
Spectacle Quotes

There are 2539 quotes

"Spectacles are fun to indulge in. I get it. But they're definitely not liberatory if the conditions they arise from remain unchanged."
"I'm going to dump myself in gasoline, my hair is dripping, I'm covered in gasoline, and I'm going to boom, pop through the ring, come out the other side ablaze."
"Their Fall From Grace has been nothing short of spectacular."
"It's the biggest, they say, the most beautiful, the most awe-inspiring, the most colorful, the most spectacular event of this era."
"The Door to Hell is a grim yet awe-inspiring testament to the unexpected turns of nature and the occasional miscalculations of human intervention."
"We're living in a spectacle, an impersonation of reality."
"The spectacle is not a supplement to the real world, nor is it an additional decoration; it is the heart of the unrealism of the real society."
"The fireworks inside the ring tonight... will leave you breathless."
"It is literally the coolest thing I've ever seen... carted through the streets on the back of a gigantic DMX monster truck blasting his music."
"It defied gravity for approximately five minutes, an eternity for those who bore witness, and then in a breathtaking display of otherworldly power, it ascended vertically, piercing through the dense layer of clouds."
"Less a wrestling match than one of those monster movies like Godzilla vs King Kong, this Clash of the Titans had the 75,000 watching in the arena going banana."
"Lights, camera, action and two rocket ships."
"It's a true spectacle of Art and storytelling."
"At the end of the day Eddie said this you're still a man walking out of a changing room to go and perform in front of 18 20,000 people and have another man Tron unbelievable."
"Our remaining two combatants tonight have enough personal animosity political fury and overall insanity to keep all of us entertained."
"So-called Israelites we got children so he had to flee the planes with him called the super Marine Spitfire planes and they basically enhanced this image or video of them chasing a UFO Antarctica bro it's something you to believe it or not."
"The planet Buster: a powerful bomb that... will immediately explode its core and turn into a giant flaming ball of death."
"It's all about the spectacle, it's all about the immersion."
"Combat looks really spectacle-driven and flashy but it's also quite strategic."
"Of course, it has spectacle to it, but there's also little gags and a bunch of truly heartfelt moments."
"Russian Hulk: Incredible strength, pulling cars with his head."
"It's like movies you put on and watch big monsters tear cities to pieces."
"It's like this weird trainwreck that you just can't stop looking at."
"The best spectacle in movies is when the person executing it knows exactly where the limitations are."
"If too few people own too much of the stuff and if too few people dominate the main media you're not going to end up as a democracy whether you're America whether you're Russia whether anybody else."
"This is the greatest sporting event of the year by the way the main event bracelet I believe that thing alone is worth half a million dollars with the amount of diamonds that are in there."
"Sometimes it's subtle, like Speak Now to Red, and sometimes it's in a flash of light like a snake exploding into a thousand butterflies, but it's always a spectacle."
"What a spectacle, absolutely worth watching."
"He's just flipped over someone's head and then volleyed it from inside."
"Welcome to my circus! See the impossible, the amazing."
"It's amazing, it's truly amazing, this shit's spectacular."
"The dragon itself was incredibly impressive."
"It's like just this beautiful entertaining trainwreck."
"One of the biggest strengths of a super move is how it can punctuate combat with an amazing moment of spectacle."
"We are witnessing history in action. Oh, I can't watch, and I can't turn away."
"Big fights, epic battlefields make people feel something."
"That transformation was so lit, he turned into almost like a werewolf and just ripped off his lab coat, dude."
"UFOs are there to watch the fireworks show, but they sometimes put on a show even better than the actual fireworks."
"Green's dream for pub G eSports play is a spectacle in the style of the Hunger Games."
"All I see is a shell of a man, an old shell of a man. On November 24th, the millions will be able to watch the steam out of your face as I bury you."
"In a small Spanish Town, it has rained blood. Yes, standing in the street when it rained blood would have been absolutely terrifying while it was happening but luckily it was just some microorganism kind of stuff."
"The magic has been done and just take a look at how ridiculous this is gonna look."
"You are not going to believe what you're seeing."
