
Family Money Quotes

Family Money by Chad Zunker

Family Money Quotes
"The first thing that struck me as odd when my father-in-law was abducted right in front of me was the calm look on his face."
"My father-in-law was in great shape for being in his late fifties."
"I cursed, dropped the sack of groceries, ran toward the van."
"I tried to jump onto the back of the vehicle but couldn’t find anything to grab."
"Who were those guys? Why had they chosen Joe?"
"I had talked her into coming here. I had created this nightmare."
"We were all laughing so hard, our stomachs hurt."
"I wasn’t sure what to do with it, so I went into my home office and put it on my desk."
"I needed to hear my girls having fun. I needed to feel that full life from them."
"Just need to sit here for a quiet moment and gather my thoughts."
"Thank you for everything the past two days, Alex. I could not have managed any of this on my own."
"I don’t want you to worry, Carol. I’ll take care of everything."
"Lies are the small cracks in the ice layer beneath the snow."
"Sometimes small things can make a big difference. Golf is a lot like life in that way."
"I know. But she’s a big girl. She’ll be okay. So will you. Believe me, life does move on, and hearts do heal over time."
"C’est la vie. Life really isn’t fair sometimes."
"Cherish it. Not everyone gets to end up with their soul mate."
"The joy on my daughter’s face right now tells me my gut has been right about you all along."
"I wish I had one more chance to tell him that."
"I wish I had one more chance to tell him how much I loved him."
"Sometimes it gets brutally stolen from you through very cruel circumstances."
"It was hard to accept that such a promising life had been cut so short."
"I’m making it. Trying to be strong for all of my girls, you know?"
"Everything all right, man? You look a bit rattled."
"She just wants to see them happy. The girls will survive."
"What do we say about hitting, kicking, or throwing things at each other?"
"We moved around a lot the first couple of years. We went all over, never staying in one place for very long."
"He was present at every single one of my girls’ birthday parties, school plays, sporting events, and dance recitals."
"I again wondered how my father-in-law could have even done such a thing as changing his identity."
"Everything sensible in me told me to turn around and leave. But I was desperate for answers."
"Before I could talk myself out of it, I slipped inside and shut the door behind me."
"If I was going to commit this crime, I was going to at least get in and out as fast as possible."
"Panic gripped me. Someone else was inside the house."
"I wasn’t ready to do that just yet. There had to be an easier way out of the house."
"My heart was pounding, and sweat was dripping from my forehead."
"I felt the panic inside me start to run wild. I had to get out right now."
"I’m trying to get in touch with Greta Malone. Do you think you can help me out? I really need to speak with her today."
"I’d seen the burned van and the body bag with my own eyes."
"Stay very still, Alex, or I will shoot you on the sidewalk."
"What I’m about to tell you is highly classified information. Not even my husband knows all of this."
"I was beside myself with grief but also confused."
"Joe’s dad reiterated that they would no longer represent them on any legal matters, and they left."
"He believed someone from one of the drug cartels sabotaged it."
"He was so angry at those who did it. And he felt helpless against them."
"He believed the only way to protect himself and hit back was to take what mattered most to them. Their money."
"Because it meant Joe and I could no longer be together."
"Joe had a good reason for stealing the money and changing his identity—to protect his own life."
"Joe never touched the fifty million dollars."
"Joe was one of the best men I’ve ever known."
"Joe had been dealt an extraordinarily cruel set of circumstances early in his life."
"Lies in a marriage build a chasm that can never be bridged until the truth is finally revealed."
"You are my son, Alex. You became my son the moment you married my daughter."
"I cursed again. Whoever had done this had to still be close by."
"I knew within a matter of seconds, this was going to explode into a major crime scene."
"I felt even more panic set in. Everything was about to unravel on me."
"I had visions of rotting away in a dark Mexican prison cell."
"But I knew within a matter of seconds, this was going to explode into a major crime scene."
"I glanced left, right, looking for my best escape route."
"I heard one of the officers say 'ID' among a host of other Spanish words."
"I nodded, slipped my backpack off my shoulder, unzipped a pocket, and pulled out my passport and wallet."
"I had to hustle to keep up while also trying not to be obvious I was trailing him."
"I tried to be casual about slipping out of the diner, but once I hit the sidewalk again, I was moving in a hurry."
"Hopefully, no one would question what I was doing there."
"This was real. Joe was not the man in the body bag."
"It was time for me to try to return the favor."
"I had to keep carrying the brunt of Joe’s weight."
"I pulled Joe down in front of me, causing him to yell out in pain, and then I slumped over the top of him to try to avoid being shot."
"I knew I couldn’t just call Taylor right now and give her the good news about her father."
"Just like he’d carried me for so many years."