
The Girl Before Quotes

The Girl Before by Rena Olsen

The Girl Before Quotes
"You have the power to save or destroy us, Clara. Make the right choice."
"I will rot in this room before I tell them anything."
"You’re not tied up, Diana, you’re restrained. To keep from hurting yourself or others."
"Say nothing, baby, okay? Don’t tell them anything."
"If we have to go without the children, though it pains me to think of it, at least Glen and I will be together. Forever."
"I trust you to do what I need to in order to get us out of this."
"We know something Mama and Papa could not teach. We learned how to love each other."
"You won’t have to worry about him anymore, Clara. Ever again."
"Thank you for protecting our daughters. I only wish I had been there to protect you."
"Clara, Glen has a message for you. I need you to react like I am scolding you."
"Glen says to stick to the plan, to stay strong, and to give them what they want, as long as it’s not the whole truth."
"Glen also said they are trying to turn him against you. They will lie to get what they want, Clara."
"Glen says he will always love you. No matter what."
"I wasn’t rescued. I was taken from my home, separated from my husband and my daughters."
"I have never seen a town before. My memories are only of the house I’ve always lived in."
"She’s worth a lot more than money to me," Glen replies, releasing my hand to wrap an arm around me.
"Of course, you will both be punished for this little field trip."
"I always felt spoiled when Glen would give me presents, especially when I deserved to be hit, or when I had absorbed his sadness."
"Heather smiles at me, and I believe the kindness in her voice when she says, 'I’m so glad that you’re here, Clara.'"
"I have come to believe that he does want good things for me, that he does care about me."
"I’ve missed you, too, Clare. You look beautiful."
"I’m not supposed to talk about it. We’ll both get in trouble."
"Being hit is not normal. Even when the person loves you. It’s not okay. Healthy relationships do not include physical violence."
"You may leave my house now," he says. "Take nothing else."
"My name is Diana. But they keep calling me Clara."
"I’m not alone," I say, waving a hand. "Mama is just down the hall."
"I’m doing this all for him. I have to be sure of my decision."
"You lied to me, Glen. My whole life, you lied."
"I wanted to give you the world. I wanted to give you a family."
"I wish for you a long life of captivity, just as you made happen for all those children."
"The time for soft words is over. She’s been trained for this."
"This place does not exist. These people do not exist. Only I exist."
"Despite my avoidance of eye contact, I can feel the weight of the audience’s stares."
"I am ready to take whatever consequences you deem fit for my part in Glen’s business."
"You have managed to win the respect and admiration of many intelligent and sensible people."
"We are not just the sum total of our actions. Every choice is an intricate result of many different factors."
"I have been so lucky to have a giant support system of friends that have been cheering me on from the start."