
Cultural Importance Quotes

There are 262 quotes

"It is important for us to have a variety in our representation with regard to art."
"This is why the museums are very important. When [people] start talking this way, they got a museum in Detroit, they already got a museum in Washington, D.C., I don't want to hear that [stuff]."
"The Sacred Sakura is of tremendous importance to Inazuma."
"Tradition is important, it needs to be respected and maintained."
"And when culture's at risk, individuals or even species are at risk."
"Barbecue is taken as seriously as religion in the South."
"I believe in museums. I do still believe in museums. I just think that something has to happen, something has to change."
"Culture is everything...the most powerful and important thing you can do to fix these problems."
"Music now, more than ever before, is a national need."
"The single most important holiday in all of Christianity is Easter."
"Juneteenth is cool. I think we get a holiday in June to have barbecue and celebrate freedom and independence."
"Cinema is more important. It is the modern literature."
"The kitchen became the heart and center of the meaning of home."
"Diversity is just so important in our culture, it's important for our country for the world and so we really need to welcome diversity and actually celebrate diversity."
"Stories and storytelling is the core of our very culture and who and what we are."
"Culture is important. We can't ever forget that."
"There is no place in history that has played such a key role as the temple location."
"It's much more than a holiday food, oh yeah. It's a taste of nostalgia, a symbol that represents selflessness and giving."
"The mainstream is crumbling and these types of things are more important."
"Those are walkers and canes those who can barely stand up a wreck they are making sure they go to see this film and support this film because of what it means to the culture."
"We are the most important people upon the face of the earth and everybody knows it except for us and it's a crying shame."
"I want them to realize that music is important to all of us, you know? And it can't be disrespected."
"Every culture, every society needs its heroes."
"Representation like this is super important."
"Once you lose the liberal arts entirely, that is the stuff that makes your civilization."
"I think storytelling is just something that will never go."
"HBCUs are and always have been the soul of the nation."
"It's not just the language, it's the culture too."
"There is nothing more important than love for your home country."
"It's an insult not just to the Greek cuisine, but to the vegetable itself."
"If you don't parrot the talking points of the mainstream media, they come and get you."
"Classic games should be preserved for the future."
"Thankful and grateful for ancient history and our ancient past."
"Either way, I believe that these stories are important."
"Sports are supposed to be an escape for people. That's what this show is supposed to be. Sports are Sunday for a lot of people; it's their sanctuary."
"We shift from the entertainment hub to the centre of Roman public life at the Forum."
"Christmas is honestly the best holiday... Christmas music, Christmas spirit... it is real."
"People love going to movie theaters... People didn't want to see AMC disappear."
"Stuff like this once again raises the importance of keeping up the conversation of game preservation."
"Amman is the capital and largest city in the country. It is also the economic, political, and cultural center of the country."
"Art is one of the backbones of our humanity."
"There's nothing more important than your cultural identity and your language and where you come from."
"Help us keep the music alive. That's what it's all about."
"Art is important to the psyche, to culture."
"Now that Marianne Williamson has informed James Cameron as to just how important Avatar is to world peace he better not screw up the sequels because lives are literally hanging in the balance."
"New York City is the capital of the planet Earth."
"The symbols of the sun and the moon is just something that's very important to the world."
"Imagine if after a decade or two, paintings were permanently taken down and you were simply not allowed to see them anymore. Game preservation should be taken more seriously."
"This trust that someone else will preserve your content or even that a creator will preserve their own culturally important works is the reason for so many entries on this list."
"2020 has sucked but live music will come back and we will have this essential part of the culture once again."
"Creating art and creating media is so important."
"Preservation of knowledge is one of the noblest human pursuits."
"The various arts are the lifeblood of a culture; we can't live without it. It's a counterpart to the truism that man does not live by bread alone."
"I'm sure you all don't want a half-assed video that's all it is especially when it's about something as culturally significant to the survival horror genre as silent frigging hill."
"I'd like to see a movie succeed just because it's important."
"The history and culture of Native Americans have been one of the most talked about topics in the entire history of human civilization."
"People need to know about this story if they don't know."
"Why do we need musicians? Musicians can't build bridges. Musicians don't put people on the moon. What's the point of musicians? Well, I don't know. People like music."
"We're just saying right personally just try to remember the real meaning of Christmas."
"The culture is so important... if we don't connect with people culturally we're going to lose this country."
"I think happy birthday is number one most important piece of music ever released."
"Comedy is important to have, I think we must be able to laugh at ourselves."
"Education in Jamaica is an important thing, I think it was important to him."
"Art is not something that ended a hundred years ago, but that is vital and alive today."
"Reason is worth fighting for. Liberalism and enlightenment values are worth fighting for."
"I can't understate how important the Hadith are for Islamic life."
"A war is not the best time for literature but it is very important for literature to keep going for new works to be written, for new songs to be written because it's one of the ways to describe and to bear witness to our time, to what is happening."
