
Scientific Exploration Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"We're doing something that's transformative to understand whether or not life evolved on another planet."
"Perseverance now starts its scientific work from the dusty surface of Mars including answering that age-old question, are we alone?"
"We're really doing something that's transformative, trying to understand whether or not life evolved on another planet."
"By making a few assumptions of my own along the way, we will attempt to solve the Drake equation."
"The discovery of the big void opens up new avenues for exploration and research, scientists are now considering more advanced methods to study the void in detail."
"Ultimately, the legacy of the choir is carried on by The Imposter Yosefka, who sets up one last research station, one last attempt to unpack the mysteries of the cosmos while Rome burns around her."
"The power of mathematics and experiment and observation to peer deeper into the true nature of reality."
"Our quest for understanding these is only just beginning."
"It's about time we started thinking about potential experiments where we can maybe explore this more scientifically."
"So, what's next for JWST? Well, science. Science!"
"Welcome to a new and very strange world of nature; it's been taken over by the weird subatomic particles of quantum physics."
"Welcome back to the Torque Test Channel, this is another one of our 'for science' videos where we look into, test, and reveal our findings on stuff because it's fun."
"The James Webb Space Telescope... Gathering data for 20 years instead of 10... is going to discover a lot."
"As terrible as our situation here is, I'm a little excited for the scientific opportunities we might uncover."
"The really weird stuff really happens and we have to come up with a bigger science to incorporate that really weird stuff."
"In the end, time will tell, but I’d still put my money on the Moon as the best shot, of course I wouldn’t mind being proven wrong."
"The scientific quest for extraterrestrial life is on thanks to the research of astrobiologists and the discovery of exoplanet Hunters we may one day detect other worlds as fertile as the Earth."
"Understanding how the early universe was born, especially right after the big bang, it's pretty cool. That's 13.8 billion years ago. Yeah, we're basically, we made a time machine."
"These new technologies are at the center of a historic quest to peer into the deepest recesses of time."
"We will pass the future Generations the knowledge that they can further on build on that and go beyond where no one has gone before."
"We know that the standard model of particle physics is not the end of the story for the universe."
"Exploring the past, questioning the Paradigm is what research is about. That is what science is."
"Finding answers meant sending a spacecraft through the corona."
"The primary goal of the $2.5 billion dollar curiosity mission is to see whether Mars might once have been hospitable for microbial life."
"But perhaps somebody else could... The emergence of primitive cellular life is only the first and definitely not the most difficult step."
"Exploring the unexplained is how we make progress."
"Alchemy is a science through which the secrets of all things will one day be understood."
"Not only are we pushing the boundaries of knowledge and discovery and exploration but we're pushing the boundaries on how we accomplish that mission."
"I think we've barely scratched the surface of what's possible. Physics is so complicated and apparently arbitrary that, you know, who the hell knows what we're going to build out of it."
"If we find even a single object that came from an extraterrestrial intelligence, we will learn something new. There is no doubt about it because whenever you collect data in a new way, you find something new."
"Recreating a mummy's voice using medical scanners and 3D printing."
"Science is the greatest detective story ever. We get to be part of this amazing mystery-solving about our universe and its nature."
"The more I learn about the fundamentals of human biology, the more complicated you can dig a layer after layer after layer."
"We live in a universe teeming with unexplained mysteries."
"Science is an extraordinary way of exploring nature."
"Once we have the ability to harvest dark matter, that could be very valuable indeed."
"It's in these muddy water gray areas that the frontiers of medicine and science knowledge are advanced."
"The island of stability was real, and they had found the beginning of its shoreline."
"Our main topic for today is how to resurrect extinct species."
"At the moment of death, there is a burst of energy released by cells."
"Everything has irreducible levels. At some point, materially speaking, maybe there's something smaller than a quark."
"Eventually, you realize all of the laws come from deeper and more fundamental laws."
"We are attempting to explain the universe as a whole, and by the universe, I mean everything."
"The scientists will find out on that frontier what is working, what is not, and if at any given moment you gotta jump in, you can jump in."
"Seeing something directly is not the only way that we can explore and understand the universe."
"Leaving a trail of geological mysteries behind."
"We can actually go down into the genetic code that makes all of these reactions, all this biochemistry, all this magic."
"This uses the imaginative resources of fiction to break open the stories of great scientists and mathematicians who have expanded our notions of the possible."
"There's a truth that's not been uncovered yet... may be mediated by release of our own endogenous psychedelic, which could very well be DMT."
