
Mysteries Quotes

There are 578 quotes

"Why we explore Mars? The mysteries of the Red Planet, the history of water, the possibilities of life."
"In most cases, the lines are so precise and clear that many wonder how these ancient civilizations constructed these designs when we only discovered their existence when we learned how to fly."
"Being in a state of awe is actually very good for us. It increases our well-being to contemplate mysteries and the bigger questions."
"One of the great mysteries is contemplating consciousness, just as fun as the idea of black holes or the beginning of the universe."
"The very fact that these ancient truths and mysteries are unreachable is exactly why I feel I must attempt to explore them."
"At first glance, Antarctica appears to be a frozen wasteland, but hidden below the icy exterior are mysteries that have left even modern scientists bewildered."
"Disco Elysium excels in delivering mysteries that beg to be solved."
"In recent times, a series of peculiar events have left communities puzzled and with more questions than answered."
"Dark energy and dark matter are two of the biggest enigmas in modern astrophysics."
"Diving deep into mysteries or hidden materials can lead to deeper revelations and understandings."
"Science may be full of mysteries; it doesn't have to be mysterious to us. Citizens can learn, in general form, what some of the leading questions are in any given area of inquiry."
"I'm ready to remember ancient mysteries and secrets from deep within."
"I've heard stories from kids who say this crazy stuff before five, like they remember their past life and their death, and the parents do research and figure out they're right about everything."
"Stay tuned for new fascinating facts about mysteries of the universe, stars, and planets."
"And we still care about it because we care about possibilities - we’re compelled by mysteries that could still be solved."
"Antarctica is holding a lot of secrets, Connie. I feel in my heart that there is evidence in Antarctica that will change our outlook on who we are on this planet."
"Antarctica is this massive icy world, almost entirely wrapped up in thick, heavy ice, making it a place that's been full of mysteries and unanswered questions for years and years."
"Mars is full of mysteries; that’s why we keep sending satellites and rovers to explore it."
"Secrets, cover-ups, and strange phenomena. UFOs and ideas that challenge reality itself. All these mysteries, all this time, are we ever going to get to the bottom of these?"
"The Congo's depths hold secrets that continue to beckon the curious."
"This is the greatest time to be alive because there are these great mysteries."
"The Lake Nyos event continues to be one of the more frightening and mysterious natural phenomena ever documented."
"This Earth is filled with wonderful and bizarre occurrences that we're often left unable to explain."
"Lost to the waves and lost to history, the city of Atlantis has forever been one of the great mysteries of the ancient world."
"Beyond history, beyond memory, the ancient world conceals many mysteries."
"The Pyramid of Egypt has been and still is a temple of initiation into the Mysteries."
"The most unnerving killings are those that can't be explained."
"Billions of people travel under the sky every day, but in comparison, only a bare few encounter the strangest creatures, unexpected phenomena, and utterly astounding sightings."
"The existence of living terrasaurus remains uncertain, igniting curiosity and debate, reminding us of the mysteries that persist in the natural world."
"The ningan is a cryptic and intriguing part of Maritime folklore."
"Egypt is surely one place that is full of mysteries."
"Siberia has never failed to amuse us with unexpected events, be it peculiar Sky Mysteries or life Frozen in time."
"Aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years."
"Levitation, knowing things outside of what you should be able to know, speaking ancient languages."
"The twin link and its mysterious connection."
"Skulls up to six times the size of normal humans."
"What do you make of these Mysteries and disappearances?"
"Some of the most pervasive mysteries are those that occur in real life."
"I want to know what happens when you die, I'm intrigued about what happens when you die."
"Mysteries, mysteries, mysteries. And that's why we do this, isn't it? The mysteries of the universe."
"Historical mysteries can be some of the most perplexing out there."
"We know they believed in God, we know they somehow built some of the most precise and grand structures in history, but could they fly?"
"The Altanan antenna: a staple of underwater mystery, sparking interest worldwide."
"The ocean has always held a treasure trove of mysteries."
"The nature of world-changing anomalies means that the foundation likely has no idea how they really started or what came before them."
