
Brand Loyalty Quotes

There are 2287 quotes

"I love Target. That's where I get all my clothes basically."
"It really cements in my mind that whether it's the Xbox cabal or the PlayStation crazy cabal, there's a subset of people that are so dedicated to the brand itself over the actual medium."
"Five Guys has a global cult following. Five Guys burgers and fries, it was banging."
"This has been my favorite for a very long time. I love forest essential as a brand. I think they are beautiful but they're very expensive."
"It's okay to buy Jordans, but make sure you also take $56 and buy a share of Nike."
"Use influencers who are absolutely in love with your brand, even if they're not the biggest influencer, because you'll get content that just feels so much more organic and genuine."
"Pumpkin is back, my friends, at Dunkin' Donut, and I don't even care how it makes me look. I like it. I enjoy the taste."
"You don't buy brands; you join them. It's not about you; it's about them and what they say it is."
"Would you trust a reliable, well-known skincare brand? I would."
"Every iPhone I get, it's just, I'm super impressed by its quality and just, yeah, its attention to detail."
"The Apple brand is so strong I think that car would sell."
"People don't buy Nintendo's products for the power or performance; they do it because of the exclusive games."
"Samsung made about supporting that user group, LG actually did it for way, way longer. So, massive respect to them for that."
"82% of those consumers are saying that would cause them to never buy that brand again."
"Tesla is so irresistible in its promise of an experience that it convinces a growing number of loyal Toyota, Honda, BMW owners, and even a guy like me who was happy driving a base-model Jetta to stretch their budget and get in on the fun."
"Buick customers are ecstatic; they are consistently like number one in customer satisfaction."
"They're the leggings that made me fall in love with this brand."
"Dove Deep Moisture Body Wash... I'm probably gonna ride with for the rest of my life."
"Those liquid lips are so beautiful and the colors are so gorgeous that even if it was like talc, synthetic this and that, I'd be like, okay, Dior, bring it to me."
"It's not when a problem happens with a brand that earns brand loyalty; it is how they handle their problems that deserves brand loyalty."
"I feel like Maybelline is definitely an iconic, not iconic brand, but a Legend Derek brand."
"The thing selling the Switch right now is the Nintendo games. That's why people are buying it."
"Disney and Marvel have created such an insufferably devoted cesspool of fanatics that will digest any garbage they turn out."
"Still using the airpods pro too and Still Loving them."
"That's the stuff that gives the brand long-term brownie points."
"Tesla was the runaway winner in retaining owner loyalty..."
"User-generated content fosters brand advocacy."
"And it's the way a company handles something like that that either earns or loses that brand loyalty, brand loyalty I talk about it being a bad thing."
"With each bite of this golden crispy chicken, I can really see why Jollibee is so loved and why so many people are so passionate about it."
"Sometimes I feel like actually investing in really good brands will change your life."
"John Deere has got to be one of the highest like customer loyalty brands ever, especially before all this started happening."
"What you want is a loyal following. When you dip your toes into every possible social media network out there, your attention gets divided and the results get diluted."
"People get really wrapped up in brands in a way that I find very confusing."
"Let's talk about Butcher Box everybody shout out to the Butcher Box baby OG been in a game with us for a long time got my freezer stocked full of meat."
"Ultra Pro really does make the best stuff in the business... they are just basically in the spirit all year around."
"More and more brand loyalty is being determined not only by the products and services that companies create and sell, but more and more around the role or the business practices that companies communicate they're taking part in."
"You don't get in the car, I just know you like Teslas."
"Everybody knows PS3 make the best games, right?"
"I'm obsessed with all of our cosmetics and they are a Latin-owned brand so of course, gotta support. But it is so good, their stuff is amazing."
"Maybe it'll just be Tesla forever. And to me, that just seems easy. It's like simple."
"Just give me Tesla shares, man. I don't know, call me simple."
"Nintendo all the way, I love freaking Nintendo."
"When I find a product I love, I stick with that shit."
"One of the biggest arguments for the Apple side of things is ecosystem, ecosystem, ecosystem."
"I think that rappers probably do better merch. All my artist friends that do have successful merch brands like it's just people that love you and your brand and your name so much that they will literally just wear your name on a shirt."
