
Mars Exploration Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"The Perseverance rover has 19 cameras on board, ready to explore."
"It provides us with a way to visualize as if we were on Mars... and be able to visualize that."
"Why we explore Mars? The mysteries of the Red Planet, the history of water, the possibilities of life."
"You have to somehow believe that you can do it, or else you never try to put a car on the surface of Mars, right? It's crazy."
"There is an autonomous vehicle trudging along millions of miles away on planet Mars; its name is Perseverance."
"Perseverance is taking the next step in the exploration of Mars, especially addressing the quest whether life existed elsewhere in the universe."
"We will see Mars like never before with new photos and videos."
"Even if we just find a microbe that is clearly not related to Earth life, it did not get there through panspermia or anything else, it's native to Mars or Europa. That answer is essentially the question that life on Earth is definitely not alone."
"Jezero Crater is basically an ancient lakebed and one of the most promising places to look for evidence of ancient microbial life."
"Having this new technology really allows Perseverance to land in much more challenging terrain than Curiosity or any previous Mars mission could."
"A new chapter of Mars exploration has officially begun."
"This mission... is also part of our bigger exploration plans, which involve really understanding Mars and the evolution of Mars and whether there's life, ancient life."
"The first successful rover landing on July 4th, 1997, created a whole era of Mars exploration."
"Opportunity went into the history books as the first rover to complete the full distance of a martian marathon."
"Right from the beginning of its mission on Mars, Perseverance was spectacular."
"A recent software update gave Ingenuity the ability to choose safe landing spots on its own."
"Perseverance might still be active when the first humans land on Mars."
"Mars offers real possibilities for hosting humans."
"The truth is, no other planet has captured humans' collective imagination quite like Mars."
"Mars and Earth have a lot in common, including approximately the same land mass."
"The car-sized robot quickly discovered that the region once supported a long-lived, perhaps habitable lake and stream system."
"We're flying on Mars. What a fantastic concept on another planet."
"There's nothing anybody back on Earth can do anymore. It's all up to the robot now to guide itself safely from an interplanetary spacecraft down to the surface of Mars."
"This rover is the beginning of the next generation of Mars missions. This will bring samples back to Earth and pave the way for human exploration."
"It's a journey to make history in Mars exploration."
"Curiosity's nuclear power supply would give it the potential to explore Mars for years."
"This is the first time we're ever going to really truly probe into the core of Mars and get temperature readings and things from pretty far down."
"Nearly five years after its amazing arrival at Mars, the Curiosity Rover continues to reveal Mars as a once habitable planet."
"We found carbon, and nitrogen, and oxygen, and sulfur, and phosphorus, and nitrogen in the form of nitrates. That's actually a nutrient for life, a form of nitrogen that life can use."
"Finding organic molecules that have been preserved for three billion years, that really sets up this good-looking rover."
"Curiosity is a roving biologist. Its job is to look for past places on Mars that could have sustained life."
"With InSight, we hope to learn if Earth is an anomaly in the Solar system."
"Insight has been working marvelously for the last four years, we've gone well beyond the intended lifetime of the mission."
"We got to start just doing those projects. It's like we want to go to Mars and stuff, that's cool too, but let's also like reclaim all these deserts."
"We should be open-minded and search... we can look on Mars for any evidence of life that predated us, we can look on Earth for evidence of intelligent species billions of years ago."
"The Mars 3 on the other hand stuck the landing perfectly, becoming the first man-made craft to pull off a successful soft landing on Mars."
"The samples from Mars have the potential to profoundly change our understanding of the origin, evolution, and distribution of life on Earth and elsewhere in the solar system."
"The rocks from Mars have potential to show evidence of ancient life but to have that proof we need to bring those samples back and see them in the lab."
"Curiosity's primary objective is to discover if conditions suitable for life ever existed or still exist on Mars."
"Falcon Heavy could potentially do a Mars sample return with a single flight."
"We have to tread carefully and that if we discover life on Mars, one of the first things we're going to want to know about it is how closely related are we to it."
"There might be a place on Mars deeper in the subsurface where temperature and pressure are good for liquid water to stay there."
