
Honor Quotes

There are 13455 quotes

"I'm honored because I literally, I love you."
"It's been an amazing journey. It's been my honor and pleasure to work with you all, side by side."
"SpaceX is honored to be a part of this historic mission to the moon."
"Success belongs to me. Success with honor, integrity. Success will come your way as long as you learn to let go of the control, let go of the fear."
"Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness."
"I'm honored to call you a friend, I'm honored to call you a teammate."
"I am so honored that you're here. I appreciate you with all my heart."
"Long has the Stormcrown languished, with no worthy brow to sit upon. By our breath, we bestow it now to you in the name of Kyne, in the name of Shor, and in the name of Atmora of old. You are Ysmir now, the Dragon of the North."
"It's been an honor meeting you. I can see you are indeed a patriot among men."
"There is honor and virtue and accomplishment in working with your hands."
"A new romantic relationship will be there; you'll be achieving dignified status, precision, honor."
"The best thing you can do is live really. The best way to honor those who can't live anymore is to make the most of every opportunity."
"Someone wanting to speak to you as a dying wish is an honor, not a chore or a job or something that you have to fit into a schedule."
"This is the path that you're meant to be on. You're supposed to be honored. You're supposed to be recognized."
"Their family can hold their head up high, knowing that they died for democracy and peace. What better way to go?"
"You have made him a little lower than the angels and have crowned him with glory and honor."
"To govern this country is an honor, not a birthright."
"You're honoring God when you give to the poor."
"Every single night is a night in which a person should honor that night by calling upon Allah subhana wa ta'ala."
"Riches and honor are with me, enduring riches and righteousness."
"But throughout the series, we see that same man grow into a person who wouldn't let his hate consume him and decided to find honor on his own terms."
"Restoring his honor, as he develops, you see his shift in opinion. Honor and destiny are not things awarded to you by your family. It's something you earn and find out for yourself."
"You're a man of honor; then you treat people well."
"It's an honor to be with everybody and—very importantly—where the White House is, and there's no place like the White House."
"The ability to maintain honor is a characteristic of greatness."
"Queen Elizabeth decided to award Gates with an honorary title not many people have had the pleasure to receive: the Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire."
"Honor is a big deal in the game, and as somebody who usually tries to play it as a nice guy, I feel comfortable that I can play a nice guy version of Arthur."
"His name is honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C."
"It's my hope that we honor Michael this evening not only by remembering him, but also carrying on the work that he was so fervently committed to."
"To conquer oneself is the greatest victory, and to live with honor and integrity is the true essence of being human."
"Once prestige rises in life, honor, authority rises in life."
"You can honor a man even without him knowing and it can be recorded in the spirit."
"That gift is one we only bestow upon students who achieve truly remarkable feats. Expect you to honor what the badge represents by striving always to serve as a model for your fellow students."
"Either I'm going to be that crazy lady of Cave Creek who lays on her bed and drinks a bottle of vodka a day, curled up in a ball. Or I go the other direction and I honor Morgan, and I honor my two beautiful girls who deserve to be honored as well."
"We've chosen to honor them as the first two women to fly on Crew Dragon by naming our recovery vessels after them."
"Sacred honor are the ideas and the values that you live by but are willing to die for."
"The politics of humiliation is really about recognition or the lack of it. It's about honor and esteem or the lack of it."
"It's an honor to take care of your mother in her old age."
"Honor, loyalty, friendship, altruism... It's a Greek cultural thing... Philotimo is what it's called."
"A weapon is an extension of one's own honor."
"It is a great honor to be invited to the White House today to discuss the important issues of anti-Asian hate crimes, Asian inclusion, and diversity."
"This for me is the sign of an honorable man and one of the many reasons why Urahara is my favorite Bleach character."
"There's no greater honor than wearing the uniform of the United States of America."
"Honor your mom by living a life that's pleasing to God."
"Now, the main motivation for the Greeks to participate in these games was to honor their god, Zeus."
"We will do our very best to honor those who have served, those who have died."
"Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
"I will wear that hatred like a badge of honor."
