
Born Of Night Quotes

Born Of Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Born Of Night Quotes
"We all have to believe in something, sometime."
"Nykyrian was the only one who knew about his entire past and didn’t condemn him for it."
"Even on the days when it was bad, it was good."
"You think you’re the only one who ever lived through that?"
"Everyone had looked at him like that at some point."
"We are what our pasts have made us and we live the lives the gods have chosen for us."
"Choices aren’t always up to us. Life and circumstances can shred even the stoutest soul."
"I hate this fucking life and, most of all, I hate people like you who can’t see past the surface."
"You have to live first, and even if you do, you have to find the real files to prove the existing ones are false."
"I’d never hit you, Cruel. I only fantasize about strangling you."
"If we go through with this, Kiara, you will live in a place inside me where only you can do me harm."
"Let me love you tonight, Nykyrian. Just once."
"I forgot how bad assassins suck in bed. Nice to know you’re no exception."
"In all the universe, you are the only one who makes me feel like this. Don’t walk away. Please."
"I’m not as frail as I appear. I know from lots of experience that I bounce really well."
"You’re mine now," she said devilishly, nibbling his hipbone. "I’ll never let go of you."
"That’s not true. I’ve seen the beauty inside you."
"Of course not. I gave you what I’ve never given to anyone because you deserve to have something uniquely yours."
"I hope you know what you’re doing. Most of all, I hope she’s worth it."
"He saved my life. I paid him back by giving him one, too."
"I like that you like it. But it's definitely not for me."
"It's very strange that here, in one of the most dangerous, most crime-ridden places we could possibly be, you're more relaxed than I think I've ever seen you."
"Not true. The most relaxed I've ever been was last night after I made love to you."
"The people here are more honest. You know they're looking for a shot at your back and they know you know, so they tend to live and let live."
"I’m not what you think. No, listen. I’ve done a lot of things in my life that I regret. But I’ve never raped a woman or hurt a child."
"I'm hollow inside, Kiara, and I've always been that way."
"All I had to do was reach just below the surface where all my rage dwells... and I pretended they were the ones who’d hurt me."
"In your palms, I've placed my life, my secrets."
"I'm a killer, princess. Plain and simple. It's all I'll ever be."
"You have no idea what lives inside me, Kiara. The absolute need to crush people who are around me."
"I've spent my entire life listening to people tell me why I can't be loved and how I'm nothing but a worthless piece of shit."
"If I have to die, I'd rather die knowing someone cared about me, just once."
"All I wanted was to die like a man, without tears or pleading."
"I willingly give to you my heart, my life, and my devotion. I will put no one before you, not even myself, and I will gladly be here when you need me, to support you forever."
"I thought I’d take you to your father today."
"Pushing his emotions aside so that he could think clearly, he followed the route in. You’ve had worse odds."
"It’s all right," he whispered. "Do what he says. Just move slowly and keep your hands away from your body so that none of the others get nervous or mistake your intent."
"I hate you, you bastard!" she screamed. "I hate you! I hate you!"
"Get out and get in. C’mon, boy, you can do it."
"You have to return to the theater, Kiara. It’s miserable there without you."
"I’m not dangerous," he said in a gentle voice.
"I don’t have a mother," he sneered at her. "I never had one."
"Life wasn’t for the timid. It was harsh and it was biting."
"But the best revenge was to live their lives while thumbing their noses at them."
"I don’t know how I’m going to let you go," he whispered in a ragged voice.
"With this hand, I could rip your throat out."
"The hybrid could tear out your heart with his bare hands. Does that excite you?"
"Did Nykyrian tell you he killed two instructors before he finished training? He did, you know."
"Nykyrian would sit for hours after a mission, staring into space, feeling guilty."
"I was a true warrior. I went out afterwards, celebrating my glory."
"So why did my father brag about his half-breed foundling?"
"I should take you now, but I won't. That wouldn't be any fun."
"Because if she didn’t, they were both going to die, and it would be all her fault."
"A frontal assault would end in complete annihilation."
"You’re going to regret every nasty thing you’ve ever said about my ship."
"Tell her I love her, that I’ve always loved her and that I couldn’t have been more thrilled about the baby."
"Please don’t make me bury him like we did Mom."
"Nykyrian, you are worth everything to me. And you always will be."