"Folks, in other news, we've got yet another dude in a jet pack haulin ass across the sky like Iron Man."
"Knockouts... There is something visceral, something animalistic, something feral even to watching another man take another man's light out."
"The chandelier floated off the stage and started its journey out towards the audience as they stared in astonishment."
"An Exquisite magic to the sound and spectacle."
"And there we go liftoff of the one vehicle, look at that sucker go!"
"People want to see a spectacle whether it's them getting their ass kicked and embarrassing themselves or coming out there and [expletive] you know showing signs of their old glory days either way people want to see a spectacle like that."
"Three generations of Spider-Man movies collide spectacularly in Spider-Man: No Way Home."
"If you like to see pirate ships getting lifted into the air by helicopters, this is the movie for you."
"We're living in the second gilded age; it's all about glitz and blitz and spectacle and money and status."
"That's worth it for the money right there just to see that thing driving."
"Spectacle, oh so glorious, gorgeous, gigantic spectacle."
"Spectacle: monumental piece of historical epic filmmaking."
"Shockwave jet truck: Fire-breathing beast with 36,000 horsepower!"
"It's like she's making love to the President in front of forty million Americans."
"I need the full Missy Elliott experience with the fashion, the dancers, the hanging from the ceiling, the futuristic vibes."
"Prepare to just really experience The Power from Just the light show that this is gonna be when SLS takes off at night."
"It's either going to be spectacular or it's going to be a spectacular flame out. Either way, both are worth watching."
"The show blended spectacle with thoughtfulness."
"Boyle and his creative team created a presentation that infused the theme 'Isles of Wonder' into every minute."
"Miracles people claimed to have caught on tape."
"This image is truly amazing. The blood moon seen over the capitol. We can only wait and see."
"That's exactly what I want to do, we're turning it into a circus."
"Rocket launches are so cool, but the coolest thing about starships right now is it lifts off, hangs out at 10 kilometers, and comes back. It's like a six to eight minute long extravaganza of rocket. I just want more. Give me more!"
"Unbelievable scenes here, I can't believe it."
"The double Landing Zone touchdowns for the two Falcon 9 side boosters are always something really special to watch."
"Joe Biden's having a breakdown, and it's pretty glorious."
"Delivering one of the most spectacular things I've ever seen."
"Seeing a little person would be bizarre enough."
"Brock Lesnar showed up driving a tractor and everything changed."
"Brute force becomes a breathtaking display when fury warriors relentlessly dive into the fray."
"Miracles will spread before your eyes, transforming your occasions."
"It has all the splendor and spectacle of ancient Rome."
"It's a freak show, a complete farce from wall to wall."
"As we await the arrival of the failed former president any moment, finish the wall prominently there on a flag, a show of support for the failed former president who soon will be booked and arrested."
"Apology as spectacle... needs to be done, it needs to not exist anymore."
"They just put on a hell of a spectacle in this thing."
"The battles here are way more epic than anything we've ever seen."
"You’re going to watch him for the car crash so that you can rubberneck it."
"An angry god throws lightning bolts onto the battlefield that causes an army of superhumans to show up and wreck your [__] peak army material right there."
"That is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life."
"Talladega may not be the greatest display of racing, but it is the greatest display of humanity."
"It's going to be something nobody has ever seen before."
"The blowover is one of the most ethereal moments that any racing fan can witness."
"They're mesmerized, can't take their eyes off."
"Thor's Well in Cape Perpetua, also known as the drainpipe of the Pacific, produces amazing sights during storms."
"One of the most spectacular things I ever witnessed."
"A 60-foot Mecca-style robot takes its first steps in Japan."
"I mean, just blowout after blowout in both directions. It's what, I mean, it's kind of cool to watch, right? It's pretty exciting highlights."
"It's like a 10-car pileup, you can't take your eyes off of it."
"Thousands and thousands, but you know the velvet ropes are parting, the light shines down, it's a skull."
"We're going to put a show on like no other before. It's going to be a war."
"Wanda just ripping everyone to shreds was a very fun movie."
