
Moon Landing Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"We chose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
"Landing on the moon has been tricky... and it's not a hazard to be taken lightly."
"Some researchers believe that when our astronauts were on the moon, alien races warned them not to return."
"We are going to make this happen, to land the next man and the first woman on the moon by 2024."
"In partnership with NASA, Starship will serve as the lander to put the first Artemis astronauts on the Moon."
"The most important question that needed to be answered was: Could you actually land on the moon?"
"This is the first time that a US-made craft has landed on the moon since 1972 with Apollo 17."
"This is absolutely a moon landing. It will be something that, five years from now, ten years from now, this will be one for the history book."
"The Apollo 11 moon landing is one of the greatest events in human history."
"Astronauts on board are the only humans to have ever set foot on an alien world."
"We admit that we went to the Moon with technology less than a TI-83 calculator."
"India now joins an exclusive club, becoming the fourth country in the world to reach the moon."
"This is a live view of United Launch Alliance's new Vulcan rocket on Launchpad 41 at nearby Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. It will launch a spacecraft that will land on the moon, making it one of the first landings for the US since the final Apollo mission over 50 years ago."
"There are traces on the moon... the footprints left behind by Armstrong and Aldrin are still on the moon."
"The Lunar Starship is going to fly to the Moon and land the first Astronauts since Apollo on its surface."
"In the past 50 years, science has put man on the moon. Now, it's powering our mission towards a life-changing dementia treatment."
"Our intention, alongside American astronauts, to land an international astronaut on the surface of the Moon by the end of the decade."
"We all landed on the moon together. That is our boot print."
"Astronaut Neil Armstrong declared as he placed his foot on the lunar soil, 'That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.'"
"I just wanted to take a moment to commend the opening of this game."
"It's just the most amazing thing they're actually proving that the moon landings were faked all the while lying and telling you that they're real."
"I affirm that we didn't go to the moon and I would bet my life on it."
"After almost a decade of dedication, NASA has won the race to the moon."
"Houston, Tranquility base here. The eagle has landed."
"The event was broadcast worldwide and an estimated 650 million people watched in awe."
"Every little kid watched you guys drive around the moon."
"Whoopee! Man that may have been a small one for Neil, but that’s a long one for me. I’m going to step off the pad… Ooh is that soft and queasy…"
"I hate The moonlanding Conspiracy Theory because it's not only baseless but it also seeks to undermine the greatest achievement in American history."
"Moon landing conspiracy theories allege that either some or all Apollo program elements and the associated moon landings were nothing but hoaxes."
"In case you're unfamiliar, the United States did in fact send people to the moon."
"Here men from the planet Earth First set foot on the moon July 1969 A.D we came in peace For All Mankind."
"Finally, we're actually making progress to seeing humans land on the moon again for the first time in my lifetime."
"A huge percentage of the human population, not living in a cave on July 20th, 1969, were aware of the moment when Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon and uttered the words: 'One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.'"
"Are humans the only intelligent creatures with steps on the moon? NASA would like you to believe so."
"Some people think that all the footage the Americans saw of the moon landing was actually filmed in a movie studio."
"Man lands on the moon in 1969, and there were about 3.6 billion of us."
"It's very unlikely that they would have been able to completely fake it, right? Because the U.S. and Russia were in a race to see who could get to the moon first."
"Starship is going to be the next human landing system for landing on the moon."
"There's nothing routine about flying to the moon."
"John F. Kennedy's proposal to land a man on the moon had finally been achieved."
"A big congratulations to them for the 50th anniversary of the moon landing."
"Can you believe it’s been 50 years since we landed on the moon?"
"With as much computing power in our hands... we had when we did the moon shot when we put a man on the moon."
"We went from horse and buggy mainstream to landing on the moon in 69 years."
"I think it would be very exciting to see Humanity back on the moon and to have the first people on Mars."
"Maybe in the 60s, Rick helped NASA fake the moon landing."
"Why don't you put your hand on the Bible and swear to God you walked on the moon?"
"Well, you're the one who said you walked on the moon when you didn't. So why don't you just put an end to the record?"
"It's so funny when I began making that movie I thought oh maybe I didn't think the moon landing was fake but I thought maybe there's a chance that it was."
"When we think about the decision to send humans to the moon, we typically think about President Kennedy promising the country a lunar landing in 1961, a promise that was NASA's to fulfill."
"Don't you believe they put a man on the moon?"
"The race for Moon exploration it's truly mindboggling to ponder why why we haven't set foot on the moon since 1972."
"500 million people watched Neil Armstrong's moonwalk."
"What if they did land on the moon but some of the videos that have been put out into the public are fake?"
