
V Is For Vengeance Quotes

V Is For Vengeance by Sue Grafton

V Is For Vengeance Quotes
"Better that the original owner take that hit."
"He carried the knowledge like a rabbit’s foot for luck."
"No need to mention Princeton again. I know where you went to school."
"He didn’t like the man much, though he had to admit he admired him."
"Actually, nothing in the way of employment had materialized as yet, but the less said about that the better."
"‘Actually’ you can kiss my ass. All I care about is getting my money back."
"I’m a big fan of forgiveness as long as I’m given the opportunity to get even first."
"You think you’re a poker champ? There’s no way."
"I could picture ‘widder’ women in the airport waiting room, angling for the chance to sit next to him."
"Her best course of action would have been to adjourn to the ladies’ room and toss the stolen merchandise in the trash."
"People moved, people died, people retired into nursing homes where there was so little space that much of what they owned had to be sold, given away, or abandoned at the curb."
"This was where once-cherished items came to roost, sentiment surrendered for cash."
"The tears were the only part of the whole performance I thought was sincere."
"I doubt he’ll take you up on it, but if the DA files charges, you can talk to him."
"I just hope the one woman gets nailed, even if her pal got away."
"Life is fragile and not as much in our control as we'd like to think."
"Better the blank, unmarked visage that bespeaks calm and eternal youth."
"Built into bad news is that sense of profound disbelief."
"I harbor a huffy dislike of scofflaws, unless the breach is mine."
"It's fine for other folk, but I disapprove of the concept for me and my loved ones."
"In this country, shoplifting isn’t deemed a capital offense."
"Anger is about power. Tears are about weakness. Guess which category I prefer?"
"The point was apparently not to attract new patrons, but to cosset the loyal, long-term clientele."
"Trust me when I tell you, there are others involved. These people are highly organized."
"She saw what she meant to do with it, but hadn’t gotten around to yet."
"Company showed up, she’d shove dirty dishes and all the bric-a-brac in the oven to get it out of sight."
"What did I know? My mother was the same way so I thought that was normal."
"Someone dies, you have a visitation. You think that was bad?"
"Margaret and I remodeled fifteen years ago. Doesn’t look like much compared to new houses these days, but we were happy."
"Routine is everything in life. The weekend would never come and when it did, it would seem endless."
"If you’re the best person for the job. I thought we could kick the subject back and forth between us."
"Don’t be in such a rush. Thing is, I don’t question your qualifications or your sincerity."
"It’s just the police don’t believe there’s anything to this business about a shoplifting gang."
"She had hundreds of dollars’ worth of stolen items in her underwear, which was specifically designed for just that purpose."
"This is a business arrangement. Compromise doesn’t come into it."
"Audrey was an angel, falsely arrested, and falsely charged."
"I didn’t realize I’d fallen asleep until a police officer tapped on my car window."
"I’m running a surveillance on the woman who lives in the house across the street."
"I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. Despite his claim he might be there, he was the last person in the world I had actually expected to see."
"You think her death was a homicide, the sheriff’s department is in a better position to investigate than I am."
"We made love that night, which was strange, given the strain between them."
"I felt myself dissolve, and she wept as she had as a child when pain and disappointment were at their sharpest."
"There’s gotta be a compromise. We split the difference, as it were, so you get what you want and I do too."
"The reality of Channing with Thelma was like a dark aphrodisiac."
"I have every reason to believe the men in the pale blue sedan were gone, but what had they been doing there in the first place?"
"I wasn’t certain how Marvin would feel or whether he’d be willing to underwrite my continued investigation."
"There’s much to be said for sleeping fitfully. The brain, when it isn’t swaddled in a happy cocoon of dreams, reverts to other means of amusing itself."
"My subconscious nudged me, letting me know I’d seen something that might be more important than I’d thought."
"The problem is that we don’t know until much later which images count and which don’t."
"You want to believe the worst about people. Doesn’t matter to you if there’s proof or not."
"You were so sure you were right, you abandoned the guy when he needed you most."
"He pointed with his cigarette, which came perilously close to my face."
"You’ve gone all dainty on me. There was a time when you’d have taken care of this. No talk, no hesitation."
"You know what your problem is? You know better. That’s not a question you should ever have to ask."
"We just have to accept that about ourselves. That we’re corrupt, that our sins are mortal."
"Grieving is like being ill. You think the entire world revolves around you and it doesn’t."
"He thinks she’s a saint and he won’t listen to anything else."
"I waited, hoping she'd cough up what she knew."
"Instead, I crossed my heart with my index finger, swearing fealty for life."
"I’m not doing anything more than I have to unless I know what’s going on."
"I could have done you a makeover. You could really use the help."
"I wasn’t sure what to do about the bug in my wall, but I knew I’d figure it out."
"This determination lasted the whole of the drive to the office."
"We did business once. He approved the loan when I was buying my house."