
Tactical Play Quotes

There are 490 quotes

"Amazingly good storms while he's counter-attacking. Great moves."
"He's going to target down the CC. The CC goes down. That was awesome tactical play from Parting."
"Playing for a checkmate-like win condition and not always playing for the big flashy plays, the perfect counter Ultimates."
"So it's four mana, comes down, you instantly use the ability, and then the Wandering Emperor stays alive."
"One pawn move, and White's position came alive."
"When you're up a piece, that's exactly what you want."
"Black has a few different ways of playing the position."
"Caustic probably can't fit the hybrid category of play but truly he's one of the best legends to slow things down... do it all."
"Most armies can do damage in the psychic phase, assault phase, and shooting phase. What phases can you do damage in? Shooting. Yeah, so your shooting phase is absolutely terrible, terrifying."
"Why would he even Expo that early? I had the Elixir for a Tesla, I just didn't expect him to do anything."
"This is the first game that was played on a grid."
"All you want to do is look at all the locations we showed at the beginning of this video, pre-aim around corners and just spam in these locations."
"Whispers is amazing... it really helps you find people to keep up your pressure."
"Pushing the wave is also really good because it helps create space."
"The best way to remove dust as a Riki is either Manta but mainly it's diffusal."
"Oh what a good manage, lucky comes in from the top like Batman finally shuts him down but three kills for hunter, that's quite nice."
"Alvarez picking up this area of space means that Harland doesn't have to be that backboard."
"That's how you do it, rook h3, you have to give this up."
"Interesting structure here opposite sides castling bishops' eyes are opened."
"I'm hitting him on fours. Three hits, that's perfectly six to the average. I'm strength ten. Oh, uh, let's Command Point that. I wound him twice, AP minus three, D6 damage a time. It's Iron Halo time, halo time, halo time."
"A pork, when you pin and you fork, it's called a pork. It's a very powerful tactic, a very delicious tactic."
"Jackal's an S tier operator, the king of roam clearing."
"Omen's smokes are amazing as he's able to create easy to set up one ways."
"Boss damage is so crucial, so you can't be running around all the time. You need to be planting your feet and casting spells."
"You can take that fight if anyone's approaching you from behind then uh you can hear them and you have your paranoid to work with so you can blind them and maybe go for a tpo play after that."
"We're forced to go back to what we used to do under Ollie, deep counter-attacking football."
"Every AI is a chess piece, and it's got weaknesses and strengths."
"Mirror Entity is a finisher. You're making a bunch of one ones pay five mana into Mirror Entity they're all five fives."
"This opens up the stage drastically in mid and creates more push and flanking options."
"I think when you take that ttk and slow it down just a little bit you give the chance for counter play."
"When material is totally equal, your rook is also under attack."
"You won't be worried about moves like pawn takes, even though they block your own bishop, as long as they can remove the knight from the defense."
"My strategy is to wait 45 whole seconds for this kill cool timer to go down."
"Yo, Jibanyan getting stunned, I don't think I could aim for them this far back."
"Caps, the QSS comes in clutch, dashed away, pops the heal. The angle hits the spear, finally, and they do take down Gillian."
"Now we see the true power of the Dark Eldar coming to fruition."
"Flank plays are always about distraction, not only about killing people. But you gotta get the enemy's attention on you."
"The efficiency of Gumiho here absolutely mind-blowing."
"Gambit just magnetizing Navi so that the CTs can fight on their own terms."
"The best Bluff is not bluffing, you're actually willing to do the thing you're willing to do."
"Yeah, it's like I think the best example, uh, basically like almost like an outlaw rogue if an outlaw rogue had like an entire spec built around attacking from range."
"I thought I was still in an okay spot because of that prophetic bolt."
"May needs to escort the robot further into enemy territory than Brigitta x' team did."
"I played the Scotch or the Max Lange Attack with Bishop c4 because you kind of want to play more open positions, more attacking positions."
"Ingenious Artillerist is legitimately a win condition with all the treasures lingering around in the format."
"In any event, she was barreling into her, barreling into her, trying to set the angle, and Shevchenko cashed a fade."
"Black Ops 2 really feels like it rewards tactical play and contributing to the team effort."
"Remember, once somebody does go to sleep from the bubble, the next source of damage to hit them will wake them up from the CC but will also deal double damage up to a cap."
"Projectile that kind of lands on the ground and continues to make space and to top it all off they have one of the best kill confirms in the entire game with checkmate of being down throw up air."
