
Weaponry Quotes

There are 2236 quotes

"The beautiful thing about rail gun is its ability to deal with armored enemies."
"Their siege engines were terrifying and held an arsenal of powerful weapons."
"Escape from Tarkov is a game to which realism and authenticity is an essential part of the appeal, and they make some of the most realistic virtual guns in gaming as a result."
"Holy hell, it's gonna be a grenade launcher meta, fellas."
"The most potent weapons known to man are satire and ridicule."
"That one's a pretty decent deal, basically getting six heavy weapons for that cost."
"The range of the Churchill Crocodile was about 120 yards, effectively far further than anything the enemy is going to have."
"An elegant weapon from a more civilized age."
"A weapon is an extension of one's own honor."
"The long sword is a powerful weapon offering incredible reach and mobility and thanks to a relatively simple moveset, it is also a very easy weapon to pick up."
"The M41A pulse rifle...the weapons steel-jacketed explosive tipped rounds take down the aliens pretty quickly."
"What is the most important quality of a defensive weapon? Is it weight? Is it size? Is it ergonomics? Is it accuracy? No, it's reliability."
"This weapon is extremely customizable, with new and improved semi-properly ordered crafting bench menus."
"According to the Tamil Nadu Department of Archaeology, this type of dagger was used by warriors for about 600 years, between the 3rd century BC and the 3rd century AD."
"I think shotguns need to be devastating close range, but I think the only thing in a battle royale, period, dot, that should be one shot one kill is a high skill gap sniper."
"It seems that wherever they went, they experienced extreme attrition—hardy rifles for long, hard service lives in some of the harshest environments on the planet: sand, salt water, and all the while belching black powder."
"When a customer asks how good his spear is, the merchant tells him that his spear could pierce any shield."
"The best weapon you have is the one you're willing to master."
"The great sword we're specifically looking at right now is called the Great Wyvern Jaw Blade."
"Our main goal is to survive. The scribes copy old plans for weapons or design new ones, and the Knights make guns from them. Most guns come from us."
"Weapons alone don't win wars; there needs to be a structure of the army, an organization, to win battles. Weapons are just a bonus."
"A soldier's life depended on his weapons functioning properly."
"Imagine if Deadpool breaks out an expertly crafted, single-use obsidian blade... it fractures into millions of shards of microscopic pieces of ultra-sharp glass that go and stay in the enemy and cause immense pain."
"The reality is absolutely the musket is a superior weapon compared to the longbow, and we get the answer from history. Large-scale armies ended up using a musket instead of the longbow."
"Firearms, like crossbows, were not meant to be super complicated weapons to use."
"It's a single-shot break-action shotgun with a Bolton adapter to turn it into a four-round repeater. It is super cool and super clutch."
"You're the only one who can bring a tank to a fist fight, you're just the only one afraid to use live rounds."
"People would love to see an M249, a 5.56 belt-fed machine gun."
"It's not the most powerful gun but if your oppressor has guns, it's better than not having a gun."
"With 21st century weapons... we're talking about the survival of a species now."
"These guys look really interesting indeed now the massive gun is really threatening and on top of that it really does pack quite a lot of secondary firepower."
"The Molotov cocktail, of course, is also a very famous desperate measure."
"Cluster bombs... are evil, obscene, and illegal according to 122 Nations."
"Authenticity was key, so from the iconic ping of the empty M1 Garand to the first assault rifle, the STG44, these guns have a real weight to them."
"The Golden Gun: Instantly kills any enemy it connects with."
"The planet Buster: a powerful bomb that... will immediately explode its core and turn into a giant flaming ball of death."
"In practice, it's kind of a waste of metal and is ultimately a pretty dumb way to kill someone impractical but funny."
"I'm not gonna lie, it's so satisfying... just hitting it with orbital lasers."
"X5 weapons: some of my favorites in the series."
"The feel of the weapons is really well done."
"The predator has more weapons to play with, he's come with more toys everyone knows who the predator is, but they don't necessarily know what this prototype can do."
"I'm asking for weapons that would not be used to wage a war on somebody else's land but to protect one's home and the right to wake up alive in that home."
