
Human Spirit Quotes

There are 712 quotes

"We are a species of explorers. We will meet many obstacles on our way to Mars. But as humans, we'll not give up. We will always persevere."
"Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit."
"This is something inspirational. It is about the indestructibility of the human spirit. It's something epic that has happened in Pakistan."
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of his human freedoms, to choose one's own way."
"Normal people in their burdened lives do heroic things regularly."
"Rogue traders represent a truly human spirit and something that is undeniable in the success of humanity's propagation throughout the stars: that of continual and unreserved adaptability combined with a white-hot passion to achieve the impossible."
"The strength of the human spirit is truly the greatest power of all."
"The Shawshank Redemption is the story of the human spirit and demonstrates strength and survival."
"In the middle of no matter what kind of misery, there's joy and laughter in human life."
"We will see an almighty rise of the human spirit."
"The rise of the human spirit in the next one to two years is going to be enormous."
"We spend billions, if not trillions of dollars on a NASA program to understand one thing: our curiosity. What's out there? That's the human spirit."
"When he came out and said, 'We found him alive,' to actually go and rescue him, everybody celebrated way bigger than when he actually got out."
"What does space flight do for people? It's a philosophical answer. It's exploration; it's the human spirit of going out there."
"The finest traits of the human spirit can easily be found burning stronger within than in most of us."
"This is not hypothetical, this is not about flags and footprints, this is about sustainable science and feeding forward the advance of the human spirit."
"The usual plot of science fiction movies or books goes like this: Computers or robots become very powerful. Then there is a big war between humans and the robots, or humans and computers. And the computers are so powerful, they know everything. They can do anything, but they don't understand the inner spirit of humanity. They don't understand love or whatever. And this is why humanity wins in the end."
"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire."
"The suffering is on the highest level, and they're wanting to walk, every single person wants to walk."
"Witness the indomitable spirit of humanity, braving the unknown and marking a momentous step in our collective journey."
"It's the greatest gift we have, to bear their pain without breaking, and it's born from the most human power: hope."
"Love gives me hope. Hope for the perseverance of the human spirit, even in the face of evil."
"The human spirit has a way of conquering the worst of oppressors."
"Christianity makes much better sense of how to explain a radically contingent world and it makes better sense of the dynamism of the human spirit which pushes out toward the unconditioned truth and the unconditioned good."
"It is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal — as we are!"
"But there is hope. As long as the human spirit is alive on this planet, there will always be hope."
"Courage can have many fathers... the idea people can take what can be harmful, damaging, traumatic things... and spin them into gold is... at the heart of what is so joyful about the human spirit."
"Our capacity to deal with catastrophe and to transcend that malevolent spirit is more powerful than the reality itself."
"We're all still hanging on, even if only by a thread."
"You could see his heart leaving his body, but somehow, some way, he came back."
"The human spirit, or whatever it may be, will overcome all obstacles that are put in its path."
"For decades, the world revered him as a symbol of courage, exploration, and the indomitable spirit of mankind."
"We're resilient. We've survived something that a lot of people couldn't even wrap their minds around."
"A story in which Africans exemplify courage, determination, and the splendid magnificence of the human spirit."
"The persistent resistance of African people during enslavement, fighting for their humanity, made them world leaders."
"Their struggle endowed us as a model, driving all of humanity forward."
"It's the human spirit that governments don't seem to understand...We want to be valuable; we want to create."
"Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest aspirations of the human spirit."
"By the 20th century, the Christmas spirit held such power over people that it even caused some German, French, and British soldiers to lay down their arms on Christmas of 1914 and celebrate together despite having spent the past few months in brutal warfare against each other."
"Taking risks is the fire behind the human spirit."
"The truth is, the human spirit is resilient. It's very good at pursuing what it wants despite every obstacle thrown in its path. This can lead to great achievements, but also the doom loop."
"From adversity, the human spirit endures, finding ways to coexist, or bend it to our will, pursuing a course beyond distant horizons."
"I say I have faith in the human spirit; that something noble enough to have created Gaudí's Cathedral in Barcelona is noble enough not to have to go to war over sheep in the Falklands."