"Is it a coincidence all these school sightings? I mean, there's apparently good ones in L.A. and in France and all over the world."
"There's a lot of crossover between angels, demons, and aliens."
"The world is full of mysteries and secrets that cannot be explained with logical reasoning."
"Hardly any error in our human history is as mysterious as Egyptian antiquity."
"Who knows what secrets are still there waiting to be uncovered."
"The mysterious parallel lines at the top of the ancient structure."
"Mysterious disappearances and ancient genocides: the untold stories of lost civilizations."
"We don't understand consciousness... we really want to."
"We live in a universe teeming with unexplained mysteries."
"People want to know where the bodies are buried."
"How could this be possible? Long before humans had the architectural capacity to construct what had been found."
"An undersea world of bewildering landscapes, detailed ecosystems, and surprising mysteries."
"It's pretty mind-blowing, it is. Why is it there?"
"Stars vanishing forever without a trace. Unbelievable, huh? Well, not really. So far, several hundreds of cases have been identified."
"Leaving a trail of geological mysteries behind."
"Could places like Chaco Canyon, Puma Punku, and Teotihuacan be ancient roadmaps to the stars?"
"It's rewarding when mysteries subvert our line of thinking."
"The lack of evidence in this case is what makes it so mystifying."
"There are still mysteries surrounding detailed descriptions of sea and lake monsters provided by observers over the centuries."
"Altered lives, baffling medical mysteries, shocking revelations."
"Who is Jesus? Who is Lucifer? Well, the answer is..."
"The truth is I can't say what it is other than what I believe and that one thing I do know is Mother Nature doesn't make right angle objects in the ocean."
"The sky darkening with millions of metallic teardrops."
"Join us as we explore the Book of Enoch, which reveals shocking mysteries of our history."
"One of the greatest mysteries of Antarctica solved deep below the ice."
"So what do you think has been spotted in the skies above North Carolina?"
"We've seen plenty of companies and groups use mysteries and alternate reality games as some sort of marketing tool."
"The gift of tongues is mysteries being spoken aloud; your spirit is praying."
"Ancient sites such as Giza Machu Picchu among many others still contain very confusing artifacts anomalous evidence."
"There are still a lot of mysteries and unresolved plot threads in Wano."
"People like the Mayans, the Celts, the Irish, the Templars, and the Freemasons all have mysteries of their own, which I'm just now starting to unravel."
"Could an ancient advanced civilization live in secret within a network of cave systems deep underground?"
"How did her bow become separated from her stern by a staggering two thousand feet?"
"Foreign there are many Mysteries to be found within ancient Egypt unexplained seemingly impossible Mysteries which litter the caverns tunnels flooded underground layers."
"Sometimes, the most important mysteries are those within ourselves."
"Webb promises to help solve some of the greatest mysteries in the universe."
"If someone on their deathbed wanted to clear their conscience before passing, without that, it appears... will remain unsolved."
"Why in our oceans? And how could they engineer craft that is essentially a flying submarine?"
"What if everything we just talked about is somehow interconnected?"
"I wonder if this is one of those stories that will remain a mystery or if one day we'll maybe get some sort of answers as to what exactly happened."
"The family happily listened to tales of past mysteries that still surround."
"These vast expanses of emptiness are a treasure trove of clues and mysteries about the universe."
"Antarctica has been the subject of many unsettling mysteries... brave adventurers... awestruck by its enigmatic beauty."
"Where it actually came from, where it went, and how it ever got so big to start with are queries that are never addressed."
"The story of Atlantis and its disappearance into the sea raises questions about ancient civilizations."
"Ancient mysteries shrouded in the shadows of time. Now can they finally be solved by looking to the heavens?"
"Whatever the case, it seems that the biggest black hole out there is the black hole in our knowledge of the universe and what lies beyond."
"Quite why these ancient people had such specific beliefs about feathers and the afterlife is unknown."
"Cosmology brings us face to face with the deepest mysteries, with questions that were once treated only in religion and myth."
"Human history is full of mysteries that have yet to be explained."
"Every curse, every myth, every mystery has a moment where it began."
"If Nick's theory is correct, all of the anomalies within the Bermuda Triangle and all of its heightened danger could come down to a question of magnetism."
