
Tattoos Quotes

There are 531 quotes

"I love how tattoos and piercings make you feel unique."
"Tattoos really reflect the artists that are doing 'em."
"This the one on my arm. I was starting to sleep for my dad. These are holy ghost orchids, the flower of Panama."
"Tattoos just have to have meaning to you because you're the one that lives with them."
"Researchers found a significantly higher expression of need for uniqueness among tattooed individuals than non-tattooed individuals."
"You tattoo your face, you're essentially saying, 'Hey world, I'm going to go ahead and exchange any and all possibilities of normal human interaction for the gift of instilling paralyzing fear in anyone that looks in my direction.'"
"When I see people with tattoos, I feel a twinge of admiration. I think, 'You know, I'm not brave enough to have a tattoo because I couldn't live with the permanence of it. I'm such a shape-shifting sort of person.'"
"Should you get tattoos? Personally, my opinion, hell yes, but you have to make sure that you're getting some serious artwork."
"It's picking something that means something to you that isn't driven by a fashion, a trend, a celebrity... it's about sentimentality, it's about meaning."
"Artist sign their work, my mom created me... she was a massive inspiration to me... that's why I think that I got my mother's signature on my arm."
"I would not mind if you got a tattoo of my character. I think that's really cool."
"Ultimately that's directing your own life I don't know it's kind of cheesy but this is why I got that tattoo."
"The desire for the tattoo was kind of a little misguided, not that you shouldn't get tattoos if it makes you feel badass and powerful, that's great."
"Tattoos force you to be decisive, let go of the need to nitpick everything."
"I mean, I had an experience in which I was with a friend who was showing me the tattoos that she had designed, and I started to think about the magic of tattoos and how people always believed in them."
"Tattoos are a kingly accoutrement. Yes, it was King George the Fifth that is known for having a tattoo."
"Tattoos are essentially a sexual meditation."
"I'm a big advocate of maintaining your tattoos."
"I think I'm so far down the line with tattoos now that I don't question myself. I just know I'm quite confident in my choices."
"I think tattoos from an aesthetic standpoint... have spilled over into fashion."
"Nothing about my life improved from having tattoos, but I got to watch firsthand the direct effect it had negatively in my life."
"Tattoos are not only so personal and important to each person that has them, but it is nobody's business in general to critique someone else's tattoos."
"Film has done a great job in normalizing tattoos for people."
"Thigh tattoos look good on every body type, no matter what gender or size you are."
"Thigh tattoos are the best place to start for your first big tattoo."
"Thigh tattoos are very easy to hide, making them perfect for any situation."
"Thigh tattoos age a lot slower than tattoos on other parts of the body."
"Tattoos have been around for thousands of years. They're not a trend."
"The Latin word for tattoos is stigma... it does have some relatively negative connotations."
"Whatever tattoo I got is like a part of me now."
"Tattoos just bring you happiness and confidence."
"Tattoos become your skin; you don't necessarily notice them in a way where you would get bored of them."
"Having tattoos is a great way of weeding out judgmental shallow people from your life."
"This style of tattoo, I don't exactly know the name for this style of art, I like it a lot."
"This tattoo has already helped me through a few things."
"A tattoo is almost like a permanent sticky note, you know? It's there, and it helps remind you that you have something to do."
"Not everybody wants big bold tattoos, you know? Some people just like the little finer things in life, which is totally fine, you know, you do you boo."
"I had this 'Never Fold' tattoo back in 2015, so that mentality always stuck with me."
"The Triforce was my first tattoo I ever got when I was 18."
"Tattoos are a permanent commitment to identity, displaying significant events or people in one's life."
"Dude, his tweet was so insane, I was like man, if that doesn't end up on a tattoo in me at some point in the future, I'll be doing something totally wrong with my life."
"The tattoos are heavily traditional... but modern-day a lot of modern native people have really made a resurgence with traditional tattoos."
"When you get a agent tattoo you think it means like life and I mean [ __ ] dolphin did yeah I thought I was."
"The art they got etched on their bodies was more than just exotic souvenirs from far-off places."
"Fun fact, guys, I have that pizza tattooed on my butt."
"Ephemeral tattoos are real tattoos they're just done with biodegradable ink."
"Every symbol on my tattoo has significant meaning."
"Just because you can doesn't mean you should with these tattoo machines."
"I love tattoos, right? I love the art of expression."
"But while tattoos are permanent, they don't stay the same forever as this guy found out eight years after he got this tattoo."
