
Human Progress Quotes

There are 299 quotes

"Let's all just celebrate all human ingenuity and progress."
"The secret sauce that humanity's been looking for for thousands of years is the ideas that drive human flourishing and success."
"Every bit of progress and success as a human being possible comes from reason and thinking, and force negates that."
"Humans always have to progress, otherwise, we are sad."
"The increase of knowledge through technical means will be of benefit to us as individuals and as a species."
"We're living in probably the greatest time in all human history."
"The Apollo 11 moon landing is one of the greatest events in human history."
"I don't think it's reasonable to take any kind of a moral high ground and say that by bringing a child into this world, you're forcing them to suffer through this, that, or the other. The whole point of human lineage is supposed to be that we're making things better for the next generation, not that we're just thrusting the next generation into this world to see what will happen."
"The progress of mankind has been incredible, and that won't stop."
"We're evolving in our consciousness. We're far less barbaric than we were 50 years ago."
"Human experience and human ingenuity have gradually chipped away at the problem of violence."
"Humanity is still making its way out of Plato's cave."
"Truly, we're living in the greatest era of humanity ever."
"All of human progress relies on the idea that we have a capacity to discover what's true about the universe."
"The Golden Age was a time of triumph for the human race."
"The Great Reset represents a critical examination of global liberal ideologies, posing existential questions about the direction of human progress."
"We live in astonishing times for human beings, with prosperity we take for granted, lifespans, the lack of pain, and a unique sense in human history that when problems arise, we can solve them, figure them out, and make progress."
"Capitalism...has done more to drive the progress and advancement of humankind in the last 250 years than any other world historic force in history yet devised."
"Despite our world of perceived horror and chaos, people are living longer, happier, healthier, and freer lives right now more than any other time in human history."
"Humans in less than a hundred years went from riding in a covered wagon across the West to landing on the moon."
"Perhaps the people of the far future will look back at our time and wonder at our achievements also."
"Humans are resilient and they are likely developing a new civilization on the ashes of the old one as we speak."
"The sky is no longer the limit for us; this is an inflection point in human history."
"Science in harmony with the laws of nature for the good of mankind will hold great values in many fields and would advance its course beyond our present comprehension."
"The prediction that the first interstellar probe could potentially make a flyby of another star system within this century emphasizes the belief in human progress towards interstellar exploration."
"The success of the human race is because of our ability to communicate. That is information sharing."
"In other words, throughout human history, most scientific innovation has come relatively recently, within only the last few hundred years."
"Being born today is as good as it's ever been, other than being born tomorrow."
"It's never been a better time to be a human because all those before us have suffered."
"The last few decades have been the most peaceful era in human history."
"We live like gods compared to most of the human beings in history."
"The struggle to get away from this terrifying, foolish, ignorant first try...we have made a start."
"If you measure human progress, then you'd see that we've been failing and falling down for a long time."
"Science is an endeavor that humans have undertaken. It's been incredibly successful. It's changed the course of human evolution and human history."
"The stories of Indonesia and America should make us optimistic because it tells us that history is on the side of human progress."
"This is the story of how men went from inventing the wheel to conquering the skies."
"Try and do the best we can for creation, for the organization, for the expansion of humanity."
"I want to see Humanity strive. I want to see people's lives get better."
"Mankind had finally found a way to talk to God."
"The earth is the cradle of humanity but mankind cannot stay in the cradle forever."
"These days any person has the opportunity to follow the progress being made by mankind in space exploration."
"We do not need to be led we can lead ourselves this is the next step forward for the human race."
"Humanity seems poised to boldly continue to march into a new world of far future technologies."
"The overwhelming feeling was that humanity’s baby steps into outer space provide us with the opportunity to rethink how we organise our economy."
"We can't exist if we continue to build walls, we have to break those walls."
"Being open-minded about things is the only way human beings can move forward."
"The most powerful force, the most positive force we do have of the whole of human civilization is, since the Industrial Revolution we're able to do more and more and more with less and less and less."
