
Life Phases Quotes

There are 296 quotes

"I feel like I've had so many different eras."
"A period of my life... we want you to chase us to see if you're gonna be in the crazy time of my life or if you're gonna stay for the real thing."
"Your frame of reference will change as you move from phase to phase, and what was important to you in one phase will not be important to you in the next."
"Imagine working hard your first half of life and then the second half of life is a piece of cake, Easy Street."
"The spirit of the Lord is more than willing to take your hand right now and move you into your next phase of your life."
"The next big phase in your life is got to do with something emotional or love-related."
"They convinced me I only had a few good years left. They can keep their lives for I have just gotten started."
"Never get too comfortable because that one season where you're living your best life, that's just a season. So stay humble."
"If high school was the best four years of your life, I'm not trying to diss on you."
"This maturity was required by your karmic cycle. Divine says you now have the required maturity to proceed to the next phase."
"Recognize chaotic integration phases as necessary steps for growth and transformation."
"I feel like I'm on my second life. As an entertainer, as a human, you know?"
"Financial independence is awesome so of course while I miss aspects of college, it is a different phase of my life that I look back on very fondly."
"When we understand the seasons of our lives, we are able to face the challenges and appreciate the blessings each day brings."
"It just there's no destination it's like they're all just resting points and that's what I love about this album."
"There are phases of life, and it's very easy to compare yourself to someone else in one phase and feel like, 'I wish I had what they had.'"
"A man's life is often in three phases... do you remember the vision I gave you?" - Rod Parsley
"It's like a time capsule, oh yeah, that's a whole different time of your life."
"There's a name for the time in our lives where everything we think we know turns out to be wrong, it's called growing up."
"There's more life after this, this isn't my forever."
"The messy middle: where days are long but years will be short. Just keep swimming."
"This is your season. You are so spiritually protected and powerful at this time."
"You're going to have to Rebrand yourself. I think right now the season you're in is very much part of the process."
"You are manifesting the completion of an old phase and the rising of the sun again."
"Throughout your life, different quotes will speak out to you."
"Shout out to everybody that outgrew all their tattoos."
"My first 30 years was uh my first 30 years was Legacy my last 30 years been Dynasty."
"The number 11 symbolizes transitioning from one phase of life to the next."
"I wish I wouldn't have tried to rush through and get to the next biggest and better thing. I wish I would've just enjoyed what I was doing."
"It was honestly a big part of my life around this time."
"Life's about phases, you know. If you just do one thing your whole life, you've missed out on a lot of life."
"Don't ever let anybody make you believe that because you're a certain age that you're supposed to stay that way for life."
"Some people already have that phase in their life or they're still actively in it."
"The high point of any life comes after the personal Karma for that life is over. This is the beginning of the impersonal life."
"It's time to move on; some people are meant to be together forever, some are not."
"There are three phases to Kobe's life: young Kobe, Lakers Kobe, post Lakers Kobe."
"The end of each chapter is the start of the next, duh."
"Every man has two lives, and the second starts when he realizes he has just one."
"Do it big, you know, try to go as far as you can. But you know you have your window, you know? When you're past that window, take your money, take your chip and get the hell out of here."
"Number 11 means reaching a ridiculously powerful time of your life."
"Three years is not compared to the rest of your life, three years is like a flash in the pan, it's like a wink."
"Ultimately we all know that no matter what season it is that you're going through in your life... we are all very powerful witches or warlocks..."
"Embrace it. I don't believe chaos should be a lifestyle, but in certain seasons of your life chaos is inevitable, and in those seasons, embrace it."
"Sometimes you can just tell memories like they're just memories they're just like a time in your life and that's it."
"When K2 is right there at that particular action of the Dasha, then you would feel it all hundred-percent."
"You are shedding this old skin and you are moving on to a new chapter, a new phase in your life."
"This is the start of the good old days for me."
"You're going through a major transformation at this time, Aries, and that's really all this is saying for you."
"There's always hope... as you get older you're going to be rising up into something very different with your d9 chart."
"I feel like I'm at least cycling through things, I'm not hoarding all these many phases of my life."
"The Saturn return is a time to build the foundation for what your next three decades will look like."
"The Dasha being activated, when you're in a certain Dasha, the transits of those planets become even more important."
"I'm a believer, dead relationships have a season."
"40s are cool. It's a cool age. So it's when stuff starts not... You'll get your world figured out."
"Your life doesn't end when you hit 20. in fact it's just the beginning college for me was amazing and it really bugs me that I can't remember a lot of it even though it was only six years ago."
"You're single, you're dating, you're engaged, and then you get married. They're all different seasons of life."
"Winter's not forever and always after winter is an incredible springtime of optimism and change."
"You always gotta tell yourself that the next phase is going to be better."
"You're moving into a period of great happiness and prosperity."
"You're moving to the next phase, the next stage, and it's going to be integrated into this more wise and happy version of you."
"I still have like a whole another life to live."
"Thirties are supposed to be like, 'Okay now I'm grown, let me just live my true life.'"
