
Wolf With Benefits Quotes

Wolf With Benefits by Shelly Laurenston

Wolf With Benefits Quotes
"He’d admit it wasn’t a question he expected to get, you know, ever."
"Maybe he’d never get used to living here. Ever."
"Southern politeness would dictate that Ricky Lee should just leave this whole thing alone."
"That sure was a lot of pups for such a young female."
"I live for hatred," the boy replied. "It rejuvenates my creative fire."
"Perhaps that’s because I actually have talent bestowed upon me by the gods, which is better than mere genetics that allowed my legs to grow impossibly long."
"And before Ricky could say in no uncertain terms, 'Absolutely not,' the doors that led to the main training rink burst open."
""Excuse me, Mister . . . uh . . ." She glanced back at the oldest boy, Kyle."
""He’s getting the holy hell beaten out of him by a man whose hair just suddenly grew.""
""That’s his mighty mane. Only comes out when he’s really mad.""
""I promised I’d try," the She-jackal shot back."
""So what if I asked Novikov—" "Shut up, Kyle.""
""Just suck it up already, baby. You’re a Jean-Louis Parker whether you want to be or not.""
""He’s useless to me," Rory told him. "Useless! I can’t use him for that job tonight.""
""I can only imagine how expensive this place must be.""
""You put your own brother in a dog kennel," she said."
""Everyone knows how she broke your heart." "Yeah . . . when I was eighteen. I’m pretty sure I’ve recovered since then.""
""Because that’s what they do. Make a big deal out of absolutely nothing.""
"You always have to cancel your plans because of your family."
"I’m not afraid to die. I’m afraid of not trying."
"You can beat up Kyle, of course... but no comments on her being too skinny or too fat."
"I thought I told you not to be a bad influence on my brother."
"The worst part is, now I’ve got to call your friend tomorrow and tell him I can’t take that job after all."
"I’m going to be the nanny. Left alone in her room, listening to the radio..."
"My small room filled with the knickknacks brought back by the children as they’ve traveled the world and lived their wonderful lives."
"They ask you a question, you answer, they flip out."
"You always take these jobs and you can never actually do them—even though you so clearly want to—because of the loyalty you have to your family."
"I adored my baby sister, I really did. But Lord, she could work an issue."
"I’m not trying to piss you off, darlin’. Just trying to get you to give me a chance."
"I’ve found that if you wait long enough... the entertainment often comes to you."
"This Pack might live in the lap of luxury now, but they had some rough years on the streets when they were younger. I had to go with a straightforward approach."
"I know you’re starting Juilliard in the fall and I thought maybe I could work with you this summer. Get you ready."
"I had to escape. My sister wanted to talk to me."
"You can hit me in the nose if you’re still inclined."
"Because they are the best, their focus is incredibly myopic and that nothing you or I or anyone else says will change that. So instead of trying to change them, you work within the confines of that myopic vision."
"But I have the SUV, so I can still get around."
"Together, father and son headed toward the arguing, but Paul already guessed where it was coming from."
"Jackals weren’t big and had no pack to call their own, but they did have each other. They had family."
"I don’t need sarcasm right now, country boy."
"The She-jackals sure were small. Compared to She-wolves anyway."
"I knew I shouldn’t let a bear into my car. Tacky, flea-bitten, honey-obsessed bastard!"
"Everybody just shut the fuck up right now! And I’ll pay for your goddamn limo, so shut up about it already."
"She’s not back yet? Do you think this would be going on if she was here?"
"We allow you to be part of our lives. We allow you to bask in the glow of our brilliance!"
"You kept me alive until I met a wolf shifter with a whole pack of people who ensured I didn’t starve to death in a darkened room."
"You left me alone with She-wolves who were worried about you."
"Get the fuck over it, Ricky Lee. She’s probably already fucking somebody else by now."
"Life is too short to spend a moment in prison. But you never know when you might be falsely accused."
"You know what that means? That ol’ Ric Van Holtz is gonna be real upset with me because he’ll have to get you a new one."
"Your secret is safe with me. The Reeds are known for the ability to keep our mouths shut. In fact, I have a couple of cousins in Midwest prisons just for that reason."