"If you click on someone's head, they are going to die."
"Patience and positioning win games; don't overchallenge, play smart."
"These are cards that basically are saying, hey, you know what if I can't win there's something I can do to disrupt their plan."
"Map knowledge is a big component of playing Lucio properly because it gives him shortcuts and a really useful amount of mobility other supports don't have."
"If you normal summon necro face against a brunette deck... return all of your banished cards back in the deck."
"Hitting your land drop should be your most important thing, especially in the early turns."
"The young man has ever since he came on like we say he's drifting drifting off that left-hand side he's his physicality he's used his talent he's made a difference to this Czech Republic side."
"Don't be afraid to cycle aggressively with this deck, it's a bait deck, it's a chip deck, that means it's inherently an aggressive deck as well."
"You don't need to put every single pawn on a light square, but you need to look at how to negate the development of the enemy light squared bishop."
"Absolute Master Class disguising it thinking it's going to be a run and he goes to the air."
"Roquan smith let's go speed rusher 100 he's i've been using it more as a like a defensive lineman plus three finesse moves is definitely what i want."
"Pawn breaks can be a way to open the position and create play."
"Black is helping my attack by pushing my pawns in the direction they want to go."
"Pawn breaks can be a weapon to open up closed positions."
"When you're at a deficit, you have to try to even up the odds... when you have man advantage, you play way too aggressive."
"Some of the most fun that you will ever have playing chess is when you orchestrate a nice attack on your opponent's king and end up finishing off the game with a really nice checkmate."
"Even winning material can be good. So, I sacrificed a bishop. If I'm able to win a rook or a queen, well, that's going to be good enough."
"Magnus wins down to the final pawn, understanding the king and rook versus king and pawn endgame."
"The whole point of rook f4 is you actually bait the move g3, which is a massive concession for white."
"Strong shotgun but the reason why the mastiff is so strong is because you're able to get 100 plus damage shots just peaking for a second, really powerful to win your fights."
"Even ghosts weren't safe as U-turn would allow Primeape to safely bring in a teammate with Pursuit."
"You're always going to play out the back... the rewards are so high if you beat that press."
"The battle machine held the defenses while using the ability to regenerate that health."
"Sometimes you just don't be using a move in normal everyday play, and then you're like, you know what? The move is pretty fun."
"What a beast of a piece of rook on the seventh."
"The bishop has sacrificed himself for the king."
"What a comeback from Team Mia! What a way to bait this fight!"
"He really was 1v1ing Huni very well but Reignover, he pitched a tent."
"Crusher feat: a must-have for monks, amazing for knocking people around."
"Sharking with that up tilt, very impressive read."
"A gorgeous attacking win for Magnus, queenless attack using just two rooks and a bishop and a pawn storm."
"The correct way to play Morag is to hit your landfall triggers in your second main."
"Mortis is one of the best siege brawlers right now."
"I definitely like the check raise here a lot."
"Dokkaebi is insanely strong right now, not only is she good for the quick Pace she has a great DMR which is super broken."
"It's a brawl inside the portal as the shotgun only finds one kill, Relic now coming through, it's working, it's a scrappy game thus far and Cloud9 steals that round."
"That's what Arsenal need to do more of - switch the point of attack."
"What a play from priest does he gets the high ground gets the angle through the window and hits the shots, a big clutch to bring us even."
"I wanted to get through this room undetected."
"The real reason to play top tree dawn is this right here: this breaks maps."
"B4, sacrificing the pawn to activate the rook."
"Let's just castle here. I can take with the knight, take with the queen."
"What an entry from Tens, this is how y should be entering onto sites when using your Gate Crash."
"Stop full saving. Start force buying with stingers, buckies, and sheriffs."
"Try to use a weapon that has a relatively big magazine so you don't need to reload."
"A mega basic but effective movement technique is to heal peak."
"The higher lower rule dictates playing safe, wait for your teammates, and fight together."
"Focus attack your point of armor rev a blow."
"It's an awesome damage dealer on long fights."
"Can we get a build update from the gallery?" - Highlighting the importance of item builds in the game.
"This is pretty good if you can land it onto Lathral because she's... if she's hit once or you already played a couple elves, she's going to make that many elves."
"He's able to sense how his opponent feels going into a round, especially given the situation, and he's able to play in a way that is going to make them uncomfortable."
