
Salary Quotes

There are 378 quotes

"Teachers are disrespected because they don't make a lot of money."
"People respect jobs that make a lot of money; people don't respect jobs that don't make a lot of money."
"Certified information security professionals earn a worldwide average of 25 percent more than their non-certified counterparts."
"The average salary of a Python developer in the US was over one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars in March 2018."
"Act your wage or only do what's expected for the salary that you're given."
"Engineering degrees tend to do really well with a mechanical engineering degree you're going to start off making $67,000 a year in early career and then in mid-career pay you'll be making around $111,000."
"Early childhood education is a very important job. I wish that they paid more. I think it's one of the most important jobs out there."
"Overall, when it comes to salary, people who graduate with a business degree tend to do extremely well."
"With this degree, you can expect to make around $70,000 a year starting out and $119,000 in mid-career pay."
"The salary is extremely good; you can easily get to six figures."
"If you could work for a Manhattan firm and earn a Manhattan wage but live in Ohio, absolutely."
"Russell Westbrook wants to win. He's making less than $4 million this year. That screams, 'I want to win.'"
"People who switch jobs every two to three years make about 50% more than someone who stays within the same company."
"The math is not ambiguous here at all; it is clear, it's very clear: they're underpaid from top to bottom, most especially at the top in terms of what they generate."
"Businesses will pay you more if they have high customer value and are highly organized."
"The $70,000 base salary... talk about a life upgrade."
"It's like you could get 1,000 times your current salary, but you'd have to give three-quarters of it away to a charitable cause. Yeah, I'd probably hit the button."
"Do vice principals get paid more if teachers don't report bad behavior of their kids?"
"Don't ever feel embarrassed about how much money you make."
"A professional animator gets paid minimum $700 a week."
"I'm looking forward to continue to collect this data over the year and then compare this and see how skills and also salary track over time."
"Salary is not something that should be quite as taboo to talk about anyway."
"Average blockchain developer salary: $154,000 per year."
"Once I started to manage my own salary, my military paycheck..."
"I think 400k a week for Pogba... But it does worry me, it starts to get out of control."
"I'm going to pay you the same exact salary that Alex got when he first got here."
"Braun Strowman, who comes in with a salary of 1.2 million dollars per year."
"The teaching profession has to stop operating in the 1970s when it comes to how they pay people and deal with where we are in the 21st century."
"Having more money, having a mortgage paid off in an early amount of time is not normally gonna happen if you've just got one job and one salary."
"The advantages of computer science jobs like programming are the high pay."
"My whole thing is this: just pay him his bread."
"Find a great place to work, find a boss that wants to pay you."
"Robert Downey Jr. made $500,000 for the first Iron Man movie."
"Data scientists make on average about $117,000 per year."
"Nurse practitioners make about $121,000 per year."
"The best players in the entire league, regardless of position, and they're not getting paid." - Christian McCaffrey
"What on earth is going on in government that someone hired on 100 grand can get an extra 40 000 pounds in their pay packet?"
"My salary has never been more than like forty thousand dollars a year from Optic, but I don't care because the platform that Optic gave me."
"Christian Barmore now becomes the highest paid Patriot non-Brady Tom Patriot in franchise history."
"Domitian raised the salaries of soldiers by 33% in order to keep up with inflation and the rising cost of living."
"Expecting a kind of increment or increase in your salary or pay."
"Plenty of people on lower salaries up here in Manchester have a significantly better quality of life compared to London."
"AI engineers make highest amount of salary among all the technical roles."
"Patrick Mahomes should be the highest paid quarterback in the league every single year until he retires."
"I was only making like 3,500 a month at my nine to five."
"Always ask for the salary you want, no matter how large you think it might be."
"Salary is a drug that will trap you forever. Don't start buying as soon as you get a salary."
"I raised $42,000 a year, that was the salary."
"Your managers feel like you should be getting paid way more than you are."
"Having a starting salary at the minimum of around 80 to 90k is absurd."
"I ended up getting a check for a couple thousand after taxes despite not clocking in or out after going on salary when they said they needed to continue working mandatory OT."
"No question double his salary, no question."
"You can actually put yourself on a salary."
"I was being paid a good six-figure salary for absolutely no work."
"It's hard to make a man understand something when his salary is dependent on his not understanding it."