"Despite this, humans have continued marching ahead."
"I believe we live in one of the greatest times in human history."
"Knowledge is the fuel that drives human existence."
"It's one of the most exciting if we look back in the 21st century, I truly believe it'll be one of the most exciting things we descendants of apes have created on this earth."
"He sees this as a real threat to human progress."
"We are absolutely making it through this time period. Humanity is ascending to a higher level."
"The long arc of the human endeavor is we grind out more primary energy every year, not less."
"We are at a monumental phase in our human story. And we are writing the next chapter."
"We're here to expand the human condition for all mankind."
"We are the authors of history. We can do this. We have to do it for ourselves and for our future, for humankind."
"If people live forever, they might not have been able to progress."
"Innovation is the thing that moves the human race forward."
"Human civilization is an interminable fight... to better refine the systems by which we make our lives better."
"One fundamental responsibility we have as a generation is the next generation we produce must be at least one, if not better than us. If they are less than us, we have failed as a generation and as human beings."
"Every discovery, every invention, every successful business, anything like that, every ounce of human progress has all started with someone being curious enough to pursue that adventure."
"Mars one has just taken another step to bring mankind where it has never stepped before."
"It's sad to think that humanity's greatest achievement was nearly 50 years ago."
"Every generation of people has made great innovations and mistakes."
"This is hopefully the first step on a journey towards civilization on Mars."
"I really think the human race is crushing it... there's so much opportunity."
"Humans are obviously incredible. Look at what we've created. It's outrageous if you think about who we were millions of years ago and where we are now."
"It started out with one small step for man and now the journey to Mars is right around the corner!"
"No innovation is a primary driver of humanity's evolutionary success."
"The history of civilization is replete with examples of humanity improving the world in which it lives."
"It's the final freeing of humanity from the drudgery that's been into self-imposed at this point."
"This is the year, I believe, that humanity has the opportunity to start to ascend, to go to a higher vibration."
"It serves as a symbol of humanity's drive for exploration, progress, and technological advancement."
"The level of improvement in the average human being's life in the next decade is incredible."
"How does our species advance if information disappears when we die? Creatures die, but somehow information gained lives on."
"There's more opportunity right now than there ever has been in human history."
"This is the chance for humanity to start to move into a new dimension."
"Humanity is worth saving, and humanity is advancing towards a brighter future."
"We are on the verge of the most stunning events in human history."
"Absolutely we can find that there are discoveries Innovations ahas epiphanies that will continue to Ripple out within Humanity propelling our growth forward."
"The Earth can be made new again, and Humanity can go forward for thousands of years without pollution or poverty."
"It's hard to believe we have these blips in the development of knowledge of mankind."
"Every single bit or advance that ever been made by humankind in all of the history has been made because somebody was curious, curious about how we do things better, how to do things differently."
"Humanity had reached a new world, and there was going to be a new kind of future."
"We just want him to succeed for all of us, humanity depends on it."
"The blood was the key to humanity's ascension."
"The commitment to the future of humanity... doing it the best that I've seen."
"Every time in recorded human history when freedoms are limited, humanity usually digresses."
"Mankind is about to leave his planet behind and journey to another."
"It signifies the subjugation of natural forces to the service of man, the discontinuance of barbarous methods, the relieving of millions from want and suffering."
"You are the next evolutionary step, the ones charged with carrying humanity through to its next generation."
"Sharing truth and knowledge with everyone is the most important pursuit for humanity."
"We're in the moment we've been waiting for. It's the greatest time in human history."
"Every step, no matter who takes it, puts the human race on a trajectory for that moon base and afterwards, of course, to Mars."
"You are the first human Spectre, Commander. This is a great accomplishment for you and your entire species."
"The human race as a whole has been systematically getting better as much as our media will tell you that everything's worsen it's terrible."
"We are here to consciously choose to move humanity forward."
"None of us should fear or resent these changes. Free societies are united by their faith in liberal democracy, the rule of law, and free markets which surely comprise the great trinity of human progress."
