
Mars Mission Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Perseverance is the most sophisticated mission we have ever sent to the Red Planet's surface."
"And here we are with Mars Perseverance, 51 years later, getting ready to do the first ever Mars return mission."
"For the first time, we are going to collect rock samples and bring them back to Earth."
"Making the UAE the fifth country ever to get to Mars at all... even more impressive to do so on your very first attempt."
"Liftoff as the countdown to Mars continues, the perseverance of humanity launching the next generation of explorers to the red planet."
"America's long-term presence at the moon both robotic and human will help develop the experience and capabilities we need to eventually send the first astronauts to Mars."
"Thanks for literally and figuratively putting us in the right position to succeed. Let's land on Mars together."
"We are gearing up for touchdown on the Red Planet this week."
"Together we're counting down to Mars. Go Perseverance."
"The question is when will we start [going to the stars]? I think a manned Mars mission could happen within 15 years."
"Insight is a mission to Mars, but it's much, much more than a Mars mission. In some sense, it's like a time machine."
"It was August 2012, more than 5 years ago we came barrelling into Mars... But the objective of the mission was to explore a habitable environment on Mars."
"Ultimately, the goal is this: We're going to Mars, and in order to go to Mars, we have to use the moon as a proving ground."
"This mission, to bring back samples from another planet, represents the spirit of Mars exploration."
"We're building the next chapter of American exploration, returning to the moon and to stay, so we can go beyond to Mars, to expand what's possible and further our understanding."
"The question is no longer if or why man should fly to Mars, but when."
"Through NASA's Artemis program, the United States is preparing for a crewed mission to Mars."
"The real goal here for Elon Musk is to get to Mars."
"Nasa is actively planning to place the first woman on Mars by the 2030s."
"We will land the first woman on the moon and become the first nation in the world to plant our flag on Mars."
"This is a new beginning of the human era. Literally, the first time a vehicle that's trying to get humans to Mars will actually fly."
"I believe we can send humans to orbit Mars and return them safely to Earth."
"Currently, SpaceX plans to send cargo flights to Mars as early as 2022 to confirm water sources and install power and life support infrastructure."
"Mars one has just taken another step to bring mankind where it has never stepped before."
"It started out with one small step for man and now the journey to Mars is right around the corner!"
"Elon Musk's vision is to take both humans and equipment to Mars with the goal of setting up a colony."
"Come and hang out in Japan, there is a life-size replica of the ISS."
"I think it would be very exciting to see Humanity back on the moon and to have the first people on Mars."
"Starlink is one of the ways that Elon is able to fund the Mars mission."
"Reports have actually become more frequent over the past few years, with eerie figures spotted down long, dark hallways and disembodied whispers almost a daily occurrence."
"Thank you for leading the charge in our adventure on Mars."
"Moving one step closer towards the reality of sending a crew to Mars."
"Launch date announced... Mars orbiter mission... India's boldest step in the global space race."
"It's not about becoming the richest man in the world, there's a pure intent, you know, he wants to go to Mars."
"This opens up a unique opportunity - if you run a space company and have innovative ideas on how to lower the cost of retrieving Martian samples, NASA is asking for your input!"
"Spacex would detanking following up with inspections, and that is very good progress towards the goal of being able to simply hop in and go to Mars."
"Thank you for your 25 years of service so far, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter."
"This is an amazing achievement for the Chinese space agency Mars is hard very hard and this is the first time China has landed on another planet."
"Astronauts might one day hibernate their way to Mars."
"Our first expedition to Mars is not going to have a laser on it for self-defense."
"The Mars Express is the second longest surviving and continually active spacecraft in orbit around another planet trailing just behind NASA's 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter."
"Mars rover: exploring Mars, paving the way for human visits."
"It's gonna work this time, now we're on a transfer orbit to Mars."
"If you put out a call for volunteers for the first crew to Mars, they’d be lined up coast to coast."
"Preparing for Mars: Humans will prepare for Mars in a 3D printed box in Texas."
"The integration of Orion with nuclear thermal propulsion and Mars base camp to get us to the red planet, I think it's an intriguing plan."
"This marks the beginning of a new era, a giant leap closer to humans settling on Mars."
"The first interplanetary mission from the west coast and NASA's Insight - launching the first outer space robotic Explorer to study the interior of Mars. #CoolestThing"
"By the way, Elon, once we get to Mars or once humans colonize Mars... where does that put us in reference to the great filter?"
