
Appearance Vs Reality Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"People want the appearance of success but they don't actually want to be successful and work for it."
"She's a full on Monet. From far away, it's O.K. But up close, it's a big old mess."
"Human beings judge what they see; we're so focused on the appearance that we leave behind what's actually being said."
"They look ferocious but they are loving inside."
"Everything that glitters is not gold, so listen to your intuition, if it feels off, more than likely it is."
"To be trustworthy is not more important than to seem to be trustworthy."
"Modern politics these days is about images and not substance. It's about how things appear, it's about how things look, about things make us feel as opposed to being about things as they actually exist in reality."
"The left wishes for the appearance of the thing rather than the actual thing."
"The appearance of consciousness is consciousness."
"Not everything that looks good or sounds good is as it appears."
"The face of something is not necessarily what's inside."
"Recognize the Brahman behind the appearance, don't stay at the level of the appearance." - Swami
"Remember, everything that glitters is not gold."
"Presentation is everything and substance is nothing because substance is complicated, nuanced, and makes you question your firmly held beliefs."
"It's more important to be right than to just look like you're right."
"Just because your life looks beautiful on the outside doesn't mean it's fruitful on the inside."
"They appeared to be an exemplary family from the outside, with a well-organized and thought-out daily routine."
"Everything and everyone may not be quite what they appear to be."
"Regardless of their appearance, these are truly amazing."
"We're like swans, we look like everything's going smooth above the surface but you get under that water and you just see feet just kicking kicking kicking."
"Bodybuilding is an illusion plus you're never gonna look your biggest in a shredded natural state."
"You look fragile, but you're actually very strong."
"Looks can always change, so what's inside of us is more important."
"Ultimately we cannot judge someone's health by just looking at their body."
"You're tough for someone who looks so not tough."
"You have to look the part, you don't necessarily have to be the part."
"An environment doesn't have to look abusive to be abusive."
"Inherently the nature of what a corporation is means we can't trust a corporation to be a steward of that if we do all we're going to solve for is actually optimizing for the corporation appearing to be a steward of the good."
"He had two horns like a lamb, but he spake as a dragon."
"It still feels very carlike even though it looks very trucky on the outside."
"This is why they say you don't want to meet your heroes. They could really be ugly, nasty, and disgusting on the inside, no matter what they look like on the outside."
"A lot of us understand how complicated people can be that they can on the outside look like everything's together."
"It's pretty and it looks like a lot but once you take a bite it starts to dissolve in your mouth and you realize there really isn't much there."
"There was something about him that seemed wrong, despite him being handsome."
"What looks good on the surface may have something dangerous lurking on the inside, and when you find it, all you want to do is run."
"Just because water looks clean doesn't mean it is."
"Dudes talk a real good game while he locked up."
"Manifestly nothing in the external appearance of this particular house bore out the tales of horror that was said to reign within it."
"For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance. The Lord looks at the heart."
"Remember that you don't know everyone's stories and what is on the outside is not always what's on the inside."
"The people who you think are winning are just very good at not showing their losses."
"It's crazy 'cause Amber, she looks just so pretty and sweet and innocent, and she do Voodoo."
"Even though it looks like he's doing good, the heart that is on him is the intentions."
"Sirius Black is an essential character. It's part of Jo's theme, so don't judge a book by its cover."
"The best plot twists are made of appearance versus reality. This is my favorite brand of horror: the inexplicable feeling that something isn't right, that things are not what they seem."
"Image only looks good until the storm comes."
"It's all for show. It's pictures intake to post online. It's pictures to say look what we've done right and you actually don't have any information even like as while you're there as a church member."
"Fulfillment isn't there, even though it looks good."
"Through this YouTube channel, the family had this wholesome, healthy, happy outward appearance... We just don't know what goes on behind closed doors sometimes."
"It's like a duck gliding on the water, seeming calm but pedaling fast underneath."
"It's the distraction of attraction. It's a nicely wrapped gift with a bow that's good-looking on the outside, but underneath that wrapper and that bow and the distraction, is what truly matters."
"You're talking about these little animals that don't look like they could mess you up whereas you see a pit bull with its big round head and its muscular jaw and you assume that that will just bite your arm off in one false swoop."
"What is actually making you happy and what just looks good because I fall into that trap so much."
"...you know what I mean, it's like a really nice looking dessert but then you eat it and it's just not really there."
"The lady looked like the victim but she was very clever and a scary one as well."
"I know it looks disgusting but it smells great, I'm sure it will taste great."
"I thought on the menu they have grilled chicken nuggets, why they look a lot more appetizing than in the picture."
"It looks so easy, doesn't it? It is not at all."
"The neighborhood may appear idyllic, but the evening news always made us cautious and wary."
"Do not look at the outward appearance, I've already rejected him; my analysis is done from the perspective of the heart."
"Brahman alone is; the universe itself is not a reality, it's an appearance of Brahman."
"Remember that looking like you have your life together is very different from having your life together."
"It is very hard to donate money if you care about it doing actual good, not merely the appearance of it."
"It was good on him to check; he wasn't an idiot, just dressed like one."
"The real Jonathan may have looked older and less attractive than the picture he had sent her, but their feelings for one another were still the same."
"The highlight was a cheese croissant sandwich, which tasted better than it looked."
"It looks like prison food but it tastes like heaven."
"As much as I could make things look perfect on camera, it just wasn't working anymore."
"Black IPA is a beer that looks like it's going to be one thing but tastes and smells like something else entirely."
"Don't judge according to appearance, judge according to righteousness."
"Unlike his tough and rough appearance, my father was a warm and delicate person."