
The Dirt On Ninth Grave Quotes

The Dirt On Ninth Grave by Darynda Jones

The Dirt On Ninth Grave Quotes
"Remember, it’s never too late to give LSD a shot."
"Surely I had family. I mean, everyone has family, right?"
"That was my hope, anyway. To be found. To be known."
"Either I had some kind of extrasensory perception or I’d done a lot of LSD in my youth."
"My motto since Day One was to keep my head down and my nose clean."
"As far as superpowers went, if a vengeful madman ever attacked us, we were screwed."
"Being an adult means never having to show your work on math problems."
"I don’t think I could ever complete anyone. But driving someone insane sounds doable."
"I wouldn’t mind a piece of that ass," Mark said.
"Really? There are actually people like you in the world? For reals?"
"You done being a smartass?" he asked me. It was a legitimate question.
"You could probably call him Pudding and he’d be fine with it."
"His name is Bob… ert," she’d said, turning away from me.
"I didn’t. Still don’t. Nope, he’s just plain old Robert to me."
"I kind of have a situation, and I’m not sure who to talk to about it."
"What kind of a situation? Are you okay? Did something happen?"
"It’s more of a legal thing, and I wasn’t sure if you’d want me to get Cookie involved."
"Okay, what if, hypothetically, I knew about a man who was possibly being held hostage against his will."
"Do you know of such a person?" he asked, his tone taking on a sharp edge.
"I’m worried that if I go to the police and they rush over there with sirens blaring, my friend will get hurt."
"Just don’t do anything stupid before I check around."
"I claim you," I said, sounding silly, but I didn’t care.
"You’re mine," I tightened my arms around his neck.
"I always was," he responded, a promise in his voice.
"You could ask for the world, and then where would civilization be when I conquered it and laid it at your feet?"
"After fifteen minutes, all bets are off," I whispered, anticipation curling within me.
"You’re wrong," he said softly, challenging my self-doubt.
"I have nothing to hide, and I will not be quieted by an incompetent police force."
"I’m not as easy to kill as an infant, but keep trying. We’ll see how many babies you kill after tonight."
"They told me for years it was her, and I began to believe them."
"I have to say, he was the easiest human to manipulate I’ve every encountered."
"He was like a drug. Like heroin or ecstasy or 3 AM coffee."
"You’re the nicest man who’s tried to kill me all day."
"No human, unless gifted with sight, would ever have seen any of this!"
"My life through his eyes rushed at me like a film on fast forward."
"I wasn’t a perfect kid by a long shot, but he loved me beyond measure."
"My light mesmerized him. It beamed out of me as though I were made of glass to become a blinding beacon of hope."
"He saw what I went through when I helped him with his cases."
"Because of me, because of my light, because of who I was and what I was made of, we had to send her away."
"After everything Reyes and I had been through, that was the straw that broke me."
"He showed me the regret he often felt at having married a woman who could not love me."
"He sacrificed our time together to cross so that I could snap the fuck out of it."
"And he sacrificed himself, his mission, and any more time he could have with me to save myself and, in turn, my daughter."
"We are the granddaughters of the witches you weren’t able to burn."
"Because of who I was and what I was made of, we had to send her away to live with some very good people."
"He showed me crumbling when they took her away."
"He saw what the memories of others could do to me."
"He showed me the time he held me in his arms as I cried for hours."