
Sacredness Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Honor and treasure a relationship for it is truly sacred."
"No matter where I am, I am home. The most sacred sanctuary is found within me."
"There's something sacred about individual autonomy."
"Sacredness is the oneness with the divine that is ever present through every breath, every thought, every movement."
"All things come in threes... it's special, it's spiritual, it's sacred."
"There's something sacred about the rite of seeing a movie on opening night."
"For the ancient Egyptians, [the act of creation] was the most sacred part of their cycle of death and rebirth."
"Each person, in some sense, is created in the image of what is sacred, and you can't violate that, regardless of apparent evidence for hierarchical difference."
"Your body, my love, is a temple. So take care of it as you would a temple. It is sacred."
"To do meaningful things... is actually a sacred duty."
"There's a sacredness. Even if you don't share these values of sacredness and respecting this object that has some historical significance, I think it is okay to respect people who do."
"To be deeply conscious of the gift that your life is, to view it as sacred, to view it as divine, to view it as miraculous, when you're connected to that, then you feel a sense of obligation to honor this miracle."
"There is no more sacred act than sexual congress in some fundamental sense."
"I think loving someone is a sacred thing and a special thing."
"Sacred union, honor and treasure your relationship for it is truly sacred."
"Keep your mind open and document it accordingly. The things that you write down... are sacred. They are holy."
"The most sacred thing you have is your golden heart."
"Anything can be sacred if you make it sacred, if you hold it with intent and infuse it with your will. That's when it becomes sacred."
"All work is sacred, as the Bengali saying goes, from mending shoes to chanting the chandi, all of it is spiritual."
"If a piece of wood is sacred and holy, how much more is the womb of Mary sacred and holy?"
"We should become more definitive about our defense of Christianity; we should become more authoritative about saying Jesus Christ is sacred, these people are sacred, this truth is sacred."
"The greatest need in the world to understand how we are all interdependent with each other, what we have in common with each other, from a spiritual perspective, life is sacred."
"Politics is partly profane, it's partly about self-interest, but politics is also about sacredness."
"Either we believe that human life is sacred and each life holds infinite value, or we don't."
"Wherever you go, if you have a sound heart and you're reading the scripture, you will see the sacred in the place where you are. There's no place where God is absent."
"Women's sexuality is incredibly healing and sacred."
"The secret is us and it's always has been and always will be however it no longer has to be a secret it can be now be sacred you know if we wake up you."
"Jerusalem is the undivided capital of God's holy city."
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for people to come and see this sacred space."
"Sacrifice is the practice of making something sacred."
"The most sacred place on earth is at the feet of Jesus."
"The altar of the sacred place was desecrated and the man of God rebuilt it."
"What if the power itself isn't what is sacred? The power is supposed to be some incidental accidental thing."
"Take off your shoe, for the ground you stand on is holy."
"We have to protect our imagination, it is sacred."
"For Christians, this is where Jesus was crucified and resurrected."
"The place that you're standing is holy ground."
"Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, containing God Himself."
"There's something about yourself that is actually a bit sacred."
"Keep what is sacred near to you for it is only to be shared when you are ready."
"The ground I am on is holy ground, the ground I am on is successful ground."
"Personal freedom is fundamental to who we are as Americans. There's nothing more important, nothing more sacred."
"Artistry, which to me is a sacred field of practice."
"Whatever the deficits in religion, it was an attempt to properly Orient people towards the sacred when functioning well."
"We all have to operate within the systems we find ourselves in. That's an economic, financial, and ontological reality right now. But the sacredness is, I think we know it when we see it and we will find it everywhere if we are open to it."
"It's not something we should see as somehow a holy activity at all."
"The true ceremony is a bridge to the sacred allowing us to participate in the metaphysical world through conscious and meaningful living in the physical."
"What would your life be like if every moment was sacred?"
"There's no such thing as secular; everything is sacred in my life."
"Realize that Christ is in you and everything is sacred."
"The very structure of words is sacred, and the breath is sacred, so that there is a blessedness involved in working with words."
"Marriage is a sacred covenant before God, not just a convenience or tax benefit."
"Massages is a very sacred thing... your body deserves to be."
"Your dreams, your aspirations are sacred spaces within you."
"They thought they were going to overtake this nation, but they touched something that God considered very sacred, and that is covenant."
"Honor all experiences as sacred; they contribute to your journey."
"All are sacred in Hindu culture: the stone, the animal, the river, the tree. Everything is sacred."
"Anything that's sacred I think should always be protected."
"Introduce our children to the sacredness of sex."
"Your intimate energies, your sexual relations with each other, is very sacred to them."
"A woman's body is sacred. Our women should not be on display."
"Every life is equal, every soul is equal, every blood is sacred."
"What was sacred for our fathers is sacred today and it cannot be cast aside."
"A son of Odin has killed a son of Odin in a place of grith, a sacred place of Peace; as such, no one could take Vengeance."
"There's nothing more sacred than the relationship between a man and a woman."
"There's something so sacred and magical about being married, it just feels like a whole new level of commitment."
"Just like when a normal place is touched by the finger of God, that's when it becomes sacred."
"A place of the most sacred and blissful communion."
