
Early Adoption Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Blockchain technology today is where the World Wide Web was maybe in the early '90s."
"I saw Bitcoin really early on and got wildly excited about it."
"How the fuck are they getting shades already?"
"Fear of missing out, fear of not being the person that bought into it early."
"The earlier you get on, the more you get rewarded, right guys?"
"We have an unfair advantage because we are here early."
"Being an early adopter of that... being obese... my family was early adopters."
"We are still so early in the game... Think about how early you are."
"We are still so damn early, and not many people understand it."
"Most of all, my way that I really profit in crypto is I find projects really, really early."
"You're still so early and you're still so ahead of the pack."
"You're getting in now before anyone else... you can keep the maturity score low and find very new markets to compete with and enter into."
"If you're one of those early adopters who got into crypto in 2021, it's gonna be crazy in 2030."
"Those who invest early in the right projects will most likely experience some serious parabolic gains."
"We are still very early to this overall, even earlier to the NFT space."
"Being an early adopter for any product can often be a painful or lesser experience, but for PS5 there's a really compelling case here."
"Non-fungible tokens if you're involved into that congratulations you're way out of the curve even way ahead of me." - Mike Novogratz
"I got involved in crypto around 2013 actually, a friend of mine told me about bitcoin and I thought this looks interesting."
"He was the first comedian to really understand the power of the internet way back when MySpace was a thing in the early 2000s."
"We're so early into NFTs no one really understands the potential of it."
"The verified bot developer badge: something that Discord did to help show that people supported them in the early days."
"For early adoption the Xbox one has to win out, I don't think there's a real question about that."
"By investing in this company, you're really picking up this early phase of the s-curve."
"They were early in deciding to make an international version of Douyin."
"I've been vegan since I was three-years-old."
"For the first three years that this computer was out I had to tell people I'm sorry I can't help you."
"Developers and brands who make their presence early in this paradigm will have a staggering advantage in the long run."
"The technology, it's something that you'll just have to get used to especially being a first early adopter to this car, it's glitchy."
"Imagine you could go back and invest in the internet when it was first being created."
"We're in such an echo chamber in crypto. You don't understand how early we are still."
"It's an early asset class. It's like the internet of 1995."
"The real magic comes when people start ordering your products in the early stages of the video."
"It was one of the first in the U.S. to offer onsite daycare, maternity and paternity leave, and a flexible working schedule."
"Finding projects that have strong products already set up and are SEC compliant will mean they will capture a lot of early movers from traditional finance."
"It's a little esoteric but here's why it matters: to get in early because the rewards are curved."
"Charlie Three for me. Get it early, get it early, get it early."
"Different standards by the judges set different standards for the athletes."
"The secret in these exponential times is to find s-curves that collide and get in early."
"A lot of money is still coming into the space. We're still early in the growth trend."
"The real money is actually made by people who discover things early and are willing to take a bet on things early."
"No one has played it out quicker or earlier than bitcoiners. There's no one in the space that is worried."
"To me going on these platforms early, the worth my time is getting early indications of the psychology, and the anthropology of how humans think."
"The takeaway is that this AI craze may be something unlike anything else we've seen in history and should not be counted out this early on."
"Just start playing around, you know, like that's kind of the beauty of being, you know, if you're watching this, you're really crypto, you're an early crypto adopter."
"ICOs are like the goldmine of our time for early investors."
"Early adopters are not lucky. They have four essential qualities: curiosity, intelligence, courage, and good looks... Sorry, determination."
"To be the first adopter is to benefit disproportionately in anticipation of later adopters."
"As much as there are thousands of people who are joining the game, I will tell you right now you are early."
"This is not a joke. This is thousands of dollars just for using these networks early on."
"V chain's X node system incentivizes early adoption and participation in the ecosystem."
"One of the biggest keys to Felix's success was that he started early, really early."
"I don't want to like put that out there so I get off playing Fortnite since it came out like the week it came out."
"Heads-up display... one of the earliest heads-up displays."
"They saw the writing on the wall back in 1994, long before anyone else did."
"If you've invested in Bitcoin, Ethereum, you've front-run all the smart money."
"Being an early investor in something of that magnitude could be like getting in on other world changing technology companies."
"I truly believe that VR is something really special and it's exciting that we're here in the early days where things are so unknown."
"When you're out in front, you look wrong. No, you're just early."
"It's encouraging to have a giant publisher supporting Nintendo so openly and early on."
"If Starship works, we can't afford to not have been involved on the ground floor."
"Early adopters, change agents, passionate about innovation."
"I'm a bitcoiner in 2011 or 2012 and it didn't matter who you met if they also said I'm a bitcoiner you could go out for dinner until three in the morning and have an amazing day."
"We're so early, we're so early, we're so early."
"We were doing things with the electronics before other people were starting to look at electrons."
"I relied on a lot of the other moms who I got in early."
"People who engage with an idea at a very early stage tend to become super fans."
"Choose a platform. The earlier you get started with this, the better."
"It's crazy that we can be this early to a brand new blockchain that already has some pretty strong infrastructure being built airdrop farming opportunities and great communities being built on top of everything."
"I was okay with being an early adopter of the science of hope."
"I feel like I was doing social media before social media was a thing without knowing I was even doing it cuz I was just having fun."
"Early adopters almost always have an advantage."
"I've always been into content creating even before content creating was even a thing."
"If you're an early adopter man if you're one of the cool kids three bucks gets you in the door."
"The club was packed, it was one of the earliest forms of viral."
"I like being early to trends. I don't like being late to the party."
"It's like those knob heads that got Google Glass when it first came out."
"It's almost always because they were early adopters."
"I like your idea about getting involved in early communities."
"Early adopters such as speculative investors spying an opportunity, value investors loving what their indicators are telling them, investing insiders or just other smart investors are beginning to slowly buy back in."
"I appreciate it, like I said, you were one of the early people even supporting us."
"You really get big results if you're always the first one who utilizes and knows how to get leverage with technology early on."
"The earlier you learn this, the more you're going to reap from its rewards."
"You watch a baby with an iPad and you realize, oh these things are being designed to appeal to us before we can even think."
"Establishing successful routing nodes while the barriers to entry are still high for others and gaining an early mover advantage that could pay off for years."
"I fell in love with the Razer platform at a young age."
"You are paying an enormous premium to be an early adopter."
"We got on the bandwagon a little bit ahead of everyone else."
"Businesses who embrace it early are going to have a huge advantage."
"I've been online since I was 10 years old; there's no stopping this train."
"She's been crate trained really, really well since the first week that we got her."
"Early adopters are people that are willing to wait. These are people that are looking for innovation."
"The time to act is now because we're still in this early adoption phase for account-based marketing."
"We are still very early; we are nowhere near what's happening."
"Early adopters will have the joy of being one of the first in the world to experience innovative and cutting-edge new technology."
"I've personally been the beneficiary of many of these airdrops just for using an application early."
"We are still super duper early so please remember that just because you've been doing this for years there's still way more people that are not doing it."
"Our early adopter program has been a big success."
"I remember Apple was a early adopter for the New York Public Library because they had computers for the library."
"Price skimming is where we start with a high price at the beginning, taking advantage of the early adopters."
"Early adopters are the first educators to become comfortable with Google."
"I think NFTs right now, we're like, we're too early for its time."