"The scientists realized they could build a remarkably accurate picture of the world beneath the waves."
"I think what's missing in our theories are the big connections that hold the entire universe together."
"During the past year with all the difficulties surrounding the protection of the world from a virus that has spread to every continent, the same drive to explore and discover has not been abandoned."
"We are still discovering new species in remote locations around the world."
"We've gotten this far following the evidence where it leads."
"The universe still holds many mysteries waiting to be unlocked."
"We need to look out to places where we have extreme densities, temperatures, and things are very dynamic."
"Appreciate you guys, that's what's awesome, that's why I like doing this research with you guys together."
"Time flies and we're here at a very important step today and I'm very excited and I know a lot of people are very excited about this step because we get to dip our toes into the deep murky, slightly frightening ocean that is photochemistry."
"We may indeed be on the precipice of one of the most important discoveries of our Modern Age."
"We're only beginning to understand the potential of this emerging species."
"Europa immediately shoots to the top of the list for places that scientists want to explore."
"This is all new territory. It unlocks the miracles of science."
"Jupiter is a complex and turbulent world data collected by instruments on the Juno spacecraft challenge many scientific assumptions."
"More than fact or fiction, at the intersection of science and scriptures is a story that began over 3,000 years ago and continues to this day."
"The universe is a vast and complex place that in many ways we still don't understand."
"Our telescopes, our microscopes, the technology that we use to examine the world and the universe are in a lot of ways a kind of time machine. They give us a window into where it all came from."
"Because the longer wavelength coverage will allow the telescope to look further back in time to find the first galaxies and stars that formed in the early universe."
"Over the next decade, it should allow scientists to probe every phase of cosmic history, helping us to understand the origins of the universe and where we fit into it."
"A community where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality."
"With the help of the JWST, scientists hope to learn more about the geological history of Pluto, including the presence of ice volcanoes and a potential subsurface ocean."
"Humans will unravel the secrets of time travel."
"Perseverance Rover is searching for signs of prehistoric life."
"Finding an extraterrestrial civilization is pure science fiction but discovering the origins of life the beginning of a biological evolution the likelihood of this is increasing all the time."
"This is really describing what almost all the universe is made of as we understand it today."
"Whatever the case, it seems that the biggest black hole out there is the black hole in our knowledge of the universe and what lies beyond."
"Our mind and consciousness affect the matter around us."
"The energy goes to a distant place and you will see something like the aurora borealis."
"Fundamentally, this telescope is going to explore how we got here and what's out there in our gorgeous universe."
"This has enormous practical applications above and beyond being an ambassador to the universe."
"Rumors spread of the Smithsonian catching wind of these mysterious relics, dispatching a team of some 30 scientists to document and explore this Monumental find."
"How are we going to determine whether the stuff that we find on some remote planet is actually gonna be life?"
"If we gather enough research data from these interfaces, we could very well start unraveling the mysteries of consciousness."
"I get a tingle at my spine geophys get going with the huge task of investigating the hill."
"Keep science alive, keep pushing, keep exploring, and always keep looking up."
"Unimaginable wealth of knowledge drifting between our fingertips but we simply haven't figured out what we should be looking for."
"We are not alone, but the search is only just starting."
"We have sampled less than a pond's worth of water in an entire vast ocean, and we have a long way to go in a pursuit that could get lucky at any time."
"The entire universe was flooded with the dense hot quark-gluon plasma."
"Nature seems to be playing a mysterious game, leaving us with questions and enticing us to uncover the secrets it holds."
"We've come to know more about the surface of Mars than the depths of our oceans."
"New discoveries like these help us understand and appreciate the world more."
"So we are actually allowing people businesses universities anybody really who wants to send payload to the moon experiments whatever they want to send."
"Are we studying black holes, dark matter? Like, what's going on?"
"Scientific method is embedded in a larger method called liberal science."
"You know, we used to think of it back in the 80s as this frozen wasteland you know that just produced comets and things like that but now we're finding as we actually probe it we're finding out it's way more interesting."
"I went on a journey to try to discover how efficient the human gut is."
"We need to just go out there and measure more of these objects to try and kind of piece this story together, but it's important."
"It might be that they delivered the building blocks for life and then we need to understand how then we got life because it's not good enough to say oh there's organic matter we have life because it's not that simple."
"The technologies we’ve discussed for terraforming and colonizing other worlds."
"I've talked with Physicians doctors I've talked to with physicists who strongly believe in the reality of portals."