"Almost every cell in the body is replicated in a seven-year period of time so the tattoos people have are actually older than the body that they inhabit."
"I definitely will be getting another tattoo."
"I don't have any tattoos, man. I always made the jokes I'm scared of small needles peptides and all that."
"I have a tattooed daughter, just like a normal daughter, except much cooler."
"Not every tattoo you get needs to have an elaborate story behind it. If you wanna F in pineapple tat because you love pineapples, do it. Who cares?"
"You pulled off a really slick illustrative tattoo."
"I have a tattoo of a past loved one and if it didn't look like that person I'd be bummed out about it."
"The engineer retains the iconic tattoos on the neck torso and arms of jewels and still rocks the red goggles."
"Traditionally, tattoos used to be part of their culture, usually reserved for people of more notable social status."
"Art is art, and in every tattoo, you can appreciate the meaning."
"Tattoos are actually good for your... unexpected bonus... boost to the immune system."
"I think tattoos really enhance... people more interesting... a walking piece of art."
"The Bible doesn't actually prohibit tattoos as long as they don't have anything to do with dead people."
"I don't know, I just wanted to. I asked them before. You wanna face that? Yeah. And um, he didn't like what I wanted to put on there so he threw it up, a tattoo, and he did this one."
"I don't have any tattoos, and I was thinking about getting EST 1979 expire never right over the crack of my ass."
"I really want to get a Buffy the Vampire Slayer tattoo."
"Your tattoos tell little stories."
"The tattoo doesn't have to have meaning, but it can mean something in the chapter of the book of your life."
"If God didn't want me to get all these tattoos, why'd he give me all this skin?"
"Whenever I see people with eyelid tats, I'm always like, they're badass."
"Well, if you took anything home from this video today I hope it's that if you get a bad tattoo to at least make it funny because you don't want to end up with a bad tattoo that gets no reactions you want to at least get a laugh out of it."
"Even if there's a bad tattoo, there's a story attached to it or a memory attached to it, so appreciate it."
"Personally, I believe tattoos are an awesome art form and a great way of expressing yourself and body positivity."
"Thanks for being on the show and for having coolness Factor you have like I mean geez like you guys have such cool tattoos over there I'm like just full nerd out like I shaved before this tattoo gang yay look at that look at that."
"Tattoo touch-ups exist to alleviate this sort of situation."
"... if I could go backwards and have open skin I would go to the best I could and get really nice sleeves."
"Four one-hour tattoos? There is no room for second guessing."
"I'm so very excited to see that all the apprentices that sent in tattoos this week chose designs that were perfect examples of what apprentices should be working on."
"Having great contrast makes for great tattoos."
"I got 20 tattoos and 20 more got four more on the way for real."
"I applied for Blockbuster Video... the guy decided not to hire me because I had tattoos."
"I love meaningful tattoos. I actually really love tattoo art. When you see all the incredible, it's just amazing."
"Wow, this girl I'm talking to tattooed my name on her arm, we're not even dating."
"Would you ever date someone that has their ex's name tattooed on them?"
"Only God Can Judge Me" scribbled across his chest, did it with a guitar string in India ink at his cousin's pig roast, you know?
"If dude's got a palm tattoo, he's either the coolest guy there ever was or he will murder you and scalp you in an alley."
"The Golden Girls on tattoos, haven't you?"
"It's okay that you, as an individual, want to get your hand tattooed first. But it's also okay for tattooers to choose what and where they want to tattoo people."
"It's very likely that even if you like the concept when you get older you're gonna look at that tattoo and you're gonna judge it as a lower quality tattoo and you're gonna regret not saving up and getting a better quality tattoo once you've got more paid."
"...I got almost all of my tattoos because I just thought they looked neat or because I wanted to mark my body to remember a particular time or place or feeling."
"...that's it that's all my tattoos thus far I'll almost certainly make an update video next year to see how my collection has grown and evolved."
"I've just always loved tattoos and I've loved art."
"I love tattoos so much and I love tattoo culture."
"I think if you look at the group of like the best players in the world, can't think of one that has a poker tattoo. The instant you see someone with a poker tattoo, you know they have no game whatsoever. None."
"His tattoos are unreal and they look like they heal even better than when they were first applied."
"How many tattoos do I have? Four!"
"If you have scars, if you have dealt with what I've dealt with, don't be ashamed. I chose to cover my name in tattoos because I felt like I needed to do that for me."
"I just remember like when I got my lettering right here."
