
Impossibility Quotes

There are 952 quotes

"Believe in the impossible, even if you don't know how."
"A drug can't solve grief unless they come up with a drug to raise the dead."
"It is impossible to raise your hand in the mirror and go, 'I suck.'"
"People are going after a figment of their own imagination that's impossible to fend off."
"This means that warp speed, hyperdrive, quantum drives — that is, a drive that allows objects to move faster than light — it is impossible."
"People first tell me it's impossible, and then because it's impossible, you find people to come in your team that are people who love to challenge the possible."
"The challenge here was finding a system with no energy left to give up but was still constantly repeating and changing, which sounds kind of impossible."
"I decided to start with something that should be impossible: a circle in a world made of blocks."
"You cannot marry a cat. I don't care if she's got the body of a Japanese schoolgirl."
"The only way of determining the limits of the possible is to venture into the impossible."
"We are in the business of making the impossible possible."
"What I've wondered is... if there's anything kind of shared, any shared DNA between [hard problems] that causes them to be so hard, that caused them to maybe even be impossible."
"Jesus said, 'With men it is impossible to be saved by your good works, but with God all things are possible.'"
"Don't be scared of the impossible, go for it."
"The only person who can apparently take down Batman no matter how much or hard he prepares for is Bug's Bunny."
"He can see how not just difficult how impossible it is to actually be in this."
"Nobody was ever going to make Rome the center of the universe again."
"We don't have time to finish the report, said no one ever who had access to a time machine."
"You're gonna be Virgin Mary, be pregnant. You're not going to have a baby, deliver the baby!"
"All must be woke enough, but you can never be woke enough."
"Sherlock Holmes liked to say that 'Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth'."
"The horror comes from the impossibility of the human form being broken down."
"A god born from hatred can never create a perfect paradise."
"You can massage a dead man until your fingers lose their connection, you'll never bring him back to life."
"Everything is impossible until you take your next few steps forward."
"And if the whole world was to come together we wouldn't be able to create a single fly."
"You can't tub in no world does that give us zero chaos."
"Stop believing things that you already know are false and that are not even possible."
"Utterly impossible - you're looking at something that's utterly impossible."
"You can't love that way. There's no possible way to love."
"The 10 is impossible Perfection I would say is basically impossible."
"There is no possible way to win if you are the competition."
"You cannot save your way out of devastation."
"One of the rules is that the sketch must feature something that cannot be done in real life."
"What he's done is impossible all of it... he's an impossible person."
"Imagine how hard that would have been, or would have been nearly impossible to do."
"Dividing by zero makes no sense, just infinite loop."
"Bees don't care what humans think is impossible."
"Trying to please everybody is just not feasible."
"You can't just love your way out of it, why not? Why can't you just love your way out?"
"You can't kill a cornflake, it's part of a balanced breakfast."
"You can see all of these are impossible because you cannot change the past—impossible past condition and their impossible result."
"Good news though it's not gonna happen it's never gonna happen."
"You can't fit a square peg into a round hole."
"It is a spectacular feature, so spectacular that it could not exist in the real world, but not just that. It appears to not be possible to exist anywhere else in the Pokemon world."
"Let the Lord make happen what no mortal man can."
"I think people would go insane if they punched Superman out of a fight."
"The special status is over... reconstructing what we had before is impossible."
"Positively brilliant: the square root of impossible is possible with me."
"The one thing that underlies it all is a fascination with the impossible."
"Can you beat Payday 2 without committing a criminal offense? After thinking about it for about 10 seconds I realized the answer was a hard no."
"No chance, there's no chance in reconciliation, there is no chance."
"It is impossible for rockets or anything else to simply go up, up, up and then suddenly start free-floating in space."
"You will never find a Megalodon tooth on the same layer as a human bone."
"Because if you can see the impossible and see the invisible, you can do the impossible."
"Introducing job 57 yet another level that wants us to collect evil coins to beat it a hundred of those to be exact it's not possible either."
"No matter how hard I tried, you know it's like Thomas Wolfe who once said you can't go home again you wrote a book called you can't go home again."
"I believe there is no question. You can't swim 12 miles against the current."
"There was no way anyone could have rearranged them, no wind, no human."
"Paradoxes are nothing more than thought experiments, they cannot occur in reality."
"Faith is belief in something that seems impossible."
"I can't drown you with a pillow, it's not a liquid."
"I've done the impossible, I made a full recovery."
