
Elevation Quotes

There are 1785 quotes

"Each and every one of you, there is something about you that adds to humanity, the elevation of it, the upliftment, the evolution of it."
"Black excellence means being elevated in every capacity beyond any limitation and everything that you do."
"You will be fulfilling your desire; you'll have some kind of elevation, status, or promotion."
"The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said Allah writes for you ten good deeds, so that is a thousand good deeds and on the Day of Judgement Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'ala elevates your rank 10 degrees from every Salat upon the Prophet Muhammad."
"God doesn't need to put me down to be glorified. On the contrary, He's glorified the more I'm elevated by His grace."
"From obscurity to notoriety, from the background to the forefront."
"Elevate this whole medium or projects that give people a chance to shine."
"We are in a time right now which is the ‘perfect storm’ alchemically for healing and elevation."
"The healing energy is really strong at the moment and that is directly linked to elevation."
"Great music can elevate a good anime into all new heights."
"The mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains."
"God can take anybody that's a nobody that nobody knows about and in a moment's time, he can elevate you, expose you, uncover you to the world, and release the power of God that's in you."
"Artifice doesn't have to negate beauty. The artificial can elevate reality."
"You're being elevated in some way, all eyes are on you."
"There's something that happens when you reach a new elevation that you can't just do things the way that you always did them and expect to get the same results."
"The door is open, the gate is open, it's elevation time."
"Jerusalem is the most elevated city spiritually in the entire world."
"I pray that I would find uncommon favor in the sight of those necessary for my elevation. Make me the head but not the tail."
"It genuinely sounds as if these two different trios are battling for supremacy. It's great and it really does elevate this record if you've listened to it in that fashion."
"A significant elevation in your relationship, a comforting change in perspective."
"When you bring Heaven down to earth through the women then the women's frequency elevates and then the men frequency elevates."
"Change is good. Some of us want to grow, some of us want to elevate."
"We're on the sundeck right now. And since we're elevated or since we're on the top level, we get incredible views."
"The more we humble ourselves with Allah, the more he elevates us."
"As you are having this shift, it's elevating you up to the star."
"It's not changes, it's transition, elevation, growth."
"The night prayer is extra for you, Prophet, to elevate you to a praiseworthy station."
"Each man has to take one woman and raise her above the rest so she can show the world how precious she truly is."
"Would we be changed people with the truth? We'd be elevated."
"Somebody's coming in that's really gonna put you on top of the pedestal."
"It's like life, you know? If you just play fair and square, that would've actually been the best option."
"Being in a higher elevation, I think, is a key to a lot of things."
"He's rearranging you, taking you to a higher place."
"Thank you, Jesus, for elevating me to a higher place."
"Every level you go to, God does not want you to get comfortable at that level."
"If you're going to grow in God, if you're going to go any place higher, then you need to begin to shift from the place where you are in prayer. Am I talking to somebody? You need to elevate from where you are."
"Do you hear Zion calling you to a higher place of praise?"
"Don't be hating, celebrate! When you celebrate someone else in their celebration season, God sees that and he's going to elevate you."
"There is no elevation without obedience that equates sacrifice."
"God can take you and elevate you to places beyond what you ever dream to imagine."
"A boom shot moves a camera up or down, utilizing a crane, jib, or pedestal."
"And he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."
"This is the year for people who want more. This is the year of elevation."
"We're going to a higher vibration and a whole nother level."
"Forgiveness is the key to elevating your vibration to a higher level."
"Repent before God elevates you. It's a lot of fun waiting on elevation."
"Elevate yourselves and listen to what your Lord has prohibited you to do."
"When you learn that vengeance is God's, when you learn that your energy is precious, you start to elevate above everything."
"Elevated to higher levels, abundance in every way."
"Just getting good news feels really good. Yeah, I think when you're going through certain things, you feel like you're in a valley. You're just kind of there and it's low. And this is just getting us up on not even a hill, like a mountain."
"Night had fallen over Shor's domain, and from this elevation it felt as though I was Among the Stars."
"God is about to elevate you to a higher level."
"A relationship that is going to lift you to higher levels of consciousness."
"This new connection is instigating a process of elevation, destination vertical."
"God wants to elevate you in order to launch forward."
"When you are called, you will be separated before being elevated."
"I believe that the Lord Jesus is going to bless you, elevate you, and you are going to see the goodness of God like you have never seen before."
"Humble yourself in the sight of God, and he will lift you in due time."
"I think he's great at what he does, and he's built a platform that tries to elevate people."
"We are raised with him in Heavenly places."
"A Knight Banneret can only be elevated if at least one of two possible circumstances are met."