"No more neck tattoos, that's what Haley says."
"If anyone is watching this, that means you found the code tattooed on my face."
"Despite having tattoos all over her body, Zebrasky apparently wanted to remove only the ones on her face and hands due to their association with her ex and the ridicule she had suffered online."
"I love tattoos and I'm sure in the future I will probably get more."
"If somebody doesn't have any tattoos I'm suspicious of them right."
"He's just sick. The vest rules. It complements his tattoos really well."
"I got the Tad on my neck officially"
"I want to leave this earth absolutely covered in tattoos I think tattoos are not only super cool but also so attractive when I see a man that's covered in tattoos I get a little wet."
"Some people ask you about tattoos and what they mean... like, 'I don't want to talk about it, that ain't for you.'"
"Even for ladies, some might say, why can't I have a tattoo?"
"My mom hated tattoos but you know I think she'd be happy that I'm getting one in her name."
"What's up with this facial tattoo? What is that about?"
"Tattoos are largely an expression of how we feel on the inside."
"I love this too it's very sexy it's a good um dinner date or date night date night um dress and then it shows off all my tattoos my back tattoo my arm I feel really sexy in this."
"I love all my relationships. I have every [__] that I've ever talked to tatted on my body."
"Tattoos is the only job I've been able to keep since the age of 17 because of her."
"...lines in this book that I think are so beautiful they're like tattoo worthy."
"Tattoos are awesome Eric get tattoos."
"I'm going to get three tattoos today."
"You're running out of... I assume you have a lot of other tattoos, am I right? I sure do. I have my daughter, Camila, and the Patriots fans and yeah I do. But like I said, it's only parking spot there was."
"Some people are delighted to talk about their tattoos, and others, especially women, would rather not be asked."
"Her tattoos are different. Tattoos don't tell the whole story, and like any woman, she has a mystery to be unraveled."
"I never understood why the tattoos glow, but it's a cool touch."
"I always wanted hand tattoos because I'm not a big fan of jewelry anymore."
"But there's no doubt that in the past 10 years or so, pop culture tattoos have really blown up online in pretty much every style that you can think of."
"That's so stupid. Why am I laughing at that? You have tats too? You have tattoos too?"
"I feel like putting on sunscreen is when I notice my tattoos the most, and I love them so much."
"The younger generations are much more accepting of tattooed individuals."
"There's really no way to explain why tattoos stay the way they do."
"Many ancient Asian cultures use tattoos to express status, beauty, and their most profound beliefs."
"I was 18 and I was in love at that time with this chick named Karina. So, my dumbass tattoos are my her name on me, my homeboy Puke did it."
"Tattoos are a lot like armor, a visual marking of self."
"If you are going to invest in tattoos, invest in a really good tattoo artist."
"Nimar gives them all tattoos on their wrist that will glow when he needs their help."
"I love tattoos—they tell a story. I have five and plan to get more, each with its own meaning."
"Tattoos are art and if art speaks to you that's all that's all that needs to happen if it moves you if it gets you excited makes you happy or if you just like it like that's all that you really need to have a tattoo."
"I'm a bad boy. How do you be a bad boy? I guess you just get tattoos."
"Had it or hit it? Tattoos? I'm sort of in the middle."
"I vowed that someday I would leave this tiny town, get amazing tattoos, and I'd get a great job that let me dress however I pleased."
"...forearm tattoos personally are not really that painful. The most painful part really was probably the fingers and some of the elbow was kind of spicy. The forearm to me personally isn't very painful at all."
"This whole idea of like your tattoos should have this really deep meaning to you is what people used to say years ago."
"If you want a tattoo because you love something, get a tattoo because you love something."
"We should spread the word of the tattoo God, Juicifer!"
"Love is a leap of faith. Like my last boyfriend was obsessed with Ed Sheeran so he asked me to get one of these with him. Two weeks later he broke up with me. I [ __ ] hate."
"I love your tattoos. They're very symbolic. I got tattoos on my neck to be able to keep my head higher."
"It's like a trend now, even with machine tattooing, there is an element of sort of like technology coming into the body and the artwork."
"It's too literal, right? In my opinion, no. I agree. And yeah, I think that's why a lot of people get memorial tattoos is because it's built-in justification just for getting tattooed. Right, that's it. Makes a lot of sense."
"Sometimes I'll almost get a great tattoo and then they'll tack on a lot of text around it so it looks like a t-shirt design or something. Well, exactly, yeah. And that was the thing with the 90s. It was like, you know, everybody's pushing crazy ideas and it was risky, you know?"