"Latinx histories are critical, central, and pivotal to the U.S. story."
"Europe carries a special weight of importance."
"Wedding dresses are a huge deal to every bride."
"The bottom line is, Haiti is sacred. Haiti is our people."
"The celebration of food is something that he recognizes is an important aspect of our life."
"Jerusalem is an ancient city that holds countless historical stories and incredible importance to many people."
"When it truly comes to sport and the battle of sport and the elevation of cricket in community in India and Pakistan, literally cricket is a religion, so this becomes the holy grail of the sporting calendar literally."
"The predominantly white moose, also known as the spirit moose, was protected due to their cultural and spiritual importance."
"Happy Juneteenth everybody! I think it's so important. If you don't know what Juneteenth is, log off of here right now and go google it."
"Culture... is the scale by which we choose one another to give continuity to humanity."
"Nine o'clock Sunday night is the most important hour in all of television."
"Of all the unimportant things in life, football is the most important."
"Sacred sites were crucially important. They were the window into the world of the past, the world of the ancestors."
"The Fire Nation is just as important for balance as any other nation."
"Culture is the foundation that bonds civilization together."
"The Kashmir Files: the most important movie of the decades."
"Every life matters, every culture matters, every life has value."
"The Shroud of Turin remains an important religious symbol for Christians around the world."
"Knowledge itself became so highly prized that the acquisition of ancient texts even came to be considered a valuable wartime plunder."
"Art is vital. Art is essential, and we are... in America, American culture, the art that we create has changed the world."
"Movies like this really show that we need black media, we need the ability to tell our own stories."
"It's a really important moment in American history."
"This to me is just such a great reminder of the importance of food in preserving culture identity."
"We need to rebuild the American nuclear family."
"The Reinheitsgebot still occupies an almost mythic space in the German brewing industry's collective psyche."
"Black stories, black performances, and black lives matter. Say it with me: Black lives matter."
"All I can say is that we'll fight to the end. This is our holy land."
"The artists I think hold the soul of civilization, they capture the civilization that we always want to have."
"The key to all of it is not race, it's culture."
"Eating is grand. Food brings together families, builds communities, and gives us health."
"The exact story of the domestication of the chicken is history that deserves to be remembered."
"Libraries are important for more than just practical day-to-day knowledge."
"Imagine a world where neither of these bright spots exists. It would be a real travesty."
"My favorite song is Man or Muppet from the movie. I think it's really important to our culture."
"We need philosophy... as a fundamental part of our culture."
"Whatever her purpose was she was likely very important as she is literally seen riding a legendary Pokemon in both pieces of art."
"The Masai journey is a poignant reminder of the enduring power of culture."
"Some artworks matter more than others. They deserve to be saved and shared instantly with your loved ones."
"The cornerstone of any culture is its artistic expression. It's what makes people feel alive."
"Black love is revolutionary. I think black love is revolutionary."
"Clans fulfill an important function in dwarf society, creating solidly defined rules for social interaction."
"Black owned media matters because we got to ask nobody else for permission to come cover our people."
"Education, science, the arts. Those are the most important things for advancing human culture."
"I think people don't rely heavily enough on the music."
"Hip-hop means the world to me, it means everything to me."
"I've always been rather fond of books. In fact, I think they're just about the most important things we've ever created."
"Food is so integral to our everyday life, it's so integral to the faith, the way that people throughout history have celebrated their faith and their community together."
"Our kids don't get the benefit if they don't have good culture."
"It feels good to have the crazies throwing at the Carolina players."
"It's important if we want to keep rock and roll, metal, and punk alive."
"History can endure when recorded by a great songwriter."
"Florence: considered to be the birthplace of the Renaissance."
"Back to the Future sold for a million dollars because that's a big famous important movie."
"This conversation is also important because it has to do with the foundation of building a strong Black nation."
"Science is a vital part of culture, it is a vital part of what makes life worth living."
"The importance of music and musical themes cannot be overstated, my friends."
"Winners win and urban was a good example he'll win no matter what"
"Tell me that cooking and what you eat ain't important when the majority of our people are dying from heart disease and high blood pressure, tell me that that is something weak about that."
"...making the lost empire may be the most important empire of them all."
"Language is not merely a tool. It is our legacy."
"Storytelling may not be the most important thing humanity is responsible for, but it is alive, and like all alive things, it dies very easily."
"Saudi Arabia is home to Mecca, the birthplace of the central figure of Islam—the prophet Muhammad."
"When you destroy the culture, you destroy the nation."
"Help us keep the music alive, it's so important."
"They somehow became the basketball capital of Europe, and it's almost like a religion to them."
"Establishing cultural awareness among Black Americans is essential for effective political action."
"I think that at this time it's more so important to share your art with whatever that is."
"A book is worthless without minds to read it, and neither can exist in a world that doesn’t."
"Family is everything for us, it's very, very important."