"Trap cards made the anime exciting, interesting, and showed duelists that no matter the situation, you could pull back a duel with a well-timed trap."
"The next car we're going to get is gonna be another Tesla."
"Overall, I have found that through my nearly 10 years of ownership of Red Wing boots that they are worth it."
"The primary reason why I love this brand so much is because they are extremely ingredient conscious."
"I think New Balances make the best sneakers."
"80 percent of Tesla owners are nomads that are new to the brand."
"It is 100% of the prerogative of consumers who feel that that is morally corrupt to no longer support that brand. It is a thousand percent our prerogative."
"He's able to sell the brand but he doesn't necessarily buy from the brand."
"There's a real dedicated following behind the Ford Bronco nameplate."
"Devoted fans will wait for four years, pay millions and even file lawsuits to own."
"it's the one fast food chain i think out of all these out of even mcdonald's that i still go back to and it's like the one thing that i've never gotten tired of."
"I want Games Workshop to stay around for a long time because they provided awesome products and a great game."
"I'm gonna keep it, I just love these OFRA palettes so much."
"I have quite a few Lunar Beauty palettes and I'm gonna keep them all because again this is kind of a brand that I collect."
"I love Amazon. I know I shouldn't love it but I do. That's how I am."
"You can love a product but you should never love a company."
"I'm a Mazda fan, don't ask me why, I just am."
"Your trust in the people's trust in you and your brand is everything. If you betray that trust, people don't forget."
"So, do you want to ask the big question that has split car enthusiasts for years? Ferrari or Lambo? Porsche every single time."
"The model is you just get a big name... you can't toss to the Wayside the [__] that got you there."
"Why am I promoting something that over the years so many times has burned you and me and burned our interest in it and really betrayed our faith in the product and our faith in the team and our faith in the story right?"
"You can get paid to help turn one's followers into fans in this tight-knit brand loyal community."
"Nintendo's strategy for decades: Their most diehard fans will totally buy into the forced obsolescence thing."
"Nintendo's strategy for decades: They know their most diehard fans will totally buy into the forced obsolescence thing."
"Taco Bell, it's always there when you need it."
"I want it to be like yes this brand might have fallen off a little bit but they have these amazing products that I continuously use and really really like."
"From a reliability standpoint, I think it's really hard to beat a Yamaha."
"Pokemon has never made a bad or unplayable game..."
"One of the reasons why I like OnePlus so much is how much they care for the community and how much they listen to us."
"You know you can get anything you want now with OnePlus, and that's what I really, really like about it."
"I really felt like I was part of this family."
"Apple own and more importantly created the stack top to bottom. Apple have no more a monopoly on iPhones than Sony has a monopoly on PlayStations."
"Brand loyalty is up for grabs, and we need to innovate to capture it."
"You'd really think that Ikea has already done a pretty great job of winning you over."
"Here's a good deal for you. If you are on the Makita platform, this is the deal."
"But ever since I started me undies and started wearing the most comfortable underwear I have ever worn in my life I swear on this Christmas season I will never go back"
"We all have favorite brands, but why do we prefer these brands? What makes us go back to a specific product and company again and again?"
"Brand loyalty is created indirectly as a product of personal identification."
"Identification with a brand creates a sense of community and reinforces brand loyalty."
"Perceptions of brand betrayal can lead love for a brand to turn into hate."
"Brand loyalty is related to brand identification and self-awareness."
"Every Mazda owner should not just be comfortable in their saddles but they should also feel the same oneness with their cars."
"For 13 years through 2019, Dunkin' has ranked number one in consumer loyalty in the out-of-home coffee provider category."
"It's like taking your car to a Mercedes authorized mechanic no matter what state it's in."
"Apple has built up now enough loyalty with its customer base and the strength of its ecosystem."
"I definitely will be picking this up because I absolutely love the brand new dual molded element."
"No matter which brand it is, you should never be loyal to the brand and always evaluate the product individually."
"Marvel spent 10 years building up loyalty with their fan base, and it paid off with this movie."
"AG1 by Athletic Greens... I trust this product so much."
"Jordan Brand can reinvent themselves a thousand ways over and people will jump to the opportunity to be able to buy their sneakers at $200 or whatever else it might be."
