
Societal Conditions Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Spectacles are fun to indulge in. I get it. But they're definitely not liberatory if the conditions they arise from remain unchanged."
"People don't need better confidence per se; they need better conditions."
"The fix is of all of the different nightmares we could exist in, ours is the most luxurious."
"Liberty goes beyond a guarantee of non-interference; it referred to the creation and the sustenance of conditions conducive to the free exercise of rights."
"Illness in this society, given the conditions, is a normal response to an abnormal circumstance."
"The on-the-ground reality is more representative of a Charles Dickens novel than a Utopia."
"It encourages people to do what is morally good and right, especially in his Catholic worldview, even in less than ideal circumstances, AKA just the state of the world and society in general."
"Culture doesn't emerge in a vacuum. It's a collection of practices and beliefs that people develop in response to their circumstances."
"That to me, that is more distressing actually than any of these discrete incidents. We're in that dystopia."
"The reason why we have governments is to create conditions in which we can live life to our fullest potential."
"And that, right there, is the single greatest quality of trans-feminine culture, the resilience of trans women, the assumption a regal posture in even the most abject conditions."
"The tables have officially turned: Iceland has low crime rates."
"It's unfortunate, you want people to have options."
"You can laugh or cry, but getting upset about something that you saw on the internet isn't going to change the conditions in the world."
"People in predictable conditions will make predictable outcomes. If we fix the conditions, we can fix the outcomes."
"These seem to be the choices we live in a world of so few choices there's not much to do when these things come out"
"I don't care who the hell you are, who you vote for, if you can't at least admit it's horrible right now and it's not getting any better, then that's exactly..."
"Compared to how it could be, and how it has been in many places and how it is most everywhere in the world and how it was for much of the 20th century, things are so good here that it's absolutely beyond comprehension."
"Feminism only exists because of the security and safety we have."
"Power outages, propaganda, and poverty: the harsh realities of life in North Korea."
"It's not your color that they're against, it's your condition."
"Crime specifically... manifests in environments... due to material conditions."
"Every revolution in history, it's because the people were cold and hungry."
"Every time we get elected officials, the condition of black people gets worse."
"People feel worse about the conditions of the world than we often give them credit for."
"We're at our best when we're unified, we're at our worst when we're divided."
"We live in circumstances that were intentionally created and the anti black racism that begins to justify slavery is the same anti black racism that keeps black people in the conditions we are now."
"All of these conditions are very, very important, and they all come from poverty."
"Difficulty I think is at an all-time high right now."
"Everyone wants to work, everyone is wanting to get by at the moment."
"It takes leaders to lead people back to that vision of what binds them together. The conditions that we've created create selective pressure for those kinds of leaders to emerge."
"The ability of a free society to improve the lot of the ordinary person is a very necessary condition for remaining free."
"The environment in the west is very conducive for women or men, mostly women and children, to be protected."
"We are likely in a period of civil strife right now."
"The whole post-fascist period is one of clear and present danger."
"Enjoy widespread economic prosperity and fear your very existence."
"Americans are experiencing exceptional levels of stress, unprecedented is a strong term."
"It's becoming very, very difficult to achieve."
"There's going to be some kind of working class Rebellion against these conditions being Unleashed by our leaders right now."
"Prepare for the worst because we are living on the conditions that you could have never invented."
"The issue is the degree of freedom that's still available. Can people still be entrepreneurial in America today?"
"I don't think anybody in our society should have to live like this."
"Tough times produce strong leaders. Good times, weak leaders."
"Even in good times, bad people do bad things. But in bad times, bad people tend to do even more bad things."
"The condition that we're in is man-made, it's manufactured."
"In a world where they live in, it is always Topsy Turvy, it is messy, there's no stability."
"The people are not suffering. The people aren't up in arms."
"This place has become the hell that it always was."
"The better the world is, the less good we need to be at finding happiness and stealing happiness out of the world."
"It's not patriotism honestly it is beginning to be survival."
"Because that condition shouldn't have existed."
"You are not subject to the conditions that you are willing to impose on others."
"The condition and the situation and the needs of the people should define the role of a woman."