"Babies, the most vulnerable, the most important thing in any culture in any of your lives. Those of you that have been in a house with a newborn baby will recognize that sense of the Sacred that accompanies them."
"So many great things in the world that we aren't uncovering. Asian history, so important."
"What is it said man does not live by bread alone that's exactly right live by beauty we live by literature we live by art and literally not metaphorically it cannot live without it because life is too dismal and tragic in the absence of the sublime"
"Food plays such an important role in Chinese culture."
"Knowledge is power, African knowledge is African empowerment."
"Dialects are an important part of cultural diversity."
"Mount Fuji: Japan's most visited tourist attraction."
"The classics remain an immense source of intellectual and moral richness."
"I like the idea of farming... being a big part of the culture over here."
"Black people could never have made it without our art."
"A lot of stuff is cultural. Culture is important."
"This was actually the most important archaeological finding in China of the last 100 years."
"This is a story of representation, and it matters."
"The character of T'Challa was just too important of a character, just too important of a character."
"How is this not the most significant archaeological discovery of all time?"
"Your greatest commitment to black people is being committed to a black woman."
"It's not just a house and not just a home, it's a historical statement of the genius of humanity."
"The Aqsa Mosque... is in essence the center of the world."
"Water is as much a part of our history as wars and revolutions and art and music."
"The character of T'Challa is way too important, both to the movies and to our culture, to not carry on Chadwick Boseman's legacy."
"How can we possibly ignore something that has been so central to The Human Experience for Millennia?"
"History deserves to be remembered... We have to choose to remember history."
"Music settles, harmonizes, soothes the soul. That's why music is more important than motivational speakers or movies."
"Knowing your roots is crucial. It gives us a sense of belonging and understanding of our heritage."
"Nothing matters so much as awakening our own people."
"Games are becoming more important for a lot of people."
"This is truly one of the most unique eras of animation, and we should absolutely preserve it."
"Cinemas won't die. They can't die, like bars and restaurants. We are social beings."
"The world needs to focus much more on the Arts because this is the basic truth of life that unifies all of us and leads to important experiences in our lives."
"Welsh is regarded as the language of opportunity."
"For them, family is incredibly important, home is incredibly important, very cultural and very educated."
"A knight has huge cultural importance. He's not just a warrior, he's a symbol."
"The fact that we don't necessarily know if this is a real animal or if it ever lived doesn't diminish the cultural importance of what we're looking at."
"Panforte must be very important to Siena because everywhere you go in Siena, they sell panforte. They make panforte, you know? Around here, they just pump forté. Crazy!"
"Especially with Bebop, where Bebop is, you know, Bebop is a very culturally important music because this was music that was African American musicians taking back their music from White musicians, claiming ownership of their music again."
"The gangsta films like New Jack City and Boys in the Hood, we all were watching them, we were all talking about them, they were so important in our lives."
"Bahamian food is such an important part of my life."
"It's been an African team and especially a South African team. We're not going to take that away because I think that's very important there's a lot of culture in this and we're gonna we're gonna keep this and then protect this Doug is a huge heart for cycling."
"We gotta go to Africa. It's important, I think it's even more important now than ever before."
"The French take salad very seriously indeed."
"Books are always included because they symbolize the importance of learning about history and tradition."
"Her people were important to her, her tribe. I'd missed the point entirely."
"Art is too important not to share."
"New York was just as important as all the other European capitals. Now give us some of that Beaux-Arts stuff, baby."
"But I think we lose something really big when we focus on those as the priorities as opposed to quality and community and culture."
"We should be doing that; that's why the hip-hop thing, the documentary, just us knowing the importance of our culture."
"Historically black colleges are critically needed to build a culturally diverse American workforce."
"Department of Truth needs to be on your pull list; it's one of the most important comic books of our time."
"You need your rock stars, you need your comedians, they need their movies; just let them be young."
"Agile is basically very, very simple. What agile is first of all is that it's a culture, and the culture is the most important thing, not the process."
"It's important to our culture, honestly."
"Older societies could be the best thing that ever happened to society."
"The architectural setting of any particular activity, whether it be eating a meal or praying to God, had to be suitable to its importance and the importance of the people who were doing it."
"Creative activity is more than a mere cultural frill; it is a crucial factor of human experience."
"The arts need to be there at the end of this."
"It's about discovering food from different continents basically, and talking to people, how food is important to people from around the world."
"We sponsor book events and try to remind people of the importance of books and reading in our culture."
"It's kind of important also for film preservation."
"Tradition is important because within the lifetime of one human being, the memory is short and the amount of discipline that you can cultivate isn't as great as when you start connecting to past and future generations."
"The lives of people in those places are just as important to us as the lives of people in films made from where we come from."
"My personal belief is that many of these issues are extremely important; all sides of the arguments around culture are valuable."
"That's why people should read the classics."
"We take really serious tortillas in Mexico; it's practically the most important calorie intake."