"Time to be alive! Who else here was a Sony teenager? Let's see you raise a hand."
"I'm just like a walking ad for them because I just don't take them off anyway."
"No one hates Nintendo as much as Nintendo fans, but no one hates Nintendo fans quite like Nintendo themselves."
"Nintendo's exclusive games mean a lot to them."
"If the quality is good, people will continue to go on and on and on."
"If you want the company that you once fell in love with, now is the time."
"This is a Dyson hair dryer attachment. I'm obsessed with the Dyson, this is the um supersonic FlyAway attachment."
"Pixar has earned a huge base with high expectations, founded on the fact that their films can be enjoyed by people of all ages."
"Brand loyalty happens when you're eight years old."
"I think Xbox will figure because not because we didn't say PlayStation 5, we said PlayStation."
"People may prefer the taste of the new coke, but what they prefer even more than the taste of the new coke was believing that they were drinking old coke."
"Every single person I know who has a Tesla loves their Tesla."
"When you log onto play Magic, you want to play Magic, not Hearthstone."
"Raycons sound better, work better, and have a 32-hour battery life. I love my Raycons."
"I would be happy to spend my money on Leeds stuff."
"I see these grain-free ciete brand love this brand chili lime grain-free Puffs interesting looks like they're selling like hot cakes."
"But people are hyped on Tesla when it comes to the long-term future."
"They're gonna make it worth your while, that's what Nintendo does."
"Quicker shipping times with print-on-demand build trust and brand loyalty."
"Tesla's here to stay and I still believe it when I say it."
"Jeep owners have their own clubs and schedule events dedicated to driving."
"Jeep. It is perhaps one of the strongest brands in the automotive world."
"Jeep inspires a rare sort of cult-like devotion other automakers would kill for."
"Tesla Twitter people are just a completely different level of insane... What that company says is the word of God to them."
"You still love that chicken from Popeye’s? 'Cause these motherf—ers is in here."
"As a kid who had a GameCube, this was never an issue, these were the games I would be playing regardless of whatever console I own."
"Do you think Rivian could be the first electric car since Tesla to create this cult-like following?"
"Brands like benac have your back when things get tough."
"Happy birthday from Apple, here to serve you."
"Of course I'm gonna keep my Jacqueline Hill Morphe palette, it's done me good."
"I'm gonna enjoy it regardless because it's Pokémon."
"Glad you're okay. If that had been any other car, it's questionable whether you would've walked away."
"The only people who make a buying decision 'I don't like Elon therefore I'm going to buy X Y or Z EV instead' are people who are desperate for the approval of others."
"I closed my entire Enphase position which I feel so terrible about because I love Enphase."
"The reason iPhones I think are still doing so well in the market despite having inferior technology or less features or options with operating systems it's because they retain that reputation of being simple and reliable."
"This could be the start of a new Mazda love affair."
"iMessage: it's clearly just superior in every way."
"Cartoon Network will always hold a special place in the heart of its viewers."
"I don't think that if I had a Land Rover I would be willing to push it like this but because it's a Toyota I'm not worried."
"The greatest impact of becoming an Olight fan is the relationship that I have built with others in the Olight community."
"I have no choice because Pureology hasn't emailed me back in over a year, and I'm getting desperate."
"People everywhere that I meet tell me stories about connections that they've had with our products and how important our brands have been in their life."
"I have extreme confidence in lego. Lego is probably one of the most popular toys that stands to test the time."
"It's gotten under my skin in that way that all good Alfa Romeos should."
"Ford's F-Series remains America's best-selling truck for the 44th consecutive year."
"I think Canon has a really good plan to win over their own customers as well as push Sony and Nikon and Fuji another step back."
"Arc System Works has 100% made me a believer."
"That's why I use my Raycons. They're doing things differently than other brands out there."
"I love this bronzer, I'll probably always repurchase it."
"These owners, instead of being annoyed at Tesla, instead of leaving Tesla as a brand, could be going, 'Wow, Tesla solved my problem. That's great.'"
"Danger is everywhere and only an Apple device running Apple software can save us."
"I've never been more happy with Sony's output."
