
Teacher Appreciation Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Teachers are disrespected because they don't make a lot of money."
"The teacher is touched by AR's dedication to learning."
"Teachers actually are unbelievably important. So, number one, they should get paid a lot more."
"Millions of Americans with a renewed appreciation for the value of teachers."
"Imagine if teachers got paid enough where they would want to stay in that job for many many years and grow with the school imagine if we actually respected our teachers the way we should."
"Teachers are so undervalued, so underappreciated, so underpaid."
"I have a newfound respect for teachers because those kids are bad as [ __ ]."
"I didn't expect to like it as much as I did, but yeah, it was so good and the teacher was so nice."
"Teachers need to be thought of as frontline workers."
"Shout out to all of our teachers. Our teachers still underpaid still have to buy their own school supplies." - Empathy for teachers and announcement of helping them.
"Our children are the future and their educators are the frontline workers tasked with caring for their well-being."
"Teachers, the unsung heroes shaping futures."
"Teachers are geniuses and wonderful and angels of this Earth."
"Thank you all so much, thank you to every teacher, every practitioner that has come before me, the whole lineage of yoga and what it has given to us."
"Shout out to all the good teachers out there."
"George, look at that teacher survival kit, how cool is that?"
"Just a little something for the teacher. I love your channel and you always make me laugh. Thank you for that."
"Well, I was lucky to have an amazing teacher."
"Teachers are some of the most important members of our society, tasked with the often difficult challenge of educating our youth. Unfortunately, they are often not given the respect that they really deserve."
"She was a blessing to have in my classroom, always wanted to help people."
"The type of teacher you wish was teaching you in school."
"As an educator, what you do is important, despite the disrespect and misbehaviors."
"Teach your friends, pray for your teacher friends, check in on them."
"I wish teachers got paid more. I really do. I wish most of our working class got paid more. It's how hard people have to work for so little return, especially up against inflation like we're seeing and so on."
"I wish every teacher in the world could teach and inspire their students like you do."
"Teachers rock, and society would crumble without you."
"I think that teachers have had a bad rep in the United States and especially working for public schools in terms of like low salaries and other negative bad conditions."
"Teachers are the best, we need more awesome teachers out there."
"God bless teachers on a good day and film teachers, film students, please come."
"Guys, grades are really important. Make sure you say please and thank you, always be nice to teachers because teachers are lit."
"Good teachers are worth their mass, weight, and density in gold."
"We believe in the individual teacher and the teacher's skill set."
"Good teachers are worth their weight in gold."
"The people that shape the hearts and minds of our young people should be paid well."
"It describes a lot of teachers, but you know when I heard that these are people it actually came up with these words to describe me, it's pretty heartwarming."
"I really wish that we all could have seen the smile on Mr. Bauer's face because he was giddy."
"Teachers should get paid more than what they get paid, they really should."
"I have no problem with teachers being well compensated."
"Education is the great equalizer... the good teachers out there are Saints."
"Support our teachers because our teachers spend more time with our children than some of us do."
"Shout outs to all the teachers out there who actually give a [ __ ]."
"The big breaking news of this story is that teachers are human beings."
"I'm actually extremely happy to be your teacher."
"She deserves a million bro, like she's literally like the ultimate teacher."
"It just goes to show folks, we need to treat the teachers better."
"I think teachers are highly underpaid and deserve a lot more time off and a lot more assistance than they get."
"Calypso... if every teacher was like Calypso we would get a lot less complaints about school"
"He really cared about his students."
"We've just got to pay teachers more and lift up the teaching profession."
"It's just always really nice after class to show your appreciation for the teacher."
"Be nice to your teachers; they work really hard."
"I love teaching and I definitely agree, you know, I hope that teachers have a wonderful value."
"Shout out to all the teachers on summer break having fun."
"We've just got to pay teachers more and we've got to lift up the teaching profession."
"Love the one you're with, which means let's support the teachers that we already have with ongoing systemic job and classroom embedded professional learning opportunities."
"You're amazing, you're a teacher, you change young people's lives."
"It's just a beautiful reminder that what we do as educators is important."
"We don't pay our teachers what they're worth."
"Thank you so much for joining this practice with me, and hope you have a good safe practice. Namaste, see you on the next video."
"Thanks to the teachers that stayed late after school to help us do well in our exams."
"I managed to pass the fifth grade, thanks to all my classmates and the teachers."
"All the great teachers out there, just know people still remember you when they grow up."
"I think it would be great for a male teacher or just anyone to gift it to."
"Sometimes people don't appreciate how much education teachers have to have and continue to have."
"I think a handmade mini wreath with a candle is such a cute teacher gift."
"Thank you, teachers, you're all insane, but thank you."
"None of us would be where we are at this moment if it were not for our wonderful teachers."
"Your teacher is an amazing resource that you can use because they will have years and years and years of examples they've stacked up in their brain."
"I absolutely adored my French teacher, so this is what upset me so much."
"All my teachers are amazing. They show that they care."
"I really admire the teachers in this room, and having just gotten two of my daughters through high school, I know how hard your job is, and I have to say it has got to be one of the most important things to do in the world, so thank you very much."