
Societal Analysis Quotes

There are 381 quotes

"There's power dynamic between literally everybody in society; some favor women, some favor men."
"I think both can be true at once. The world is in a very chaotic period, and one that may continue frankly, but at the same time, we've built these incredible societies, particularly here in the West, that are stable, that are prosperous, that are comfortable."
"The thing with Mouse Utopia is you're seeing instinctive subconscious shifts among the mice which humans would then rationalize."
"But to cast these actions as the work of an inherently evil human being allows us to ignore that this wasn't just something that came out of nowhere."
"There's a brilliant historian, Peter Turchin, who created a computer model that's been able to predict when societies divide and fall in civil wars across history."
"You can judge a society by the way the women act in that society."
"Intersectionality informs the ways in which we think about the world. People aren't running around saying 'I'm a cisgender millennial,' but intersectionality informs the ways in which we think about the world."
"Understanding a person and their problems comes down to understanding the many, many ways in which they have societal advantages, disadvantages, and the ways they interact."
"The Ministry of Truth is a sad pejorative view of humanity, insisting people are insufficient and flawed."
"Many things in the real world that seem inexplicable...suddenly make perfect sense when you see it in terms of people trying to gain power, hold power, and deny it to others."
"These postcards are far more than just surreal art; they may serve as visual clues to an unsettling and overlooked chapter in history."
"Once you have a systemic and institutional framework, you see how oppression manifests in many subtle ways."
"Countries which are consistently rated as the happiest in the world are also some of the most atheistic countries."
"We are entering a new kind of neofeudalistic sense. There is a noble class, the modern landed gentry."
"That would be an interesting test, I think, of whether or not the total load of responsibility is really what's correlating with reported happiness or not."
"The most dangerous person in the world: a lonely, young, broke male."
"It's not like good side bad side... it's just a Clash of Civilizations."
"Women don't live in this amazing privileged well...they actually live in a really complicated maze."
"The present is Hitler’s Utopia, hell on Earth, even for most of the ones who’ve asked for it."
"Brave New World is really about how a liberal democracy can essentially drug itself into tyranny."
"Modern life is kind of analogous to medieval Europe."
"To imply that those who are the victims of capitalism, those who are the most oppressed, most marginalized, are actually behind the curtain controlling everything is just wrong and contrary to every piece of evidence we have about who has wealth and power in this country."
"It's not about Republicans versus Democrats, conservatives or liberals; it really is about what's happening to average people."
"Our Western culture is the least tyrannical society that's ever been produced."
"If you measure human progress, then you'd see that we've been failing and falling down for a long time."
"We're going back to the Dark Ages in a sense."
"We can look at what's going on right now as a precursor, showing us in advance what happens when the bottom falls out of society."
"It identifies 36 discrete political tribes and factions that you're likely to encounter in this country."
"They are tribes and factions defined a lot more by differences in identity and culture than the politics of left and right per se."
"Critical race theory...believes that the ordinary state of affairs in our society is racism, that racism hides itself rather than gets better, has permanence to it."
"This is the least racist majority white country in the world."
"A study of decadence: What actually is decadence? It's a very vibey word, and people throw it around a lot, not really knowing what it actually means."
"Huxley may be more right than Orwell in the big questions."
"The left is generally a much more political culture than the right."
"It's a clear-cut example of the difference between a communist state and a capitalist state."
"Higher socioeconomic status leads to higher intelligence."
"And that's the state I think many, many people in American society are in."
"I would actually encourage people to read... 'Political Ponerology'."
"We want to let people know how white supremacy is like a religion and a belief system."
"It ain't about no Guns Germs and Steel, Benny. They had an advantage because they had a code, and we don't."
"There's never just one reason why a group of people or a person ends up the way they are."
"If you wanted to take like the left right now right, I would assume that more people, if you took a poll, more people would say, 'Hey, I agree more with the left than the right.'"
"Bad cultures have nothing to do with race. Some cultures are bad, some cultures are good, and that has nothing to do with race." - Ben Shapiro
"Bet he's not looking at the Internet he's looking at actual sentiment in suburbs and different communities and how they feel about this stuff."
