
Policy Change Quotes

There are 384 quotes

"I would double the teacher salary for every single teacher in the US instantly."
"The first ever over-the-counter birth control pill available without a prescription, a potentially enormous expansion of contraceptive care in America."
"We should have spoken with you more and we should have incorporated more of your feedback before announcing our new runtime fee policy."
"I'm also ecstatic that other intersex, non-binary U.S citizens will soon be able to apply for passports with the correct gender marker."
"This new change will help rush relief to over 6.5 million small businesses."
"This bill gets work authorizations to migrants much quicker."
"One of the changes in the guidance from the Obama administration to the Trump administration is that President Trump's executive order prioritizes the removal of those who entered illegally."
"In America, you can change the party, but it's very difficult to change the policy. In contrast, in China, you cannot change the party, but it's much easier to change the policy."
"Let's reform the whole system root and branch and save ourselves and them all of this unnecessary grief."
"Protest is actually what creates the pressure so that the policy can get past."
"Eventually, if you really want to change policies, you've got to run."
"Movements generate changes in policy that signal a true shift in international attitudes and practice towards equal rights."
"Nobody's asking for a CEO to take a knee. You take the knee after you change your policies."
"There's no one that can say they don't see it. They'll take that as an opportunity to change where you live, change the policies that affect your community, and change this country for the better as we can."
"It required 700 hours before that because basically, before that, you couldn't carry a firearm as a teacher. Now you can."
"USDA to permanently boost food stamp benefits by 25%."
"Airbnb has announced that it will no longer allow people to list former slave cabins as vacation rentals."
"We're interested in removing restrictions in a way that's clear and safe."
"Chinese officials recently turned to the education sector."
"There's no good goddamn argument for continuing our drug policy."
"We've already begun specific actions to both undo the previous administration's policies and to advance a new vision of immigration."
"Joe Biden wants to get rid of section 230... that's the end of the internet."
"If we lift Title 42, it's going to create a true crisis on the southern border."
"I'm changing that. It has to be a minimum of 75%."
"The new capital gains tax in the United States will be 43.4%, excluding the state taxes. And if this happens, it will make America or the United States the most tax country in the entire world."
"If we want to fix this broken system, the first thing we have to do is end secret prices."
"If you don't vote, you can't change the policymakers who then change your laws."
"These new measures have a big effect. This is not a series of small interventions."
"Under this new policy, the country's resources would no longer be used only for the armed forces."
"We can actually help save our economy if we change the way we grow food."
"We removed the targeting category. We removed pseudoscience as a category."
"So asylum seekers who are outside of the United States no longer have to wait in Mexico until their claim has been decided on."
"Maybe something that was okay the first three years after 9/11 isn't okay 10 years down the road."
"No, well now Trump has supposedly changed the policy. Now, as I explained, I don't think the policy actually changed legally speaking, but supposedly Trump changed the policy."
"Seniors on Medicare pay as much as one thousand dollars a month for insulin... starting January 1 the cost is now going to be capped at 35 a month per prescription."
"YouTube changed monetization policies to address the issue."
"Increase access to intellectual property and data rights."
"Moving away from mask mandates, especially in school, is the right move."
"Take back the power and alter these policies."
"Australia's nationwide natural gas export ban was lifted."
"We need a movement that forces a new agenda."
"The council has the authority to raise the minimum hourly wage for fast food workers as high as $22."
"Banning fetchlands wouldn't just improve the gameplay experience of modern it would also drastically reduce the cost of decks no longer would you need to drop two hundred dollars just on fetchlands to play a top-tier modern deck."
"Legalization is the way we restore order to this madness."
"We are going to end private prisons and detention centers in America."
"The tides are turning in favor of school choice."
"The work capability assessment is going to be scrapped... sounds like a good thing."
"The public disclosure represents a major change in the NSA's approach choosing to put computer security ahead of building up its arsenal of hacking tools."
