
If I Were You Quotes

If I Were You by Lisa Renee Jones

If I Were You Quotes
"Sleep-laden, alternate realities where I can vividly smell his musky male scent, feel his hard body against mine."
"Never in my life had I taken orders from a man; most certainly I had never thought I would quiver with anything. But I did for him."
"He makes me feel possessed, and what is so disconcerting about this feeling is that I like it."
"He enjoys the vulnerability of a plea far too much."
"The idea of not being able to see what was happening to me should have aroused me-–it did arouse me."
"Everyone has a secret bedroom drawer, a place almost as personal as their soul."
"The rush of fear is far better than the defeat of boredom."
"I want out. This is no longer a rush anymore. No longer exciting."
"People aren’t always what they seem, the art does not always mimic the artist."
"You shouldn't walk away from something that intrigues you."
"Other people’s perfection is a facade we create when we are second guessing ourselves."
"Knowledge and competence are far easier to find than true passion."
"Testing allows me to decide where to start teaching you."
"I’m just a man with a paintbrush, Sara. Nothing more."
"Life is too short and the world is too large and too full of the art you love, not to see everything you can."
"I don’t listen to my own hype. Besides, for every ‘brilliant’ there’s a critic."
"You’re better off to let your customers be experts in everything else, while you ask questions, and feed their egos. You stick with art and you’ll be golden."
"Everyone has a story. What’s yours, Sara McMillan?"
"I’m trying to protect you here. This world you’ve strayed into is filled with dark, messed up, arrogant assholes who will play with your mind and use you until there is nothing else left for you to recognize in yourself."
"I need him. I need him so badly that the pain of potentially losing him is far worse than the pain he might inflict during our games."
"I never expected you to be ready to talk to experts tonight like you are one yourself."
"I cannot wait, Ms. McMillan, to see what you are truly capable of."
"You look like you’re about to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge."
"Because I won’t watch him gobble you up and destroy you."
"I’m no saint. If I take you upstairs, I’m going to strip you naked and fuck you the way I’ve wanted to since the moment we first met."
"I’d lost my blouse. I darn sure deserved it to be for a pleasurable reason."
"Equal would mean that I get to push you against the window and forbid you to move, while I’m mercilessly teasing you."
"There is so much I could show you, Sara, but I’m not ready for you to run away."
"Make yourself comfortable. I’ll get us drinks and plates and we can eat right here."
"That’s the point, sweetheart. It’s an escape from reality."
"I never drink calories I can eat. Leaves room for more pizza."
"More pizza is always good. I’ll be right back."
"I’m here now. What are you going to do with me?"
"Do you know what happens when you push a Dragon? They burn you alive, baby. You’re playing with fire."
"You’re corrupting me," I declare, "and I seem to like it."
"Damn it, woman," he hisses. "What are you doing to me?"
"I’m not that complicated, Sara. I wear a condom and I protect myself. I fuck and I get fucked, Sara. That is who I am and what I am."
"I didn’t think about safe sex when you said you were on the pill. I wanted to know who the guy was who had you and lost you when I have no right to care. I don’t want to care. I don’t want to want to know."
"He’s dangerous and I’ve never wanted to live on the edge more in my life."
"I’ve been so very vanilla for so very long. And I’m finally allowing myself to crave more from life."
"It’s like being on top of the world here, and untouchable."
"You find a place to put things, to deal with them or you crash and burn."
"We both had something sucky happen to us. We both dread the rambling sympathetic purrs of those who discover our losses. We both get it and each other. We just…understand."
"I say you earn Top Chef markings. My omelet is terrific."
"You think I’m a smart ass?" "You ordered a beer at a wine tasting."
"Any father worth a grain of salt takes care of his fucking daughter, no matter how hard-headed she might be about letting him."
"I’m not a boardroom kind of guy. I sold out years ago and re-invested in things of more interest."
"He’s a drug, as Rebecca had called the man in the journal, I’m already addicted to."
"I’m looking forward to having you alone and well wined."
"No one has ever made me lose control the way you do, Sara."
"It’s not about the money. I donate most of it anyway."
"You make me feel alive." "As you do me, Sara."
"Losing control and you taking it from me are two different things, Sara. You won’t ever take it from me."
"Alive, I’d told him, about what he makes me feel, and he does."
"I don’t want to be the girl who never lived in the moment."
"With a cautious tug of my skirt, I stand up."
"Thank you, Allison. This is Sara and she’s the reason I’m here today."
"Maybe you should think about what I am going to do to you."
"You have no idea how tempting it is to give you a lesson you’ll never forget."
"If you really think something happened to her, then we need to find out."
"Because you’re not and I didn’t want to be insensitive to how sick you were."
"Paris makes people get so romantic and silly."
"You can't win when you warn people off the person they're dating. You just can't."
"Those who play together, stay together, and single."
"Because under the rose trees I was a jerk, but a lucky one to have you there with me. - Chris"
"He makes me feel protected. He makes me feel special."
"Everything is about money, Ms. McMillan, and while I have no issues paying you well, I expect to have you all to myself while you are on my territory."
"This is my gallery and when you are here, or attending to my business, I own you, not Chris Merit."
"You are the witty one, Ms. McMillan, and I can see customers responding well to you."
"I spent the weekend studying." And falling hard for an artist who has my insides in knots.
"You are so messed up, Sara. You want him after he made you a nearly X-rated video star."
"It isn’t about the job with Mark. Not with you."
"I love this man. Logic is screaming it’s too soon to feel such a thing but my heart has won this battle."
"I don’t want to miss you but damn it I already do. Don’t run, Sara."