"...Taiwan is a touchstone for whether the Chinese people are capable of democracy after all."
"Unlike our politicians and pop culture figures who can only compare our society to World War II or the 60s, I find the most telling parallels to our current age being the fall of the Roman Republic, the French Revolution, and finally the 1600s."
"Why are certain Republicans throwing their lot in, why are other Americans basically believing?"
"Every successful civilization requires a success mindset, but once that successful civilization becomes strong enough, it breeds the second generation of people who don't get it."
"The fact that Ukrainians were able to resist the Russian invasion suggests that the nation or the civil society had already consolidated to a pretty impressive degree."
"All disparities in racial statistics must be due to racism."
"It's true that last year all finns were happier than the rest of the country's residents but their immigrants were also the happiest immigrants of the world."
"Is it intentional or is it just the way things go that Hard Times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times?"
"We must first ask an equally reasonable but far more urgent question: what are the social, cultural, economic, and intellectual conditions that led these people to our doors?"
"In terms of freedom of expression, we were significantly more free at least culturally 20 years ago than we are now."
"The truth is chloroformed in this culture, wherever you go it's a truthless society."
"Do you think maybe this world that we live in is a white supremacist world?"
"A society that, for all of its achievements and progression in the fields of education, cultures, and logic, was still largely governed by religion and mythology."
"Military action should follow international law."
"You can believe that totally race neutrally, but it's a way of getting sometimes non-racist people in line with the systemic white supremacist tendency."
"The goal is to accurately assess what Society is capable of and maximize happiness within this environment."
"Wokism regularly plays on people's better motivations and compassion, clumping everything into groups of people regardless of individual actions." —
"Make the connections between who's in charge, what they're trying to accomplish, and how it's impacting you as an individual and society in general."
"Politics always involves a little bit of brute force, but there are times when it's much more rational and civilized than others. And we're in one of the others right now."
"Seeing where it failed can help you refine what your understanding of a society benefiting from morality looks like."
"How does a society get to that point? What breeds that?"
"We had an agenda to understand that the reason we remained oppressed in America was because there was this fundamental 400-year-old existing system that had oppressed us as a group in the beginning."
"Critical Race Theory is not the bourgeoisie oppressing the proletariat. It’s white people oppressing people of color."
"Somewhere that denies its people's souls, their individuality, their happiness. Somewhere way too hostile for anyone to survive. That's what Marxism is, and that is not hyperbole."
"It provides an explanation for why minority groups aren't doing well, but it does not provide any analysis for why white men would be failing."
"We're living on a planet where 50% of the population is liable to go nuts and kill a bunch of people at any moment."
"It's culture ultimately that makes the difference between those groups that succeed and those that lag behind others."
"China is not a black and white box, it's complex"
"We need to integrate disability into our analysis of capitalism."
"Engage in conversation as to what happened, where we are, where do you want to go."
"Why is the devil spending so much energy and time destroying families?"
"Thucydides said that the society that separates its Scholars from its Warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."
"People who are racist and people who dislike racism both view things through the lens of race."
"It means that white people have a disproportionate advantage in society."
"So until we recognize the interplay of our genetic nature and our cultural software layer we will continue to mess up the question."
"There is nothing to show for the majority but chaos, cruelty."
"It's not a matter of finding the right bubble, it's about seeing the entire meta dynamic."
"The contrasting fates of black men and women highlight the importance of cultural compatibility."
"The mysterious demise of the Indus civilization, a Utopia without weaponry or kings."
"Voices that attack the establishment, that attack the deep state, that attack the corporatization of America and indeed the world are necessary at this time."
"Accelerationism: Embraced by both extremes, where left meets right."
"But on both the left and the right, there is just... divide, divide, divide. It's coming apart."
"America is the least racist white majority society in the country."
"In order for us to think about where we're gonna go in the future we should take a hard look at where we have been in the past."
"I think having somebody more to the left of me is probably beneficial because the country is kind of veered off like so far right."
"The boomers have dominated our society and they're sort of in a strange place right now as a generation."
"You never had a generation like the boomers."
