
Planetary Science Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"The main goal is to explore the solar system to help us answer important questions about how the planets formed and how they evolved."
"Life or no life, we have a lot to learn about the evolution of our solar system, about our planet, by looking in depth at rocks brought back from Mars."
"Based on everything we know about Mars in the past, it absolutely should have been capable of supporting ancient life."
"The idea of not just a trickle of water but flash floods on Mars, that really changes the game."
"The best way to keep our home safe and protect our planet is to learn from the worlds around us."
"There's no place like it in the solar system; Mars was once the closest, but there's really no place like Earth."
"Saturn is no illusion; it is an exotic natural laboratory that can help shed light on how planets form and perhaps on how life evolved."
"Scientists were shocked to find signs of crystalline ice and ammonia hydrate on my surface."
"If we find a planet that's only one and a half times larger than Earth, it would be able to hold on to its interior heat and maintain its atmosphere for a longer time."
"The more we learn about planets, the better custodians of our own planet we can be."
"By studying Mars, we'll be able to learn more about Earth, Venus, Mercury, even the moon, even exoplanets around other stars."
"Gathering data from other planets is a great thing; helps us understand how the universe is made and formed."
"Io... made me become a planetary scientist. It's the first thing in the solar system that really deeply captured my interest."
"It has peeled back the surface of Mars, and listened to the planet’s slow heartbeat to gain knowledge unseen by any mission that has gone on before it."
"This mission is going to arrive in early 2026 and help us better understand this asteroid is potentially actually the core of a planet-sized object."
"Venus rotates extremely slowly, with a sidereal day - a full rotation on its axis - taking 243 Earth days, the slowest rotation of any planet in the solar system."
"Vulcan was a planet that nineteenth century scientists believed to exist somewhere between Mercury and the Sun."
"Understanding how solar systems form, what those ingredients that created our planets especially the outer planets... it's like going back in time."
"It's perhaps the holy grail of planetary science. Are we alone in the universe?"
"Mars Sample Return... It's the planetary science endeavor of our generation."
"Mars is like two planets, two hemispheres glued together."
"The fact that we are here today with seven planets, and we know we can study their atmospheres in the future, is tremendous."
"The discovery of active volcanoes on Venus changes our understanding not only of Venus but also of other planets in our solar system."
"This remarkable mission has not only created a spark of excitement in the field of planetary science and lunar exploration but it has also proved that China's space program is a force to be reckoned with."
"It rains diamonds on Neptune, with an atmosphere primarily made up of hydrogen, helium, methane, and high temperatures and pressure."
"And it's definitely a good time to be an ice giant scientist or to get into ice giant science."
"Without a magnetic force field, Earth's atmosphere and water would be blown away by the solar wind, leaving a planet that is dead and dry, a lot like Mars."
"Billions of years ago, our nearest planetary neighbor, Venus, may have had oceans and rivers, life-giving habitats, like the ones that graced the early Earth."
"The contrasting stories of Earth and Venus are central to one of the greatest quests in science today."
"If we understand Venus, we learn about the Earth."
"Venus is, in many ways, Earth’s twin. It’s Evil Twin."
"Venus is an example of a runaway greenhouse effect."
"Venus is more than just the planetary equivalent of an angry elder god; it's also a mystery."
"Solving how it became the nightmare that we see today could have staggering implications for our own planet's future."
"Gravity shapes our bodies and molds our planet. Nothing happens on Earth without its power and influence."
"Jupiter's gravity is nearly two and a half times stronger than Earth's."
"Every planet out there is unique in its own way."
"For five billion years Jupiter has kept its secrets to itself... we are finally discovering what our most important neighbor is really like."
"Underground water on Enceladus: the presence of a large underground ocean possibly 6 to 10 kilometers deep."
"We're gonna know within the first year or two whether or not this planet nine is actually there."
"What kind of Technology would we need to manufacture a new planet?"
"Planet 9 is generating this type of dynamics."
"The study of the surface of Venus became possible with the development of advanced radar techniques."
"There's no way to see planet 9 from where it's thought to be located because it's too far away."
"The speculation of the existence of an additional planetary body in our solar system is not the fringe discussion of decades past."
"The Great Red Spot extends much deeper than previously thought."
"Planets Earth may have been a synestia about 4.5 billion years ago."
"Mars could have life, at least on the microbial level."
"Planetary systems are dynamic, altering their destiny profoundly."