"Teachers should absolutely be paid more."
"She started out, I didn't know that the WWE was that charitable with their employees' salaries since they went public and everything. She was making double the average salary for the state, and then got a 100% raise."
"Julia Roberts was the first actress to receive more than 20 million dollars for a movie."
"Most scientists don't actually need all the salary they're making anyway."
"Coding itself has this weird addictive quality, and it pays pretty well."
"My name is Ethan nley I'm 22 years old I make around $194,000 per year as a software engineer at Google living in Orange County California."
"These are the salaries of the executives, making over four hundred thousand dollars a year. The CEO making over 300,000, the CFO over 290,000 a year. These are the salaries of the people that are Executives of the non-profit that's managing this fund."
"Finally, after almost 6 months of being unemployed, I was offered a job making my former salary plus my wife's salary."
"One of the three teachers I followed for a year for my book had 18 years of experience, she was a veteran teacher award-winning teacher and after 18 years she was making forty-seven thousand dollars a year. That's a problem."
"Even if you're starting out making 65 to 85k, which is great, that's still good money."
"My new title meant a 20% pay cut. He also informed me that I would be an exempt salaried employee with no overtime."
"The median salary in tech is ninety-eight thousand, compared to twice as much as the American average for college graduates."
"The average salary at Apple HQ is a staggering $125,000 a year."
"...the company immediately offered the $2,400 needed to match his new salary."
"PMI states on their website that project managers who have a PMP, on average, make 25% more than PMs who do not."
"...nurses in the US are paid 7% higher than the average earner."
"Your hustle determines your salary. You put in the work, you're gonna get what you put in."
"With the rise of machine learning, there are great opportunities and lucrative salaries awaiting skilled professionals."
"AI Engineers, AI Specialists, ML Engineers are in high demand and tend to earn handsome salary packages."
"The average reported salary of an AI engineer in the United States is around $115,000 per year."
"I had just got an offer to be a minister of Music at another church and they were going to pay me me $500 a week."
"The key lesson here is that a high salary solves many financial problems."
"With a high salary you can afford to pay off debt rapidly, save more, and invest aggressively."
"The average salary of a cloud security manager is approximately $99,000 per annum in India."
"The average salary of a cloud engineer in the United States is approximately $105,000 per annum."
"A right certification in cloud computing can help you earn a handsome salary."
"If Sasha Banks wants that much money, then let her go to New Japan to get it."
"Cloud computing engineers earn around $116,000 per annum in the United States."
"The program provides 40+ in-demand skills, a master certification, 16+ real-life projects, and a salary range between 15 to 25 lakh rupees per annum."
"The average starting salary of a Rose-Hulman graduate right off the bat is $80,000 per year."
"For a non-technical job that's not software engineering or, you know, a physician, the salaries I saw out of college for sales were higher than those of my consulting peers."
"...just go at least try and give it a shot and see what they say because most likely the studio does have more money allocated to you but they just want to save where they can."
"It would be nice to have a return in a while loop, and the while loop can automatically access all the employee salary one by one and keep adding the bonus to the salary."
"When I found out how much occupational therapist get paid here I packed my bags I said there's no way."
"Blockchain developers earn $130,000 per year on average, and for some top experts, it can go up to one million dollars per year. Yes, this is really high. Blockchain pays significantly more than other technicians."
"The median salary for an Azure administrator job is around 107,000 US dollars."
"So I pay myself 6,500 a month okay and is that enough is that good like how how does that feel for you yeah so uh that that does feel good."
"Everything would indicate you should be paid more."
"I think they started out about 50 grand a year."
"Negotiating your salary can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime."
"We need a higher salary if we're going to be security guards."
"We're very data driven, nonetheless, the average annual salary for a power bi developer places them in the 90th percentile."
"But there was no way I was going to work for $99,000 less. I immediately started job hunting and I told him if that's your final offer then regard tomorrow as my final day."
"$39,000, what are you doing? That's what he first offered me, that was one year of my salary, right?"
"He's got a touchdown. That's why you pay that man the big bucks."
"Nobody's forcing the person to say 'I'm going to accept this offer.' They could say, 'Listen, it's not enough money.'"
"The median salary of a cybersecurity role in the U.S. is $135,000."
"Martoma’s base salary of $200,000 was nothing compared to the millions he’d make in bonuses every year if his trades went well."