"No loyalty among you jackals. Guess the Bible got it right about y’all."
"Brilliance shouldn’t be forced to deal with such ridiculous things as schedules and worrying about making people cry."
"Because you’re intrigued and kind of turned on. It’s okay. I know you’re used to full-humans and their complicated ways, but it’s time for you to learn the ways of your people."
"You’ve taken care of us, now it’s our turn to do the same for you. Let us."
"I guess I never set it up when the team got our new phones. But why should I bother? Malone calls when she wants to talk to me."
"Planning to make a lot of mistakes, are you?"
"No. I just assume others will fuck up, so I build in padding for that so I’ll have time to fix the problem myself."
"I think the little jackal has grown some balls since yesterday."
"He was rude," she said flatly. "You know I hate rude."
"Her friend would never change, because Livy loved who she was and, if she were to be honest, Toni loved who Livy was, too."
"I may have shot a couple. Totally in self-defense, of course."
"Yes, Livy. I know. You hate...pretty much everything."
"You’re the one we turn to when all bets are off."
"If you can calm down Novikov, then Lord, woman, you can calm down damn near anybody."
"I realized that. So I talked to a few of the other teams’ promotions people here and in Jersey."
"It’s called squatting and it has its place in society."
"My ex-girlfriend is just a giant pain in my ass. But my Pack actually believing her...? Their loyalty should be to me. Don’t you think?"
"Excuses! You’re using bullshit excuses to get out of this. Because you’re scared."
"Not of the bears, you idiot. You’re scared of change. You’re scared of taking this chance and going out on your own."
"Because you’ve made them helpless. Which, I’d like to remind you, is not your job."
"I’ll watch out for Freddy, so just suck-it-the-fuck-up already."
"The bottom line is, if you don’t take this trip, I can assure you that Cella Malone is going to fire your ass, no matter whose cousin you are."
"Let her fire me. I’m not leaving. At least not until we get things...organized."
"She was so brutally direct and unwaveringly honest, it didn’t make sense to get all worked up when she said things like, ‘I’d prefer you not touch me’ or ‘Are you staring at me because you have a question or because you’re planning to kill me at your earliest convenience?’"
"I love that directness. I love that I knew my beautiful mate would always be safe around Irene Conridge because she never bothered to lie."
"All she needs is sleep," he softly reminded himself. "A good night’s sleep and she’ll be just fine."
"What ensures that I stay on point with all that I have to do in a day is maintaining my schedule and organizing my life."
"Jackals are brave when our pups are around, but we’re not stupid."
"I hear dog barking . . . but it means nothing to me."
"I can hide all over the place and just make this noise all . . . day . . . long."
"I had an uncle who always said if a She-predator don’t rip up some part of your body during sex, you ain’t doin’ your job right."
"That’s how jackals talk. I’m a jackal, not a dog. Dogs bark. Jackals yip."
"Because once I turned my back, you’d find something to get your dumb ass into."
"That’s the soothing sounds of your local jackal."
"You looking at me the way you’re looking at me and . . . This."
"The more you bother me, the longer this will take."
"Russian bears are notoriously difficult to negotiate with."
"She'll make a good friend. She beat Laura Jane to being dishonorable."
"The Infamous Book of Smells? It's scratch and sniff for kids. With the scent of different breeds and species."
"We might as well just head the hell home rather than waste another damn day on this bullshit."
"You were negotiating with the bears as soon as you stepped out of the car the first day."
"They’ve known for centuries at least, and they’ve never said anything? They’ve never come after you? They tried. Once. The men never came back. But we ate well that winter. Like kings."
"Of course not. You are canine like me. We are loyal. Not like cats."
"Did I mention that I love a woman who knows what she wants . . . and ain’t afraid to demand it?"
"I think there’s something we need to talk about."
"You’re Romeo and I’m Juliet? Wait. Switch those."
"Don’t see why this has to be a one-night stand."
"She’s a canine who runs on fear. You just have to find ways to use that fear to your benefit."
"Foxes are like kids going into a bodega and stealing candy bars. Honey badgers steal real shit."
"The meanest animals and shifters in the world."