"Criminal justice reform, something that people have been trying to get for many years."
"Leadership will lead the way. It's through education when the attitudes are changed, then all of a sudden, policies will change."
"China's stance on video games has done a total 180."
"Big firms like Apple and Microsoft voluntarily announce changes to their policies so that consumers can readily repair their own phones and laptops."
"When I did that one thing of making sure that you're going to be able to have insulin for 35 bucks instead of 400 bucks a month."
"Now, for 3 decades, we fought crime by building huge prisons."
"If you're on the left, you want politicians to make bold, radical policy proposals."
"Twitter Inc will ban political advertising on its platform next month."
"We expect to see [USMCA] start to take effect—it's a big deal and a reversal of decades of failed US policy."
"We're letting the dominant society know that we're putting a stop to this benign neglect policy. We're not talking around black issues anymore."
"Reinstatement of Pell grants and voting rights for all confined citizens."
"If Donald Trump wanted to pass reform on DACA immigrants, they could literally do that right now."
"We need comprehensive immigration reform and a path toward citizenship for the 11 million undocumented people."
"This new benefit will rise an average of 25 above what it is now."
"Just look at the domino effect of the countries making this a sovereign currency. That is huge."
"We eliminated the Obamacare individual mandate."
"Trump alone had the instincts and energy to pursue an opening to victory, dismantle a corrupt old order, and bring long overdue policy changes at home and abroad."
"The entitlement programs will be cut by 50% over the next 20 years."
"We try to create structural change at the intersection of policy and politics."
"They've taken a stand that's essentially 180 degrees out from all the previous U.S administrations, Republican and Democrat."
"We need to build a policy-focused social movement... advocating to your state legislators, advocating to your federal elected officials."
"This is something Medicare has never been able to do before by law not because they weren't willing to." - Dr. Kabita Patel
"Now is the time to pass comprehensive immigration reform."
"There's really no reason for the NCAA to exist... the idea of improper benefits belongs in the dust bin of history."
"I think what we have to do is just shift the incentives."
"Anyone who proposed even a decade ago that a state shouldn't be permitted to file for bankruptcy would have been dismissed as crazy. But times have changed."
"This is a sea change because you now have somebody who's working on behalf of shooters, not against them."
"No more deference to the executive branch... no more expansion of second amendment rights."
"Section 230 needs to change and the way Senator Holly and now Senator Cruz and other people are saying... needs to be maximum pressure."
"Preventing assault Kirsten made those arguments actually went into we were having a hearing and a markup I went in with an open mind I listened to the arguments she made thought they were persuasive and I teamed up with her."
"I'll get rid of daylight savings, we'll do that."
"Disney has banned smoking in its theme parks... this is gonna make a huge difference for both smokers and non-smokers."
"The past 70 years of a docile Japan are no more."
"It should be legalized... it's just the right way to go."
"We'll start the process of bringing water and energy into public ownership."
"Obstacles to voter rights were finally abolished."
"By enacting stricter regulations and enhancing access to mental health support, future incidents similar to the Dayton shooting can be prevented."
"Big wins here for conservatives: the Biden administration reverses course on federal grants incentivizing critical race theory in public schools."
"College students shouldn't have to take on debt."
"Immediately suspend the Trump administration's effort to eliminate the Affordable Care Act's protections."
"How about something that's a little bit more pragmatic and can happen faster?"
"Connecting to the joyful capacity of your heart will heal so much negativity and uncertainty."
"Well, now Americans thankfully will no longer have to see medical debt on their credit reports."
"If you don't do enough to protect civilians in Gaza, then we could change our policy towards Israel."
"When biden came into into his presidency the new administration put a stop to all wall building which is very short-sighted."
"Federal officers are now required to wear body cameras."
"California decided to increase wages for fast food workers to $20 per hour."
"Pray for China to change its mind and lift the ban on people's travel."
"We need reform on a national scale both in policy and education to address these heinous crimes."
