Sebastian strong here, okay? All of us. We all want the same thing: Sebastian home, transparency, truth, and just him home."
"Teamwork is the ability to work together for a common vision."
"There's a group of people here that want to work together."
"What they all have in common is one goal. The journey to that goal starts today."
"You're all working together for a common purpose."
"Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction."
"They don't care who gets the ball, they are all striving for the same goal."
"At the end of the day, that don't matter; we all trying to get home alive."
"We all got one common goal: everyone wants to help each other."
"All of these people could work together for a common cause."
"There is something really, really redeeming and hopeful in sacrificing for your friends, there is something worth looking at, doing something above yourself, there is something beautiful in shared suffering towards a common goal."
"That's what food fear is all about: groups of committed people with the same goal, forging ahead, working together."
"It's a very cherishable quality that 11 of us have gathered to strive for the same goal."
"The People of God will draw together and present to the enemy a united front in view of the common peril."
"We support each other and we work toward that common goal."
"An active alliance of two or more minds in a spirit of perfect harmony for the attainment of a common objective stimulates each individual mind to a higher degree of courage."
"They all had their individual passions, they all took a different path, but it was headed toward the same goal."
"This is a new world in which humanity has reached a common end, a new dawn."
"We have to find our way back to a coordination game where at least it's possible for us to work together for some great end."
"Now's the time for all of us to come together as a community and try to get cruising restarted and be supportive."
"Our common enemy is the virus and not one another."
"We all have a common goal, and we move in the same direction."
"Everybody was moving in the same direction, there's no opposing."