"Paying attention to every detail is our way of honoring them."
"A lot of the decisions I've made up to this point have been to honor him, his legacy, our legacy, and the dream we so vividly drew out for our lives."
"General Zaluzny... he's a man of honor, he's a good warrior."
"For most samurai, honor was more important than life itself."
"The greatest honor for a samurai was to defeat as many enemies as possible in a battle and do their duty."
"We do this to proclaim His death until He comes. Our lives were made to serve Him and honor Him."
"Sacred union, honor and treasure your relationship for it is truly sacred."
"Wonderful, wonderful is His name. I am so honored beyond honored to be before you all tonight."
"There is honor in defeat and there is honor in fighting fair when your enemies engage in foul play."
"Honor and courage and bravery and your last name is all you've ever had. It's all you're gonna have."
"Getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life."
"Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable."
"May this service do honor to these dear loved ones and may it bring comfort and peace to we who remain."
"Honor requires more than admission, so I offer a full confession and the whole truth in a world where time is relentless."
"Imagine you have a moral framework that understands honor in this: Batman won't kill the Joker. Excellent writers have explored what happens when you have people with no honor meeting people with honor."
"It made me understand what was honorable and moral, that means I'm not willing to lie, cheat, or steal."
"The chief end is to win it honorably and splendidly."
"Luca is such a hero that President Obama decided to give him the Dicken Medal, one of the highest honors available for non-human service members."
"It doesn't matter. As the saying goes, honor given is honor deserved."
"In a battle with Mehrunes Dagon, Vivec gave his own silver longsword to the Daedra Lord rather than dishonor himself by fighting an unarmed foe."
"It's a great honor to be working as a group with everyone here."
"It's been an amazing pleasure and a fascinating honor to work with these high-performance athletes."
"I refuse to show disrespect to those who suffered the ultimate price."
"Everyone is getting riled up to destroy manato Kai, but Tatu knows that it will only be a battle without honor or humanity."
"It's my great honor to mentor kids who have experienced the same. It's called empathy."
"I will shortly leave the job that it has been the honor of my life to hold."
"It's not just about the rise and fall of Empires; it's not just about honor; it's also about love. Great love affairs happened in the context of this game."
"What more of an honor can I do outside of raising my boys up with everything that my grandpa taught me?"
"To say that this has been the honor and privilege of my lifetime is an understatement."
"Honor does have the advantage of being civic in its nature. It's something that we adopt together and win respect from each other."
"Garrison was truly an honorable person, and the show absolutely failed him."
"We are so thrilled and honored and thankful to have you guys as part of this community."
"It's the highest honor I can get. The cherry on the cake, I guess."
"Showing he's willing to fight for the honor of North America here in Japan."
"I feel incredibly honored and grateful to have the opportunity to address you here."
"We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst."
"Naruto was posthumously declared the fifth Hokage, the shadow that kept the will of fire going while the village had burnt out."
"Honor cannot be purchased... its value is greater than all the treasures in the world."
"A person who fulfills the trust of people and restrains himself from hurting the honor of people, that's a man."
"I am deeply honored to be like this representative for y'all."
"I couldn't be more thrilled, bro. It's actually an honor for you to go through what, 120 days? So, you just went through your transformation."
"What a privilege, what an honor, and more importantly, what a powerful assurance of protection."
"King: I accept this honor for our lost ones. Whose deaths pave our path."
"It's a clear case of murder; there is no honor in killing."
"There is no sin, there is no dishonor in working for your own money."
"What an honor to be doing a talk for the Royal Institution."
"I'm extremely humbled and honored to be able to be that guy speaking for the community."
"All good things must come to an end. The best thing that has ever happened to me thus far is the honor and privilege of having commanded the Third Army."
"Your honor and integrity in your line of service has a bigger influence than you may think."
"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter."
"Gentleman's dress and it was a sign and a symbol of the fact that you were prepared to duel to protect your honor."
"This a story about revenge and honor. Revenge. I'll avenge us, mama, I swear it."
