
Self-celebration Quotes

There are 254 quotes

"You're gonna need to celebrate yourself. Celebrate all your success."
"True colors there's this moment where you can celebrate all that is beautiful about you."
"If you celebrate yourself, you will draw people into your life who also join your party and they celebrate with you."
"Celebrate your achievements. You truly are a gift to the universe."
"Focus on the stuff that you really like about yourself and that you really want to celebrate about yourself."
"Body neutrality is the idea of taking a neutral stance on how we look... celebrate its existence for what it can do."
"You have to get comfortable with celebrating yourself and promoting yourself."
"Knowing your growth as a person and celebrating your personal wins is crucial."
"Set achievable goals for yourself, celebrate your victories, and move past failure."
"Every time you do anything, take that pause and celebrate what you just did."
"You need to learn to celebrate your own successes because the support is not always going to be there."
"Celebrate your successes and own your hard-earned achievements."
"Celebrate the value we bring, celebrate our uniqueness."
"As you embrace your truth, celebrate yourself. You have more than those who came before could ever imagine."
"I want you to congratulate and celebrate yourself."
"I'm so proud of myself, and I shout out to everybody that believed in me."
"The heart of Sotela is to restore your relationship with clothing and to celebrate the strength and resilience of your body."
"If I ever get on 'Jeopardy' and I get one right, I'm clapping for myself."
"Celebrate your achievements; you are truly a gift to the universe."
"It's high-fiving yourself every morning in the mirror as part of your morning routine. That's it."
"Be your own best friend and celebrate your achievements."
"Your strength is not in your ability to conform, it's in how you celebrate what makes you different."
"Celebrate yourself more and pat yourself on the back for the little tiny changes that you're implementing in your life."
"It's a celebration! I feel like a queen every day!"
"Sorry round of applause everyone, I'm very proud of myself."
"There's a celebration of the self, it's a celebration of you."
"Exercise is truly a celebration of all your body can do, so celebrate yourself."
"Celebrate yourself, Virgo. Look how far you've come, even though things may be a little rocky or distracting."
"I pulled off the feat that I might never pull again."
"When you celebrate yourself, you do more things worth celebrating."
"Celebrate your wins, even if others won't."
"I'm going to celebrate me and make it look like I'm critiquing me on the way to celebration."
"Enjoy yourself today, Salma. You've totally earned it."
"Happy birthday to me, I look like a monkey and I live in a tree."
"Don't let anyone diminish your accomplishments. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small."
"Level yourself up, give that feeling to yourself, wed yourself, be your own internal bride."
"Instead of comparing myself I just celebrate."
"Celebrate your crazy, celebrate your weird, celebrate your unique dance."
"To my fellow a/Autistic people, today I encourage you to think of one thing about your autistic self that you can embrace."
"I don't compare myself with nobody baby so every new uh um barrier we break a new goal we hit yes I'm gonna celebrate it I'm a girl baby I celebrate the little things."
"I am the gift, the greatest gift that's V ice."
"This went 17 minutes, man, awesome stuff, best match of the night."
"Celebrate yourself and your life. Find excuses to celebrate yourself."
"Celebrate yourself. Celebrate who you are. It's time to recognize the treasure within that is you."
"Enough is enough. Bless your past, move along. You are a treasure, you are amazing. It's time to celebrate who you are, shifting that energy and moving forwards."
"Celebrate yourself. Celebrate your right to choose. This is not as challenging as you think it is."
"Celebrate you. Do something nice for yourself, celebrate how far you've come."
"Celebrate yourself, your guides are proud of how far you've come."
"Congratulations to me on birthing this lipstick."
"It breaks your spirit down when you just want to celebrate yourself."
"Recognizing your brilliance and shining brightly."
"Not just punishing my body, but celebrating what it can do, and focusing on fitness as a way to get in touch with my body."
"Wow, maybe it's finally my turn to be happy."
"Remember to celebrate life and celebrate you because you deserve it."
"Celebrate yourself. The world can't take your will to step forward and cannot seize your consistency."
"I'm gonna be 31 in two weeks and it's just pop-off season okay? It's thriving season, it's learning healing and growing season."
"I want my flowers while I'm alive and well. I've done an absolute madness here."
"I am accomplished and I earned it, let's crack her open."
"What are the reasons to celebrate ourselves and our lives?"
"Celebrate yourself and connect with your inner child."
"I really rock with y'all, you guys are vibe, give a round of applause to yourself."
"Pay homage to yourself, pat yourself on the back. You deserve it."
"You are still your own person. You are not just a mum. You deserve to be celebrated too."
"Be proud. It's time to celebrate all that you've achieved and all that you are and all that you will become."
"Celebrate you for all the good that you do in the world."
"Be proud, it's time to celebrate all you've achieved, all that you are, and all that you will become."