"Neil Armstrong made his first steps on to the moon, pretty neat."
"The entire narrative we've been handed is so illogical as to be unacceptable, and it is astounding the number of minds that just still accept that we went to the moon."
"Perhaps the most notable is the testimony of Buzz Aldrin, the second person to walk on the moon."
"Congratulations, the European Space Agency successfully landed men on the moon and got them back in one piece in 1974."
"Here men from the planet Earth set foot on the moon July 1969. We came in peace for all mankind."
"We made a remarkable moment in history when man landed and walked on the moon for the first time."
"When two men walked on the lunar surface, so did we all."
"One small step for all Kerbal-kind on the surface of the Moon."
"We've sent humans to the moon and the United States has proven that we can actually land people and a large amount of equipment on another body."
"The moon landing could absolutely make it go literally astronomical."
"The space race that began with Sputnik ended in July 1969 when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon."
"The moon landing was real. They released like 26,000 photos of it."
"It's the only cosmic body ever visited by human beings."
"The software is of a level of magnitude and complexity equal to that which carried our astronauts to the moon and back safely."
"Neil Armstrong's famous words: 'That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.'"
"Did we land on the moon or not? Absolutely we did. I knew it, I knew it!"
"What a moment, man on the way to the Moon."
"This vehicle is going to land humans back on the moon, this vehicle we're looking at right now."
"It's Artemis five will be the first time that a European participates in a landing on the moon."
"For decades, the country that landed six crews of astronauts on the surface of the moon was the undisputed leader among spacefaring nations."
"Wow, we've landed on the moon since we're."
"Now we live in a world where man has walked on the moon for real."
"We never went to the moon, we never faked the moon landing footage."
"Without Wernher von Braun, we would have not reached the moon."
"When the Apollo 12 astronauts landed on the moon, the surface vibrated for nearly an hour."
"Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon. Neil a backwards is alien."
"We are at the end of the line and the Moon is waiting for us."
"Guys, I don't think you understand how crazy it is, like we landed on the moon, that is so cool what the heck."
"I personally believe the moon landing did really happen."
"...for people my generation and many of us five years old when you went going to the moon has been done we live in a different world today because that's been done and all that the moon was used to be the unattainable."
"We had shutdown. We copy you down Eagle. Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed."
"Tonight, I'm going to turn back the clock and read to you how a poor boy from Milwaukee, Wisconsin finally found himself to go to the Moon."
"Humans went to the moon in 1969. That was a thing that happened, okay?"
"A moon landing became a reality because of a change in attitude."
"How do you pull off a fake moon landing and not one person blows the whistle on that? Someone who's that smart and in billions of dollars does that to pay them to be quiet."
"The only way you see photos of Neil Armstrong is if you watch the actual footage from the cameras on the moon."
"We can overcome capitalism, war, and we got to the moon."
"...guided us literally to the moon."
"We've landed the man on the moon already."
"I think the stupidest conspiracy theory is that the moon landing was faked."
"Back in 1969 when man landed on the moon... I developed such a love for NASA and anything related to space."
"The moon landing was not fake. Thousands of people worked on it."
"Do you think the moon landing is real? Yes."
"My old mum preferred that. But I loved Death Valley, but I also loved the moon landing as well. That's my fave."
"Yeah, I mean the moon landing is wild."
"We never went to the moon, but believe me folks, this is being corrected. The Trump Administration is making it to the moon."
"Why did they have to put man on the moon? What was he doing? Nothing. Has he been back? No, he hasn't."
"We went to the Moon! Super! It's true! We really did go to the Moon!"
"Half of the world's population has been born since we stopped going to the moon."
"Wow, the wristwatch that reached the moon. For watch collectors out there, this might be something that could possibly compel you to buy a new addition to your collection."
"It was impossible to fake the moon landings."
"A new moon mission, which is cool. For the first time in like 50 years, we're going to land some dudes on."
"Who was the first man to step on the moon?"
"Who was the second man to step on the moon?"
"It demonstrated that with the will of the people and the backing of the politicians and the money, the nation can accomplish wonderful things."
"The basic problem is to bring the spacecraft and crew from the moon to a specific landing site on earth."
"We've made it on the moon, thanks to the incredible pilots and the incredible AGC."
"The American ethos was reconstructed through the moon shot."
"The moon landing is freaking awesome."
"The audacity to plant a flag on the moon... it's ridiculous."
"There is absolutely no way they are faked. It would be easier to just go to the moon and take the photographs."
"The Space Race saw the United States on a trajectory to be the first nation to put a man on the moon."
"They did it. On August 23rd, India's Chandrayaan-3 deployed its landing system down to the surface of the Moon, and it worked."