"The king slides out of the way and you know why the king slides out of the way because the king knows that when this opens up the Rook is going to the G file."
"Zephrys the Great: a ridiculously strong card judging the current board state."
"Subdue: extremely powerful removal, especially in slower Paladin decks."
"Flickering is one of my favorite things to do in the game."
"We won the game because we used the Ronaldo substitution to lure Arsenal into the Trap."
"If Ukraine plays its cards correctly, it may even Force Putin to retire."
"I mean, he's a long-range player and the heavy splatling is a long-range weapon."
"Having a move pool as wide as Laksasia plays to his strengths here, never relinquishing the opportunity to pull a new rabbit out of his hat to throw you for a loop in a more moderately paced battle."
"The Ram 7... close range like first damage range ttk is absolutely nuts."
"The more kind of interesting and complex mechanics they add, I'll be singing their praises so much."
"Good to see that Arsenal are showing something on the Counterattack."
"Wishender is a One-Shot stun against all barrier Champions on perfect and full draw shots."
"Link's neutral air is crucial for how he plays, how he approaches, how he starts and ends combos, and how he edge guards."
"One drops are incredibly powerful if used correctly. It's a great way to make your deck just better, just right, just easily. Take out the Hydra, put in the one drop. You're gonna have a lot of fun."
"Though it was only operational for half a decade, the sea darts racked up a remarkable number of flight hours."
"A very important thing when you're lacking space when it comes to pawns is you have to find a way to chip away at those pawns."
"Special cover change against strike Arts attacks, combo with special move."
"A 1v2, Simp versus Alex, 35 seconds on the clock to get both kills and the defuse."
"Now with Prowler's Claw, even if you're standing next to a wall, she can still flip behind you and proc the ult, removing this counter."
"Wall break options...it's gonna be a lot easier to push back and not get spawn traps."
"They're playing tight together, using each other, just getting those 2v1, 3v1s, and just steamrolling everybody that crosses their path."
"Gale is dominating the meta right now, specifically on those more longer range maps."
"Chelsea now just seemed to be total control of this game."
"Flash out a lucer ambusher, I will bolt it to draw three cards."
"It's so great to be able to stay keep your distance from enemies."
"Bangalore... instant value in throwing your smoke down to elude and block sight from enemies quickly efficiently."
"The fact that addiction to that is so hard to mitigate and control for individuals who are targeted to kind of get hooked to this stuff."
"Stay alive and allow your team to pressure the map for you."
"Sacred Order then Roschard the Tower, basically used for unkillable teams in clan boss. Can be used against bomba to set up this kind of block damage."
"The best way to play Frontline is not to actually tank the damage but to Zone them so they can't do any damage at all."
"That's the power of keeping your opponent paralyzed."
"When you're able to make Aloy's various tools and abilities come together it creates some harrowing and exciting battles."
"Use creep aggro to your advantage, especially in the early levels."
"Drag the creeps away from the trees to avoid getting speared."
"You win these all day, if he looks down here, I got spotted by a scan, I got red P, I got red P, win these all day."
"Flying familiars can soar over top of a group of enemies and rain down on them."
"This is silly. This is treb's bombard cannon micro."
"The game plan for Alar to Little Mac, you can genuinely be playing against a weakness of the character."
"Kovacic is someone who can do all the defensive stuff but can pick a ball up, break a line, and put Harlan through."
"I'm [expletive] taking it. I have no pride, shame, ego, nothing. Smart. What are the odds? Easy clap there."
"You're only losing if you lose. No, I mean, actually, Bishop e6 is really smart."
"This is really, really, really strong in a Jack Stack."
"The usefulness of buffs and debuffs in this game is one of my favorite features."
"Watson is a great choice for those looking to play their solo games a bit more tactically."
"50-50, 50-50, you blocked the tracking cards, he got the card broken by my right click, I got him, dude, that's the 50-50."
"Hitting your super on someone is probably one of the most satisfying things in the game."
"Cresselia on the back end is very deadly when you have loaded energy."
"This could be really good for stalling, for keeping your hero healthy, and in certain control decks maybe. Like, it prevents a lot."
"You can drop this on turn nine and play a 10 mana spell for zero mana right after it."
"I will sacrifice my Cathar Commando to blow up Stephen's Celestias and gain a life."
"Get in these positions just switch it up every time because they don't know where you are and they have to change the way they play."
"The simple fact that they are using vulnerabilities when my combo is landing is just a testament to how good these two support players are."