"These changes are long overdue reforms that will actually benefit the private sector and average Chinese consumers instead of the rich and powerful who run the country."
"The days of accepting unfair trade practices are over."
"Activists take that discomfort with the status quo and advocate for concrete policy changes."
"Allow undocumented immigrants to be documented immigrant workers and not treat them as second-class citizens."
"In order to get your way, give me my reparations, I gotta do all that, give me my advantage, fix this immigration policy, do all of these things."
"We will make marijuana legal in every state in this country."
"It looks like the CDC and WHO are going to come out and say officially eventually that, yeah actually about that mask thing you should probably wear them."
"It's easier to shift policy, we don't have to defend the old policy. JPEG screwed up, but Bob Iger doesn't have to own that screw-up."
"How many massacres would get you to alter your position? It's a fair question."
"Something has to change with guns in the United States... We're the only country in the world that has this f**ked up gun violence."
"Let us make economic changes that help the process of democratization and decentralization."
"We need to engage in that new generation of reforms."
"The FDA okaying boosters for kids 12 to 15, also shortening the booster wait time for many others as we return from holiday breaks."
"We're gonna end cash bail okay completely yes absolutely."
"Your phone records are yours. I will immediately end this unconstitutional surveillance."
"President Carter said, 'I think you're right, it's China. They're getting way ahead of us and we need to be careful and we need to change policy.'"
"We'll be signing a very powerful immigration act very soon."
"The Revolt did ultimately peter out thanks to a more lenient policy of a new Roman governor of Britain."
"But even more important to many shell-shocked residents of the city, Klitschko removed the temporary ban on liquor sales - so everyone could celebrate their victory!"
"We have ended the horrible practice of catch and release."
"We will be introducing legislation in the hundred and sixteenth Congress to end Pago."
"Let's get the money now. Let's get the policies in writing. Let's get the changes now while it's happening."
"A life hangs in the balance, all because of an immigration policy change."
"Walpole's policy of salutary neglect ending was what provoked the revolutionary actions."
"The disaster prompted major changes at a federal level."
"Uber will soon know if you're drunk and could refuse to pick you up? That defeats the whole point of Uber."
"We have to raise the age of entitlement eligibility and we're going to have to cut people out even though we told them that they were paying into the system."
"We do know there are ways to drastically colossal e monumentally reduce the number of gun deaths."
"It is my expectation that we will be able to end the last domestic restrictions including the legal requirement to self-isolate if you test positive a full month early."
"We're gonna legalize marijuana in every state."
"At the point that the narrative had come apart and it became clear that the masks were not effective at controlling this virus, they decided to lift them."
"The first thing we should do in prisons is stop private prisons."
"Joe Biden has just backed ending the filibuster."
"In hard times, there is often an inflection point, a point that changes minds and compels policy."
"As far as this show is concerned, Social Security is today cancelled."
"The Biden administration wants to reject all of Donald Trump's immigration policies, and we've gotten an unprecedented flood of people washing across the border."
"Let's start with steering the trillions of dollars of incentives."
"Austria will lift most of its remaining COVID-19 restrictions by March 5th."
"Disney revealed this week that they will be allowing annual pass holders to enter the parks after 2 pm without a park pass reservation."
"On day one all masking job requirements are over for us for everyone."
"Acknowledging the failure of prohibition and the need for a more practical approach."
"The SRG must be disbanded and their budget must be completely removed."
"We want actual things that keep this process moving forward in a progressive direction."
"Alcohol in Magic Kingdom was a long time coming."
"The dining plan introduced in 2005 is probably the biggest change to Disney World food."
"Australia to end travel ban in pivot to living with COVID-19."
"Netflix began cracking down on password sharing."
"The black church should be leading the charge in trying to get some of these policies, some of these laws changed."
"Terminate the declaration... it's clear we need a new approach to COVID as we learn to live with it."