"I love it. I love seeing all the people who tag me in the tattoos that they've done that I've designed."
"The face tattoos actually were my best decision. I think I'm going to get more."
"And it's just like, yeah, that's what you have. No, I don't because I have a life-size Easy tattoo above that."
"I did everything on everything. I left school, I got maybe about 30 tattoos, and I started smoking."
"Not all tattoos have to have meaning, they can just be something you want to get because you like it."
"I don't advocate people getting tattoos and I don't say that people shouldn't I'm you know literally just another person but that's the tattoo story."
"I'm going be a hot freaking 70 year-old with tattoos."
"...you going to look at me and be like man she's droopy she got a lot of tattoos I wonder what that chick's story is."
"...that's a freaking fantastic idea actually instead of stickers do tattoos Dam my body would be cover I could do my I could do that I could maybe my back or my stomach that's a great Chad you might be on to something."
"That is actually so cool. That's [ __ ] sick. I love that. See, I just love, I love stupid tattoos. This is, oh, that's art. That is pure and simple art."
"Tattoos are more than just art, and this clearly is helping this person so much."
"I love tattoos, they're the Irish snack."
"Tattoos are a point of remembrance, literally stamping that time period and your state of being into your skin."
"Even if you do have a bad tattoo, there's always a chance that you can fix it."
"None of us really are tattoo guys, but I don't have any tats, Nick's got a couple."
"...people are gonna judge you regardless of what kind of tattoo you have so you might as well get the one that you like looking at every single day right?"
"I've always been around guys with tattoos and I'm just um, I've been there done that. I'm not not into it."
"Look at those tattoos, you look cool!"
"I think tattoos are permanent, but you can always change them if you want."
"The group influenced many people to sport gold teeth, bandanas, wear long white t-shirts, and even get a lot of tattoos."
"We decided we're both gonna get tattoos."
"My tattoos don't represent anything to be honest."
"I want people to think I'm cool and that's like cool like not giving a [__] is cool getting tattoos is cool not caring what people think of you is cool."
"This is pretty sick. I dig the tattoos."
"Just don't get a tattoo you regret, cause like if I did that then that would be my answer, no tattoos."
"It's kind of like tattoos now back in the day tattoos like whoa he's got a tattoo but now everyone now it's cool if you don't have one"
"Looking at tattoos reminds me of where I was and it takes me back to a place."
"Every little piece of art on my body has a story as to why it's there."
"I like the idea of the snake tattoos being used in that way because that's just like a nice little, it makes perfect sense."
"The revelation of these hidden tattoos unveils a nuanced layer of Dolly Parton's personal narrative, offering a glimpse into the stories of wounds healed but immortalized in ink."
"I've seen some and like some of the tattoo artists are like they're making these shits look like almost like real life like the details that they get in it is amazing."
"If you're going to get art tattoos that happens to have nudity, fine, because it's beautifully done like it's art."
"Tattoos today come with a lot of stigma, but younger generations are getting more and more tattoos, and this perception is beginning to change."
"As of right now, nearly half of all millennials in the US have at least one tattoo."
"The oldest known tattoos exist on Ötzi the Iceman... his body was so well preserved that the scientists were able to identify 61 different tattoo markings."
"Tattooing has been seen in numerous cultures around the world."
"These signify their coming of age, protection from harm, represented an achievement, and many more."
"Traditionally, their tattoo ink is most often made with soot or charcoal as these materials were often believed to ward off evil."
"It's your body, and you're allowed to tattoo whatever you want on it."
"Tattoos are so close in my mind to comic art."
"Tattoo doesn't necessarily have to be like super high detail to look amazing."
"If I were forced to get a tattoo, I'd get a freckle."
"I would get a ship and I'd put it on my arm so when I went like this, it looked like it was sailing."
"Tattoo is very permanent, man. I don't know if I want that on my body."
"You can learn a lot about a person by his tattoos."
"I just like getting tattoos. A couple of them do mean something, kinda."
"I love all my tattoos; they are well done and a huge part of my identity."
"Life's about living, so I've got some tattoos, one life live it."
"Tattoos are more fashionable in most parts of the world now than they've been in decades."
"For me, I've noticed that I'll choose to get tattooed to work through the pain, kind of like therapy."
"I like to look at tattoos on people. I think they're really cool."
"If you're going to get tattooed, get great tattoos."