"Discovering what dark matter truly is... is a monumental step to the next levels of mankind."
"The permeation of knowledge amongst humans is crazy."
"From today on, we are all Forward Scouts, ready to discover the next step for Humanity."
"We are far from perfect, but we've also come a long way too."
"We're at an incredible phase of what our species is capable of doing."
"Can the human race still learn from the past? Are we still capable?"
"A Promethean revolution as significant to the human story as the harnessing of fire."
"Human progress is our cause, liberty of thought our supreme wish, freedom of conscience our mission, and the guarantee of equal rights for all peoples everywhere is our ultimate goal."
"This is the greatest time in all of human history to be alive."
"We're living during the most extraordinary time ever in human history."
"The first Interstellar Voyage will be a Quantum Leap for Humanity."
"Trial and error went on throughout human history and that produced some pretty good stuff."
"Maybe every bit of human achievement is a rung on a ladder that enables us to see farther and farther into this universe."
"We've managed to change the course of humanity in ways our ancestors never dreamed."
"If we are to have a future at all, it will be the most exciting of all times in the history of our species."
"Every aspect of human wellbeing has seen progress over the last decades."
"You are paving a new road you are following a new pathway that humanity is coming into that is exciting."
"Humanity has achieved great results getting new images from planets in our solar system and making incredible discoveries."
"Facing difficult challenges and overcoming them is absolutely necessary for us to develop as individuals and for Humanity to progress as a whole."
"Flesh and blood is progressed so far and has grown so much."
"It's almost like a filter that people pass through, like a filter that people pass through like a great filter."
"Our unending quest for Perfection or constant need to improve our condition from cave to Hut to Pyramid to Castle to gilded maids to skyscraper."
"The human race has advanced farther during the past 50 years than in all the preceding 10,000 years of human civilization."
"Despite all of our progress, we are still very much at the mercy of nature."
"It ended but it wasn't so much an end as the start of a brand new era for Humanity."
"Humanity needs to stop and realize that there's so much more around the corner."
"Humans are doing so good, we went from horse and buggy to the freaking moon in 70 years."
"Gravity is the weakest of the fundamental forces in nature, but when it comes to climbing up to humanity’s future, it really draws us down."
"Technology is not the marker of human advancement."
"We're living in the most extraordinary time ever in human history. We're going to become a multi-planetary species."
"We are moving into new territory and new ground as a human family."
"Creativity will always be required by Humanity to create."
"So the greatness of your individual reality does not sustain us for the future unless you contribute something of magnitude that pushes human progress towards the next frontier."
"I think this is the greatest time in human history."
"We transcend our boundaries. We didn't stay in the caves; we haven't stayed on the planet. Like, we go. We transcend our boundaries."
"For the prosperity of not only P Guru viewers, but for the entire Humanity."
"We've doubled human life expectancy in the last hundred years by cleaning up the water supply."
"I think it could be truly incredible where we'll be and I feel it will be something like with the realization of the true potential of humanity."
"Don't be afraid to keep refining, keep developing because that after all is how mankind progresses."
"It is from countless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped."
"This is the greatest time to be alive in the history of mankind."
"This milestone brings us one step closer to that historical event that will change human life as we know it."
"Our own progress as a species depends on reconnecting to our ancestors."
"Freedom is the most important thing to really move humanity to something much better than what we've ever seen."
"I'm very optimistic about that. I've been quoted on your show done again by saying that I'm really extraordinarily optimistic about the future of humankind."
"Eventually, Humanity will finally leave our Flat Earth and venture to nearby Mars and beyond."
"Human evolution is certainly moving in the right direction."
"We can't give the human race that much credit that within a five to ten year span we just decided and learned about the technology."
"Humanity is about to become a spacefaring species."
"Much of the human experience gets steadily better as you look ahead and not worse."
"We can finally go to space, to think that was all it took for space travel."
"Then Humanity, with some nudging, moved to the stars."
"We are living in the Golden Age of human civilization. We have experienced near constant progress in all areas of life for centuries."