"People have survived way worse in life, and that we are survival people."
"We don't believe in despair; we're very optimistic people."
"There's something so incredible about the human spirit that was overcoming that, being like, 'Screw you, Authority. We're doing this.'"
"It just made me feel like I was ready for anything and the human spirit cannot be destroyed."
"Push back with all that's best, that's highest in the human spirit."
"A story about Calamity and how people can endure and overcome the unexpected disasters we are all bound to face throughout our lives."
"So it's always concerned they're trying for the human spirit."
"It's an important lesson about not giving up and what the human spirit can drive you to do."
"Survival instinct: the strongest instinct in the human spirit."
"The strength of the people who've gotten to that point that they can go through two years of this."
"It's good to know that the kids aren't having their spirits broken by pretty much living inside of a metro station now."
"It's really a story about heroism and people."
"It's a fundamental and philosophical shift, and because of that, I think it's why so many miss Horizons. It was a vision of hope and optimism shown not through the instrument of a brand or intellectual property but through the human spirit."
"It was a vision of hope and optimism shown not through the instrument of a brand or intellectual property but through the human spirit."
"And there’s nothing we like better than a comeback story."
"It is the beginning of the new beginning and that is to explore the heavens, a new field for the indomitable human spirit of exploration, innovation, cooperation."
"One of the best shows of the indomitable human spirit."
"You know and you can see it too you can see the spontaneous appreciation for the human spirit manifest itself when you see people rise to their feet spontaneously in a sports arena when they see someone do something particularly remarkable."
"People will persevere, people will come through. I hope so."
"Our lives are what we make of them; that no barriers of race, gender, or physical infirmity can restrain the human spirit." - The President
"Never, ever underestimate the human spirit." - Billie Jean King
"The destiny of the human spirit is to explore."
"Don't underestimate the human spirit. Don't underestimate our common humanity."
"The show will never be about simple good guys and bad guys; if there is a bad guy, it's the entity, and if there is a good guy, it's the people trying to preserve the human spirit."
"If people are unhappy with the way they're living... they will demand change like the human spirit will demand change."
"The spirit of humanity always comes out on top."
"There's something inside me that just says that's the goodness of the human spirit."
"While Arnold eventually asserts both himself and humanity over the alien threat, it’s no mistake that the film ends on his haunted, ash-covered face."
"You can use our language to spit out all that lofty filth all day for all I care. It's just a bunch of lies. You're a virus, an invader, and if there is one thing you might not understand about our species yet, it's that we are fighters."
"It's not money, it's not fame, it's the true connection with the human spirit. That's what it's all about."
"But it's often when we face difficulties that we get to witness human beings doing amazing things."
"Ordinary people put into extraordinary circumstances that rise above it and show us what the great attributes of human nature are."
"Human Spirit yearns Evolution, it yearns progress."
"The indomitable human spirit, the people who tackle what seems impossible and don't give up."
"The most impressive thing is how people carry on, resolute and determined to see this through."
"The human spirit is stronger than reality sometimes."
"I come from a plane that fell into the mountains. I'm Uruguayan, we have been walking for ten days."
"The human spirit can't be easily controlled or silenced."
"Narratively it would pit the indomitable human Spirit versus the curses made from their weakest and worst moments."
"He is the amalgamation of the indomitable human spirit."
"It's a reflection of our times... and of the human capacity for resilience and growth in the face of adversity."
"Alexis Patterson is still a symbol of happiness, love, and the beauty created by humans who live with an unbridled faith in the happiness and appreciation of each other."
"Big believer in the human spirit and in human optimism."
"You leave this book with an incredible awe toward what we can withstand and really toward the magnitude of the human will to survive."
"Even these dire surroundings didn't destroy the spirit of this little boy."
"The human spirit is more powerful than any experience, no matter how dark, no matter how tragic, no matter how destructive it may be."
"Narcissism is a religion and religions are by far the most profound manifestations of the human spirit and psyche."
"Life is fragile, but people's hearts are strong."
"We got a great history of man surviving one of the greatest atrocities."