"Life begins and ends at the end of your comfort zone."
"In every season of life, we must be content and prepare."
"Enjoy your singlehood season and then enjoy your marriage season. Both have amazing blessings in it."
"Your season of lack has ended, your season of abundance and overflow has begun."
"Out of any point in my adult life, this is probably the point where I'm the most malleable and open to new...conclusions."
"What I'm going through is a season of growing up."
"These are not your settling years, these are your conquering years."
"I'm expecting that for ck and i it's a different time in our lives it's a different era but it can be the best year yet glory to god."
"It just kind of goes to show...some parts of friendships are seasonal."
"It was life-giving. It wasn't supposed to last forever. It was life-giving."
"You are going through a profound change, transformation."
"Right now it's really freaking hard but I also know it's the season. Seasons pass, they come and go like my life isn't going to be like this forever."
"This is the chapter of our lives to become strong."
"Your 20s, the most important phase of your life that's going to make or break you."
"When you're in that phase, enjoy that phase, I think, no matter what phase of life you're in."
"It's been a tale of two years. First six months, confused, anxious, nervous. Second six months, happy, rejuvenated, fulfilled."
"Life gets started after 35, 40. You're just the last person to know it."
"There's seasons for everything, all these chapters and that's what life is."
"Carnegie said the first third of your life is for making mistakes."
"Everything is manageable in chapters. You will get where you want to be eventually. It will work out."
"Trying to live in the moment and genuinely taking in the phase of life that you're in without just focusing on the next thing."
"Sometimes we think that balance needs to be the same balance all the time... but there's a season for everything."
"There's a lot lined up for you; you're going into a much better phase in your life right now."
"You are entering a cycle of your life that is going to be one of the most empowered ones."
"There are always problems but the wheel always turns... Good times and the bad times trade places."
"It's important to also honor those seasons of life and know that sometimes it's great when you know things are like really full-on and lots of things are happening but some seasons I think are more of a reflective time."
"Know that things will get better, that you will feel full again, and that this phase is necessary."
"I literally go through phases of wanting 17 children and then I go through phases of being afraid of having something growing in my belly that's alive."
"Life is about phases, and you can either embrace that or resist it, and resisting it is going to be futile."
"I'm now in the act three of my life. I want to make the best films I've ever made."
"It's a season of life and it will not last forever."
"It's not either or, it's both. I'm enjoying this season massively and I'm appropriately mourning what was."
"You have to accept that even in the past Seasons it was like this and in the future it may be like that but right now it is what it is."
"Post menopause will be your last phase, and I want you to make it your best phase."
"Every season of life would be greater than the previous, it was the will of God, it's His nature, so it has to be the nature of our home."
"You can be happy in any phase of life that you were in, that's what spirituality is all about."
"So right now this is my golden age for two reasons."
"Some relationships are meant for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."
"Sometimes I feel these moments where I'm like, 'Ooh, this is the early days, this is the beginning of the movie of this part of my life.'"
"Most people don't have this awareness, so they don't know that it's a finite period of unbearable."
"It's okay to outgrow people, that's a part of life."
"Your life can be good regardless of the stage of life you're in."
"This phase of our life is pretty exceptional."
"Stability is popping up for you guys twice in just the tarot, so I feel very confident in saying that you guys are going to be at a stage in your life where you feel very stable and secure."
"High school feels like the beginning, middle, and end, but it really is just the beginning. You could go anywhere, do anything from here."
"High school is not the end; it's just the beginning."
"Your life isn't over forever just because you had bad ideas for a while and a period of unfuckability is frankly a ritual for young men just uh hopefully not a fascist one."
"This is gonna be a period of time in your life when you meet this person, when you're searching for yourself."
"You don't live the afternoon of your life the way you live the morning."
"Nothing lasts forever, and that means phases of your life too."
"If she didn't want you in her prime, don't save her in her decline."
"People changed, things changed, and so did I."
"Stars are aligning for you after a period of a long time being dry in the desert."
"My life is kind of like measured by before So Random and after So Random."
"The time that we have with things is fleeting, and the time in which I had with this has kind of passed."
"If you don't reposition yourself, you could miss the best time in your life."
"Life goes in cycles and you're moving into a new cycle right now."
"Some years of your life are just questions and then some years are answer years where you receive answers to a lot of those questions."
"There will be a season of my life that is quieter and calmer, but it is not the season that I'm currently in, and that's okay."
"What was the happiest phase of your life or the best phase of your life so far?"
"Stable, maybe that your life has been too up and down... you're entering a new era of stability now."
"I feel like I've lived 4 lives already in these different little phases, but so far this one is my favorite."
"Your life often goes through phases of being very quiet, still, and then hugely active, just like the ocean storming."
"I am a huge believer in having a well-stocked toolbox. That's going to need to replenish at times. It's going to need to change through different seasons of our lives. So the toolbox we have now is going to maybe need to change in a couple of years or in the next phase of life."
"Staying home is a season in life, it is not your entire life, although I hate even phrasing it that way because it makes it sound like it's something you don't get to do but something you have to do, and it shouldn't be seen that way."