"The act of revenge and the mass suicide thereafter is an example to some of Japan’s national identity – an identity that highly values honor, loyalty, sacrifice, and persistence."
"The martyrs will be resurrected and their wounds... will be a badge of honor."
"It's an honor to serve this land and to be near you, to cry with you, to pray with you."
"In his absence, we honor Pastor John Jenkins. We love him and his wife, Miss Trina, their whole family. And I'm going to tell you all, while we honor them, we honor them because they have integrity."
"It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as First Lady of the United States."
"So honestly, just to have you here listening is an honor and it's such a blessing, and I don't take it for granted."
"It's the ultimate honor and privilege to be that person there for somebody."
"In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent."
"Military officers and soldiers tend to be honorable people doing a very difficult job."
"Honor brings you into access; what you honor, you can also access from."
"We lost the soul of the culture. Like, we lost this thing that honor, yes, honor and some type of social pressure to raise your damn children."
"Zack carries the weight of what that sword meant for Angeal and his family, and vows to use the blade with the honor and respect it deserves."
"Brother, if I were to remain here, people would say that I did it through cowardice. No, sir. I'm an officer, and I will never disgrace the uniform I wear."
"The Mandalorians, as a culture, were martial people living in warrior clans and, though feared by the galaxy as aggressive warmongers, they also had a strong sense of honor and personal conduct."
"Let me tell you, you will never receive from a man until there is genuine honor to God, to his office, and to the anointing."
"I'm feeling very honored to be talking today to someone who I've admired from afar for a long time."
"Living a life of honor is something that everyone should want to do."
"It is better to hurt with your dignity intact than to suffer the pain of dishonor."
"No payment can make up for those lost years. So what is most important in this bill has less to do with property than with honor."
"There are no words adequate to express my thanks for the great honor that you have bestowed on me. I'll do my utmost to be deserving of your trust."
"I accept this sword for my sister, for my clan, and for all of Mandalore."
"Wearing your emotions on your sleeve is analogous to wearing a badge of honor."
"Ghost of Tsushima embodied the spiritual side of respecting Japanese countryside with a warrior shedding his honor to protect everyone he loves."
"We speak often about honor, family, and tradition, but my old man's demise didn't come from the blade of an enemy. It came from his blood brother, the man who now calls himself the Great Khan of the Steps."
"Men who are commissioned to protect and prosecute the law must do only one honorable thing: that is to settle down to protect and prosecute the law."
"Ultimately, you feel super honored to be a part of a group that you know made history."
"In order to reconcile the desire to defend his honour and his desire not to kill, in the days before the duel Hamilton had decided that he would throw away his shot by deliberately firing wide."
"Not every victory needs a war. If you don't have to fight, let honor lift you above the challenges."
"Outdo each other in honor, serving one another."
"The greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter."
"Just a tremendous honor and to be so well thought of to be allowed to sell their very Flagship product, it's amazing."
"Your belief in what you're supposed to bring home for your family's honor is worth it."
"Lead us that we would really honor you and help people."
"Men need to be reminded there was a time when our word actually meant something and we tried to treat other Men of Honor with honor and honesty."
"I want to do everything that I can to honor her."
"There will always, always be an American soldier of the highest caliber guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 24 hours a day, seven days a week."
"It's a bit of an aside, but when I was a Cadet, the motto was 'You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do.'"
"The Bible says if you honor him, he'll honor you."
"Speedrunning at its core is a test of virtue built on a system of honor and trust."
"Gentlemen it's been an honor over all these years to be able to continue to do what I love."
"This is what it is now, it's an honor for us to be a part of it absolutely."
"What an experience... an honor to have him here."
"I said, 'You know, one of our deathbeds, one of us should say to the other one, "It was an honor treating COVID with you." And he looked at me and said, 'Absolutely.'"
"Strive to live for the glory of God, honor Him with your words and with your actions."
"I pray that you fight with courage and decency and honor. I pray that your weapons be guided by the justness of what you do."
"Finally getting to meet you has been such an honor."
"Honor speaks more about you than the person you're honoring."
"After a month, the former Marine's sense of honor prevailed."