"Hanji, the scientist type, trying to figure out what Titans even are: 'The smartest of the scouts is Hanji, who's the scientist type, trying to figure out what Titans even are.'"
"We have been able to study the universe in unprecedented detail."
"Trillions of dollars have been sunk into hot fusion research... It's time to give cold fusion another chance."
"I happen to think that the theory of everything would not be the end of our pursuit but in many ways it's beginning."
"Composition of moon basalts rock the treasure chest of samples retrieved by the chongi 5 Mission stands as a golden key unlocking the moon's volcanic Mysteries."
"We get a real sense of accomplishment whenever we make a discovery."
"So much of what we do in space is the early stages of just trying to establish right from wrong."
"When you explore and you discover new things, you don't die, but rather you do have to change your views of the world, and that's a good thing. That's what science is about."
"So as we inched our way out we tested whether the phenomenon we're observing matches the phenomenon that we've established with properties that we've established here on earth in the here and the now and in fact they do."
"We're talking about temperatures in the surface when that happens that exceeded 2000 degrees."
"Space and time can get sort of mixed up with each other."
"The world is not deterministic; we've learned because of quantum mechanics."
"Work smart and work hard... finish your work in three focused productive hours so you have five hours to chill and do whatever you want."
"We're briefly recreating the conditions of the Big Bang because we don't really understand what was happening back in those tiny tiny milliseconds right around the moment of the big bang."
"Those who've worked in the region are sure that they encountered something mysterious and state that because Antarctica is such a hard place to study, there could be various species unknown to science living throughout the region."
"We're at this point in science where it's like the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey."
"Computing suggests that we can go below this level of the particle universe and tap directly into the CPU of the universe."
"We did some science today, and that is the most important thing."
"Robots are often tempting to power space or to the bottom of the ocean to help scientists."
"We are never going to reach a point where we know everything about the universe and just stop doing science."
"Human biology collapse is tied up in a bigger story."
"One of the great interesting areas is genomics and CRISPR and things like that and that's the thing you need to dive in personally."
"The science of the world of Game of Thrones has always fascinated me."
"Antarctica holds Clues to Humanity's past present and future that have yet to be fully explored and understood."
"Imagine what James Webb is going to bring back."
"Paranormal is anything that is not scientifically explainable."
"Surveying the most earth-like planets out to a distance of several thousand light-years may help us refine our search."
"Not everything happens for a reason, we discover those reasons through science."
"I'm totally convinced that we're experiencing a non-human higher intelligence by the way there's non-human intelligence all around in the ocean especially when you look at marine mammals like whales and and all that."
"The Milky Way is big enough to keep us intrigued for centuries."
"Quantum mechanics explores the very core of the world in which we live and has the astonishing potential for real-life applications."
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomenon it will make more progress in one decade than in all of the previous centuries of its existence." - Tesla
"The universe is much more complex than we know."
"One of the things I think is really cool is we'll come out of this and we'll start to understand past in space the tiniest bit better"
"Known as Deja Vu or already seen, as of yet there is no real scientific explanation for why people all over the world experience these feelings."
"Without methods like this, I'm afraid we wouldn't have discovered half of the things we have in the deep blue."
"There are in fact 10 dimensions in total and each one gets more trippier to understand but through Googling this and learning about all 10 of the possible Dimensions you may see how it makes sense that parallel universes exist."
"Unraveling the mysteries of Atlantis through ancient texts and modern science."
"Our DNA is all that stuff the junk DNA is the most interesting part of what scientists could study."
"Any attempt we make to describe something that far unexplored is going to be riddled with error, even down to the fundamental semantics."
"When it comes to the cosmos as a whole, there is far more that we don't know than the little bit we do."
"That's all scientists do guys, is they're, they're detectives and they're just trying to make sense of the natural world."
"Their curiosity ablaze with the possibilities that lay hidden within Antarctica's icy realm, this enigmatic continent once considered a barren wasteland now promised to unveil a forgotten chapter of Earth's history."
"Soon, we’ll be able to dive even deeper into the microcosmos."
"Not just because it has really cool geology, but also because there is the possibility that there could be life in a global scale ocean beneath its icy shell."
"If you could figure out some way to slow the aging process in humans or humans could live maybe, I don't know, a couple centuries, that would be cool, right?"
"We're committed to understanding these, so we'll go wherever the data takes us."
