
Relationship Value Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Honor and treasure a relationship for it is truly sacred."
"A year from now, you'll have clarity about this. Some of you guys will go either way, but I really feel like this is a real soul connection. So don't undervalue it."
"One... the cost of that relationship was 30 pieces of silver. For the other one, priceless."
"This connection is something worth holding on to."
"They recognize that this connection is something worth holding on to."
"For me, a relationship is valuable because it's a story of commitment and all the other things you said no to, to say yes to this."
"Their life is better with you than without you."
"Relationships, you know, for me, that's the thing that comes first."
"Your person feels like you are worth waiting for."
"While relationships can't fix everything, when you find a good one and you've developed it in a healthy pace, it is so healing."
"They feel deeply connected to you, it's a significant relationship."
"I love you, Zack, and I don't care if you're rich or poor."
"Every connection teaches valuable lessons and brings valuable energies."
"Every day with any person is a gift, surrendering to the flow of life."
"The reason he was with you in the first place is because he saw something good in you."
"Friendships in this league, you value and understand."
"I can tell you from experience... I kind of wish I spent more time chasing a solid relationship."
"there's something wonderful about saying like no no if we split up you'll get this you'll get that I'll get this I'll get that and we'll both be okay but you know what I won't be okay because I won't have you."
"You're a keeper, worth their time, worth spending their life with."
"Business is overwhelmingly relationship-driven both internally and externally. Sometimes relationships end up being more valuable than the technical aspects."
"This is someone that knows they're losing a good thing."
"A friend that's old is better than two that are new."
"They want this connection because they understand that this is a deep connection, this is a soulmate connection."
"Marriage is probably the closest to a panacea for a man's mental health."
"I now know that I do need you in my life. When I lost you, I lost me."
"My husband's the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Just because a man can afford you doesn't mean he can value you, but the man that can value you will always make your life better."
"Scarcity mindset cannot lead to a happy, joyous, and fulfilled life because relationships are the currency of life."
"I'd rather be hanging out with the people that support me the most, not the people that's cloud chasing."
"Men are not going to date you because a lot of the girls out here are not worth dating."
"They feel blessed to have you in their life."
"They want you more than anything and anyone they've ever known."
"You are a prize to anybody, but you're more than that."
"Relationships are one of the greatest gifts of life."
"It takes rain and sunshine for us to all see a rainbow, but for this person, it takes getting through really difficult parts in their life to see your value a lot more."
"Life isn't about fighting solo, it's about realizing the importance of relationships."
"I feel like you would literally be throwing away a very very good relationship."
"We love marriage, and we love the people in the marriage."
"They're facing their demons for you because they know you're worth it."
"A lot of us we really do sleep on the value outside of the money that a man can bring."
"It really feels like you are sort of like a gift in their life."
"Every relationship has value for your learning and growth."
"It just helps us appreciate the times that we can have together."
"Relationships, especially marriage, when you find the right person, there's no multiplier like that if you have peace, happiness, joy."
"They really want you to trust and see them as being worth waiting for."
"They're just so incredible. It's the luckiest thing, the best thing that ever happened to me."
"What does it mean to be valued in a relationship?"
"Don't let that love go to waste, this matters."
"Relationships are more important than music now."
"This relationship is really gold, really precious."
"People can't be too nice to me for me to Value them."
"I'm a great friend first, I'm caring and thoughtful."
"Once you find a real one though, like a proper ride or die, then it don't matter if you cry."
"Your partner should add value, not take away."
"I swear I couldn't imagine leaving these people behind and not never seeing them again."
"They can't stand the thought of this being over."
"Thank you for being a friend, traveling down the road and back again."
"A relationship takes you farther than money. I'm a hundred percent on that."
"You deserve somebody who knows what they have when they have you, who doesn't have to lose you in order to see your worth."
"She's given me an amazing life, a gorgeous healthy daughter."
"The only thing prettier than this game is my girlfriend."
"So there you have it, that was our New Year's Eve day, the next day extravaganza. We did so many things I can't even remember half of them."
"Everything I've ever wanted is this guy right here."
"This woman is super divine and deserves all my time."
"Money and opportunities are the byproduct of relationships."
"I feel like your person is very much trying to come out of that scarcity mentality, that poverty mentality and into like, no, this is a blessing. You are a blessing. This very special connection we share is rare."
"They should be blessed that I'm into them because I don't, yeah, I lived a crazy life."
