
Life Possibilities Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Why we explore Mars? The mysteries of the Red Planet, the history of water, the possibilities of life."
"Fundamentally a digital life is one decoupled from classic time... You can live a thousand-thousand lifetimes, all in different places, or maybe far, far more."
"With all these new discoveries we now have evidence that our own Galaxy is filled with other worlds and some of those worlds might host life."
"Our existence on Earth proves that life is possible in the universe."
"People should have more opportunities to see different possibilities and choose for themselves."
"The mere existence of these entities We Now call extremophiles has brought about the idea that perhaps life can Thrive throughout the Universe under conditions we didn't think were possible."
"Anything is possible, don't close yourself off to the possibilities."
"We deserve to know what life outside of that box is like in our lifetime."
"We don't have to be stuck in our current limitations, really the world is at our fingertips at all times."
"The probability that life exists elsewhere is pretty high."
"Let's have a more interesting reality. This world can be whatever we want."
"The Drake Equation can be used to estimate how many planets in our own galaxy at this moment could feasibly contain life intelligent enough to contact us."
"You can literally have it all over here. The world is telling me you can have it all."
"Is it possible that the sun is actually not an ideal star for life to form around?"
"Reality: we all think we have infinite possibilities but when you really analyze it every question and answer is constrained by previous choices."
"We have one life, we have anything we want to do within reason."
"Be adventuresome and be playful, and you will find that once you understand what consciousness is, there's almost an infinite number of possibilities."
"It would apparently appear that nothing is impossible when life is concerned."
"It's kind of exciting to me, and if nothing ever comes of it, just that little glimmer of hope."
"The presence of such an ocean hiding out on Pluto would have seismic implications on considerations of life beyond the Earth."
"Your life is like this tiny bit and then the rest is massive and you can do all that you want and be happy and make good friends."
"There may be millions of stars in the cosmic Goldilocks zone where conditions are just suitable for life."
"I seemed to be asking the question: what happens when someone goes from an engineer's life of probabilities straight paths, clear answers and to-dos to a life of possibilities?"
"The future and the preparations that you make need to have that in mind that the world is really your oyster you are free there are more options around you than your little narcissistic brain could even imagine."
"I have to believe that this can actually be my life."
"Clear out the clutter and open to infinite possibilities."
"People can do so many cool things in your life."
"Life might not necessarily rely on atoms and molecules but could be intricately interwoven with the very fabric of the cosmos."
"Life has more possibilities or that life is more expansive."
"There is more in store than you can imagine."
"Yes, there could be a lot of options manifesting in your life."
"Your dreams, the visions of your life, is God's way of giving you a preview as to what's possible."
"You really can do anything. Guys, you can do anything in life."
"You're a 25-year-old woman... so many new possibilities will open up before you."
"Anything is possible in life, that you can change your way of being, that you can grow your confidence, that anything is possible."
"The palette of just what can happen with life on exoplanets may be wider than we imagine."
"At any time, we can step back into it and we can be transformed back to a time when nothing was certain but everything was possible."
"This card is an invitation to reassess and to look beyond these limitations and to recognize that in opening yourself to possibility you automatically invite positive change into your life."
"It's never too late. Making changes and still kicking on shows you anything is possible."
"Do not listen to these people that tell you it's over at 40."
"This is a message that there's more out there, and there's not just a little bit more there's a lot more."
"Part of you knows that there's something else out there for you, part of you knows that there's something else bigger and better waiting for you."
"Life can exist as almost purely electrical impulses independent of cellular or viral structure."
"If life can find a way in searing heat in minuscule amounts of water then surely it can find a way somewhere in the vast universe."
"There's definitely other life on other planets."
"It's like this call to adventure or there's this inner calling that I feel like you're having."
"It's more than a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibility."
"The truths and clarity... It's also about love and all the possibilities there."
"Never give up on your dreams because it's never too late, and anything you want in life can and will come true if you truly believe in it."
"Change is one constant in history and all peoples, all natural systems, have constantly been dancing with new possibilities of life."
"Life can exist in extreme locations in extreme environments on this planet, so that might encourage us that life on other planets could exist because maybe conditions don't have to be as ideal as I was saying earlier."
"The existence of organisms in such a dismal place suggested there could be life on inhospitable alien planets."
"It's one of our prime candidates for life."
"Proxima Centauri b presents a tantalizing glimpse into the potential for life beyond Earth."
"Without that fear, think about what's possible, think about where your life can go, where your life can be now, moving forward, without this fear."
"There's life form here, why can't there be life form somewhere else?"
"Our chances of finding life on other planets have increased dramatically over the last two decades."
"When you can leave people in awe, you can do just about anything you want with your life."
"Planets are common... there are lots of potential environments for life."
"It's all about newness, willing to try new things, exploring all possibilities of life."