"Their preferred heavy weapon is the autocannon while their favorite assault weapon is the melt a gun."
"American citizens have a right to keep and bear nuclear and biological weapons, anti-matter weapons, railguns, you name it."
"The weird part is not that they found it, it's that it only had three live rounds."
"Weapons powerful enough to turn the tide of any battle."
"The owen gun is going to give you the perfect combination of high mobility and stopping power."
"The Shield we got says while using Lex core grenades and weapons they do 30% more damage." - Unknown
"One guy has a gun, that guy's never losing the fight."
"Penguin's been running anti-ET weapons for years."
"It feels like a really nice balance between the actual weapons that you have and the actual enemies and how much they're going to take."
"The ulffbert swords: exceptional craftsmanship baffling historians."
"The Unkempt Harold: A deadly pistol which can be used in close and medium-range encounters."
"The Silver Baller is the signature weapon of Agent 47 in Hitman, easily concealable and deadly."
"There's never been a weapon that hasn't eventually been used."
"The most powerful gun is the gun that's on you."
"How badass would it be if Namor's trident can cut through vibranium like Thanos's sword through Cap's shield?"
"Programmable grenades... this would have been a new concept for Halo."
"Know your weapons, ammunition, and which gun is better to use in certain situations."
"If you're in the market for a unique looking compact disc player with some very unusual features then maybe you want to consider the Technics sldz 1200."
"The axe of Zazzle, man, it is mighty and it is mighty thirsty. It thirsts for more."
"There is but one weapon, the six shooter. When properly handled, it is the only weapon." - Rip Ford
"Legendary blades that do exist in real life."
"This Mosin PU of course legendary brutality, yeah dude."
"Metal Knight, no Dr. Pefoy, the power of the weapons you possess is beyond that of any lone hero."
"Everything you could possibly want to know about your chosen weapon, so that you can confidently take down whatever monster stands in your way."
"They have some sort of a safety concern with the weapons."
"Seen the weapon brings it home and cements the decision."
"Is this the most modern rifle? Is this something I would choose over an AR-15 to go into a fight with? Absolutely not."
"We're now looking at very strong AI, nanotech, who knows what level of weaponry."
"Weapons are very often culturally specific to certain groups of people."
"Cheers to life, cheers to our family, and cheers to love."
"This was a new weapon, and a very important one."
"Weapons are built of modules that allow for deep customization and progression."
"Combat now can be a whole range of weapons but it's primarily a sword type weapon or a spear."
"Bringing out the big guns. The weapons in Ratchet and Clank are just the best."
"I'm looking for giant killers. A giant killer can be a cheap gun with the quality of something from a higher pricing category."
"Trick weapons in Bloodborne offer a level of uniqueness and variety that surpasses any other game I've played."
"We think you should do a game where you wield a bazooka which is attached to an assault rifle and misfires often."
"Love the Zeus Cannon, I just kinda just say that like it is, it truly is."
"If I could pack 20 guns before the game even starts, we're doing something correct."
"The victor still one of the best SMGs you can get your hands on, very, very nice."
"His number of weapons and his vast experience are a big deal."
"The gladius is a very versatile, effective sword in some of the primary ways in which you would want to use swords."
"Why is it not a machine gun in areas that are poor, mostly minority?"
"This is probably one of my favorite weapons we've seen during the direct."
"This thing takes so long to reload though, that's the one thing that's kind of shitty about it."
"A shotgun would put you at a significant unfair advantage."
"The Lee Enfield rifle... was only replaced as a basic infantry weapon in the 1950s."
"What better host than a super gassy but reliable gun, my Mark 18 by Daniel Defense."
"Yeah, I think a good strategy is going to have these kimbo pistols out and just kind of chill."
"It's the gun you get and you're just like 'this is the gun for me,' okay? It's like when you meet your true love and you're like 'this is the girl for the rest of my life,' that's how I feel about the m27."
"Every gun in Halo was designed around shooting and doing damage, but the Covenant's weapons were able to add that extra flair... like how the plasma pistol can shoot down a vehicle or eliminate an enemy's shields."