"S Corporation owners will only have to pay self-employment taxes on the salary that they are claiming."
"Come on Downey's salary for the first film was only $500,000 but after the outstanding reception that Iron Man received he was offered 10 million dollars to return for the highly anticipated Sequel."
"The median salary is $680,000 per year, and they’re consistently number 1 or number 2 in terms of highest paid specialty."
"So very quickly over my 5 years there my salary Rose and Rose I was first promoted to 70k my promotion was at 80k eventually I got to 90k."
"It's money to be made, okay? It's definitely an attractive salary."
"PMP certified project managers tend to get 20 percent more salary than the non-certified project managers."
"Salary ranges are always really hard because they depend on too many factors."
"Needless to say, I'll be accepting one of my promising offers tomorrow which starts at 52k more than what I'm earning now."
"I mean, good for him, but 385,000 pounds a week for a guy who will be about six months off his 39th birthday? Can we just take a second to realize how insane that is?"
"Do you know how audacious I had to be to think that I could go from a salary of 26 and a half to 73,000 in one jump? It wasn't delusion."
"You want a quarterback who's not as good as Kurt Cousins but is getting paid a tenth of what Kurt Cousins is getting paid."
"Also, just so you know, Captain Seacaster set my salary at an exorbitant rate."
"You'll also want to make sure that you do some research on what something reasonable would be for salary."
"Consulting is a job in which even if you search the average package, then its average package comes around at 21 LPA+."
"If salary is your criteria, my advice is to research salaries in and around your area."
"They might say no I mean honestly worst case scenario is that they say no sorry I mean we we just can't do that we are already offering you top dollar and we really want you to work here but I I can't convince my boss to give you a dollar more that's like the top of our budget."
"Thanks for asking my salary range is flexible of course I'd like to be compensated fairly and I'm open to discussing a solid number once I learned more about the details of the position."
"The average teacher salary is much greater than the average private sector salary."
"260 is what he'll make in one year."
"Product strategy is where most product leaders earn their salary."
"On average people in tech make over $100,000 a year."
"Don't overlook them when you're negotiating your salary."
"Is any player overpaid if they play a crucial role in winning a championship?"
"Over the last 20 years, salaries have increased 27% but the cost of a home has gone up 148%."
"So that's starting to go up in salary like you're looking at making about six figures a year for that kind of Lifestyle."
"Assuming your current salary right now, it's going to be impossible."
"That's the thing when there's a thousand people who want that job and there's only three of those jobs in the city, they can pay 28k."
"Give you a little bit of insight on the salary that I received a few years back."
"so the salary range can start like at ninety thousand dollars and it can go up to say like two fifty thousand dollars and uh saying in terms of total calm but that's awesome it depends on one company"
"You guys took on a job that happiest salary is up for grabs."
"A career in tech is probably one of the highest paid, most lucrative places that you can get a high salary, especially out of college or out of a boot camp."
"I've been promoted as a project leader at my company, my salary has been doubled since last year."
"A Six Sigma Black Belt project manager earns around one hundred one thousand nine hundred fifty-four dollars."
"...$126,000 so she actually wanted to be paid pretty much double because apparently 150k is just not enough for her to live off."
"Understand the economy you are in when negotiating salary."
"My salary expectations are one hundred thousand dollars."
"He offered me three times what I was making at my other job."
"I expect a little bit more in terms of like from a technical perspective you know all in all the trade itself like with him reducing his salary cap hit I think it's more easy to stomach the deont Johnson trade now."
"I'll never forget, he went, he looked at me, he got mad at me, and he went, 'Oh, I get it, 'cause you get a salary from them.' And he just couldn't comprehend... his hatred was so powerful."
"So every time you open up MyTax, your salary or wages should already be pre-filled."
"You're going to get paid for how many days you spend on the major leagues out of that 187 and when you go back to the minor leagues you're going to go right back to getting paid minor league salary."
"Either when you're negotiating salary, say what is the budget you have allocated."
"The salary per year is £40,257 for ST1 to ST2."
"Sigourney's salary for Alien Resurrection was more than the entire cost of Alien."
"Does that mean I get a raise?" "No, you're grossly overpaid for your age."
"You're only drawing a salary of 20 an hour for every hour that you're going to work in the company."