"That's been an absolute honor and a pleasure."
"The Nikola Tesla award is one of the most distinguished honors presented by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers."
"The men and women who sacrificed their own lives for a promise of a future of peace and freedom deserve nothing but the utmost dignity and respect."
"You gotta defend your woman's honor against anybody."
"Honor may not win power but it wins respect and respect earns power."
"Honor is the adherence to what is right. I will serve with Honor on and off the battlefield of life."
"For his actions, he was awarded the Medal of Honor and promoted to brigadier general; the East Coast Enclave picked up the pieces in the West, re-establishing government after Richardson's desertion."
"It's just an honor to work with such a great team."
"We live in a society where honor is a distant memory."
"A badge of honor doesn't deserve you, you will always live in our hearts."
"What a privilege it is to come in second place to your people, what a queen you've become."
"Every man is going to be given a beauty in his life to honor, to defend, protect, and to die for—the priest has given that as well."
"Wisdom enables dealing honorably with the tragedy of life."
"It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them."
"We pay homage and give honor to them, starting on the 24th of December."
"Most people know this be sure to check the second-story windows that's where they pay homage and honor people who have had a huge influence in dizzy."
"For us, it's bittersweet obviously, but we're honored."
"He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic and selfless actions."
"The companions could make the choice to be honorable and stand by their brothers and sisters, they could choose to fight by their side even to their very deaths."
"From this day forward, all that would matter is a person's heart and their honor."
"However, there were those who remained, those who knew the truth of Honor, and they continued to serve as companions."
"This honor is starting to literally heal the land."
"There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain."
"Mary should be honored, Mary should be held in high esteem."
"And that was the honourable way to go as a gladiator, and you could redeem yourself by dying well as a gladiator."
"He deserves all the glory, honor, and praise to his name."
"It's been really fun for me to be able to do this. It's a big honor for me, I mean obviously I'm hosting an official rocket launch, just absurd."
"It is very much possible to honor [parents and family] and also people that we can humanize and that we can understand on a human level."
"There is no greater honor... than to die for those that you care about."
"It's a badge of honor right here knowing that, hey, this is for Jesus."
"It is an extreme pleasure and honor to be interviewed by you and your listeners are don't recognize how fortunate and blessed they are."
"This very well may be the beginning of an honor and glory week."
"It's with my great honor and behalf of the United States Air Force, you are now being promoted to Major."
"I can think of no more fitting tribute to the brave pioneers of the Earhart flotilla than the ship that now bears their name."
"Please stand to your feet and give honor to whom honor is due."
"You my sir, you deserve to be knighted honestly."
"You gentlemen are legends. I'm honored. I will look back at this my whole life."
"I actually was awarded a Legion of Merit, while the highest peacetime awards that can be given in the military. I received the Legion of Merit predominantly for my remote viewing."
"Obligatory butt shot... an obligation and an honor."
"The most rewarding aspect... is to have the privilege and honor to care for people at end of life."
"If you owe somebody respect, respect them. If you owe somebody honor, then honor them."
"Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work."
"When we honor men like that, you get a lot more men like that."
"Being your first lady has been the greatest honor of my life and I hope I've made you proud." - Michelle Obama
"A lot of people feel it is [the best adaptation of a comic book ever done], and it's an incredible honor to have worked on that, you know, and to know you were part of it and hopefully in some small way contributed to that."
"That's the best way to honor the dead, that's the best way to honor those of us still living fighting this fight, and it's the best way to honor the young people who've grown up in a post-911 world and they don't know that before times."
"Being true to your word, having non-aggression pacts, making appropriate decisions during missions, not stabbing people in the back – all increase your honor."
"Education isn't always about going to school. Keep the momentum of your education going."
"This is amazing, it feels like an honor to be here."
"Honor sometimes looks like sticking up for yourself, even if it ruffles feathers."
"For all that punishment that you're inflicting, there's glory in victory, there's honor."
"Let your actions reflect the grace, mercy, and Love Of Christ even when it seems challenging; this is the true essence of Honor."