"The second coming... it's the second most prominent reference in the Bible next to salvation."
"Remember, the word sacred is synonymous with what's real."
"Treat sex as sacred inside of a relationship, as part of the healing balm and the ointment that brings us back together when there is conflict."
"Your womb is sacred, not just any man can put a baby in you."
"This is a message from spirit about a very special sacred relationship in union."
"Sex isn't just physical. It's sacred because people are sacred."
"Start treating yourself as quality and taking action in your life as though what you are is sacred."
"The relationship between a mother and child is sacrosanct."
"All life is sacred, even the contrast in comparison to something that's even worse than death."
"Your time in the gym becomes very sacred. It's intentional. Everything's very intentional."
"Let go of the hatred and the judgment, just use love and understand all are learning together and all are sacred."
"Your consciousness is a sacred, creative vessel."
"Holy things must be treated in a holy way, and this sacrifice, meaning the mass, is the most holy of all things."
"My journal is like a bible it's so sacred to me."
"President Lincoln referred to the battlefield in his immortal Gettysburg Address as hallowed ground."
"The marriage was sacred because Christ made it sacred."
"What is sacred isn't just a space, what is sacred is what helps others."
"It's probably going to be one of the greatest experiences, one of the most sacred moments you have had in this life journey."
"They're special, they're sacred because you are special and you are sacred."
"An altar is a sacred desk where business goes down."
"Your body is sacred, don't share it with anyone."
"Our culture is riven apart by political trouble... discussed at the level of the sacred."
"The trees are sacred holding trees in ceremonies in this area, if one is even a little open, it can have a multi-dimensional effect."
"Your family is the most sacred, that's who's going to be around you when you're dying."
"This is your sacred guidance most certainly indeed."
"If you enjoy sex then it is sacred, if you have attached a meaning of dirty if you have attached the meaning of sin within a negative connotation within your egoic states, then you have lost its sacred nature."
"Duty should be regarded as sacred and its faithful and unselfish performance one of the leading rules of conduct."
"These petroglyphs are considered sacred to a lot of those people because it's the voice of their ancestors."
"What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy?"
"His name is sacred. It is holy. It is not to be tampered with."
"I believe that geezer is a sacred landscape from the first time."
"They see you as sacred, as divine, like the high priestess energy."
"Probably one of the most sacred and interesting and historic items."
"Don't attempt to bring the truth into the illusion. Your heart is the church, your heart is the temple, your heart is the synagogue, your heart is the altar."
"It is a demand, a need, of the basic religious feeling and sense in every religion to have sacredness."
"We evolved for tribalism and religion... to make something sacred."
"Is that really so much to ask when what we're talking about here is like the most sacred thing imaginable, which is having a baby, I think? Or deciding that baby's fate."
"Your soul doesn't need to go to church, but your soul needs to understand all that is sacred within you."
"Honor and cherish your relationship for it is truly sacred."
"Just being Bhoomi, the land of your ancestors is not enough, you also have to consider it as your sacred land."
"You are sacred, you are beautiful, and you are worthy."
"It has to do with recognizing the specialness and the sacredness of the moment."
"It feels almost like I'm being let in on something very special."
"It's just such a sacred thing whether you're Muslim or not."
"Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground."
"To me, voting is almost sacred. Look at what people went through, the struggles, the people that allow themselves to be beaten."
"Sexual Energy is sacred. My pleasure is a prayer that brings me back to life."
"This area where the cave is located is considered sacred ground by the Hopi, Navajo, Zuni, and other tribes of this area."
"Every relationship is sacred; it's there to help us grow."
"Your body is precious, you are a sacred icon of God made in His image and likeness."
"There is a heavy energy of sacredness surrounding your connection at this time."
"The true revelation lay in the ability to see beyond the obvious, to recognize the sacredness in all forms of life."
"Motherhood is sacred; everything about motherhood is sacred."
"The place that you're standing on is Holy Ground."
"The most sacred thing is what is."
"It's about understanding that's mine and this is here to teach me about my anger being sacred."
"Take your shoes off, you are standing on holy ground."
"Are there things that are too sacred to reboot?"
"We've always been connected to something sacred."
"You have a sacred path that you're traveling right now."
"The sacredness of conscious existence is something we should fight for with everything we have."
"Reverence is a grace that animates your sense of the sacredness of life."
"We are a natural habitat for the sacred."
"Any destruction of anything is a violation of the Sacred."
"The telepathic connection between twin flames serves as a profound and sacred bridge."
"There's something sacred and faded about this relationship."
"There has to be the sacred and it is what people are crying out for they're not crying out for another band on the altar they're crying out for a supernatural experience that connects them with something that is eternal."
"Do not come anywhere near taking the name of the Lord in a flippant or an irreverent way."
"The name of God should be treated in a reverent and a holy way."
"The story of how the people were given the pipe and sacred instructions for using it is perhaps as important to the Oyate as the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments is to Christians."
"The Haram, or sacred mosque, is considered to be the holiest place on earth by Muslims."
"The pyramid shape is itself sacred because it mimics the sun's rays which cover the earth."
"It's actually so sacred that the enemy has perverted it."