"A salary is a drug that they give you to get you to forget about your dreams."
"This guy's current job was $88,000 with a 15% bonus, and his new job was $110,000 with a 30% bonus."
"Your pay will reflect a raise of five thousand dollars."
"The median salary for electrical and mechanical engineers is $103,390 and $90,160 respectively."
"If you're joining as a fresher, you can easily expect 8 LPA."
"You can easily make like 150K as the starting salary."
"Making 1 million dollars is quite an achievable feat for any Google employee."
"Fair market salary is based on the value of the particular job."
"Starting salaries can really be in the $80,000 and up range, and then as you grow and your experience grows, well you can easily make it to $150,000 to $200,000."
"'For reference, arena being paid here is four times my current hourly rate and my 9 to 5.'"
"My salary is around nine thousand one hundred thirty-eight dollars per month."
"...if every 3 years you switched employers or say changed jobs within your current employer and got a 10% bump every time then it would take you 22 years to go from $30,000 to $90,000..."
"The average salary for an AR/VR developer is around 120,000 USD."
"Definitely, if you learn those niche skills, you will be getting a very good package in the industry."
"...she had secured a 4-year contract with MGM starting at $75 a week with options for renewal every 6 months."
"Your base salary at most of the big banks... In fact some of the small banks pay as much..like Boutique or The middle market end up paying more than the bulge bracket investment banks!"
"Data scientists tend to get paid more money."
"Ford's like cool I'll do it seven figure salary percentage of the gross profits and the option to rewrite his dialogue."
"Certified Scrum Masters can fetch salaries ranging from $100,000 to $170,000."
"Big Data engineers can earn up to $121,000 to $251,000 per annum."
"Data scientists with the right certification can earn up to $115,000 to $246,000 per annum."
"A business analyst is expected to earn around 7 lakh rupees per annum in India. In the US, they earn nearly $68,446 per annum."
"The minimum salary in the World Tour has totally changed the game."
"Once I started working at FH Daily and earning a salary, I started fixing it up."
"Which for me this month the month of August my first month working as a junior doctor was 2,483 pounds."
"I optimized for my salary. I would negotiate my salary at least twice a year, if possible three times a year on quarterly bonuses."
"When they ask you how much you're looking to make, always aim a little bit higher than your target salary because you don't want to aim for a low number and then you get stuck with that low number."
"...a red team makes on average a hundred and twelve thousand dollars per year."
"I think you kind of threw out some numbers already, but what is the typical range, especially like, you know, data scientist?"
"Don't turn down a raise. It's not like, 'Oh, I'm making 30 grand and I get a 2 000 raise, I'll be in a higher bracket so I'm going to say no.' No, you're only paying a higher tax bracket on that higher money."
"The typical salary range for data scientist or ML engineer starts from $75,000 and goes up to $220,000."
"Good visual design can really help you demand higher paying jobs."
"Dr. Frankenstein, medical scientist, makes $88,324 a year."
"If I kept programming and in my age I would be a very senior programmer I could probably make 200k a year just being you know a senior software engineer."
"You need to balance both at some point you're gonna have to get it till you take a salary but a small salary that way you can put more time into growing a business."
"...the majority of your comp is that base salary and that very healthy sign-on bonus that you're going to get."
"...the salaries here are definitely lower than those in the United States."
"...the salaries in Paris are a lot lower than that of the United States."
"The Titanic's head chef was the second highest paid staff member after the captain."
"Melissa comes to New York City. They need nurses and they're paying a hundred and thirteen dollars an hour."
"Starting salary is two hundred thousand dollars."
"You'll be paid all the way up to almost $80,000 per year."
"Getting a 10K salary increase is more impactful than saving your $5 takeaway coffees every day."
"I hope this video helps you guys out, gives you some perspective on how much electrical engineers make."
"The median salary for an advanced data analyst is hundred and eighteen thousand."
"The starting salary of a private soldier has risen to over 20,000 pounds."
"I forgot to tell you I was made a full-time employee. I'm making about double my old salary."
"The average base salary for somebody who has a certification... you can expect to make on average about $67,000 a year."
"Elixir is one of the top paying programming languages."
"It's one of the only majors where you can get a degree in it and in many cases you can start making six figures or very close to six figures right off the bat."
"Don't be afraid to negotiate the pay."