"Trump's diplomacy: hot and cold, with friends and foes, but always a spectacle."
"What characterizes American government today is not so much dysfunctional politics as it is ruthlessly contrived governance carried out behind the entertaining, distracting, and disingenuous curtain of political theater."
"Prepare yourself because this really is something spectacular."
"I loved the visual, like every Marvel movie has to have like a big laser in the sky."
"It's the chalupa of wrestling matches, it's a crunchy blue cage wrapped in a flowery Hell in a Cell."
"This huge wooden man Effigy goes up in glorious flames."
"Butt rock has always been obsessed with confidence and spectacle."
"Look at the scale of this, look at just the positioning, the immersion, the epicness of it all is just fantastic."
"Do you believe in magic? What you're about to see is no trick, just rare."
"This is the big o in all of its glory, my goodness gracious."
"This massive movement of butterflies has been called one of the most spectacular natural phenomena in the world."
"It was just so fantastic like something you never saw before in your life."
"Fatal cowboy and the duke, the creator of the end times mod, managed to push them back and give us a really cinematic and spectacular siege battle."
"Aquaman is not that, it's a spectacle film, it's a ton of fun."
"Justin Trudeau is going to lose the next election in the most epic fashion possible."
"Spectacle becomes entirely hollow without a deeper human connection."
"When we limit bad events to mere spectacle, we bypass confrontation with reality and choose instead to bend that reality to fit our limited definitions of the world."
"This is not a show. The whole world is watching."
"There is plenty of pretty [ __ ] amazing things to watch."
"16 cars flying down to the walls, T1 fireworks!"
"Trendsetting, crowd pleasing, outlandish, it's the concept car."
"People wanna see you get the [expletive] kicked out of you."
"When you watch two trains crash, you just can't pull your eyes away."
"The Kaplan fish roll: a natural spectacle drawing crowds for a feast."
"It is a wonder, it is a beautiful thing to watch."
"Dune is what big screen cinema should be. It is risky, it is ambitious, and more than anything, it is driven by a desire to take the audience to a world and to show them things that they have never seen before."
"I think anyone who's seen both of our cars together right now is losing their friggin minds."
"This is the greatest show on earth... only 0.1 percent of the planet is paying attention."
"Black magic and sorcery will happen behind me."
"It was amazing, you know, even though they burned down the whole city and all that."
"The scale of this battle alone made it very exciting."
"It was such a spectacle, the likes of which I've never seen around wrestling."
"A horrifyingly beautiful slow-motion train wreck."
"We're witnessing a public breakup. It's almost like we're watching a Hollywood split."
"Welcome to the largest circus on earth," the ringmaster declared.
"Despite its power, it doesn't often challenge us but it puts on a show that reminds the world when it does."
"Millions of viewers were entranced by the spectacle."
"We need to sit back and just appreciate what we're watching right here."
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the coolest thing we've ever seen."
"It was just it was great watching the spectacle you know the Fife you got crossed the cool customer and Senna the the explosion."
"It's already a show, it's already like an adventure circus."
"I desperately want to see him blow up. I want to see someone blow up so bad."
"This is a complete train wreck and it's worth getting the popcorn out, no matter what."
"It's a grand spectacle of someone violating social norms or expectations."
"I want to see someone get burnt by a giant dragon."
"From a standpoint of pure spectacle, I think Warhammer 3 is shaping up great."
"What all illusionists want: to astound and amaze, to make the impossible a reality."
"Whale blows a rainbow: These majesties of the ocean have got all that's required to shock people. This time it was a great whale which chose to surprise the tourists."
"An angelic silhouette appeared in the sky over Jerusalem."
"These events do a spectacular job at making a spectacle of the very, very few successful people at the tippy tippy top and then everybody else who's sitting in the audience leaves that event feeling this renewed sense of hope."
"If we're gonna do the cloud chasing shit, let's make it fun. Let's fucking give a show."
"Money gives you power because I don't answer to anybody."
"The Rockets rise was spectacular cutting through the clear skies."
"Nobody in that arena wants to see Roman Reigns hold the universal championship high in the air with fireworks going off as we get yet another coronation undeservedly so for someone who doesn't deserve it at all."