"It's weird because it's Nintendo, it's Mario, you wouldn't think that it needs a limited shelf life. It's really weird."
"Nintendo stuff never really goes to the bargain bin; it's like it goes very slightly down below the original MSRP and then it eventually starts climbing again."
"Essentially, there's pretty much no reason to buy any other car."
"Porsche inspires a kind of loyalty and devotion that stands apart."
"If I pissed my pants, I would like to be wearing MeUndies because it's easily the softest underwear I've ever put on."
"I don't feel safe in any vehicle other than a Tesla."
"Thank you for making an effort, actually caring about our community."
"Even the brands that aren't doing it the best, we should still financially back them."
"Nintendo games have always managed to grow with their audiences."
"It's not easy trying to stay positive and hopeful."
"Yo, Bang & Olufsen has done it again! If you like the EQs, you're gonna love these."
"I got the best news of My Life: free Subway for Life."
"Popeyes Chicken is leagues better? It is, indeed."
"The early memories that we all have oh God at our local Pizza Hut are infinitely more memorable than the hundreds of times we've ordered takeaway from Domino's."
"Thank you, Little Caesars, for always being hot and ready."
"Fabio Booster will do anything for Fab Soda, in fact, he will go to great lengths to find the new and most innovative flavors out there."
"It's hard to think of another brand past or present that has gained such a steadfast allegiance."
"Cheating on my other cereals with Magic Spoon. It tastes so freaking good."
"It always makes me laugh because you know I get so much oh this is wrong are you under Tesla you know we strongly recommend a Model Model three it's our top-rated PV."
"People love the products they love the sound."
"It's Assassin's Creed, I'll play it. I know I will."
"People support your brand because they support the vision it represents."
"The loyalty aspect of this is built into us. That's why brands are so hard to break. Loyalty matters."
"Call of Duty has become more than a product people buy, it's a brand people buy into... we kick off an annual unofficial but worldwide phenomenon called the Call of Duty season."
"Know your why first of all... Apple sells all types of things and if Apple starts selling the couches we'd probably still buy it because we resonate with their why."
"What people love about a franchise more or less stays the same."
"Not many Hispanics that I know are going to give up their Goya brand."
"We all like My Pillow's politics, but even if it was a communist country, I would still support My Pillow." - Michael Knowles
"I love how iPhones come out with like a new one every year."
"I think I'm going to be a Disney shareholder."
"I love games man, I know I'm obviously a Nintendo Fanboy just like you do in many regards but yeah, I love old games."
"I've worn an Apple Watch pretty much every day since 2015."
"If you already own a Mac or an iPad, iPhone might be the best choice."
"Wow, John, you know, I'm fully on board the Aston Martin hype train. I've got my ticket, I've sat down, I'm here for the ride. Are you? Am I stupid for doing that?"
"The iPhone is really easy to come back to because even as iOS has changed over the years, it's just as familiar to past users as it can be."
"Apple has done an amazing job of creating products that appeal to that group of people."
"Urban Decay all nighter setting spray was my water no late and always has been."
"If I could wear one runs the rest of my life and I could choose any... it's just something so beautiful and whimsical magical about the Dior brand."
"The Tesla community's reaction to Plaid Plus cancellation was a rollercoaster."
"What we have here is a car where you desire it so much... you will forgive the fact."
"It's so simple and yet so desirable... I just hope that the popularity around this car pushes Honda's design."
"This is a car that will always have a cult following... because they have something about them."
"We have created a loyal following of ice users."
"You would buy an album made of crap if it had blink-182 on it."
"Dodge didn't care and sales didn't falter because they just kept upping the power with the SRT Hellcat supercharged V8."
"Pokémon gets a massive pass because it's Pokémon."
"Disney holds a special place in the hearts of people around the globe."
"That's why I love case defy... my phone will not crack and they're gonna be pissed off."
"Microsoft is for the Long Haul. Just keep buying it."
"I know you guys love this brand too, so they actually have it in gray and white for only forty dollars, really, really cute."
"And you have to be kidding me, I just found a bunch of Patricia purses. I know you guys love this brand so much."
"The reality is Tesla's customer retention is among the best and highest in the industry."
"I've been supporting it for a while, and you can tell they're heat."