"Being a Raider in all three phases of my life is something that God planned over the past 5 years."
"Learn, earn, return—these are the three phases of life."
"The Best Is Yet To Come. I'm gonna say the best I feel like it's here like I genuinely right now like we're in the best phase of our life."
"Just remember, a new phase of your life is about to begin."
"Can you have a whole phase in your 30s? Yes, it should just be a little more established."
"Appreciate whatever phase you're going through, whatever stage you're going through, appreciate whatever age your kids are."
"I don't really believe in balance. I feel like each phase of your life has different priorities."
"We go through Seasons you know you might be killing it at life one time and then you go through a kind of Darker time where you're just hanging on you know what I mean."
"It's like a different phase of Life they're not they don't care about their sperm."
"Your life is meant to have different phases. Embrace the amazing experiences you've had."
"There are seasons in every person's life that you will have to motivate yourself."
"I'm entering my jelly and jams phase of life and I'm so excited about it."
"I connect with people particularly in certain phases of life where we're really aligned."
"Our life changes every five years, every ten years."
"This isn't forever, it's a season."
"Every phase of your life is made by the exercise of your imagination."
"Embrace your Brokenness, submit to the season of your life."
"Time heals all. You get into different spaces in life and new seasons, and I'm just in a season of like, I'm in a great season, I'm in a great space."
"You will have no issues with youthfully aging and there's like beauty within each phase of our life."
"Life is divided into three periods: that which has been, that which is, that which will be."
"Now that the busy days of raising children are over, I feel that this is the second phase of my life, and I enjoy my weekend to the fullest."
"The best part of your life is not over."
"Enjoy the journey... learn to enjoy every single phase of your life because you're never going to get that phase back."
"Every relationship has its beauty, every phase in your life, every experience."
"It gets better, that's why they call it a season of life."
"I am super tired, but I just keep reminding myself that this is just a season."
"Sometimes you go through silly phases, and you just have to get that out of your system."
"We all go through different seasons; I've had seasons where I've struggled and seasons where I'm happy or sad, and I try to maintain and really continue to stay true to who I am."
"I want the next third, our last third of our life, to hopefully be one of the best."
"Hang in there, whatever phase of that cycle you're going through."
"You're moving on from one phase and going into another phase."
"Life goes in ebbs and flows, and there are certain moments where it's really time to hunker down and save."
"Our life is really lived in seasons, and very few things, and fewer people, were ever ordained to be permanent fixtures in your life."
"But now I'm not so sure I believe in beginnings and endings."
"I think that we go in and out of season with people."
"You decide what season of life you're in."
"Dry periods are very normal; these happen in your friendships, your relationships, and they happen with your family too."
"Learn to love yourself in all phases of life."
"I really love that quote and I think it applies to many phases of our lives."
"You're entering a phase of your life where you learn more than you have in the previous phase or phases."
"We're still at an age where we can start over and over and over again."
"There's always a reason, a season, or a lifetime."
"People have different phases in life, and where they are in life, maybe now they've grown to become a better person."
"The world card is about stepping through to a new phase of your life."
"We have our time, and I had mine."
"There are periods of time in our lives when we really can thrive, and there are also periods of time in our lives when the best we can do is to just survive."
"Make sure that you're correctly identifying the phase you're in and spending your resources accordingly."
"Life comes in stages and life comes in chapters."
"We were enthusiastic about this new phase of our lives."
"It is so normal to go through different seasons of your life."
"Life is about seasons; maybe you're in a different season than when you started YouTube."
"Taylor Swift has a song for a woman going through any phase of their life; it is relatable for everyone."
"There will be seasons in your life, nothing would make sense."
"You reach this point in life... you're used to transitioning phases, learning something new."
"I try to make sure that I'm not always in the same season all the time."
"We are getting ready to go to the next level or phase of our lives."
"It's not a race to get things done... just enjoy the moment, enjoy the season of life that you're in because it will fly by."
"I'm ready to enter into a new phase of my life."
"The time had come to be joyful yet fearful, and that the world bathed in a constant flow of change."
"You just go through phases, I feel like everyone goes through these days."
"It's a time to love, it's a time to hate, there's a time to build up, it's a time to tear down."
"It's just funny, or you just go through different seasons of your life."
"It's phases, man. You go through a couple of days where you feel great, you go through a couple of days where it's real hard."
"Bring on 27 and Saturn Returns, the highs, the lows, the ups and downs, and everything in between."
"Life always has two phases: the first light and the second light."
"Life has seasons, and seasons of your life change."
"I appreciate and I acknowledge that there is a time for everything."
"Life is both bright and dark, and now after many years, my bright years are ahead of me."
"We wanted it to be symbolic of the next phase of our lives."
"Retirement is made up of different phases, and because of these different phases, your income strategy should change through time."
"It's fine to go through periods of life where you don't feel like that."
"Enjoy it for what it is instead of always mourning the last phase."
"Enjoy every phase for what it has to offer."