"Congratulations humanity one more step to being better."
"We're not exactly on the verge of sending people to Mars, but it does feel that we're closer than ever."
"The rapidity of change, the embrace of novelty, the celebration of human progress."
"It's one step for mankind, one devolution for humans."
"I'm interested in the human project in the United States of America and the construction of American democracy."
"Judging by some of the old rare items left behind, shows you how far the human race has come and where we're headed."
"Our whole existence is essentially let's take the potential energy of the Earth and the Sun convert it into something that's useful for us as humans."
"Human progress never rolls in on the wheels of inevitability, it comes through the tireless efforts and the persistent work of dedicated individuals."
"The Spirit of God changes the way you think, act, and talk."
"That is what my work is focused on is how to have humans, individuals and groups and governments, meet that future halfway."
"Developed ISTP innovates and introduces new things to humanity, benefiting humanity by their natural ingenuity."
"...this notion of religious plurality is a relatively new human endeavor."
"God is not against human achievement and progress"
"I wanted to live forever. I'd be fascinated to see how humans progress."
"Finally, the human being would be taking the first steps in the right direction to become a space colonizing species."
"Mount Everest is an incredible symbol of human progress."
"Believe in the possibility of human progress and act to advance it."
"My aim was not to select the best 50 or best hundred books in the world but to give in 23 000 pages or thereabouts a picture of the progress of the human race within historical times so far as that progress can be depicted in books."
"The ultimate goal of the human race is to better our lives on Earth, protect the planet, and then spread life beyond Earth."
"I think it's the ultimate goal of the human race in my opinion is to better our lives on Earth, protect the planet and then spread life beyond Earth."
"So I I mean that this is very contested but Stephen Pinker wrote a book uh the better side of our nature and he puts a lot of stats in showing how humanity is pretty much being on the upward scale for 400 years."
"I subscribe to that now you can give me a million reasons why it's awful a million reasons suffering and poverty but I actually think the metrics suggests humanity is getting better."
"The potential for what we can do with innovation for the human race is truly amazing."
"The human condition has been improving, and it improved more in the past 30 years than the past 3000 years."
"The fact that there is now no slavery, the fact that there is no domination of one nation over another, or it has become less, is very significant for humanity."
"...the most important step in conscious evolution that has ever been taken in the course of the human race."
"The scope of human Innovation over time through a variety of things, including energy intensity, is a phenomenal story."
"Hopefully, there's got to be a benefit to it for humankind."
"This is a triumph of the human intellect."
"It is out of this spirit alone that great human achievements have sprung."
"It's with the use of tools that man learned to overcome."
"We are hairless monkeys smashing things with rocks; the fact that we've achieved anything is astonishing."
"Based on the data we have, humans are going to land on Mars, move to the Jupiter's moon within about 50 years from now."
"We have more history behind us than the Greeks did, we have more history behind us than the Romans did."
"We can do much more with human power now than we could 100 years ago."
"This is the time when humans have begun to sail the sea of space."
"These voyages of exploration and discovery are the latest in a long series that have characterized and distinguished human history."
"You need a good story for the human enterprise in the 21st century."
"In four billion years of a constant chain of life on Earth, we don't have the technology to leave our solar system yet."
"In a blink of an eye, we nearly doubled the length of time that we live."
"Despite many difficulties and obstacles placed in its way, the United Nations during more than a quarter century of its existence has significantly contributed towards human progress in the political, economic, social, and cultural fields."
"If you had to be born at any time in human history, it would be right now."
"Ever since then, humans have strived to explore the many ways in which we can use automation to make our lives easier, bring us closer together, and understand what it really means to be human in an increasingly technological world."
"At the end of the day, we're living during the most extraordinary time ever in human history."
"We've come a long ways since then."
"The jet age conjured up not just a technological revolution but a radical change in the way human beings thought, acted, and lived."
"Do we reach the present after billions upon billions of years of evolution and then suddenly stop evolving?"
"In undertaking theology and religion, you're actually placing yourself at the heart of human intellectual endeavor."