"I'm also proud of the journey that we had together."
"Somebody wants family. Someone sees complete financial success and emotional fulfillment with you."
"Appreciation is huge. Gratitude, acknowledgment of the presence of the other in your life."
"Platonic love can be just as strong if not stronger than romantic love."
"Your home is in someone's heart; the houses can be built anywhere."
"You guys are the best thing that has ever come into my life."
"It's wonderful that you went to such great lengths to keep someone you value."
"Value real relationships, value your loved ones."
"When people lose you, they're like damn I flubbed up, I should have never lost them, I should have never let them go, I should have cherished them."
"We are 100% supported by y'all, and thank you is completely inadequate for me to express how much I appreciate you all."
"When you find the right relationship, you feel like you're living the life you deserve."
"No one's ever done anything like that for me, ever."
"I think it's so tough but it's definitely worth it."
"Let his story inspire us to cherish our own relationships."
"Love is real it ain't memorex you understand that."
"So they miss you, and they think about you a lot. And they do value you. And they have a lot of faith in this relationship."
"I find you to be so beautiful and I find so much pleasure in you being in my life. I feel like I appreciate you more than I've ever appreciated anyone."
"It's not always about money, you know. It's about backing the person that I backed for eight years."
"Relationships are definitely currency, definitely. You know what I mean?"
"I'd do it all again as long as I knew it led to you."
"Relationships are always going to be healing."
"You're gonna miss each other when you're away from each other, and it's going to make the memories and the times that you do have together very memorable."
"Relationships can be just as strong or stronger than actual money."
"I couldn't be happier about it. I don't think I've ever cared about anything as much as I care for them."
"It's not about the money; it's about the relationship."
"This relationship is gonna be tough but it's worth it."
"Relationships are way more valuable than money."
"Thank you for being the best family I could ever ask for."
"You complete me, baby. I guess what I'm trying to say is you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"A relationship is more valuable when people work hard for it and invest more energy."
"Appreciate everything you have: your friends, your family."
"It was about the one thing you will never regret having: relationships."
"You're the Queen of Coins, so I feel they want to make you like the queen or the king of their heart. To honor you as theirs, like they really see your value and worth and they're like, 'I'm not gonna let you get away from me.'"
"You're a blessing to be in these people's lives."
"Your presence in their life gives them such healing."
"A good relationship is better than the individual halves."
"The sickest thing in the world is marriage. It's tough, but it's amazing."
"In Secure relationships... everybody wants to feel valuable and like they have things they can offer."
"Quality time is something that I prioritize."
"Personal relationships are more valuable than professional relationships."
"They see you as their happiness, their emotional fulfillment."
"Bet on yourself and on the relationship that you believe in so much that you believe that when they experience being without it, they will want it back because it was that good."
"Nothing compares to the love that you and this person have for each other."
"They see this as your soulmate worth waiting for."
"What do relationships even mean if you can just replace someone like that?"
"The most precious thing, the most Irreplaceable thing a woman can give you is the version of her who 100% believes in you and loves you even loves not just you the bad of you but what you can be."
"The work that you put into your marriage means so much more than the work that you put into your wedding."
"You're prioritizing relationships that make you feel really good and relationships that you feel like you can be yourself in."
"Your relationship can be either your greatest asset or your biggest liability."
"Doing it in person is just different, you know?"
"You're such a warm, wonderful person. I'm glad you're in my life."
"Sometimes people are worth it, and good things can come from overcoming rough patches."
"A language barrier makes a bond more precious."
"That is how I know this connection is something special."
"It's worth fighting for this connection, it's worth putting in the effort."
"Meaningful relationships are very, very nice to have."
"What matters is that we're healthy, we love each other, and the rest doesn't really matter."
"While I was [ __ ] around she didn't leave and instead of leaving see C I like this [ __ ] you real that real [ __ ] and more more men need that type of energy though."
"They will see you as a blessing. Your genuine nature will be so precious to them."
"I couldn't want to imagine a life without you."
"You have a very karmic relationship with this person, it's worth the destination."
"Relationships are way more important than business."
"Create an emotional bond with people, not things."
"Love makes us healthy, Love makes us happy, Love makes us flourish, and it's worth all the efforts."
"I very much treasure the love between us. This is the biggest harvest for me."
"Life's too short to not slow dance with the people you love."
"It's not over, she means way too much to me."