"We know that liquid water is essential to life, and life probably got started in a water environment, whether it's in the deep ocean at the volcanic vents or in a shallow pond, we don't really know where and how precisely life got started here."
"We're now closer than ever to knowing the answer - some scientists believe we'll get our first look at our extraterrestrial cousins in the near future."
"There needs to be more adventurous research."
"Until then, we continue Galileo’s journey, with the ultimate goal, a theoretical framework to explain the universe and everything in it: a theory of everything."
"As if the Amazon wasn't mysterious enough, researchers have found a mighty underground river situated miles beneath the surface of the jungle."
"Phi does not end, and neither does our search for beauty in the universe we live in."
"We have to find these dinosaurs or the fossils and bring dinosaurs back into the real world."
"This movie's infection leans more into science than religion."
"I think this sounds amazing, especially delving into Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project."
"The Large Hadron Collider is like a time machine. We're looking into the past to understand the future." - Unnamed CERN scientist
"The Large Hadron Collider is like a portal to another dimension. We're just not sure what's on the other side." - Dr. Ian O'Connor, CERN engineer
"We're incredibly lucky to live in a time where we can explore phenomena such as dark energy."
"Aki meets up with her mentor Dr. Sid as they examine the plant they found, which contains a spirit they've been seeking."
"White holes could be the catalyst behind dark energy, pushing the universe apart."
"If people go wandering around in the brain with electrodes looking for consciousness."
"There are studies that look like they may be starting to uncover what either is directly related as a cause or a relationship with the gut biome and autism."
"Surprisingly the journey to flight and all these animals mirrors our own evolutionary Journey."
"This rover is going to directly look for signs of life. So, scientifically, it's really important that we protect Mars from biocontamination."
"A good explanation for what we are observing out there may be interdimensional phenomenon."
"It's like a giant leap beyond what we thought we knew about the natural order of things."
"Understanding the biology of baby Yoda... is the single key to understanding the most beloved character in Star Wars history."
"The universe is made of space, made of a giant network of discrete elements."
"I think saying yes was a big part of that in pursuing a career as a Ph.D. scientist neuroscientist."
"They push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe and encourage us to look to the skies with Wonder and anticipation."
"It could be there are other regions of space where a big bang is occurring."
"Operation Moon Blink recorded lights on the moon's surface."
"Explaining all that is surely the next great challenge in science."
"A network of cellphones could synthesize a radio listening post for nearby FRBs."
"DNA repair made full body activation teaches us about unlocking unlimited potential."
"We should at least try. And for many years, physicists have wondered whether a certain well-known exotic material may experience gravitational repulsion from the Earth."
"This is not for lipids only, it's for almost all origin of life researchers."
"We are just infants at this research, babies of the solar system attempting to leave the nest not just for this Mission but all missions that lead to the next steps in our knowledge of how everything works."
"Discovering new uncertainty is much easier than discovering new areas of where you thought that you were certain."
"The quest to understand where this motherload gold originated would take geologists deep inside the earth."
"It would be fun to discover some even more primitive rules that get you to quantum mechanics."
"What signs are you looking for? There are two or three directions where me and many of my colleagues are looking into. For the moment, zero."
"The study of cosmic rays, including recent discoveries such as Amatarasu, gives us a glimpse of the most powerful forces in the universe."
"CERN should never meddle with what it does not understand."
"A remarkable chapter in China's commitment to scientific exploration and technological innovation."
"In the distant wilds of Canada, a young scientist is carrying out a search."
"The scientific discoveries we could make on a place like [Oumuamua] would be mind-blowing."
"Life in the lab it's great, it's a lot of freedom."
"LCRD is the next step in making these technologies a reality, helping NASA to push the boundaries of scientific discovery and exploration."
"We explore the mysteries of the brain and the secrets of the heart."
"The Moon is not just a symbol of thinking about our place in the universe; it's actually a beacon for science."
"We're still working out the correct balance."
"I see myself as a scientist, really just exploring the realms of possibility."
"Real scientific theories are exploring the possibility of universes existing alongside, beyond, or even mirroring our own."
"NASA is launching three rockets to study the eclipse, but not at three moons because we only have one."
"It's about exploration and discovery and using knowledge and science and new challenges."
"We want to explore...to get insights into physical conditions and processes that were acting at the dawn of the solar system."
"By bringing these species back into the public eye, scientists globally have been able to raise the necessary funds to get out into the field and search for these creatures that have been lost for decades, in some cases over a century."
"Space remains much of a mystery to scientists."