"The Bermuda Triangle: nothing short of spooky."
"15 strangest disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle."
"The true 13th sign is that of the 13th Crystal Skull and the 13th tribe of Israel."
"Boundless mysteries that the deep oceans hold."
"These missing people are real and it's disturbing how they manage just to dematerialize and then nothing."
"This discovery of dark energy combined with the lack of answers on what it could be is, to me, about as shocking as it gets."
"Minnesota is known for an abundance of Bigfoot sighting reports."
"God reveals mysteries to us through His Spirit, searching all things, even the deep things of God."
"People have been disappearing from national parks in their thousands over the last few centuries."
"Cataclysms could explain why we have such a mysterious past."
"I'm ready to get to the bottom of every unsolved mystery."
"There are many mysteries yet to be discovered past the realm of secrecy."
"Some of the greatest secrets and mysteries of our ancient past, the answers are found here in Australia."
"Machu Picchu, a complex too massive to construct in 25 years, holds anomalies suggesting advanced technology."
"The Great Pyramid's construction challenges defy conventional explanations, suggesting lost ancient high civilization."
"If there was anywhere on Earth where crashed preserved ancient alien technologies could still be found, it would be here."
"To this day archaeologists and stonemasons are very much baffled by the fact that some of these constructions can't be replicated even in today's world."
"Every country has its secrets and India is no exception."
"I wanted to know once and for all, did architecture once hold a lost function that has been hidden from us? Did the cathedrals hold a mystery? Yes."
"There is speculation that it once allowed for instantaneous travel to other unknown locations."
"While we can't say for sure if this thing ever functioned as a portal and allowed in otherworldly visitors, it's certainly one of the places on Earth that looks like it could have."
"If giants walk the earth, sooner or later that too will be discovered."
"What kind of universe are we in and what is the true agenda of the intelligences with us on our planet?"
"One of my favorite mysteries in the Zelda franchise is that around the Song of Storms, it tantalizes the player to try and figure out what happened."
"These two particular galaxies had the redshift of 10 and a half and 12.5 might also help us solve one of the bigger mysteries in cosmology related to the period known as the realization period."
"That's what science is all about, uncovering mysteries."
"There aren't too many explosions throughout history that have been unexplained."
"Perhaps one of the more exciting discoveries and mysteries in the modern age has been what lies beneath Stonehenge."
"There may be more going on than what we're seeing around us."
"Strange creatures and things that go bump in the night just won't go away."
"An unsolved mystery can be a small sliver right underneath the skin - annoying, perplexing, and curious all at the same time."
"How does your body create consciousness? We have absolutely no idea."
"Sometimes the most innocent-looking places hold the darkest secrets."
"This entire chapter ties back to the seven, the imagined order, and the longest-running mystery in the game."
"The world is riddled with strange and unsolved mysteries."
"Are all these events connected? Do they hint towards something spiritual or within the realm of quantum physics?"
"Everything that has to do with like solving a mystery or a crime or just mysterious I love it."
"Several Egyptian discoveries that will leave us baffled."
"This is where they created the skibby toilets, but why? Why would they do this?"
"the mysteries of the easter island statues are finally being revealed"
"I'm open to all kinds of mysteries and theories."
"How much do you really know about your neighbors?" - A chilling question that challenges perceptions and stirs curiosity about the hidden lives around us.
"Want to learn more about what COULD be in Area 51?"
"That means that there is a far greater power at play, something beyond he who remains, and that is what Kang really needs to solve."
"We live in a vast galaxy with a lot of unanswered questions."
"There are unexplained phenomena in this world, and if we don't keep investigating, we'll just live in fear and never know anything for certain."
"The things that go bump in the night, they're there. You just have to accept it."
"There's very few retrievable corpses or bodies associated with UFOs."
"No matter how it gets in the Amazon jungle, there's no shortage of chilling things to discover."
"It is his pleasure to give you the mysteries of the kingdom."
"They are always hearing things we can't hear. They are always seeing things we can't see. They are always smelling things we can't smell."