"Celebrate yourself, put on your music, dance in the shower, make yourself happy."
"This summer, let's spend more time celebrating our bodies instead of wanting to change them."
"Merry christmas myself and the audience those of you who believed in me."
"Celebrate yourself. Move forward in a celebration of you."
"Celebrate the things that you are getting done; take time to be proud of yourself because you're still moving ahead, you're still moving forward, and that's beautiful, that is amazing."
"Start celebrating yourself and your accomplishments with a moment of gratitude and appreciation for yourself."
"I'm quite proud of myself, you know what? I am gonna toot my horn for once."
"Give yourself a head of applause for surviving for the last almost four years here."
"I'm officially 30 and thriving dirty 30 and thriving"
"Find something that celebrates you for exactly what it is."
"You may not be much but you're all that you've got. You may as well celebrate it."
"I feel like it's my birthday but I'm Aging in Reverse."
"Celebrate who you are, what you do, and really feel joy in that."
"Celebrate yourself along the way and acknowledge how far you came."
"They celebrate themselves, they celebrate their wins, they celebrate their achievements."
"I can give myself praise, I can celebrate myself, I can buy myself flowers if that's what it takes."
"Celebrate yourself, you deserve it."
"Celebrate yourself, celebrate your health, celebrate the people that love you."
"Celebrate yourself, be your biggest fan."
"I am meeting myself where I am, I am affirming my unique need, and I am celebrating myself exactly where I am right now."
"Celebrate yourself for how far you've come."
"Celebrate yourself, celebrate your successes big or small. Trust that you are being divinely guided. Patience is the key."
"Celebrate yourself, celebrate your success, you deserve it."
"So let this just serve as your personal reminder to celebrate yourself, whoever you are. Be super."
"Celebrate yourself because your bounce back game is strong."
"Celebrate yourself because you don't need to ignore your own needs."
"Celebrate you and what you've learned and what you know and who you are."
"Set some goals, stay quiet about them, then smash the hell out of them. Clap for your own damn self."
"Usually, if you are bad at celebrating yourself, you will not be able to celebrate others."
"I celebrate myself and sing myself, and what I assume you shall assume, for every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you."
"It's not doing anything differently except choosing to have a woman celebrate herself rather than trash herself."
"Celebrate yourself, honor the goddess within."
"Yesterday I got to celebrate myself for the first time in a long time. It was a real feeling."
"I have got to do a better job about celebrating my victories."
"Sometimes we celebrate ourselves by giving back to others."
"Sometimes you gotta celebrate yourself and even before it happens."
"The older I get and the more problems I seem to have I need to celebrate myself as much as I possibly can."
"Celebrate yourself. Even if you have to bake yourself a cake, you make sure that you guys are taking time for that."
"Help yourself by actually celebrating yourself this year."
"And if you're one of those people who's terrible at celebrating, you should be celebrating yourself now for just getting this far in the challenge, like, look at you, you're here."
"I celebrate myself and what I assume you shall assume for every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you."
"Some of you, listen, be your own cheerleader, celebrate your success, celebrate your uniqueness."
"Celebrate yourself, celebrate all you are doing to become the person that has their desire."
"Each one of us needs to celebrate our originality, even in our art, in our bodies, in our looks."
"You have to celebrate yourself all the time."
"You deserve to celebrate yourself."
"Take time to celebrate yourself and your accomplishments. You're evolving and growing."
"Celebrate yourself, dance, baby, walk in stillness."
"So choose to optimize your quality of life choose to educate yourself Empower yourself and celebrate your daily victories."
"Celebrate what you are, stretch to be."
"Whether you celebrate Valentine's Day or not, make this for yourself. Make this for yourself because why not celebrate yourself?"
"When was the last time you celebrated yourself?"
"It felt like a celebration of me."
"If you can't celebrate yourself, ain't nobody else gonna celebrate you up in here."
"The biggest lesson I've taken away from this video is to just have fun and celebrate yourself."
"Celebrate yourself and celebrate when you do well. Few people do that, celebrate the wins, even if they might be small wins. I always say have big, big goals, but celebrate every win along the way, no matter how small."
"You're celebrating yourself a lot. It really feels like you know, again, it feels very healing."
"When you celebrate yourself, you're celebrating everybody else. You're celebrating humanity. You're celebrating Earth. You're celebrating everything. Everything is lifted up in your love."
"You've really taken your power back here. You've put yourself first, you're celebrating yourself, you're healing."
"I feel like nobody else is going to celebrate you more than you celebrate yourself."
"You deserve to celebrate yourself and your accomplishments."
"We really need to learn to celebrate ourselves."
"You will attract the right types if you just continue to be you and celebrate Who You Are."
"Parade makes unreal and super flattering underwear that feels like a second skin, is all about celebrating who you are today and every day."