"There's a Brian Kaplan book called the case against education which is emphatically worth reading."
"When people decide that the goal is to destroy things for its own sake, what you're watching is not a political movement, it's evil."
"In the last days, there will be very perilous times. We're living in the end times when darkness seems to prevail over our nation and the world."
"Money, power, and sex pierce through everything."
"Plenty of madness going on and I'm just here to try to make sense out of it all."
"You cannot overstate the scale of demographic change underway right now in the United States."
"Government can go away, but politics will stay."
"I mean you know this is a country that's obviously seriously regressed."
"Understanding the times, understanding the political climate, understanding how to discern."
"We should all be Marxists in a sense of agreeing with his diagnosis of our troubles."
"Hindus are being slow-cooked and Kerala is a laboratory where this is all being done."
"Everything white people do has a political purpose."
"Black people are as dependent on white people today as we were when slavery ended."
"Whether we realize it or not, we are living in a very Nietzschean world."
"The plurality of data right now expressed both in academia and by the government is that there is in fact systemic racism in this country."
"Even now, we are not so much divided as we are disconnected."
"Revolutions are for people under actual autocracies. We're not there yet."
"The breakdown of a shared reality... Both sides seem not to be able to process that they're speaking past each other."
"We cannot properly analyze these disparate outcomes unless we do talk about this subject openly."
"Discrimination is an innate part of who we are. Every group believes themselves to be morally superior to the other."
"The West's great advantage over other civilizations is our ability to self-reflect."
"Powerful elites, billionaires, millionaires, politicians, princes, kings, princesses, dukes and duchesses - powerful individuals want control. That's not a conspiracy theory, that's humanity forever."
"Powerful interests coalesce and then seek to empower themselves, and eventually you get centralized authority."
"We have not come back to the Lord; we've grown much farther away."
"The fate of American society does not rest with conservatives, it rests with people in the middle."
"What all this says about us and our time-- probably a lot."
"Power and all it entails can be both dangerous and productive, destructive and redemptive."
"Any person with a modicum of instruction in the affairs of our time clearly sees the current inferiority of Muslim countries... This senseless pride is the radical flaw of the Muslim."
"One of the things I think if a 15th-century Florentine were to come back in a time machine today to look at what we as a society are doing, he or she would find a rather familiar landscape." - Professor Frank Snowden
"When you have even the slightest grasp of the actual reasons for this increase in trans youth, the baseless fearmongering becomes incredibly easy to see for what it is."
"A world populated by visionaries, misfits, snakes, stoners, and billionaires."
"Generations, right, they are a convenient lens through which we look at the people and the question is how explanatory, how useful is the particular lens we're using, right?"
"Mockers are a sign that we are in the last days."
"Racism must be understood as more than a set of individual beliefs."
"The book's main strength is that it goes through different areas in society and evaluates them through several competing frameworks."
"Trump found elements of society that were underappreciated and unified them."
"Understanding population demographics is key to stability."
"We're dealing with spiritual problems manifested in politics."
"Everything we're seeing now is spiritual in nature, not political."
"As always, these things are much more complex and nuanced."
"If people want to understand the nightmare that capitalism is a lot of games turn out to be easy for metaphor just especially blood-borne."
"Everything is cyclical. Understand history, and you'll understand the present."
"Consumption is irrepressible and the last reckoning because it is founded upon a lack."
"That's why you need to engage and then think about these critically."
"So, you take this concept and you merge it with the Marxist idea of equity, and you have just the perfect Frankenstein monster."
"We are either in a mass Awakening event or a total collapse of society."
"Do they actually have the power? Ultimately, there are seven billion of us and only a few of them."
"The UK is immeasurably far from being a racially just Society."
"This completely backwards, up and down, left is right kind of Orwellian euphemistic thinking is absolutely fascinating."
"Culture and economics are inseparably intertwined."
"Trump's nationalism is actually a multiracial nationalism."
"If Thursday is truly about setting out the state of the nation, we're going to have to look past the carefully crafted smoke and mirrors."
"This is not a country on the mend. This is a country that's busy falling apart."
"The political tribes are split in a million ways."