"Either it was a coincidence that all these different people solved the same mathematical equations and astronomical theories thousands of years ago, or they got help from an undetermined outside source."
"Let's investigate if you enjoy internet Mysteries and generally disturbing content."
"Some say it was built by extraterrestrials, others say Giants or even by ancient humans who possessed magical abilities."
"Do the world's financial leaders know something we don't?"
"They offer a fascinating glimpse into the ways in which human curiosity and Imagination continue to engage with ancient Mysteries and the enigmatic realm of unidentified objects."
"The earth’s oceans have revealed strange mysteries, the more in detail we go with the study of them, the stranger they get."
"The majority of Americans already believe we're being visited and that we're not alone in the universe."
"There's that many different kinds of phenomena reported regularly that something's happening here."
"Some of these cases are so bizarre that it's hard to even speculate what could have happened."
"Living in the age of mysteries... when all you needed to do to remind yourself of how gorgeously weird the world is."
"There's one unsolved mystery that may prove the existence of time travel: UFOs."
"Here are 20 unexplained mysteries of the national parks."
"The forest isn't as quiet as it seems, there are mysteries out there and some are better left unsolved."
"When you pray in the spirit, you speak mysteries, things you don't know but the Spirit of God does know."
"The JWST: unraveling the mysteries of the universe."
"Join us as we unravel 15 of the most terrifying things that were recently discovered underwater."
"Throughout history people have been fascinated by Royals and especially Royal Mysteries."
"Seismic surveys had revealed a series of unexplained tunnels and chambers underneath the sphinx."
"There's more going on here than we know, we already know that."
"The more I look at this the more I'm convinced there's something going on."
"There's so many satisfying and beautiful secrets and mysteries and teachings around the evolution of our planet and our form."
"Access to certain Mysteries that has caused you to become seasoned."
"We want to spread as much awareness as possible that these things are going on in these national parks and something is going on whether it be a secret whether it be a conspiracy people have the right to know."
"Archaeology represents a crucial lifeline to our own past, but some discoveries offer more questions than answers."
"There are some real mysteries from the literal mystery spot to the river that cooked the conquistadors."
"Yonaguni: a series of rock structures that resemble square pyramids which surely can only have been created by intelligent life."
"It's time to explore all these unanswered questions."
"What were the ancient weapons and why were they made?"
"Buried and encoded within the landscape to be accessed by future generations who understand the nature of the mysteries and that's what they did."
"Is it possible that the unfortunate victims of these incidents have simply vanished from the face of the earth only to reappear in a different reality altogether?"
"It really makes you think how many other mysteries out there will come to a conclusion in the next few years due to technology just finally becoming advanced enough to solve it."
"Clearly something was being built here that we cannot find or see today."
"Science is all about trying to understand what can't be understood."
"Sarah keeps dreaming that something happens on one day... everybody know like it connects to everything."
"Let me know down below in the comments what do you believe is the biggest mystery that has never been answered in this series and you think we'll ever get an answer to it at some point?"
"There are many mysteries to be found within ancient Egypt."
"There are mysteries in this world that should perhaps never be solved."
"Real world wonders and mysteries that push the boundaries of the human body and mind."
"Fate intertwines lives in unexpected ways, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions."
"I've always been fascinated with the mysteries life has to offer."
"In the infinite depths of our planet lie ancient enigmas waiting to be solved."
"Modern medicine has advanced so rapidly in the last century that it's hard to believe we're actually left with terrible diseases we can't explain."
"Edgar Allan Poe had introduced readers to the world of deciphering messages and there are many more waiting to be solved."
"Titanic forces are constantly at work, leaving a trail of geological mysteries behind."
"Stories of the unexplainable things that happen in the middle of the ocean."
"I really like mysteries like this that are so open to interpretation, even if the truth is probably relatively mundane."
"DNA is just a book that contains our life's mysteries."
"Despite the many theories, no one knows for sure who built Stonehenge."
"This is the secret to how the pyramids were built. I knew it, it was aliens all along."
"So many secrets lurk inside Pandora alone."
"Let it be known that a lot of crazy stuff happens within this country."
"The mysteries of Mithras are something that is done, they are an act."