"The impossible things will happen when pigs fly."
"You can't kill something that's dead, it's dead."
"You can't please everybody right, you can't do it man."
"There's no actual logistical way to just scrub something out of the history books like that."
"The relaxed nature in which he makes the impossible somehow possible, I will never get tired of."
"No amount of willpower is gonna turn Meowth into something that doesn't look like a cat."
"How can I really feel what they felt? I can't. I can just feel for them."
"It's impossible to go from 30 body fat to 10 in one week."
"I was about to say he was smiling but he has no mouth."
"If you start from here, point X, you can never get to here, point Y."
"I think we'll be ignorant for all of these things that aren't supposed to be possible."
"I say that nothing is impossible with my God."
"Even Peter Jackson couldn't remake The Peter Jackson Trilogy."
"It's an entire absolute project that was thought to be impossible."
"Trying to put out the sun would only make it hotter."
"Unlikely no, never. It's actually the answer is literally never."
"If you can smell him, you can't fire a gun at him. It's basic science."
"People don't just vanish Into Thin Air. It's absolutely impossible, so something has happened."
"People just don't vanish. It's not possible."
"We are saying yes it's stepping across that line saying God used me to demonstrate what is impossible."
"God likes working where there seems to be no way."
"You cannot reconcile those principles; it is absolutely not possible."
"Yet, here you are… embodiment of the impossible." - Osiris
"This was clearly a joke, no one's gonna outrun bullets doing a Naruto style."
"This dude can outrun a black hole for 37 straight seconds."
"That's impossible but it's terrifying that he's shown it again."
"Can you imagine somebody flying across the sky in a basket with a bird carrying it? That would make the world news, wouldn't it? You know, like, literally somebody did the impossible."
"Yeah, you want the sale from 15 years ago too? When's it end, Diane? You want that price, you're gonna have to go through the quantum realm with Ant-Man."
"There's no way you're going to win this game. It's not possible, dude. It just physically isn't."
"It's demanding the impossible for you on pain of hellfire."
"We are delivered, therefore, a gospel which is in fact an impossible religion."
"I have done it I have done it they said it was impossible."
"So you can't have Chuck E cheese Mass it's theologically impossible to have the Chucky Cheese Mass and that's all I got to say today."
"How do you scare a man with no fears? That's a trick question, you simply can't."
"Believe the unbelievable and receive the impossible."
"You can't defeat someone with no strategy, it's impossible."
"There's more logic to rejecting the idea of impossibility rather than accepting it."
"Remove the impossible and whatever's left, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
"Impossible. It's impossible and they say God is love so how can you love God or love the Creator if you don't even love yourself?"
"Governments can't ban bitcoin, it's absolutely impossible."
"You can't travel the world, conquer it, and make everyone happy."
"Is it possible to beat Terraria without dealing damage? Well, no, not really."
"Believe in the impossible. I just heard a soul time."
"Believe in something that doesn't seem possible."
"Absolutely nothing is impossible, and God is so good. God is so faithful."
"With their current strength, it is impossible to do so."
"I've been dead for 15 years like I can't do anything to you. You are just [ __ ] on your own."
"Break them! Do what is thought impossible, and the Atlas will follow."
"Pretending to date you was a bit impossible, me dating a radiant girl like her."
"It's an impossible tower, one that shouldn't be able to exist in the way that it does."
"Impossible without a Notori Allah and a computer."
"In this case, backtracking is entirely impossible."
"There's no way I would have made it up in there, get out my guy!"
"That it pretty much defied the laws of physics."
"Nobody can commit five murders perfectly and leave no shred of evidence at all I mean it that just doesn't happen does it."
"Trophies are far too bouncy. Nobody is out here doing trophy trick shots."
"You cannot have unity with someone who hates you on principle."
"I always like watching people do things that I could never ever accomplish in my life."
"It's impossible from a vengeful place to create a peaceful world."
"We don't get to say that anything is possible without precedent or parallel."
"There's not enough money on the planet to bid up that price to that price. There just isn't. It ain't going to happen."
"It's like asking somebody to swallow the Sun."
"People say nothing is impossible but I can do nothing every day."
"Even at the time I started this run, I expected it to be no way no how explicitly impossible."
"We're doing things that have never been done before, we're doing things that when we put them on the table people thought they were impossible but we are now doing the impossible."
"If Israel knew, then a camel could also pass through the eye of a needle."
"There isn't a way to stop the war at the moment."