"In that era nuclear weapons technology improved drastically, more powerful bombs were invented, and more advanced delivery systems were developed as well."
"Of all the games to feature a hybrid AR-AK, Tarkov seems like the one with the most merit."
"These are not elegant, they're very messy weapons."
"It's worth it. The battle rifle is quite an important weapon to the Halo series."
"The Grenadier is one of the quirkiest and I think most interesting."
"The Vepr Hunter with its m80 round is an absolute monster and it's really cheap."
"A weapon like a laser can have an unlimited magazine... it can just keep on firing."
"Delivering up to 3,900 rounds a minute, its 30 millimeter caliber bullets show no mercy."
"The revered M2 has been produced longer than any other machine gun in history."
"This latest evolution of the very first machine gun has seemingly come to represent what Dr. Gatling desired more than 150 years ago: a weapon so fearsome that it provides a last line of defense for the troops that it serves."
"The M1 Garand was referred to as the rifle that won World War II."
"The tough-wearing nature of the AK-47, along with its pure firepower, make it so popular."
"Whisper of the worm has the perk white nail, rapidly landing three precision hits will refill the magazine."
"Can you think of any other projectile that's an inch and a half that three of them can hit a human body at shotgun force plus a center slug at 200 cranes?"
"There could potentially be an active thermonuclear weapon sitting just off America's Eastern Seaboard."
"Stopping power means can you stop the threat? Yes, I can stop the threat."
"That weapon is your life; it is an extension of yourself."
"The G28 marksman engages targets that either couldn't be tackled with other handheld weapons or only by expending large amounts of ammunition."
"It's one of those weapons that does exactly what it says it does at face value."
"Bulletstorm, another title by Cliff, was just pure violence in the form of fun and unique weaponry."
"If one shot can do it, that thing is absolutely golden."
"By war's end, Hugo Schmeiser claimed that 424,000 rifles had been produced."
"If you could choose any pop culture weapon to take with you in battle what weapon would you choose? Portal gun."
"The Mark 10 is just a big old AR on steroids."
"Oh my God I can't, I literally can't, my weapons are [ __ ] ass. Thank you."
"I'm coming back down here with my goddamn train gun, and I'm sleeping all you sons of [ __ ]."
"I really like the weapons. I think they're pretty cool. I love the customization you can do."
"I love the miniature turrets. They were awesome!"
"The M14 is very reminiscent of the rifle that preceded it in military service... which was the M1 Garand."
"Of course for the grand finale we got the biggest box this guy is called the mugin fireclass 1 custom chainsaw zombie killer M249 airsoft machine gun now that is a name."
"This video series will equip you with all the skills necessary to set up an effective long-range weapon system and effectively employ it, delivering deadly first-round hits."
"Remember that very well-publicized Bradley M2 tank shooting the absolute crap out of the Russian T90M tank."
"If wearing a sword on your back can be done, and there are functional reasons to do so, there are benefits to do so."
"Wow, please tell me that's not all the guns that we have."
"Strong shotgun but the reason why the mastiff is so strong is because you're able to get 100 plus damage shots just peaking for a second, really powerful to win your fights."
"Guys, we live in the Golden Age of firearms."
"This thing right here is going to go down in the annals of fps history as one of the best shotguns of all time."
"You can stab it with your three-prong flash hider and just twist it and pop it cool."
"Our Last Resort wasn't a problem. It's actually just flamethrowers."
"this tank is phenomenal when it is playing against tanks that have 90 millimeter caliber guns or less"
"Moonlight greatsword's moveset: solid and familiar."
"A branch or stick that is immediately perfect, transforming into a super badass sword or lightsaber that instantly you pick up."
"There are a lot of cool weapons in this game, there's missile launchers, grenade launchers, flame throwers, power fists, tesla coils, I mean, there's all kinds of rowdy weapons."
"The game has more than generous amount of different weapons that can shape your playstyle."
"Rocket launchers coming to Jailbreak? I'm super pumped!"
"Close quarters weaponry like shotguns are the most useful for home defense."
"Gunner feat: niche, depends on the presence of firearms in your campaign setting."
"Every gun has a use, but we're going to lay out some facts."