"Each rover mission stands on the shoulders of the previous mission in the questions that it gets to ask."
"Elon Musk is going to Mars, man... 'There's no life there? We'll create it.'"
"There's nothing truly scientifically or technologically impossible about getting to Mars soon; it's more politically and financially challenging."
"Through NASA's Artemis program, the United States is preparing for a crewed mission to Mars."
"This is the day when you mark the technological development that we broke through and built a vehicle that could actually go to Mars."
"The goblin: spotted inside a cave on Mars, sparking discussions of alien life."
"Ingenuity, as you know, is continuing to operate on Mars and it made a historic flight."
"Do you want to see more? Do you want to see doge go to Mars? Look at this, you want me to unlock that. I know you do."
"The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has been exploring the Martian atmosphere, surface, and water for more than 17 years."
"Ingenuity's achievements are nothing short of remarkable."
"Ingenuity changed the outlook for Mars exploration going forward, showing that flying machines are absolutely viable."
"The reality is we know very little about Mars... but the drive to get there has the ability to inspire generations once again."
"We're a month away from the Mars fleet beginning to arrive. That is awesome."
"Subsequent orbital imagery of the Cydonia region of Mars have attempted to debunk the face as just being a product of light angle. However, thankfully people did not let these debunking efforts dissuade them from further investigations of the area."
"The point of these robots is simple: to explore and understand what Mars is truly like on its surface."
"It started out with one small step for man and now the journey to Mars is right around the corner!"
"The rover returned thousands of images and important detail about the atmosphere and geology."
"Nasa now has a sophisticated mobile science laboratory on Mars connected to Earth by the most advanced communications link."
"Perseverance's discovery of volcanic materials is a huge victory."
"Stromatolites could be a visual clue to prehistoric life on Mars."
"What NASA captured footage of on Mars is as close to spotting a UFO on the Red Planet as we'll likely get."
"Before performing any grinding, Spirit returned microscopic images..."
"On Sol 65, March 11, 2004, Spirit journeyed to an impact crater known as Bonneville crater..."
"An example of the simple changes and clear thinking that kept the rover operational for so long."
"Whether it's a natural formation or an ancient artifact, its discovery highlights the many mysteries still waiting to be uncovered on the Red Planet."
"The recent release of new photos by NASA featuring the Mars Curiosity Rover has excited conspiracy theorists greatly... human life could governments be hiding more from us than we had imagined."
"From the founders' set foot on Mars, we have dreamt of a day we could tread freely upon the red sand. Today the dream is finally manifested into reality."
"Physicist Brian Cox talks about alien biology: 'I would not be surprised if we find microbes on Mars or on some of the moons of Jupiter or Saturn.'"
"The future of aerial Mars exploration looks bright."
"If you could spend one day on Mars, what would you do there for fun?"
"In many ways, mining on Mars is probably the most cost-effective and most vital of the potential ideas that we've talked about."
"Thank you for your 25 years of service so far, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter."
"If for example, we were to ignore the public engagement with the projects at hand, the actual amount of scientific data and the technological evolution that we'd get from sending robots to Mars instead of humans would be greater."
"It's time to stop playing games. We need to operate under the assumption that Mars most probably is home to a variety of different types of bacterial life."
"Mars' Curiosity rover snapped incredible images from the surface of an alien world."
"Nonprofit groups plans permanent Mars colony."
"This is the first flight of a powered aircraft on another planet ever."
"The question should not be 'Is there life on Mars?' Instead, it should be 'What happened to life on Mars?'"
"For every one person who believes there's nothing on Mars but red dust and a rover, there's another person who believes there's life out there."
"Whether or not we ever find life-forms on Mars, we can still marvel at the beauty of our neighboring planet."
"The first human to set foot on Mars might just be a kid in a movie theater."
"Mars Insight: An incredible journey to the red planet, where precision is key and success is everything. #MarsMission"
"A vehicle literally designed to go off-roading on Mars."
"Mars touchdown: NASA has released stunning videos of its Perseverance rover landing on Mars."
"The new area of Mars feels absolutely happening... it feels like stuff is going on."