"They're alive, and even though they're weaklings, they're still alive."
"In the face of insurmountable odds, survival is not just a goal, but a testament to human spirit."
"Let's Foster The Innovation of the human spirit and let's find a way to address this issue."
"The human spirit is just amazing... I'm blown away by the resilience of the people of New Orleans."
"The immense possibilities of the human spirit."
"The strength of the human spirit is our ultimate power."
"There are some extraordinarily strong people in the world."
"His story is an inspiring example of humanity."
"I think there is something specifically powerful about the human will."
"The true beauty of the human spirit is stifled to keep things running smoothly."
"The various arts are the lifeblood of a culture; we can't live without it. It's a counterpart to the truism that man does not live by bread alone."
"The rebirth of Israel is the triumph of hope against despair, the triumph of the human spirit against the forces of annihilation."
"In the face of adversity, humanity shines brightest."
"One thing that can never be enslaved is the human spirit."
"The human spirit is powerful... it's hard to kill the human spirit."
"These are the stories that personify resilience."
"The Dalai Lama's journey into exile is a triumph of the human spirit over occupation and persecutions."
"Easy isn't better. The single fixed pill isn't going to fix you. The human spirit soars when it's challenged."
"It is a testament to humanity's unyielding Spirit of exploration."
"The tale of resilience, compassion, and redemption ends on a hopeful note, a poignant reminder that even in the face of adversity, kindness prevails."
"Hope springs eternal and the human spirit may be what wins out in the end."
"An epic drama celebrating the indomitable spirit of humanity."
"Some people are so brave in this world bro, wow indeed."
"It's a tribute to the tenacity of the human Spirit as we push farther than ever with commercial opportunities in low earth orbit and plans to go to the moon and Mars."
"Faith is a spirit and it's a force and comes out of your human spirit. For you to get action from God, you don't have to leave your flesh."
"The perseverance of the human spirit... despite so many lives lost."
"No matter what the challenge, mankind has the ability to rise to the occasion."
"Survival stories really show how strong humans can be."
"The most powerful search of the human spirit is for personal purpose and meaning in life."
"The spirit of man and woman is growing to such power."
"Perfect mathematically precise absolutely totally industrialized system is incompatible with the human spirit."
"At his core, he embodies everything good and noble about the human spirit."
"Trying to find humanity in a dark and terrible world."
"It's truth, it's love, it's compassion, it's the beauty of the human spirit and just of the life force itself."
"We haven't seen a spirit like this in a long time."
"You are a living testament to the power of faith, determination, and the indomitable human spirit."
"If the men did indeed survive, it would be a triumph for the ages."
"At Cannibal Club, we celebrate artistic excellence as the natural and inevitable expression of the unbridled human spirit."
"Creativity ... is an integral, organic property of human nature ... It is a necessary accessory of the human spirit."
"Our resilience shines brightest in the darkest of moments."
"The resilience of plants and people is it."
"I believe that there's negative things out there but also when it comes to human spirits most of them are just like us."
"A testament to resilience in the face of tragedy."
"From tragedy to triumph, the human spirit endures."
"Free energy is not a myth... and the human spirit will always prevail."
"This movie just seems to have it all: heart, innocence, and above all, why human?"
"The story of the advanced civilization is a testament to the power of empathy and compassion."
"The real problem here is social media and its re-sharing capability."
"The totalitarian rule will never quash the beauty of the human spirit."
"These individuals will travel into space carrying the hopes and dreams of all humankind driven by the universal human spirit of exploration."
"The ingenuity of the human spirit and science will resolve the problems."
"It only really makes sense to me is what I've termed alternative four which is the power of the human spirit, the exposure of truth, the transparency of all this information so that we can make informed decisions as a human race."
"But in the bottom of Pandora’s box there’s still hope, and I still hope cause I believe in people."
"Someone with a soul has a desire to live at any age."
"The cruel reality of the universe is nothing compared to the indomitable human spirit."
"Ordinary people are exposed to extraordinary circumstances, maybe it is that period of great sacrifice or the fear that you might not live to see another day, that reminds us of what is most precious."