"If you got money and you can't change policy and you can't invoke change and you can't say and do whatever you want, what good is having your money?"
"We instituted something that the last Administration got rid of."
"Abortion needs to be eliminated one way or another."
"We are getting rid of long-standing barriers to telehealth."
"We're allowing healthcare workers to operate at the top of their license."
"These changes are going to ensure access to affordable coverage for millions more Americans and help more people with diabetes get coverage they desperately need."
"We made telemedicine available to all American patients and allowed doctors to work across state lines."
"There's gonna come a day when we're not even gonna have to file for taxes anymore."
"Major media attention is often more effective than private advocacy in winning policy change."
"It's really time for us to begin to move away from those emergency pandemic settings to a more normal level."
"The government will no longer execute people."
"Net neutrality was reversed under the Obama administration because three million people commented on this and it just flipped it like that."
"World leaders must urgently phase out factory farming to cut future pandemic risks."
"I would sign an executive order that would get rid of Trump's zero-tolerance policy."
"We can create more kudas by just changing the policy."
"Now if we shift policy and look at the east it won't be so bad."
"A cold turkey take away of the $600 per week unemployment would have a big negative impact on the economy."
"We're gonna propose this district change people are way in favor of it so we'll use the quick and vote."
"It's time to end the so-called war on drugs."
"We cannot use the same policy, the same language, the same solutions."
"Good for them! Whoops, yeah yeah, the way this happened is they legalized hemp, individually, and they legally defined hemp as having a certain percentage of THC per plant."
"Policies can always be changed...but that doesn't mean it's a good policy."
"People will die if we don't improve the American healthcare system."
"It's about how they think it's the right decision that they might get rid of it."
"It's time now to end all of those practices not just in the United States but in Europe and all democracies."
"Starting in 2025, there will be a cap on the consumer out-of-pocket prescription drug costs of just $2,000."
"I think we should drive for a time where we don't need these grants we don't need FAFSA we don't need these federal intervention in higher education."
"Give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile. We are not here for breadcrumbs, we are here for real change." - Delaney Tarr
"PlayStation Plus is no longer needed to play online."
"Politicians said legalizing marijuana would cut crime. And it has cut crime."
"We began allowing limited buys of these securities the following day and we have since lifted the restrictions entirely."
"As much as this is a win, you know, like we're one step closer to decriminalizing it across the country."
"I wasn't alone in this opinion: many Americans who had not cared about military-style firearms before now suddenly did. If people aren't going to be able to get something ever again, they will want it."
"President Biden could fix these problems today and he refuses to."
"The biggest most significant news here is that he also is looking at rescheduling marijuana."
"Federally funded research results will be freely available to the public without delay."
"The War on Drugs was winding down under the two terms of President Barack Obama."
"Your protest means nothing if policy is not connected."
"We eliminated the unfair estate tax or death tax."
"PayPal has announced it has increased the amount of cryptocurrency U.S customers can buy via its platform to $100,000 per week."
"Major food stamp Cuts start tomorrow in 32 states."
"Get involved it's the people that are going to change this you know the policy is not going to change unless we change it as together."
"We have to stop these programs... that's our first and most important leap forward."
"Under fifth stimulus, they would first raise your benefits up lifetime, then they would remove the income asset cap, and add the inflationary benchmark."
"And finally the marriage penalty it's going to die you'll be able to marry your long time a love interest and love is gonna win."
"Why isn't Niantic going after trackers the way they used to? In short, it's because they are actually helping the community."
"FEMA has now reversed the original economic guidance and said, 'Hey, we got money available for three weeks for all these states.'"
"The most important thing is the accident turned out the positive way and live business willing to change policy."
"The bottom line is to not incarcerate people for anything marijuana related... it should be legal."
"The Biden administration seems to be shedding what was anti-CBAM."
"New spending rules issued this week say that states and local governments can use their federal COVID-19 relief aid for hazard pay for essential workers."