"God isn't withholding good things from us; he actually created sex to be one of the most beautiful parts about life. It's actually so sacred that the enemy has perverted it so hard because he wants to destroy anything that God makes as sacred as sex."
"We live in a society that is so pro-sex and pro-hookup culture, and I don't care if people think we're the most annoying people ever; it's wrong. Sex is the most beautiful sacred thing that God has created, and we are just giving it up like it's nothing."
"Take off your sandals. The place where you are standing is holy ground."
"What a blessing to be here. This is consecrated space, University of Virginia Law School."
"The Roman Empire's Christian right yeah the Temple Mount isn't sacred the Christians - what a thought."
"You are to be sacred, you are to be holy as I am Holy."
"Everywhere's sacred, but yeah, this is one of them."
"Having a place that's something different really separates the profane from the sacred."
"Marriage was understood as something sacred."
"Part of the sacredness of life is just feeling the depth, feeling the contrast, feeling the things that you know are icky and painful but they're making us feel so alive."
"Everything sacred is round. The sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, and a woman's body."
"Friendship has to be sacred in marriage, it has to be sacred in the family, it has to be sacred in a team, it has to be sacred in life."
"Altars can really just be as simple as that. It is literally just a space you are dedicated to being sacred for your spiritual use, for your magical use."
"There is something about this place other than just the archeology and the mythology is an absolute feeling when you come here you know you're in somewhere special somewhere sacred."
"Sacred knowledge is the only thing that is holy in this world."
"The word secret comes from the same root as the word sacred, so keep your work on wealth holy by not telling anyone about it. Things will change in your life as your inner spirit grows."
"Nature is sacred, the sacred which is a word or name of God."
"Everything is sacred if we have the eyes to see it."
"Your body is sacred and your divine feminine energy lives within your body, so you have to treat your body with care both externally and internally."
"Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, consecrated to God and sacred."
"The space where great work is done is Holy and we must respect it."
"There can be no religion apart from the recognition that the life upon which we live is sacred, the energy that makes that life is a responsibility."
"Embrace the sacredness, view your body as the sacred garment of your inner self."
"...the divisiveness is really sad because there is something that is I think not to overstate it but something kind of sacred about this sort of ritual that we engage in..."
"It is sacred ground. It's the most joyous landscape I've ever found."
"It seems unnecessarily cruel to me. If it's true, Bit Beasts are sacred spirits, then they deserve to be treated with respect."
"Your ancestors want you to know that you are sacred."
"It's reopening into the sacredness, into this presence that really is the portal to freedom."
"This connection feels sacred, powerful, and empathic."
"The masculine is no longer arrogant, it's confident because it is creating the results that honor that sacredness of the feminine."
"There's this energy of sacredness here, of kind of honoring your own divinity, honoring the divinity in your person."
"Sex is inherently sacred. This is an act that God chose to attribute to bringing new Souls into this Dunya."
"All that lives is sacred but I think I'll go further and say all it is, is sacred."
"Everything that God put in the Bible, he put there for a sacred reason."
"Where you are standing is Holy Ground."
"When you're walking onto the holy grounds of what's there, you absolutely feel it."
"We are representatives. We are fit for sacred space."
"All human life is sacred; there's no room for racism or injustice."
"Everyone still has the prime resonant frequency moving through it and still intaking energy and pushing it out. We're all still very alive, and that makes everything sacred."
"Let them enjoy their space, let them enjoy the sacredness."
"All birth stories are important, they all matter because it's such a sacred event."
"God help us treat these words with honor, value them as precious, as holy."
"I felt so connected to God. It felt so sacred in Dubai."
"There's something sacred about you being able to see that... there are certain moments where we're graced."
"Ye are holy unto the Lord; the vessels are holy also."
"Education is a very sacred activity, and by sacred I mean it transcends all politics, all ideology."
"You're walking through the passage of your own transformation here, and it's very sacred and very beautiful."
"Your emotions are valid, your feelings are sacred."
"The power in charge of sex is maintained when there's some sacredness to it, when it's not on tap all the time."
"The sense of the sacredness and the apartness of the sacred is far more resonant in the Catholic Church and it is in in Protestantism."
"Your sensuality, your passion, and your sexuality, no matter how you identify, are sacred and holy."
"A holy moment is simply a moment that's his and a holy moment is simply to have the motive that is him."
"It's my form of relaxation, self-care. It's sacred to me, very sacred to me."
"Sex is sacred...bodies are more like temples than they are like playgrounds."
"This is the sacred as the inexhaustible that powers the experience of sacredness in a deeply profoundly participatory fashion."
"The essence of sacredness is in the sacred."
"When they build a stupa or a pagoda, it comes out of the same tradition. They say, 'This is the body of the Buddha.' It's not a symbol of the body; this is the body of the Buddha. Yeah, we're in the habit of seeing a sacred object as something symbolic."
"This is your sign... there's definitely a higher power over your connection... a highly spiritual dynamic... your masculine is currently learning why this happens... this connection is sacred."
"Life is a precious gift. Our body is sacred. The sexual embrace belongs in the covenant of holy matrimony. This is the Christian ideal."