"The brain drain, it's not just what it does to the businesses and everything else, it's what it does to the human spirit."
"It takes special people to do something like that."
"Yuji tells the spirit to not underestimate humans."
"We meet people, haven't you met a kinder spirit before?"
"Courage, humanity, courage. So that makes the world go around."
"The business of fighter jets is money laundering."
"You heard it here first. We are looking at a worldwide pyramid building culture."
"Burning Man is the last stand for the human spirit."
"The world needs to be reminded of the power of the human Spirit, the ability to heal, and the strength of resilience that allows us to recover and come back stronger."
"No matter how dark the circumstances there are always people out there strong and determined enough to persevere and to try to make the world a better place."
"Even in the darkest moments, the human Spirit can rise above adversity."
"Sport teaches you in the human condition that the comeback is possible."
"The comeback story is always the greatest story."
"The pure do not bend. They do not break, and despite all of the horrors that they endure and are forced to perform, they remain human."
"He was someone who just had so much in him and was so willing to expend all of that profound and miraculous life force on people who had no power."
"He believed in the human spirit because he himself was so human."
"This heartwarming musical will make you laugh, cry, and celebrate the very best of humanity."
"Allow yourself to dream—dreams fuel the human soul."
"People still manage to smile and be friendly and be loving against all odds."
"If you can feel that staying human is worthwhile, even when it can't have any result whatever, you've beaten them. We have to beat them."
"Humanity showed its best in response to this."
"The human spirit is more powerful than any drug and that is what needs to be nourished."
"There are no limits that the human spirit can't overcome."
"As things are imploding around us, there are so many amazing human beings that go unnoticed."
"The humanity and humility and the spirit of the man you know wrapped up in all of that beauty and power and music you know those things don't normally go together so that makes him pretty pretty damn unique."
"I have great hope that the human spirit wants to be close to something true."
"Exploration and pushing boundaries is part of the human spirit."
"Humanity in general surprised itself in how resilient we can be in getting through any adversity."
"The most powerful force on Earth is the untamed fire of the human soul."
"Despite their dire circumstances, the resilience of the human spirit is evident in the culture they’ve built for themselves, the tunnel walls painted with elaborate graffiti art and pieces of furniture designating rudimentary 'rooms' in the gloom."
"Oh my god, guys, it's gotta be possible, right?"
"Don't let them win, 'cause they can't. They've been trying to run humanity into the ground for thousands of years."
"I'm no longer impressed by the evil that we will and the special children had to face but I always think that I'm Amazed by the good."
"Their actions made them enduring symbols of the struggle Universal and Timeless for the freedom of the human Spirit wherever and whenever it is threatened."
"The human spirit stands firm and straight and does the impossible against the sands of time, against the winds of change."
"It's a desperate situation there, but I find it, you know, in these times when there's so much else going on, I need spiritually almost to be reminded of the ability, the capability of the human spirit when confronted with an emergency."
"At the end of the day, this show makes me proud to be a human being."
"They shine a light for all of us to see what is possible in the human will."
"The incredible story of Sherman and Adrian is an amazing example of the universal Force of the human spirit."
"Despite the difficulty that seems to be coming this week, I actually have faith in the human race."
"You are a living embodiment of the strength and vitality of the human spirit."
"The tragedy of Lockerbie: Even in the depths of unspeakable evil, the goodness and decency of ordinary people shines through."
"God's words resonate deeply with the human Spirit inspiring us to embrace a more profound connection with the Divine."
"The human spirit is so strong because we want to be free."
"The only thing that'll win the war against the Reapers is the strength of the human spirit."
"We humans have our humanity, we'll defy this world with a power from beyond."
"The enduring Spirit, the need for connection, and the indomitable will to live."
"At the end of the day, Spartacus is a testament to human hope and effort."
"It shows you what human beings can achieve and it shows you that actually in the end I believe good triumphs over evil."
"This movie gave me hope while I was watching it, it's definitely a Triumph of the human Spirit kind of story."
"These people who try and oppress and take away freedoms, they are nothing compared to the purity of the human Spirit."