"I am Saturn, the sixth planet from the sun. I'm known for my rings by everyone."
"And we all, 5 billion people on the planet Earth, saw Mars for the very first time."
"This rock taught us a lot about the evolution of the solar system."
"Pluto may no longer qualify as a planet... but researchers claim it may have something in common with the planets closest to it."
"Pluto has exotic ices... while Karen's surface is made of Frozen water and ammonia compounds."
"Pluto might have had a violently hot start according to new discoveries by scientists."
"This is kind of like the building blocks or the building block of many many planets."
"For many years now I've been speculating that we're going to find even more signs of life on Venus and well looks like we got what I was asking."
"What is the farthest planet from the sun? Neptune."
"Which is the hottest planet in the solar system? Venus."
"We're essentially the same mass as the Earth."
"Pluto is like a volcano deconstructing the Earth."
"These are the really interesting ones because in order to have an ocean underneath the ice, they must still be warm inside."
"So, we rely on a molten inner region of iron sulfur conducting material to generate a magnetic field which shields us from certain forms of the solar wind that could then strip our atmosphere of molecules that we care about."
"Nature is highly unusual — no matter the planet."
"Earth is one of the only planets in our solar system capable of supporting life."
"If you wanna turn a planet into something that can support her life, you've got to give it something that will turn the environment and turn oxygen."
"There's so much proof there was water there, so clearly there was life, it was totally a planet."
"Europa has the smoothest surface of any known body in the solar system."
"This speculated ocean layer sits between the outer ice shell and the rocky mantle."
"Jupiter is a massive ball of gas and radiation, more than twice the mass of all the other planets and moons in the solar system combined."
"Venus is hotter thanks to its atmosphere that traps tons of heat."
"Some researchers have put a lot of thought into what it would take for those circumstances that promote human habitability to be reproduced on another planet like Mars."
"Let's check out Jupiter and Saturn... the largest of the gas giants."
"Usually planets are warmer when they produce more heat than they get from the sun, but Uranus doesn't generate much internal heat of its own, so it stays cold."
"We are going to the moon to learn how to live on other planets for the benefit of all. Let's go."
"Our solar system cannot dodge its date with doom in 5 billion years, but the death of one planetary system can spark the birth of another."
"We're literally watching the shape of the planet change before our very eyes."
"The point of these robots is simple: to explore and understand what Mars is truly like on its surface."
"Jupiter is a complex and turbulent world data collected by instruments on the Juno spacecraft challenge many scientific assumptions."
"Titan is the largest of the Cronian moons, indeed with 3,000 miles in diameter and 3 times 10 to the 20th pounds in mass."
"The presence of carbonates on Ceres suggests that liquid water was present beneath the surface in the recent geologic past."
"The rover returned thousands of images and important detail about the atmosphere and geology."
"The absence of small craters on Pluto and its Moon Caron has raised intriguing questions about the Kuiper belt and the formation of the solar system."
"Water on at least four of the seven planets."
"Mars's geology holds clues to its past and potential life."
"Mercury's surface has Hollows, shallow depressions without edges and with flat bottoms."
"If we want to find complex life forms like us, we'll have to look far beyond our neighboring planets."
"Perseverance discovered water-affected minerals in the crater floor rocks, supporting the idea that the planet originally supported life-sustaining water."
"Earth is a textbook on what happens to a planet with a civilization."
"Venus might have been a lot more Earth-like in the distant past, and maybe even hosted life."
"The Foucault Pendulum quickly dispelled any lingering doubts the public might have had about the rotation of the planet beneath their feet."
"We are a part of the Milky Way galaxy, and nearly all of [its] stars are circled by at least one planet."
"Pluto may well have all of the building blocks necessary for the emergence of life in its subsurface ocean."
"Given that the activity at Pluto is so recent, it tends to suggest that the liquid water ocean is still there in some capacity and has been for a very long time."
"Voyager 1 and 2 have provided unprecedented measurements as they journey through Interstellar space."
"Neptune still holds a meteorological record with storms observed that reached top speeds of up to 1,305 miles per hour."
"These worlds show us that the framework for rocky terrestrial planets has been in place for almost as long as that of gas giants."
"With all these things considered, we can conclude that the planetary formation mechanism, whichever form it may take, is robust and resilient."
"The Earth fits into the Goldilocks zone, a rare environment in the universe for life to thrive."
"Life on Earth is unique, implying the planet is not too big, not too small, with the right environment for life."