"This rover is going to directly look for signs of life. So, scientifically, it's really important that we protect Mars from biocontamination."
"Mars is coming sooner than people think. This is happening a lot quicker than people think."
"A journey to another planet, a manned mission to Mars."
"Touchdown confirmed, Perseverance safely on the surface of Mars, ready to begin seeking the signs of past life."
"Spacex could well be having them landing on Mars years before 2030."
"NASA and DARPA are working on a nuclear thermal propulsion system for faster transit to Mars."
"The dream of sending a man to explore Mars does seem to have become a reality."
"So onward Perseverance, onward Mars Sample Return."
"...we are preparing a diverse suite of samples for potential return to Earth by future missions."
"...these are two of the most important samples that we'll collect on this mission."
"EDL is the most complicated and dangerous part of any mission trying to reach the Martian surface."
"Every few years, when Earth and Mars are in opposition, ideal launch windows occur for sending settlers."
"So in our ideal scenario a ship launches from Cis-lunar space with the fuel needed to orbit Mars, picks up fuel for its landers in orbit there, lands on Mars, refuels there, launches back up, refuels again in orbit, and heads home."
"this core sample will then be very carefully put in a container that will then be left on the surface of Mars along with many other core samples which will later be collected by a future mission that will bring those cores back to Earth."
"NASA's latest mission to Mars will try to answer some fundamental questions about the red planet and the nature of life in the universe."
"When humans first land on Mars, it'll be a truly magnificent event--one of the most historic events ever."
"By the mid 2030s, I believe we can send humans to orbit Mars and return them safely to Earth."
"To be in position to go to Mars, we've got to go ahead and start training because we need people who've already been tested from a psychological point of view in lesser things so that you have a degree of confidence that they'll do the job when they get on the Mars mission."
"Elon's building an ark. Is that what they're gonna call the first ship that goes to Mars? The Ark?"
"I see us landing on Mars absolutely see us landing on Mars but we have to work through the moon to get to Mars."
"Going to Mars is not about realizing the vision of the science fiction spaceship; it's about sending packages capable of supporting a small group of people."
"What a Mars mission is about is not realizing giant spaceships; it's about sending packages capable of supporting a small group of people."
"We didn't evolve in space, and if we're gonna be there for any length of time, like to Mars and back, this is gonna have to be fixed."
"The trip to Mars is an incredibly complex operation."
"India became the first country in the world to reach Mars on the first attempt."
"And for the demo mission of Falcon Heavy, the intended destination is Mars!"
"The journey to Mars is shortened by months down to 80 days."
"Perseverance is a big-budget science mission; it will search for signs of ancient microbial life, characterize the planet's climate and geology, collect samples for future return missions, and pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet."
"Let's put ourselves in NASA's shoes for a moment; it's 2022, and that means we are coming up on a crucial milestone for our Mars Sample Return mission."
"This is about momentum. It starts today and it finishes when we put an American flag on Mars."
"The idea is to collect samples from the soil of the red planet and bring them back to Earth."
"We've got rover wheels on the surface of Mars."
"NASA's Perseverance Rover has two main objectives: to find signs of life and sample materials."
"To get to Mars, you have to land on the moon, they say."
"We prove that out on the moon, and then we go on to Mars."
"Should the first human Mars mission be all women?"
"Several articles in journals and the press have asked whether it might make sense for a Mars crew to consist mostly or even entirely of women."
"We are also making good progress in collecting this suite of samples for the Mars sample return effort."
"Going to Mars is not easy, but the best possible people in the world are working on it."
"It's worth saying, let's take one percent and try to establish a self-sustaining city on Mars and make life multiplanetary."
"We are going to go to Mars. There is no doubt about that. We are committed to it; we're going to get it done."
"...this will be unlike anything we've ever done on another planet."
"Congratulations team, you have been selected to train for a mission to Mars."
"No rest at SpaceX, we know that right, we got to get to Mars."
"We can actually send humans to Mars and beyond."
"The first touchdown on Mars, I think the majority of people on Earth will be watching it."
"This methodical interplay between science, technology, commercial, and international endeavors is essential in successfully and sustainably moving humanity along the road to Mars."
"The first human mission could launch as soon as the 2027 Mars launch window."
"Turning over low Earth orbit transportation to private industry will also allow NASA to focus on an even more ambitious mission: that of sending humans to Mars."
"They'll be the first humans to explore this region near the lunar south pole, where they hope to find resources like water and metals which are crucial for living on the moon and getting to Mars."