"Don't be afraid to celebrate accomplishments. I am growing, I am making a difference, and that helps motivate us."
"I celebrate me because I am worth celebrating."
"Celebrate yourself, nobody knows what happened to you in February, celebrate yourself."
"It is high time that you start to see that and celebrate that [ __ ] all right everybody I believe in you."
"I think it's important to celebrate your losses as well as your weight wins."
"You might as well just do a party for yourselves."
"Celebrating myself, celebrating my own femininity and my own sexuality for me like no one else gets to touch that no one else gets to be in that bubble unless I allow them to."
"Be intentional about celebrating yourself, please, I beg."
"You are one of one. There's only one you, that's the most unique thing in the world, so why not celebrate that?"
"Embracing nothingness is not an eraser of self but a celebration of individuality."
"I did it, I did it, I'm a bubble boy"
"You got to be able to look at your eyes in the mirror and be in celebration."
"Celebrate yourself and see that light in yourself, that beauty in yourself, and that strength in yourself."
"Her message is always body and beauty positivity, and whatever that means to you, she wants to celebrate that."
"Celebrate your uniqueness and you will shine even brighter and become more magnetic."
"Celebrate your little small accomplishments, celebrate your big ones, and really just make yourself proud."
"When you celebrate with others, you're also celebrating for yourself."
"Each one of these kids wants to stay there, they want to make a difference, they want to celebrate who they are."
"It's important that we celebrate ourselves."
"Celebrate yourself even when other people don't."
"I throw a birthday party for myself, okay, 'cause I love me."
"Give yourself a high five any night of the week with one of my five ingredient main courses."
"I celebrate myself, and sing myself."
"Celebrate yourself for the beautiful ass queen that you are."
"The moment I begin to celebrate myself and focus on my success is the moment I begin living."
"All's well that ends well; happy birthday to me, an icon."
"Celebrate yourself and everything you want will start coming your way."
"Celebrate yourself, every little victory counts."
"I want you to celebrate yourself for this weekend, for the peaceful change in your life, and changing the lives of other people."
"I'm turning 30. I just want to hit a milestone of feeling magnificent."
"You should celebrate it; you should be comfortable with it."
"I celebrate myself in each stage of my life, each phase is equally important for my soul development."
"Celebrate yourself today, think about all the things that you have accomplished in life."
"It's such a celebration of who I am and coming into myself and my truth, and just feeling really proud."
"For my 33rd birthday, I want to celebrate myself."
"Go mama, go me, go, go, go mama. Nobody ever celebrates for me but me."
"Celebrate your wins along the way... you don't get a trophy or a medal, so you have to celebrate yourself."
"You need to have your life in environments that celebrate you."
"Cultivate courage and celebrate how strong you are."
"Together here Day 29, my lucky number, we celebrate this relationship to self."
"We are celebrating ourselves, we're celebrating everything that we've been through."
"We are using this day to truly celebrate ourselves and to pour into ourselves because you deserve it."
"Celebrate yourself to lead a more fulfilled and autonomous life."
"Celebrating yourself inspires others."
"Self-celebration encourages continuous personal growth."
"I celebrate myself not out of vanity but out of gratitude for the person God has made me to be."
"So celebrating yourself, celebrating your showing up."
"Happy birthday me, have an amazing day."
"You're a majestic being who can bring light into the heart of others; celebrate and honor yourself."
"Celebrate yourself and just list out all of your achievements."
"They are just really lovely pieces that you can carry with you through your life that you bought for yourself to celebrate yourself."
"You need to applaud yourself because it's an achievement."
"Celebrate your [__] man, if you want to celebrate it, celebrate it. Ain't nobody gonna celebrate you but you."
"They have celebrated me for being who I am unapologetically."
"With time, I have learned to celebrate myself, the things that I uniquely mean, the passion that I have."
"Celebrate yourself, you guys have come really far."
"Feel free to high-five yourself or throw a tiny party."
"Celebrate yourself, especially when you put yourself through the struggle of achieving."
"Let us not be ashamed anymore, let us celebrate who we are and learn to love the differences."
"Celebrate and let them know, and don't wait for somebody to throw a party for you."
"Make sure you celebrate yourself today and what you're going to do right after that to perceive into your next goal."
"Mother's Day, this could be for you celebrating yourself if you're a mom."
"Happy birthday to me, I'm going to shout it out from the tallest tree."
"I am here to glorify my life because it's the only life that I have."
"It's okay to celebrate you. It's okay to celebrate your wins."
"Celebrate yourself sometimes, guys, whenever you have the chance."
"Celebrate yourself; you are more than worthy and deserving."
"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to Mikey."
"Celebrate you. The best is yet to come."
"You've got to develop a habit of seeing yourself, celebrating yourself for showing up yet again."