"The planets are ridiculously stable and will continue to be so."
"Extraordinary radiation on Mars, hard to account for it might have been the result of a massive nuclear war on Mars."
"Ridges, valleys, faults, and scarps evidenced by its age, it may also be an indication of the moon's geologic activity in the past."
"This incredible meteorite is classified as an acondrite indicating its origin from a parent body with a differentiated crust and core."
"Venus is a planet that has long been perceived to be geologically dead for millions of years, but as active volcanoes were recently detected on the planet, it has brought new questions to the debate about Venus's surprising geology."
"There are craters on Venus as well, but not much. The solar system is almost empty now, but less than a billion years ago, there were still many objects moving around."
"Leaving this super-earth is extremely difficult."
"Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Neptune. Saturn, Uranus, and Venus aren't the only planets in the solar system."
"Without surface water, there would have been no life."
"There are billions of planets out there waiting to be discovered."
"Diamonds may be raining inside Uranus and Neptune."
"The existence of planet nine is postulated to explain some noted abnormalities not otherwise arranged into a plausible context."
"Mars is the twin sister of the earth... Can it happen to us?"
"Did you know that Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to the Sun?"
"An entire planet filled to the brim with a simple mineral."
"We can go to regions of our own planet which are so unfamiliar that they almost might be another planet."
"Pluto deserved better. Are the cores of other planets similar to our core on Earth?"
"Phosphine production on Venus is much more difficult due to its hydrogen depletion."
"Venus is a puzzle wrapped inside an enigma, housed inside a world."
"The full story of Venus may be forever lost to us, but we have been trying to stitch together what few clues we have to try and better understand what likely transpired."
"Venus has been a mystery to us for so very long."
"Trappist-1 is now the most thoroughly known planetary system apart from ours, which is kind of cool."
"We can open up to life on Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and that's really where we should be looking."
"We're excited about what we can do in the future for other planets and this planet too."
"There's all kinds of information that could be locked within these icy layers."
"Saturn's outer f ring is actually a spiral maze."
"Jupiter is our solar system's largest planet. It's more than twice the mass of all the other planets combined."
"Saturn is orbited by at least 62 moons, each unique, some with complex and dynamic environments."
"Earth is not the original atmosphere of this world."
"The Jovian magnetic field is 20,000 times stronger than the Earth’s magnetic field."
"We are now looking at our own solar system with the sun, the eight planets and their moons, as well as some asteroids and the dwarf planet series."
"Mercury: a stranger becoming a familiar neighbor."
"Mercury: the tiniest world with the most mysteries."
"Neptune is actually the first planet to be located through mathematical calculations rather than a traditional telescopic discovery."
"More than one million Earths can fit in our sun new research shows that between 20 to 35 percent of suns eat their own planets and a quarter of planetary systems orbiting stars like the sun had a chaotic past."
"Uranus has rings just like Saturn has rings."
"Venus though takes this to extremes, unlike some objects whose day and year are the same length from being tidally locked."
"Venus is the most logical target for Terraforming first, not Mars, and truth be told the only one where it really makes sense to even try."
"Uranus spins sideways, unique tilt causing extreme seasons."
"Radiation exposure doesn’t stop even after the outbound voyage either, as unlike Earth, Mars doesn’t really have a magnetic field useful enough to protect us."
"Venus could have had a pleasant, stable climate for billions of years before something went wrong."
"It gives us sort of that one of those like, you know, cookie crumbs of another planetary system that's a lot closer to home and really helps us understand how that planetary system may have formed."
"Venus: Home to potentially 85,000 active volcanoes."
"Mars's lost atmosphere: the tale of a weakened magnetic shield."
"Mercury's magnetic tornadoes: guardians of a fragile atmosphere."
"Venus's induced magnetic field: a surprising shield against solar winds."
"Space is a weird place- how weird? Well, how’s planets made out of solid diamond and burning ice strike you as weird?"
"NASA reveals stunning new close-up images of the three-mile high mountain on dwarf planet Ceres."
"There's a huge chance that this planet has land and water, a lot of water."
"The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a gargantuan storm that's been raging for at least 400 years now."
"It has liquids like lakes, oceans of essentially hydrocarbons, things like methane."
"The mantle of the two planets merge and his colleagues recently suggested a new line of evidence."
"Venus is an interesting planet to humans though currently often overlooked."
"Saturn, Mars, and Earth have about 4 degrees varying axial tilts from each other, indicating they belong to the same family."