"Every map has points of the environment that act as natural cover."
"But because Nash and Vina Reuter kept pushing up, there was space to exploit."
"Your remains need to stop the initial ult, they just need to get in there, going hard, going fast."
"Reload canceling is something that will become useful to you on higher difficulties."
"Cloud strike: players within the radius will still take damage." - Balancing an effective weapon while reducing collateral damage.
"There will be scenarios where there's enough of a gap and you can flawlessly block the second hit."
"Creating conditions where your opponent has an unprotected piece."
"A simple move here is to attack the bishop that is unprotected."
"If you're constantly playing in a linear fashion engaging directly... you're going to be predictable and easy to kill."
"Oh look at the skeletons tanking for the mortar like a champion and we got that extra mortar shot because we were able to just drop the skeletons at the appropriate time and make it work."
"The pace is just relentless from Baron so far, and Baron only cares about a skeleton hit or two, but mainly getting this great poison value every time. It's gonna add up."
"When you play king e8 and then you put the pawn on d6, that pawn on d6 becomes a hook and white can exploit that hook by pushing e5."
"Chess has traveled more than a thousand years through history."
"The whole point of this system is that I have two attacks on this pawn and by taking the knight I remove the guard here."
"Camping is the way to win, says demetria. Now Hamby, if it goes well for you, go back out. Go, yeah." - Sometimes, patience pays off more than aggression.
"Most of this game is actually Russia's it's not just uh it's not just building your towers in certain places or anything like that is rushing people at the right times in the right areas."
"Pre-firing is a great skill to learn, in some situations it has a huge impact."
"These positions usually come down to who can attack quicker."
"I'm terrible at aiming, but actually if you just run up to people, focus on tactical movement and flanking, and use shotguns to drive people out of their hidey-holes, you can work pretty well."
"Fun fact: If you are holding that boomerang flower as your only item and you throw it and then hit a double item box you will not get the flower back."
"I want to go Queen G3 and rookie one Checkmate creating the classic right triangle."
"Silence is pretty strong too would stop a rammus from taunting for example, there are a ton of things you can do to make that an amazing spell like is so busted when used properly."
"Whenever someone makes a misplay or they cycle the in cracked cars in the back or they fire a ball something in the back and you get an elixir advantage is when the game super quickly with Golem Night Witch."
"Mahokanshi has you playing as a samurai mage in an adventure tactics game with some light RPG mechanics."
"I think her trait will be really good for people who really know how to dodge dip dive duck and dodge it's called acquisition and when you get damaged by an enemy they will get spotted."
"Manchester United beginning to dominate the ball, this saw Rashford make the run but he'd gone too early and straight offside."
"You can now pick up a jackal Shield like a riot shield and dual wield it with a single-handed weapon."
"Spell bait...what is their big spell and what are their small spells...poised to punish your opponent."
"Understanding a hero, what they can and can't do, is the key to success."
"The most important aspect of Maher’s deck, though, is this card."
"Forcing opponents to play scoring cards can shift the tide of the game."
"One combination that beats everything: villagers plus siege."
"Our final damage report: hitting so dang hard and having so many great control and defensive capabilities."
"That's a pretty easy freeze and he has no buffs to stop this freeze."
"The game gets very, very sharp after H6 and Bishop to H4."
"When you don't see a forced win look for ways to win material attack pawns attack pieces you don't always have to play only for checkmate."
"The Bon Cloud becomes much more effective when there are no queens on the board."
"A4: Creating the classic Bastion, preventing white from setting up pawns on B3 and A4."
"Two early challenges from khalid completely catch monkey off guard and he closes out the series in really impressive fashion."
"Monkey Moon disguising his shot till the very last second here, really well done."
"Now, we have a beautiful move, we have rook to f3 check, deflecting the king, taking the rook, and forking the remaining knight."
"Now my dark squared bishop came alive and I got a free pawn."
"It's all about practice and feel, and it allows you to pull off combos instinctively while keeping most of your attention on your enemy and other actions."
"One of the big reasons to play a c'thun deck the minions itself aren't bad but with the C'thun synergies you get some unfair things."
"Raven Idol with fandral staghelm one of the awesome things you can do if Raven Idol famous town is well you always get a minion this fall."
"What an incredible time to step up 1v3 in the post plant. That is brilliant."
"Disc golf is unlike any other game... shape it over trees... and valleys 300, 400, 500, 600 feet."