"It's not a question of can koalas and kangaroos build a spaceship."
"You can't turn off the [ __ ] sun! Are you crazy? You're not about to turn off the sun!"
"You aren't going to get guns to be taken away, that won't happen."
"It plays the Goldilocks, it's unnatural, it's impossible. No real world could pull this off time after time after time."
"It is easy enough to stand still; the difficulty is to walk without touching the ground."
"Neutrality is a myth there's no such thing as being Mutual true neutrality is difficult and perhaps even impossible to achieve."
"Did nature ever produce winter storms with warm sides? Short answer, no."
"We can't be a family. We can never be a family."
"God specializes in things that seem impossible."
"Believe in the impossible because the impossible is going to happen."
"Imagine missing a cannon minion in 2019, that's impossible!"
"2020 hindsight it's always good. It's a good thing in theory but no one has it."
"If I could go back and change things I would but I can't."
"In real life, the concept of switching oxygen in the air would be physically impossible."
"You can't ever be too bike friendly. It's not possible."
"As powerful as the Witch-king may have become, there was little to no way that he was breaking the staff of a Maia."
"I wish I could go back in time and change it, but I can't."
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
"It is impossible to blame and accept responsibility at the same time."
"You can't convince anybody to be gay; you can't convince somebody to be trans. That's just not how it works."
"No matter how clever we try to be, we can never actually do this."
"Such a powerful total program like A could not have existed."
"If I could just go back a couple of seconds... time and space won't let you."
"In space, no one can eat ice cream."
"You think you can break into this place? You think you can break out? It's impossible."
"Landslides don't make 90-degree turns."
"Hogan and Mr. America really can't be the same person, it's impossible."
"Have you any rivers that seem uncrossable? Have you any mountains that you can't tunnel through? God specializes in things that seem impossible."
"It's impossible, absolutely scientifically impossible for nature to have created itself."
"Suddenly God moves upon an impossible situation."
"It's not physically possible to replicate this."
"You're not getting away from a hot air balloon."
"I knew what I saw but I couldn't have. To get here, anyone would have to know. It was impossible."
"There is no such thing as perfect."
"What if I told you that cow tipping doesn't actually happen and is physically impossible?"
"How an impossible request was granted."
"apparently he's just impossible to choke out"
"God, you are the specialist in the impossible."
"...that house I could never live in it now."
"...if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived meaning it is not possible"
"Beating xene is an impossibility."
"I only wish we could all be alive and just be a family once again, but I suppose there's no point talking about the impossible."
"Is there any way that he could hold a hand, see his face, touch a foot? And my answer was no."
"It's near impossible to reach perfection."
"I literally can't. Like, I can't."
"God is the specialist in the impossible. Nothing is impossible for him."
"I think we figured it out, but it's impossible for us to help them, so they are trapped here."
"God takes us from the vision to the impossible, and then the miracle comes."
"Salvation is not something any human being can orchestrate."
"You physically can't do it. It's impossible."
"That's simply impossible, there are way too many cards and of course their value is always changing."
"You can never make everybody happy."
"But in terms of pulling those troops back, that just wasn't in the cards. It wasn't in the plans and impossible at any effect."
"It's just impossible, Diablo, literally impossible."
"Trying to improve yourself is like trying to lift yourself up into the air by tugging at your own bootstraps. And it can't be done."
"But there it was, skulking around in all three dimensions in complete defiance of logical possibility."
"If it's impossible for me to do it does not mean it can't be done because that's what God does he stretches you when he holds the thing from coming right away he builds your body and your spiritual vitality."
"Abraham God waited till he was aund somebody say impossible and he waited for Sarah to be 90 somebody said double impossibility and after Double impossibility comes the miracle."
"Their story was impossible from the outset yet somehow it still managed to come to fruition."
"To answer your question, that is absolutely impossible to explain. And I'm not pulling your leg, that's the truth."
"Nobody's going to the quantum realm."
"I wish I could, Chloe. I really do wish I could."
With men it is impossible, but not with God."
"Seemingly impossible things are just a Divine setup for God to show that he alone is God."
"You can't do that. In principle, you can't do that."
"Trapped inside of a bird cage with a man with a malleable sword, there's no possible way you could survive this."
"It's literally impossible for it to look bad."
"You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw it down."
"I mean, I don't know anybody who can walk through a wall."
"The only way to do the impossible is to respond to the voice of the Lord."