"We don't actually live in a post-Christian world, there's only a pre-Christian world."
"We're just Political Animals who are desperate to survive."
"Individuals don't beat institutions if every generation starts from scratch."
"This is the pinnacle of Western Civilization, this is the twilight."
"I think we might actually end up being Babylon."
"Ukraine's far-right problem: less about mass support, more about state support."
"No single contemporary intellectual has broken more ground or elucidated more of our reality as a society, nation, and Empire than Noam Chomsky."
"We are in what I call the beast system and it's manifesting more and more."
"Liberalism rests at its very bottom on a very parsimonious answer to the question of what's going on here, what's the world and what are we in it."
"We're either going to learn from data, facts, knowledge, wisdom... or I think we'll probably have some kind of civil war."
"Populism is a reaction of a powerless majority against Elites."
"It looks like this white college-white non-college gap will be with us for a while and is kind of this sort of, I would argue, bad for democracy gap."
"I strongly believe the majority of people in the world are hoping they're not racist."
"I think the percentage of people who are homosexual is fairly static."
"Cyberpunk 2077: It's not evaluating whether or not the American Dream is dead. It's evaluating what happens to a society that refuses to accept when it dies."
"Everything boils down to applications and perceptions of power in society, a fundamental premise of critical social justice."
"We're losing because it's a spiritual battle."
"Almost every single answer provided by open AI is a description of the world we live in."
"They hate normal people... they want to create a population of stupid weird Hollow people."
"The white man's burden mentality." - Analysis
"In this ideology, they feel completely justified. It's not hypocrisy, it's elitism."
"In reality, the best path toward wealth in this country is income mobility, not inherited wealth."
"Black people are not hunted down like animals, none of the data show that whatsoever."
"We need a total rebellion against the prospering society because it is prospering."
"The millennials are a failed generation by every objective measure of human life."
"The masonic black and white chessboard is definitely being played."
"Countries are poor not because of lack of resources, but because they don't have rule of law."
"1969: the end of an era, the final split and spiritual possession of a generation."
"The culture war is actually not a political battle at all, the political battle is a facade for the actual battle." - Jordan Peterson
"Until you figure out why they hate us so much... we're never going to fix any of the problems in this country."
"The left is the embodiment of the problem of existential vacuum."
"We are winning, no question, the corporate press is in shambles."
"It's actually true to say that something like 44% of Americans... would see a silver lining in this cloud because it would presage that the best thing that is ever going to happen is about to happen."
"The notion that the United States is going to collapse is not the least bit outlandish."
"The world's gotten more complex in terms of narrative... our focus is on the way the narratives are being spun."
"It's all by design, problem reaction solution."
"Media as a whole has become really led by Westminster politics."
"I'm not talking about black people, I'm not talking about white people, I'm not talking about any nationality, this is a socio-economic thing I'm talking about."
"Themes of political distrust, different political systems, and rebellion are the core themes."
"It's not the case that just billionaires are doing 30% better than they were in December 2019 or anything like that."
"Comparisons are almost always drawn up between our current situation in the modern day and Nazi Germany."
"And perhaps this is hinting at a world that is more recently fallen on harder times."
"The countries in which identity politics have taken hold with the most Vigor are those which are the most secular."
"The pandemics highlighted weaknesses in different societies."
"The Shinra corporation personifies the current economic and business systems of the world."
"It'd be misleading to think of this as a single unified culture, but rather a group of related cultures..."
"Think how the contemporary time you live in will be remembered in the future."
"You always see The Walking Dead as a sort of a mirror of the real world."
"What is this teaching me? What is this saying about us?"
"Maybe we are living in this fear mentality society today."
"History doesn't move in straight lines, it zigs and zags."
"It's a northern-bound phenomenon, not a strictly Southern one."
"Success of the State of Israel and the success of Jewish people throughout the English-speaking world in particular makes it difficult to maintain this imagined pyramid in your mind."
"That's what flows me away all the time when you study these people and how much they censor and why they censor. They're always a hundred percent convinced that they're the good guy in the story."
"The left and the right is basically Collective versus principle."