"A sword to anything, it does increase its coolness."
"You don't like them? Just firing blunt wooden sticks at people."
"Ella's gun is just like a bit of a laser beam again."
"Mirror the immense arsenal of the Second World War."
"Lay down your old weapons for new technology awaits you."
"The PBSH is remembered as one of the greatest Call of Duty guns of all time."
"If you want a real m203, this is as close as you're going to get."
"Vince with the shotgun, one of your most powerful classes."
"Commander with the FAMAS assault rifle, extremely strong."
"The company will take the alien to Earth to make weapons."
"The best weapon is the weapon that you only have to fire once."
"And then you've got 10 shots like this of repeating firepower."
"This weapon felt fluid, I was able to handle it very easily."
"The s stock maintains the defense ability of a longsword and is excellent against armored opponents."
"The bill is a multi-purpose weapon with massive range."
"In a situation like that, having a high-capacity autoloader... would have been a very good thing to have."
"It brings a little bit of life to the game world, we get some personality and character behind the weapons that we take into battle."
"This weapon isn't exactly useless, and the dopamine rush you get from that connected medic one shot is something that's hard to replicate."
"The attacker's missile is a ground-launched supersonic missile."
"Cluster rounds are just going to be more effective, often several times more effective, than unitary projectiles."
"Firing a better round than your opponent does give you something of an advantage."
"The rifle's great, does exactly what we want."
"This was a game-changing rifle at that point in history."
"Disposable missile launcher will fire a swarm of 12 missiles that deal 12 times 300 damage on a 45-second cooldown."
"This game's new arsenal of weapons blows the previous game selection out of the park."
"Slap it because it's an AK, MP5, another thing people might say is like when you slap it the spring has more energy as it goes home versus thumbing it does not."
"Instead, I survived, and I grabbed the PPSh on my way back up the tunnel."
"These ships stand out for their strong armor and powerful main battery guns."
"The 30 millimeter is a game changer here, a big cannon on a vehicle like this."
"An evil scientist who has invented a deadly laser weapon."
"In each of these phases, good use of the mounted weaponry is a surefire way to bring Fatalis crashing down to the grounds."
"Sometimes it's nice to have something that's not an AR."
"Blasphemous blade is one of the strongest weapons in elden ring... it can hit multiple enemies at a good distance and heals you for each one struck and each one kill."
"Sacred relics sword, while extremely powerful because of its weapon skill wave of gold, is otherwise unremarkable."
"The Schmidt rifle was found to be simpler, smoother, and generally preferred overall."
"It's one of the most impressive foam replica LARP weapons I've ever seen."
"They're shooting the protesters with real guns, real guns that only are used in wars."
"Weapons and gunsmith, we've refined our weapons tech."
"Sniper rifles are a key component in Black Ops combat."
"The deagle is an awesome gun and more than worth a buy in certain scenarios."
"The SMG 11 has been nicknamed the pocket sniper."
"Every character requires a certain level of understanding. Every single weapon behaves differently, yet they're all viable."
"This one is very unique, it's taking the weapon and making it a little bit more sight-like."
"Colonel Autumn's laser pistol... ignores damage resistance, making it ideal for use against heavily armored foes."
"Shortened guns... everybody was fielding long infantry rifles and in 1903 the US is like no we're going short."
"The Lewis gun, it was an absolutely clear winner."
"One machine gunner has the firepower of 40 riflemen."
"It's a very simple but reliable and largely safe semi-automatic pistol."
"The american gun would prove itself deadlier than ever."
"The model 1855 would become one of the most common shoulder arms of the civil war."
"In lieu of any kind of bfg weapon the next best thing is the lightning gun."
"High-explosive rounds on tier 10 tank destroyers are one of the most underestimated tools."
"The amount of weapon customization this game's got, that really carries it well."
"Every weapon a ninja had had some sort of duality in its utility."
"Don't neglect the potential that even simple weapons have."
"His bow can also fire the strongest arrows in the series, pure golden dart."
"Everybody got a gun out here I got a gun in my car, a big ass chopper you know what I'm saying that I don't leave without it."
"This gun is amazing." - "this gun is amazing"