"Paving the way for that today, forget about seeing 29 Raptors ignite at the same time... hearing and feeling 29 rockets at the same time is going to be insane."
"Did he fuse with the energy dragon? Holy crap, this is sick."
"Duel the guy in front of everybody and they have to watch you. Oh bro that's so cool holy [ __ ] oh my god."
"Whether he'll do it in six days or not, I don't know, but you and I will get to watch God speak a new paradise into existence." - Narrator
"It's so easy to think of arms and armor as something military. This is a different feel. This is a kind of spectacle, entertainment, practicing, honing one's skills."
"Vegas is always a circus in front of it every night."
"His stunts are real, witnessed by thousands with their own two eyes."
"There was a flash of light. An intense, warm wind that whipped across the audience's faces. And, a minute later, a deafening blast."
"That was the most unbelievable thing I've ever seen."
"Surely part of the spectacle would be an amazing rise from the ashes of an underdog"
"Behold what could be the biggest spectacle in history."
"Goku's transformation makes it a remarkable spectacle."
"Sit back and drink it in, ladies and gentlemen."
"I think it's like... Mr Beast is at the level where he can make such a big spectacle that... What is he gonna do?"
"I want to see 70 million dollars worth of oh [ __ ] that was dope."
"It's amazing they both beat the [__] out of each other for real and managed to make everything fake at the same time. It's stunning."
"Wow, what a shame, but it's pretty cool to see some Carnage like that."
"It's just gonna be two big dudes beat the dog-piss out of each other and it's going to be pretty entertaining."
"It's the spectacle that stands out to me more than anything."
"We're about to light up the biggest fireworks display anybody's ever seen. That is impressive."
"It looks like something out of a superhero film."
"It's over, Hillary through the table, unbelievable."
"Maybe Elon Musk should park a Falcon 9 rocket on the White House's front yard. Maybe driving upright Falcon 9 past the White House, flying a giant Stars and Stripes with a marching band playing, I can see clearly now."
"It’s a great way to see explosions up close and who doesn’t like explosions."
"Prepare yourselves for the most amazing sight you'll ever see. One shot!"
"We'll have thee as our rarer monsters are painted on a pole."
"We want to deliver those big spectacle moments, those near-impossible scenarios that only Spider-Man can survive."
"The footage is pretty spectacular... how many people can honestly say they've ever seen a ship sinking in person?"
"It's pretty crazy right here ladies and gentlemen this is pretty crazy."
"Consider yourselves hashtag blessed to be witnessing this spectacle."
"I'm gonna be fighting for you and I'm gonna bring you guys a spectacle."
"A media circus rivaling anything in print and broadcast history."
"It's one of the most incredible and spectacular engineering feats of the modern era."
"As a fan, to see the two largest heroes... go at it is just something spectacular." - Superman versus Spider-Man
"The grass boss fight was the best spectacle we've ever seen in zombies."
"Well if they are aliens they sure do like putting on a show."
"God is about to make a show and a spectacle of many people."
"I think it's gonna come down to Sanders versus Trump and my god that will at least be quite the show."
"Love it or hate it, it's a spectacular sight to look at, isn't it? Really impressive."
"The knights can't believe they just witnessed someone tame a bear and then transform it into a bunny."
"So for our final challenge, we're gonna leg press a Model T right in the middle of Fremont Street, and put on our own show."
"An event wrapped in spectacle and piloted by personality is now about to take flight."
"Neither of these trials ever managed to satiate the public appetite for speculation about the case."
"LCS should still be a big event. They're about the spectacle, they're about it being epic."
"The final battle everyone's been waiting for is Wolverine versus the demon master, alright? Whoever's wielding lightsabers, that's pretty cool."
"Come on, be honest, I know it's spectacular."
"The sight was terrifying, but also pretty incredible!"
"Sometimes you need a bit of a spectacle to sort of shock people awake."
"Both of their walkouts were amazing, their fights were amazing."
"They had witnessed a magnificent spectacle and miraculously survived."