"There's something here about your elevation, you elevating."
"This is like elevation at its finest when it comes to streetwear garments."
"We too might rise to live on a new plane altogether."
"It really takes 17 to new heights."
"You're stepping into your purpose, going through some kind of spiritual elevation."
"Knowledge has the power to elevate your life."
"Something about rising, about being up, this is Ascension here."
"It's like they are putting you on a pedestal."
"Separation before elevation. You have to separate yourself in order to elevate yourself."
"She's trying to raise you to another level."
"A real woman elevates a man to be into his true self."
"Ascension: Your spirits are joined on a higher level."
"You've started to go through some type of spiritual elevation that's put you into like a blooming season."
"When God wants to elevate a people, the first thing that God does is he gives you sight."
"A little bit of a rise in consciousness lifts the collective."
"You could elevate your life just like he has."
"The views from up there are really, really stunning and uninterrupted."
"Someone's really, really worried about you elevating in some sort of way."
"Genuine humility will provoke the Lord God to lift you."
"Humility establishes you but it also elevates you."
"That's the way that you introduce new talent, create new stars, elevate new people."
"Gratitude is the path to elevation."
"Keep on elevating, baby, keep on elevating."
"The depth of your humility will elevate you."
"The distance from seabed to mountaintop around here is as much as 9,000 ft, nearly 2 vertical miles."
"Prayer elevates the mind and the heart towards God."
"Before God elevates us externally, He elevates us internally."
"I guess we'll get some voices heard from up here regardless."
"Whoever humbles themselves for the sake of Allah, Allah will lift them."
"We have to elevate each other and be able to be all of the things that we are."
"You're going to newer levels, higher states of being, living, and awareness here."
"I'm so high up, I'm literally like 48 trillion feet high."
"Aren't we all just trying to elevate?"
"We've come this far and laid down the groundwork, but now, in order to elevate to the next level, you got to think bigger."
"Whatever is about to come your way is going to be elevated in a different perspective."
"Meaning lifts the mundane to new levels and with it our feelings."
"Look up and realize you are floating at the highest level."
"He brings one down, he exalts another."
"We shouldn't fear reality. We should go through it and experience the things that we need to, to elevate and to move to the next level."
"Is it possible that we will elevate other minds here on this planet, and lift them up with us to the heavens above?"
"I feel like it's always gonna be the trash taking itself out as you guys elevate um your vibrations very high for a lot of these people so you're gonna see these people."
"God can raise you from insignificance to great impact."
"...this film is elevated I would say by its fantastic cast and crew yes"
"Being around you elevates them in some way. Like you would be someone they'd be very proud to be around."
"Your world is going to open. You are going to elevate to this point where you just experience almost personal elation at what you're shown."
"Elevating gratitude helped eliminate reduce the shame and the embarrassment."
"Elevate your everyday with resale shopping."
"Aquarius, some of y'all been doing good, you high vibing Aquarius. Don't stoop to these people's level."
"That's low frequency. That is a low vibrational relationship. Okay? And we are elevated higher than that. Pass that."
"Throttle up every service. Take those thoughts to a higher place."
"Even doing that is going to elevate you."
"Trust me, not only are you going to elevate, your family is going to elevate with you."
"I prophesy success and more success, increase upon increase, elevation upon elevation, I receive in the name of Jesus."
"Humble yourselves under God's Mighty hand and he may Lift You Up In Due Time."
"The Stones were instantly elevated to the very top of the music world."
"He raiseth up the poor out of the dust and lifted the needy out of the dunghill."
"I am sitting in Heavenly places in Christ far above all principality power might and Dominion."
"Finding meaning in life is a little bit more elevated than finding happiness."
"Eventually, everyone has a Mad City they must face, navigate, and elevate."
"it raises even those tropes up a level"
"Now it's sunny! That's because we're on top of the clouds."
"You miss your spiritual elevation because of the little grace that you have been bestowed."
"Gates of prosperity, elevation, and restoration are opening."
"Raising your vibration comes by really releasing what's holding us down and dense, lower energies."
"Helped so many people and help me to really elevate my own vibration to the highest level possible."
"I love Star Wars, but I don't know if a movie has ever been elevated more by a score."
"The place met his grace and went to the high."
"Crown of the head reaches up beyond the ceiling, beyond the sky."
"stafford he's made me a better coach he's elevated our entire building"
"There's always opportunity for growth, for expansion, for elevation."
"It elevated the group to stardom."
"This is a level I don't think we've ever been on."
"God's favor will result in elevation. That favor will make you successful because it will open doors for you, bring opportunities your way, or resources your way."