"Perseverance is the culmination of two decades of research and delivering rovers to the surface of Mars..."
"He's trying to get Humanities to Mars... I actually do think that's the main thing that drives him."
"It just begs the question why shouldn't Mars have life just like Earth?"
"The fascination and wonder surrounding the exploration of Mars have captivated Humanity for a considerable period."
"Who makes the best first astronauts to the Red Planet is going to be more complicated and maybe a bit more odd than we think."
"Since landing on mars last year, perseverance has been hunting for signs of ancient microscopic life."
"Ingenuity has completed over 15 flights and it's just keep chugging along. It was originally supposed to just do five flights but NASA loved it so much and it's brought back so much useful data."
"By establishing a permanent human presence on the moon, Artemis will act as a stepping stone for crude Expeditions further into the solar system, most notably to Mars."
"This wasn't the first time excellent quality images were beamed back from Mars, nor is it the first major landing, but this one did feel special."
"Getting to Mars won't be easy, but we can learn so much from trying."
"This is the first evidence from on the ground of water flow on Mars."
"Mars rovers still returning data."
"The absolute dream is to one day have a sample of Martian soil returned from Jezero Crater."
"Mars remains our primary focus because of that science question: did life evolve on the surface of Mars? And I have a bias that it's eventually going to take humans getting down on the surface of Mars, doing science, to answer that question."
"I'm hoping CIMON becomes my companion because once we arrive on Mars, I will have expert knowledge in the form of a companion of artificial intelligence."
"The surface of Mars Bears traces of ancient seas and rivers."
"We're testing technologies that will be critical to our return to the moon and great leap to mars."
"Mars is very different to Earth, but the differences that we adapt to will depend enormously on to what degree our technology addresses those differences."
"A hot air balloon would work really well on Mars."
"Perseverance is designed to look for signs of past microbial life, collect rock and soil samples, and prepare for future human exploration."
"We've made many giant leaps in the past 60 years, fulfilling President Kennedy's goal of Landing a person on the moon, and today we stand on the shoulders of giants as we reach farther into the stars and push forward to the Moon once again and on to Mars."
"We're excited to see what discoveries await us on our journey to the red planet, and we hope you are too!"
"The hardware that you once just dreamed of and was once just an idea in your head is now physically a reality and it's actually going to another planet."
"NASA finally honed the technology aboard their first Mars rovers, remote control cars carrying onboard Laboratories which could be driven across the Martian surface."
"If life on Mars exists, we will have a unique opportunity to test the generality of our kind of life."
"Ingenuity proves that we can not only achieve lift on Mars reliably but cheaply too."
"Hopefully, the whole world is watching with us because this is really a mission about the world community going to Mars."
"You won't believe your eyes of what NASA found on Mars."
"But transported to the other face of Mars revealed by Mariner 9, he would see fresh evidence of a living, changing planet."
"This remarkable picture invites the tantalizing prospect of someday entering the cave and exploring Mars beneath the surface."
"Multi-billionaire Elon Musk suggested in 2022 that he would land a Mann Mission to Mars as early as 2029."
"...we had our checklist of ingredients of life: water and source of energy. We could check each box, and that's what led the team to think that this was a potentially habitable environment."
"Curiosity's prime scientific goal is to explore a local region on Mars' surface as a potential habitat for life."
"Mars is a mystery story. Where did the water go?"
"We've learned that Mars and Earth probably started out looking a lot more similar than they do today."
"The most likely place to find evidence for ancient life is where you get the very finest sediment."
"Their mission: take good pictures of the surface, analyze the soil, wind, and atmosphere, and search for signs of microscopic life."
"The lessons we learn and new technologies will be proved through the asteroid redirect mission will put humans one giant leap closer to Mars."
"The asteroid redirect mission will utilize advanced capabilities and technologies that are needed for the future human exploration of Mars."
"With new technologies expanding our ability to explore the Red Planet, Mars has never felt closer to Earth."
"We want to explore Mars in a much more aggressive manner so that we can actually really get a sense of are we alone in the universe."
"Through these rovers, our species have gone to work on Mars and now a generation has grown up with these rovers and have been inspired by them."