"I feel like I'm not going to meet another person like you."
"If I didn't love others, I would have gained nothing."
"Is your marriage really so shaky that when other people get married it detracts from your relationship?"
"Prioritize community, the relationships are really everything."
"He has to feel like having you in his world makes it so much better."
"Relationship is the currency; there's a higher purpose than money, which is relationship."
"Men and women are better together than apart."
"Marriage is risky, but don't tell me it's not worth it."
"He's honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"Connecting with you has been a life changer."
"Do not cheat yourself out of an opportunity to have a beautiful, healthy, happy relationship."
"It's always been that respect, it's always been that love."
"Your love didn't have a price tag."
"The value you put in your relationship and how that relationship boosts your value in other people's eyes is more than I can even claim to have understanding on."
"I'm glad I went through hell because I appreciate him way different like."
"I have never loved and been loved like this before. It would break me to lose us."
"True partners in life are valuable and hard to find, so I wish he'd treat me like I'm valued instead."
"Your husband sounds like a real catch."
"Well, some of us love our spouses and like to show it, not all of us are staying in a toxic relationship for the sake of keeping appearances."
"I value every one of my relationships because they've all taught me something; it all made me a better person."
"My husband is my companion in life and my soulmate, but in my heart of hearts and in my soul, I can't help but say Bronson is my best friend."
"Relationships are risky, but worth it."
"This exists because of prioritizing relationship over things."
"To get something that is so creatively satisfying and such a wonderful relationship... I don't think it gets better than this."
"If he meets a woman and he feels this is a rare woman, this is his wife, this is his real, he's not finna leave that woman on the shelf for years and years."
"I wasn't doing this out of desperation to be with her, but because I deeply valued our relationship and wanted it to be full of peace and happiness."
"I am your husband, I am your exceeding great reward."
"I value our relationship and I want us to support each other."
"I just want to make things right because she means the world to me."
"The pursuit is worth it if you find the right one."
"One of the consequences of devaluing your romantic relationship is that you often wake up long after a relationship has gone stale."
"The gem in this experience is this relationship."
"The counsel that he gives me, the reassurance, the encouragement... I never thought I would have received that from any man."
"Never give up on an awesome relationship."
"I feel like I'm very easy to take advantage of, and I've managed to find somebody that didn't do that."
"I'm grateful for friendships, really good friendships."
"A lot of men don't know how good they have it until they don't have it anymore."
"We have each other, that's what it's all about."
"We probably wasted seven years not communicating with each other when we had something beautiful going on."
"She's loved you for 40 odd years. Surely that must count for something."
"If there's one thing that I've learned from 2020, it's that relationships are the most fundamental and precious thing in all of life."
"What could be a bigger gift of a real relationship than that?"
"For all the moments I feel bad about it, there are so many more moments and reasons why I should be with you that it kind of doesn't even compare."
"No woman is worth a man going to the gas chamber for."
"We desperately need each other, we need community, we need relationships."
"I think the world of him, he thinks the world of me too," I think of Russell.
"There's always a point in a guy connecting with a woman where he feels, 'I cannot afford to lose her.'"
"Most people eventually realize that their health and relationships are some of the most important things in their lives."
"It's great to be back seeing you because if it wasn't for you, I don't think that all this would be possible."
"I met him when I was seventeen years old. If I knew we only have each other for eighteen years during the time, I would appreciate every day to be together with him."
"I don't know what you plan on getting out of life, but it sure is a great thing to have yourself a woman."
"The relationship is more important."
"The person that you're with, you will always fight, but is this person worth it to see every day?"
"I treat my friendships like my relationships."
"If you find someone, you need to really spend your time with them because it can be taken away so fast."
"She's got that skill, so she knows how to plan, she's a keeper, she's always been a keeper, yeah I'm very very lucky."
"Without trust in a relationship, you have nothing."
"This should be a lesson: Don't take your business relationship for granted."
"How valuable would it be to have a relationship with someone that does not care about our feelings?"
"For a healthy, sustainable relationship, both people need to be gaining some sort of value from it."
"I found me a good thing, and I ain't trying to lose it."
"Some relationships are worth saving."
"This relationship actually really means a lot to me."
"Just with, and there's something beautiful that just has the ability to multiply."
"My favorite thing about Jules is her dedication to the relationship."
"I'm getting the best of the bargain here. She doesn't think so, won't even after this, but I know it, and I intend to treasure it."