"You can do something like that around a gas giant like Saturn and produce what is called a Supramundane Planet, or Shellworld."
"Some moons would actually remain and stay in a stable orbit around our planet Earth."
"Every planet has its own unique chemical mixture."
"In a sense, you could actually call moon a planet."
"The day/night cycle in BG&E 2 is created by the rotation of planets around the sun, resulting in beautiful sunsets and dynamic lighting."
"Titan, with a radius of 2575 kilometers, dwarfs the announced planet."
"Titan's atmosphere is mostly made of nitrogen, although without the large dose of oxygen that makes life possible."
"Venus was revealed after the US is Mariner four swiped the title of first to Mars in 1965."
"Studying the Moon is important not just for politics but also for understanding how planets form and change in our solar system."
"Ever wonder why Venus or Uranus spin in the opposite way compared to other planets?"
"In other words, at some point in the past, this planet should have been inside the Red Giant star, yet somehow the planet survived, suggesting that it now entered the next stage."
"The Roche limit has saved the planet. The moon won't hit us."
"Mars used to have magnificent lakes, rivers, and water streams that left traces we can see on its surface even today."
"Liquid may still flow on Titan's surface."
"Jupiter's magnetic field is 20,000 times stronger than Earth's."
"Hurricanes on Saturn can easily last for hundreds of years at a time."
"Jupiter is a gas giant; that means it has no solid surface."
"Rogue planets are usually kicked out of their planetary systems, doomed to a solitary existence."
"Europa's proximity to Jupiter and its speedy orbit caused the moon to stretch and contract under gravitational forces generating mechanical heat within the core."
"Cassini was never designed to look for life in the Enceladus ocean but it does have powerful instruments that can be used to look for habitability."
"The planet hosts huge volumes of water ice known as ice X, and it remains solid despite blistering temperatures."
"it's transforming our understanding and planetary habitability"
"One of the big mysteries of planetary science is why the Earth has a field and others don't."
"Venus's surface, furnace-like temperatures close to 500 degrees Celsius, 900 degrees Fahrenheit, the hottest in the solar system."
"This is Thea, and it's hiding inside our planet like a yolk in an egg."
"These moons demonstrate the wide variety of environments and geological phenomena that exist beyond Earth."
"The exploration of these moons continues to challenge and expand our understanding of planetary science, pushing the boundaries of what we know about the cosmos."
"Mercury's liquid core may even be surrounded by a shell of solid iron sulfide, something not seen on any other planet. But while this explanation satisfies all the data, it leads to a larger mystery."
"This is the first evidence from on the ground of water flow on Mars."
"Life as we know it cannot exist on the surface of Venus."
"Some astronomers believe the warped field may be the result of vast oceans of ionic liquids hidden beneath greenish clouds."
"There was once a time when Mars had higher pressure, higher temperatures, and abundant surface liquid water."
"The collisions and the pressure inside the rock are such that the planet will leave cracks in order to evacuate the internal heat."
"So what this means is that not only does it have an atmosphere, it also has a solid surface."
"So let's get to the fun stuff already and all of that planetary science that we've managed to do in this last year."
"There might be one more planet in our solar system."
"But the only way we can really prove Planet X exists is to actually find it."
"...scientists think that there may be volcanic activity but instead of molten hot lava spewing out it it's water other planets like Mars have ice on the peaks of their mountains and evidence of water beneath the surface but nothing is as close to Earth as Titan."
"...Titan is very similar to Earth in structure people could drill deep down and take samples there then they'd analyze the blobs from Earth if their structure matched it'd be 100% proof that Thea did hit Earth 4.5 billion years ago and that's how we got the moon."
"...Venus actually has more volcanoes than any other planet in the solar system scientists discover more than 1,600 only on the surface which could mean there are even more than that still undiscovered."
"The planet's surface is Rocky, covered with dry lake beds, craters, volcanoes, and canyons. Bang! Mars is a rocky planet."
"It has the coldest planetary atmosphere in the solar system, with a minimum temperature of 49 K (-224 °C)."
"Uranus' axis of rotation is sideways concerning the solar system's plane, with an axis tilt of 97.77°."
"Can you imagine that? A planet where the night lasts 42 years."
"Mars was once home to oceans and rivers and lakes."
"Earth has a big iron-nickel core and a big silicate mantle and crust and just a little thin veneer of water that covers most of the planet."