"I'm seeing something for you, a flag being raised up, it's a new season."
"I was elevated to the status of a living hero."
"We want to take it up and Elevate our Decor style always consider elevation what can I do to elevate or enhance my Decor style."
"...for all that he symbolizes within this Arc and within this series as a whole it elevates him to being one of the best to me."
"I think it's time to elevate, time to get into a whole new caliber of work."
"The elevation here is unbelievable on the first hole."
"This is a year where many of you may elevate in your career path."
"...man you feel like you're on top of the world up here."
"They done took the game, elevated."
"We need to return to the truth that Christ has revealed to us. It's glorious, it's beautiful, it elevates men and women beyond anything that we can naturally do."
"No one is worth lowering your vibration for."
"If I am unwilling to adjust, I'll be unable to elevate something that we want to have is often on the other side of an adjustment we've been unwilling to make."
"The studio series one takes that, it elevates it."
"We about to take this [ __ ] to another level."
"...help me pull together these looks and elevate a look while still keeping it casual."
"Elevate your own consciousness in any moment."
"I do really like the trend of offering creative food options which does elevate what is otherwise generally mediocre food pretty well."
"The anointing of God can put you on a kind of like a high."
"...if you're on the drama floor you can resist all the things on the drama floor you're it won't matter you're just going to get more drama but if you go up to the level where the script is different then things will begin to change."
"This wine is grown at the highest elevation of wines that we tasted today the higher you are the cooler it is at night you're closer to the Sun so you get more UV exposure."
"There's about to be an elevation, I can see it but I can't describe it."
"She wants to be in a higher place."
"You're leveling up and you are attracting something more meaningful."
"As the sun began to set that day, I prepared to fly even higher."
"The elevation change is so large that the gradient is as steep as 1 and six in some spots of the track."
"The power of elevation through sacrifice or through giving away."
"If you elevate it for about 15 to 20 minutes that will release serotonin in your brain immediately which is the happy hormone."
"Bill calls Jericho the Socrates of pro wrestling and someone who's always willing to elevate less established guys."
"He's not coming down to where you are. You're going to have to come up to where He is."
"Be grateful, it's so essential that you raise your vibration to catch the wave of the new human."
"This area continues to build up. It's very close to sea level initially, and then the rivers build out here, and it steadily builds up until it's actually slightly above sea level again."
"God will meet you where you're at but God also wants to elevate you."
"These little moments are one of the main things that elevate this movie."
"They have really elevated their game."
"Those who live in satva rise upward, whether in this world or the next."
"We are in the midst of elevating the whole world to a higher level of Consciousness."
"These might seem like simple ingredients, but with a little bit of technique we can really elevate this."
"Films are elevated. Citizen Kane isn't a movie, is it? No, film."
"This season has been absolutely elevated just a smidge."
"There is a sense of mental elevation to a new vantage point."
"We should be elevating the level of dialogue here and not tearing it down."
"Love that rhythm, imagine hearing that through speakers, it would be like lifting you off the ground."
"That's really going to take this up a notch."
"God will always present an opportunity for you to access a higher dimension."
"That's a deep sign that you're about to be elevated because your situation doesn't say you are born for greatness, but you know that you know that you know that you know that you know."
"You make people feel like they're walking on air, elevating them to new heights."
"God is calling you to be shifted, God is calling you to a higher place."
"The power of beauty to elevate us."
"Some people don't want to see you happy. Elevate, strive to the next level."
"Ben Affleck was an inspired choice I think he rose to the occasion and I think he elevated the material that he had to work with."
"The people you're bringing down are operating at love and Enlightenment and joy, and you're out here down in anger and pride and spitefulness."
"For they shall be as stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land."
"God loves to take dirt creatures and Elevate them to the Thrones of princes."
"You want to take this higher? Yes, I do."
"You have to be able to then elevate your entire game to that level."
"As good as it is by itself, that green sauce really elevates it a whole another Stratosphere."
"Your greatest humiliation and frustration can become the point of your greatest elevation."
"It's about finding that balance between casual and carefully curated adding a belt to Everyday jeans or cinching a dress or a Blazer can elevate your outfit instantly."
"The more energy that's sent your way, the higher you elevate."
"You gather power and transmute it upwards."
"The more people try and pray on your downfall, the higher you elevate."
"I really wish I knew how much elevation we were gaining. I feel like it's a lot."
"What's the difference between putting someone over and actually elevating them?"
"It seems apparent WWE saw them one way and wanted to work them down the card or hold them in place while they elevated other people."
"Not only did this elevate the title into something that for a while was approaching the importance of the world title, but it also elevated everyone who fought over it."