"This makes them the fourth country to ever land on the moon and the first lander that's ever gone to the South Pole of the Moon."
"Only three nations have ever touched down on the moon itself."
"Apollo 4 brings the dream of landing a man on the moon a huge step closer."
"We will go to the moon and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."
"So for a hoaxer in 1969 to have perpetuated such a hoax, it is virtually inconceivable in my mind."
"We went to the Moon; it's true, we really did go to the Moon."
"Who is the first person to step on the moon? That's Neil Armstrong."
"Bringing humans back to the surface of the Moon for the first time since Apollo 17 in 1972."
"Watching the first moon landing was a cultural phenomenon that captivated hundreds of millions of people worldwide."
"Them space boys say they can stop it, and they put a man on the moon."
"A man is walking on the [__] Moon, everybody had to be watching that."
"In 1969, one of the most significant scientific advancements of modern history was made as man first stepped foot on the moon."
"Who was British Prime Minister when man first walked on the moon?"
"How many Russians have set foot on the moon? Zero, yes."
"They said man would never set foot on the moon, but he did."
"Wow, we made it to the Moon. Cool!"
"We've made many giant leaps in the past 60 years, fulfilling President Kennedy's goal of Landing a person on the moon, and today we stand on the shoulders of giants as we reach farther into the stars and push forward to the Moon once again and on to Mars."
"Yes, we did go to the moon, and the Earth is not flat."
"Man has flown to the moon, landed on it, and returned."
"It's like we did get to the moon, we did do the Manhattan Project; we can do those things."
"On July 20th, 1969, at 20:17:40 UTC, the Eagle touched down on the moon's surface."
"The railroad is fundamental to the growth of America in the 19th century, every bit as important as man landing on the moon was a hundred years later."
"They really captured the iconic cinematic scene of the moon landing."
"NASA designed the American flag so that when they put it up it would extend out."
"It was just a wrinkled flag, there was no air, there was just wrinkles on the flag."
"I happened to meet a guy named Jim Irwin, the eighth man to walk on the moon, first to drive the car on the moon."
"NASA is less than three days from putting a man on the moon."
"We're pretty much pioneers; it's like we're going to be landing on the moon for the first time."
"Several years go by, and the soldiers are delighted to hear on the radio about the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969."
"Apollo 11 was being prepared for the first attempt at a landing on the moon."
"If Stanley Kubrick had been asked to fake the moon landings, he would have insisted on shooting it on the moon."
"Imagine the experience of being the first human being to set foot on the Moon."
"If you believe they put a man on the moon."
"One step for man and one giant leap for mankind; we have come a long way since the first moon landing, and now you too can experience the moon landing for yourself."
"This historic pathfinding mission supports NASA's Artemis program, which will land the first woman and next man on the moon by 2024."
"July 20th, 1969, the day that humankind achieved what is in this humble historian's opinion the greatest feat in our shared history."
"Neil Armstrong was the first to step foot on the moon for humankind in 1969."
"Just over 100 years ago, nobody thought human flight was even possible; about 50 years later, we're walking on the moon."
"To get to Mars, you have to land on the moon, they say."
"There have been people that have walked on the surface of the moon. Just incredible, just amazing."
"Three astronauts landing on the moon for the first time in our history."
"You might not know how the man got on the moon, but the man got on the moon."
"25 years ago, man first stepped on the moon."
"We're on the moon, guys! Here, Cody, we're the first humans on the moon."
"Probably getting to space and getting to the moon might end up being the most important thing that happened in the 20th century."
"You're amazing, Grandpa. I can't believe you actually went to the moon."
"There was an American flag on the moon," she declared with equal measures of disbelief and delight.
"It's hard to beat moon landing, right?"
"The Apollo 11 mission is famous for putting a man on the moon for the first time."
"They just set their sights on the moon because NASA is paying three or four different companies to attempt a lunar landing."
"When the Apollo 15 landed on the moon in July 1971, astronaut David Scott conducted a famous demonstration in which a hammer and feather were released at the same time and, as anticipated, they hit the ground at the same time."
"We went to the ducking moon and came back, then we went back up with a car and did doughnuts on the dukkhang moon."
"We've been on the [__] moon, and we've sent rovers to Mars."
"Everything got done, we ran through wars, we got to the goddamn moon."
"The whole world was watching the moon landing live... Space Race had global attention."
"The first people to land on the moon planted a flag to show that they had been there."
"Even if you weren't alive on July 20, 1969, you have probably seen footage of the first moon landing."
"The Bulova chronograph was carried onboard Apollo 15, the fourth mission to land men on the moon."
"More than 14 years ago, the world watched as Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon."
"It was the first landing on the moon, such a great thing."